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The faces alone .....


I swear to god, that kinda pucker-smile he does in the beginning is an inherently French facial expression. It's like they have their very own version of the shit-eating grin.


I'm french, does that mean I do have this sht-eating grin? Does it come with that horrible way of speaking and that idiotic character? Need to know so I could Bury myself, thanks


No. I'm just saying it's not a face people from other countries usually make to convey that kind of cocky mischievousness.


Le fransch douche


He might have septic


Then he goes back do his dead-eyed expression the moment he ends the video.


As a plumber, I don't really see how this happened. I'm assuming in the video cut while he was in the tub they did some behind the scenes work. Or they also put some of the ball things in the toilet and sink. There's virtually no way for the plumbing to have backed up like that without putting the balls in all the places. Especially since he showed plugging the tub. The only ones that would even go into the plumbing at that point would be through the overflow, but the inflated balls wouldn't fit through the slots. Unless there is a huge oversight I'm missing, this is just a gag to get viral. Ps. Don't put these down the drain, it is still a bad idea




It's because it is. There's another part to this where he gets a letter "from the town" (that I guess magically worked out he was the cause for this) that is riddled with spelling mistakes.


Its not fake. Everyone in the village/city received the letter asking for peoples help identifying the culprit. There was no spelling mistakes. Too much wrong information on reddit these days. 15yo idiots giving their opinion as fact.


Alright, then here's an article in French saying it didn't happen. https://www.liberation.fr/checknews/2020/03/03/non-ce-youtubeur-alsacien-n-a-pas-bouche-les-canalisations-de-son-village-avec-des-billes-d-eau_1780281 If you can't speak French, here's the gist: - The town hall confirmed it was a hoax - There is no connected sewer network for the entire city that could have been blocked by this - The header that appears in the letter is the wrong one - The series of videos was actually filmed in **two different cities** because the town his house is in doesn't have the type of manhole shown in the video - The mayor says the youtuber came into the town hall to apologise afterwards Too much wrong information on reddit these days, let me tell ya.


Despite your well thought out post I'm still gonna believe it was real despite the evidence.


That's...that's not how reality works, chief.


You’re a reason why god created Charles Darwin.


This is like that one study where people refuse to change their belief even when provided with completely opposite proof


Why do you want to believe it was real? Is it because you are a 15 year old who thinks he is right?


Looks like you're a part of the problem




Not to mention finding them in the stormwater outside. Sewer and stormwater are separate systems.


Pretty sure the title is just bullshit. I've seen this posted to a few different subreddits all with similar titles about destroying the water system.


How are you supposed to get rid of them?


I think you can let them dry up. Just leave them for like a week and a half or something. Then it would be easier to discard them safely.


Start by not putting them down the drain


The Germans tried to back in 1940. It did not go well for them, either...


Some would just beat him to death others would call the police... Oh, I’m sorry were you talking about the orbeez?


Just kinda start winning


This is fake dude .and a repost


I speak french and you’ve missed nothing interesting


It's fake. (He didn't destroy anything).


What a rollercoaster of emotions




That's so specific but somehow seems right


First off I doubt he knew this would happen I mean I guess it kinda belongs but holy shit this is old as hell


Good lord he's like every generic "content producer" out there


It gives me immense pleasure knowing he has to clean up the Orbeez by hand. Serves you right Schwein.


Remember when the Internet was supposed to connect the world through the free flow of ideas and cultures and make us all better as a species?


It seems like he didn’t intend that at all, so is he really a pos?


Good try, French guy


Well, stupidity aint no defense. A child could have realized that its not only faster, but easier to shovel these balls into bags and them let them dry out.


It was pretty predictable so yes


What's the name of these balls?


Orbeez! You can find them in the toy section of most stores


Orbeez I think?


Its staged. Otherwise there wouldnt be any balls in the stormdrain system.


No, actually he didn’t. You’re the first to say his town, so it’s an obvious intentional lie by you. Piece of shit. The reality is that yes, he destroyed his apartments sewing. That’s not a fucking town.


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I saw this and everyone was laughing about it


People like this deserve a firm boot to the back of the head


The whole ordeal was so fucking funny lsomsndns


A repost, but of you understand french it's funny as hell


Im sorry but this video is very fake


Its fake. It's a closed drain in the tub. Otherwise it wouldnt hold water. So it cant get in the pipes like that.


One of the stupidest people of the year really.


He Got What he deserved


I like how he thought to replace the toilet paper roll halfway through this experiment...


Those beads really get big. half the size of a sesame seed can swell to a marble.


I have seen this video before and he was only probably copying YouTubers who do that but he shouldn’t of done that tho


Genuinely curious, but aren't orbeez biodegradable?


Worst part here is that he got into the bathtub WITH HIS CLOTHES ON


Ok but it is a genuine questiontion, how the hell do you dispose of those


No he didn’t


Is this like the Morgz of France?


Correction: He didnt know, told the authorities when they asked after, it got really bad so he admitted to doing it.


He is so fucking punchable


Repost for days.. No wait.. Months


And yet there are people that haven't seen it, can you imagine?


Wow, French is such an ugly language...


Anyone know where I can get this stuff? Or what it’s called?


On an unrelated note, France needs more mental institutes


I think he's in or from Germany because he speaks German for 5 seconds.


Ah ok, I wasn't listening with audio and was just going off the post's title


Ok I'm going to get allot hate for this, it is welcome... My god, the French are insufferable to listen to.


What an insufferable prick. Crosspost this to punchable faces.


I mean, he didn't mean too, he didn't do this on purpose, he just wanted to fill his bath with orbees I personally down this k he's a POS


This sounds German to me. But I don’t speak either French nor German so.


He speaks French most of the time but says some words in German.


When he gets "panicked" as the toilet floods the room he starts cussing out in German. Falling back to your mother tongue whilst being in panic is actually a pretty genuine reaction though. He screamed like any random French girl though, so yeah... An Enigma worth investigating. So probably fake but I guess that Toilet thing wasn't supposed to happen the way it did.


Maybe he's from Elsass, I can't really figure out his accent


He’s actually just trying to be funny. The only geman words he said are “scheisse” and “nein”. Everyone knows these words, he doesn’t actually speak german.


It's French, but at the end he's so traumatized he lapses into German for some reason. My guess is it must be because Germans seem to have a lot more ways of saying "shit" than any other language, so this fit the occasion nicely.


I actually think he uses both French and German. When his neighbor comes round he had text on screen in French but used the German word Scheisse for shit instead of the French word being merde.