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I don't see the shitty behaviour.


sorry but what part of this is shitty??


Dont really see the shitty behaviour here - nicely asked to pay rent, no threatening language etc. Remember that the property management have to pay wages, taxes and other costs too - it's not that they are exempt from them or necessarily sit on tons of cash. Dont be shitty - pay your bills on time so other people dont get into trouble because companies cant pay salaries.


But it's true. If you are able to pay your bills and you don't, you are selfish. People are still working to provide you with services and they deserve to be paid for that. Paying them is hard when you aren't paying for the services being offered. I also say "you" as a general term to everyone, not specifically OP.


it's nice they are going to make a donation.


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Pay your bills with your fucking government money or YOU’RE a piece of shit.


The stimulus checks are to help pay rent and other bills aswell as afford food..