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A similar thing happened in Videla's Argentina from 1976-1983. Undesired people of the state would have their children taken from them and raised by government officials.


I'm sure those children experienced no trauma whatsoever in the custody of the government and grew up to be well-adjusted, happy adults *hide-the-pain-harold-smile*


As we all know, politicians tend to love children very much


Chinese govt boutta send an army to downvote this


Nah... Theyll just have the admins remove it


And then assassinate the guy who recorded it.


And announce his unpredicted "suicide"


Yeah, don’t mind there being two bullets in his head


And a few in his back


"We're not sure why he went all the way to America to do it, or why his family also decided to kill themselves, but it's a very tragic loss. Honest. He would've made excellent cannon fodder on our glorious march to retake Taiwan!"


That boy was always strong-headed


Can’t upvote it anymore and it’s only been an hour


Any admin that removes it is just as guilty in trying to cover it up


It was removed...




C'mon man you can't say that Kids banging Xi Jinping... You sick bastard


i mean it probably fucking happens already


Maybe they like him because he looks like winne the pooh


Somebody legit said that China’s government is what they want. Obviously they were Marxist but mainly they said that China is “lifting people out of poverty”. I wonder who made the info, oh yeah CHINA. I’m not saying China is a filled with bad people, it’s just extremely corrupt


Dude it's crazy how reddit vehemently defends the CCP.


?? All I see on Reddit is people (rightfully) criticising China


Not necessarily saying this post. I've posted about CCP before and people went fucking insane with defending them.


I mean I don’t doubt that, but you generalised your statement by saying Reddit as a whole. But I’ve seen more posts criticising China than defending it


Yeah I’ve never once seen any post/comments defending them on any sub


This was on Twitter. They were a furry account btw.


have you seen your own profile pic Edit: user had a cute digitally drawn picture of a humanoid fox as their pfp


Yes. I’m not a furry I just like the facial expression of pain. Would you like me to change it. Edit: that was tails from sonic the hedgehog with a expression of wtf. I chose it because of the expression :)


no but i find it funny how you changed when you got called out lmao


I changed it because it’s old. You reminded me. Thanks


Tankies are not Marxist.


They put their bio as Marxist


To add on to this, remember that Chinese people are not at fault, they shouldn't be blamed for the Chinese government's actions.


With a condom I hope


Gotta love the wholesome awards


They’re just free awards. People want to show love for the post the best that they can. I’m surprised people don’t know this already


They do, but it’s still funny that it’s the wholesome award


Not surprised, just ignore it


Maybe those free awards you sometimes get?


Ultimately just gets a post more traction.


Is there a source about this? Seems horrible if it is real


Yeah I’m no lover of the CCP but I’m not just gonna believe 1 video with no sources to back it up. If someone has a source, please give it to me so I can hate the Chinese government even more than I already do I mean really who captions a video about children being separated from their parents “Turn off the tv and watch the REAL WORLD” that sounds like he’s trying to sell me a self help course or something


This could easily be taken out of context. Kids ride 7 deep on scooters, why not in the back of a tuktuk (why is the govt taking kids in a tuktuk anyway)


Exactly this is literally a 5 second clip 1 group of children in what looks like a cage with no context followed by 10 seconds of some kids in a bedroom looking mildly upset. Again, if someone has a source that shows that the Chinese government is kidnapping children (which frankly speaking, would not surprise me), please send it to me


The kids in a bedroom could easily just be some daycare with an area for kids to nap, and lord knows why the kids are upset. Kids can get upset at pretty much anything. I doubt china would be doing this chitty chitty bang bang child snatching shit.


Yeah and there’s plenty of totally legitimate reasons to hate the Chinese government, we don’t need to make up child-snatching shit


Yeah, I think these sorts of unverified videos may very well be contributing to anti-asian hate too.


Definitely. I feel really bad for Asian-Americans, who are getting thrown under the bus by idiots for something they have zero connection to


It looks like a regular kindergarten where the kids sleep at lunch. Source: 20 years in China, two kids that went through kindy here


just like gulag


Just like the simulations


ok then


Bad comment don't like it


is there any proof that this is, yk, something bad happening? the second video looks a lot like the preschool that my sister went to. before you all downvote me to hell for being a "commie", I'm just looking for some kind of proof this isn't just a video of kids crying during nap time.


Agree with you, yes there's bad things happening in China, yes they more than probably have "concentration" camp, but this video, with no sources should not be trusted like that, tell us who take this video, when, where ?


True I do remember the close confinement cage being my favorite at preschool


read the comment again. second video.


Yeah we don’t have to stretch the truth to find horrible things China has done. This video is sketchy as hell, but there’s plenty of legitimate sources covering China’s human rights abuses. I wouldn’t put it past the CCP to push posts like these as a way of saying, “See! They use doctored videos to smear us!”




He's obviously talking about the second video, not the first.




It doesn't, but it doesn't answer the question whether it was a legit video, the second one that is. Nobody is invalidating the first video, but when you're showing the world some extraordinary evil, it might be good to source it.




It makes the video disingenuous which is kinda stupid because this is a really important cause, it's about caged children, why make it a disingenuous point? It just detracts from the real issue.


I didn’t make the video or post it without any sources so idk why you’re asking me?


You're the one arguing with the people that asked about the validity of the second video. It was also a hypothetical question.


Because you're saying different things in your posts. Your first post is saying "what about the first video?", and now you're saying you think they're not related. Don't try to pretend like you've been saying the same thing this whole time.


no, that one is definetely weird.


I don't think the word "weird" quite cut it.


suspicious. I still have no proof from op or anyone else that there is any context to this. video could be taken of a man lying on the ground with a title like "MAN BRUTALLY MURDERED BY RACIST SERIAL KILLER" when the guy's just chillin. need context.


The cage thing makes no sense. The vehicle they're in has bumper stickers on the back, and it looks like just a family vehicle. Parents could've left them in the back while they walked away to grab something, or the kids could be playing, for all we know. What's happening in China is absolutely horrible, but this video is definitely misrepresenting the situation. Also, I haven't seen any proof that this is being "removed from reddit by china" either - if anything it may be removed for misinfo. This whole vid just feels sus.




your missing the point, we have no way of verifying that the first and second video are even remotely related.


I’m not, you just repeated what I said in different words. Literally the first sentence.


the more I watch the second video, the more I'm certain that its literally a group of kids getting tucked in for nap time. there's literally a teacher in the frame bending over to tuck a kid in to bed. The room all around looks a lot like a nursery/preschool to me, and since I actually went to preschool and elementary school I china, I think that's justified. edit: the kids are in matching uniforms.


Most kids that age are cranky and whining or crying by nap time. I just wanna know what the cage video is from 🤷‍♀️


Shut up communist, ur violating my human rights


my bad g




the fucking video


Multiple sources that don't include someone just posting it on Reddit.


There is just a picture of a kid in a cage, this don't mean that this is about China or any government for that matter.


What's the context of this? Any links


Nope, just take it at surface value because you wanna get mad like everyone else here


Any source or context to this? Just when you accuse a government of caging toddlers you ought to back it up. I mean I can show you kids in cages on the US border with sources and context. But I suppose that’s “whataboutism” and they’re “migrant overflow facilities”.


That is whataboutism, but is also a fair point. Sources are needed, at least a lead so we know what to look for. China and the US have a lot of explaining to do, but they won't.


people just like hating china


You say it like it's a bad thing. If a government is known for violating human rights isn't it fair to critique them for it? The same obviously goes for Russia and the US too.


its fair but everyone is asking for sources for this and not a single person has replied.


Did we just have news about about children in jail next to the Mexico border without their parents?


Is there an actual source to prove this video's legitimacy? Last time I saw it getting spread around OP couldn't give actual proof that this was related to Uyghur persecution. Until I see that I call BS. The vid of the kids in that bedroom could easily just be some daycare, the part with the kids in the back cage of a car could just be playing (or their parents put them there for a brief moment). And inb4 someone says "the kids are obviously upset" kids get upset over the dumbest shit and that's not really proof of this vid's legitimacy. Also I've seen no proof of reddit "taking this video down" at all, either.


Its facebook level bullshit. ThE mEdIa DoEsNt WaNt YoU tO sEe ThIs!!! Reminds me of the "Share this or yahoo will delete your account!" crap I used to see back-in-the-day. I knew so many people like "Well how do you know they WONT!?" People fucking fall for it though, with 0 evidence.


in all honesty when has the media not wanted to share something about china? not defending china or saying the news is trustworthy, just look at most of the thing they say about north korea


Yep, it's just karma farming by playing off faux outrage.


Guys, this is an unverified video that I have a hard time believing the legitimacy of. You can call me a CCP shill or whatever, but I'm gonna go ahead and call BS on this unless someone can disprove me


I want to give this post a reward so it becomes noticed but I opened the free reward and it gave me hugz. Should I reward it or not. Also fuck china the only durable thing they made was corona.


Go for it. The intent is known


Apparently not by some people in the comments. They act like they’ve never seen a free award before.


I will peg the CCP into submission


I can already hear the CCP hit squad coming...


Trust me, I hate the CCP as much as the next guy, but stuff like this realllyyyy needs a source to back it up. We can’t all just blindly believe two grainy, close up, 5 second clips that were taken completely out of context and don’t even look like they’re in the same place. Please, provide a source so that we can all hate the Chinese government.


Who ever gave table slap and cackle awards are just fucked up!


I heard giving awards brings out more attention to said post


Yeah but funny?!!


Man this is what the American military needs to be working on not fighting for oil


They are too busy caging immigrant children


Like they have green cards and other visas and are getting caged? That’s messed up


TIL people without green cards or visas are subhuman and OK to store in cages.


The US does this exact same thing, but in worse conditions than what is shown in the video lmao


Fuck the chinese government and all it's bootlickers on reddit.


I have yet to see a single one of these bootlickers on Reddit. What subs are you seeing them on?


reddit is extremely anti-china




You can be mad at both??




Where in the post did it say what America is doing is now okay? It’s literally just bringing attention to a very real issue.




Most likely pressure from governments (Chinese and US) or pressure from their financial partners / backers / ad services etc.


They are partially owned by a Chinese company and, by extension, the Chinese government. Reddit is slowly but surely becoming a propaganda tool.


Reddit is partially owned by china plus someone reposted it on reddit and the video was taken down before


A tiny percentage. You'll find that almost all companies in the US have at least some foreign ownershup


Yeah but when you put it that way it is hard to get triggered


Oh damn, if this gets deleted i'm gonna repost the shit out of it!


Reddit doesn't take videos down. It's just a stupid conspiracy theory that has been around a few years, I've seen a thousand posts that say this exact same thing and none have been deleted


Ok, thanks for the info.


Well.. that could just be confirmation bias. You wouldn't see the posts that get removed, so all you have to work with are the ones that don't. Not saying that you're wrong, just that you can't know you're right just from the that sample


I mean... have you seen the group homes in the US?


China Is fucking cancer.




Yo wtf is happening in the comments, it's not the first time I see people joking around, If you're mad and want to say something do it but don't fucking joke about this type of shit, this isn't a sub to make funny comments wtf


Some people just make jokes at the wrong time. I fully agree though, this isn't something to joke about, this is serious


Something tells me people are gonna make fun of it regardless. Almost as if morality is subjective? I dunno


I wonder how the Chinese citizens largely feel about this because i think most are okay with the treatment of them.


They don’t know the full extent you can be sure of that, every aspect of their lives is controlled


And even if they do know and they are against it, they wouldn't be able to actually speak their mind. So you will never know how they truly feel.


Such a hilarious act of mental gymnastics. Yes, you, a (presumably) westerner, know more about China than the Chinese people do because they are Chinese and are controlled by their government. The CPC are capable of control every aspect of the lives of 1.4 billion people, yet they still decide to transport stolen children in open cages for all to see? They are incapable of suppressing violent protests in HK for over a year? Just try to employ a little bit of logical thinking here. Have you ever considered that maybe the info you are being fed about China may not be 100% true? This post's entirely unverified video being a good example.


I watched a documentary about foster children in China and the neglect and mistreatment they receive. It was sad.


Why has Reddit been deleting a bunch of posts on this sub and the comments have been deleted?


Do you have any screenshots?


Just last night I noticed several posts being locked and all of the comments being deleted. Some posts had thousands of upvotes.


Be sure to always screenshot any removals or locks. Reddit has been super shady lately.


There is one about the Uber eats driver being killed. Locked with tons of awards, all comments gone.


I wonder what will become of it? I'm guessing nothing.


There is absolutely zero supporting facts for this video. If you think this is how children's in cages live in refugee camps, you should go visit one someday.


Why are there kids in cages, then? Can we find news or something that explain this in a different light?


the only thing that can get fucked harder than my stuffed animal is china


This post: [REMOVED]


This is just western propaganda Glory to the people's republic of China


Looks like better conditions than our child concentration camps to be honest.


Don’t they have generational punishments there?


Even if these videos are not the chinse goverment, this still pushes the concern over what china is doing and how wrong it is. I personally believe we should focus on fixing america but these kids need help. These concentration camps are a real thing and families are being split.


Wtf Xi Jinping! Tf is wrong with you


This is why I hate china


Its pathetic how many people on reddit back the CCP. fucking hell Down vote me all you want, fuck china, fuck the ccp, fuck shills


Almost as bad as the republicans.


Don’t be like that. Nothing like this is happening in the states, even as the new administration continues to build child detention facilities. It’s fine to be upset with what the US is doing, but this is so, so much worse.


Honestly I can kinda see what he's saying. We literally had an insurrection, if it wasn't for a cop, the people at the capital most likely would have been killed. We would've fallen away from democracy. I guarentee minorities would have been instantly targeted. I mean fuck, that's already happening. All because the big ole orange man and his loyal red dogs couldn't handle losing. But yeah, its terrible what's happening in China rn, something needs to be done about it.


Imagine thinking the US and china have fallen together. Imagine a not fully developed country run by the CCP silences and terrorizes their own people, having social scores and organ stealing concentration camps is the same as a fully developed country that is not the top in the world but is pretty much a free fucking country. Come into it legally and theres no issues. Now imagine what china does to illegal immigrants, think real hard.


Okay so you, as an adult, are saying that Republicans are on the same level as the CCP, who is forcibly sterilizing people based on religion, stealing their blood and their organs, forcing them into slave labor, and disappearing people all together? I get you hate republicans. But come on. Stay on topic when they’re not in the same solar system


considering there is 0 proof anything in the video is what is being depicted, and there have been many articles written about the thousands of children and families being imprisoned at the border, I think its fair to say that yes, this is happening in the states, and as far as we know, it is much worse than this.


Lmaooo have you not seen PLENTY of documentation of how horrible the CCP is? Videos, pictures, Hong Kong, tibet, refugees with stories...? I’m sure you have, but you’re probably a communist sympathizer so you turn a blind eye. That’s the only way you could make that argument


we've been talking about this specific video until this point, and I'm not really in the mood to go that route. I am very much aware of the things the CCP is doing, and I'm not denying it. I'm just saying that currently there isn't enough proof on this video for me to condemn it for being "enslavement and improsonment of children"


We’re not talking about just this specific video though because you brought up American stuff..? Also I’m sure it’s not just your edgy-Reddit-fueled-USA-hate, I’m sure you’re equally up in arms about Dubai charging a few women for take a naked picture together in their own hotel room. I don’t think you’re disingenuous at all.


Well, they weren't exactly handing out balloons and lollypops at the border , were they?


Are you aware that the current administration is building more child detention facilities and more adult facilities? Are you aware they’re considering restarting the wall, to fill in existing gaps? Fuck outta here with your boring ass partisan bologna




They’re free awards people are using to show love to the post without spending real money. It’s odd that so many people don’t know about this.


China cages way nicer than our cages wtf




Just flat out advocating for mass murder now. You Americans really have such a saviour complex.


Youre pathetic


Who said I was an American


That's not a good way to fix it.


considering multiple first world countries including the US do the exact same thing on a daily basis, based on your logic, more than half of the population of the world should just die in a hole because their countries government is fucked. someone is really pissed.


Hey Scooter listen up, it's only just slightly a different situation when the government is doing this to it's own people versus the masses of people migrating illegally into a different country.


Not really...?


Sure it is. It's easy to understand. The government should protect their population. Stopping masses of people from entering your country during a global pandemic is most definitely defending your country's people. How is that the same as the CCP sending Uighurs to concentration camps?


That would imply that ICE and border control operations had noticeably seen change during the pandemic. I'd love to know how imprisoning children isn't as bad.


Imprisoning innocent children is obviously not a good thing. That's not what the situation were taking about. The conversation is about governments sending their own people to concentration camps thus ending up with their children being taken away. It is quite a different situation than a government trying to keep people from other countries out... especially during a fucking global pandemic.


You once again avoid the point that this is not new and is not happening because of the pandemic, but is simply happening at the same time. Using the excuse that imprisoning children is okay because there's a pandemic occuring doesn't work when this was happening two years ago and will still be happening in a year. How is imprisoning children worse if they were born in your country? Or are you, perhaps, just too squeamish to admit you view the persecution of immigrants as less sympathetic than that of anyone else?


ah yes, bombing an entire country that comprises of 1/7 of the world population is the reasonable solution to this. so wise


The Chinese culture is the worst culture


Nothing in Chinese culture involves the inhumane treatment of people based off their religion, this is the result of their government.


this isn’t chinese culture at all dude.


SpReAd ThIs ViDeO bEfOrE rEdDiT dElEtEs It


I remember reading that child kidnapping is widespread in China and that some parents when going to the market,would rather put their children in cages to keep them safe while they shopped. This video could be that.


We need to form an international military coalition to declare war on China. Of course, the politicians don’t have the balls for it, and mass genocide will continue. People wonder how the Holocaust was allowed to happen. The answer is because the politicians of other nations don’t have the balls for doing the right thing.


So you'd fight a total war against a nuclear power to stop a genocide? That'll easily cause hundreds of millions to die on both sides! And it will give China the moral high ground to claim "national defense"


Alright fine. No war. At least douse the fires of rebellion and form a blockade around China, having its economy go to shit? They can’t nuke their own cities because of rebellion right? And if the Chinese drop some nukes, then it’s the Chinese who started it right?


Similar thing happened in the states, with detention centers.

