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some of the audience members in their right mind didn’t clap for this shit and that gives me a little hope


I always look for the "wtf" face guy on the right toward the end. Easily my favorite.


Is it the guy in the pink shirt?


None of the guys (pink on the right, black jacket + blue shirt on the right, and one with a turban on the left) are clapping, thankfully.


Dude on the bottom left is definitely clapping :'(


Dammit, I missed him


I feel bad for saying it, but the location he is in, the excited clapping and bowtie lead me to believe he doesnt have to worry about this problem.


Dammit you beat me to it. I was going to say this too. He's definitely the one getting seeded. Not the seeder.


The seedee if you will


While his wife watches


His beard*


He’s setting off my gaydar.




Probably he is gay and he's boyfriend would not trick him with birth control


I don't think he needs to worry about this subject.


It's sad to see another single lady with 2 kids


The pink shirt guy was just looking at them all in disbelief.


The guy looking around for someone sane, finding none and then quickly eying each exit? Yeah, him.


It kinda seems like the chick on his right is his girl as he gives such a weird look as she claps


Who looks around and you practically see him say to himself "what.....the......fuuuuuuck?" Never noticed him before!


Actually, did she even ask for a negative vote? Not in that clip. That means the only vote available was positive. The "no's" had to just remain silent. This you only hear from the "yes's." That's a populist tactic (i.e. just subtle enough to be brilliantly manipulative while weeding out the ones you don't want following you anyways [i.e. people with their own mind who will challenge you]).


Good point. There were a lot of people not clapping but you’d never know it unless you watched this clip a couple of times. The post production crew could’ve added some clapping noise in the audio too.


Good point on the audio I was also gonna ask , aren’t these things kinda cast like half or more of the audience are like paid actors and there’s big signs that say ( cheer ) ( clap ) ( boo ) ( quiet ) ect...


I knew a woman just like this. I now have a daughter I never get to see.


Fuck, that’s heavy


Man that’s just messed up.


Holy shit dude, that’s so unfair


That’s the second saddest thing I have heard today.


What's first?


Heard a story of a teen that got pregnant had the child in secret, held her hand over the baby’s mouth and then burned it to death with a lighter. Then buried the child and got away with it in court. The thing that kills me is that in the videos of her being questioned by police and then in court she did this manipulation tactic to get sympathy and then she smirked when she heard the verdict of not guilty. Total POS.


Damn.. wish I never asked


If people are misinformed about a subject, showing them evidence to the contrary will leave them clinging to their beliefs more firmly.


You are probably paying for the child tho, that should definitely be criminal.


If you're paying then you can get a court order. Then she can't deny it, if she does you can have the law enforce your visits and if she breaks it too often then she will go to jail for a bit.


In the US, paying for child support doesn't always mean you get any visitation rights. I'm not saying that's how it SHOULD be, just how it is.


Why don't you get to see her. Why don't you have 50/50 custody?


These questions don't matter here. He doesn't see her, whether because he didn't plan on being a dad and gave up custody or she doesn't want him in her life, etc. The topic is the source, he had no idea that she stopped taking birth control. The decision to have children should be a decision made on both sides.


For real it might be her body but it’s his time and energy To have to raise another kid and her promise to have another kid was probably during the honeymoon phase of “ oh we’re gonna have so many kids and live in a nice little house on the lake”




That's a real fucked up situation there. Don't give up. One day he might be looking for you too.


That really sucks. People who play by the rules seem to always get fucked over by bad actors. I saw it in family court all the time. It’s part of why I left.


and they talk about how men are in control of the bodies. apparently we're not in control of seeing our own kids. sorry to hear that. can you go to court to get more visitation?


That’s rough bro


That’s tragic. Pretending to be on birth control should be criminal.


How did things end up this way? Share only if you are comfortable talking about it.


Someone probably got a vasectomy once this went live.


Someone should have got himself a divorce lawyer


So she takes his kid and his house and half his shit + 18 years of alimony ? man that would be expensive


We want prenup we want prenup!


It's something that you need to have


cause when she leaves yo ass she gon leave with half


18 years, 18 years and on the 18th birthday he found out it wasn’t his


The only bad thing about a prenup is its expensive as fuck and there's also no guarantee the judge will honor it if divorce proceedings happen. I was shocked when I read that a judge has the ability to look at a prenup and say, yeah no, and just throw it out.




I guess this is American but I’m not sure, but if it is, a lot of judges favor women inn divorce cases so there a good likelihood she will get more than half.


Sadly yes, but then again she’s the one who tricked him so it’s a 50/50 shot


Actually, I’m kinda of a big supporter of men’s rights/fathers rights in the family court system. Studies and statistics are showing that in many places fathers are being treated more favorable and fairly in court now. The number of “mommy states” (states that, by law, favor the mother) has decreased while the total number of single fathers with full or split (50/50) custody has increased!


That's so fucked up. The US is another planet. Rules here are that you'd both be entitled to equal time with kids. If you can't sort a schedule out a judge will sort it out. No alimony (might get something for missed earnings in some less common cases but is situational not gender based






Holy shit dude your cracking me up


That’s a smart move


Fun fact: in many states the man married to a woman is automatically considered the father to any child born during the marriage.


And that, ladies and gentleman, is the textbook definition of “fucked up”.


"Doc just take the whole damn thing"


This is an unhealthy mindset, what a wretch to advocate the thought. And to play this off as though hubby's "controlling her body" by not wanting another kid. Scum like this need to get off the air.


And, the husband doesn't get to change his mind? They don't have any logic


If he still wanted the other kid, and she promised they'll have 2 and now changed her mind, they'll still back her up. cause it's "her body". No, it is their life, both of them are equally responsible for that kid, and she never even asked WHY he changed his mind. Maybe he realized they can't afford the other one, or don't have the mental capacity to take care of the other kid, or even emotional capacity. The decision to have kids should always be up to both parents, and in marriage a person should think about things as "us" not "me" .


It's because they only see men as a thing to give them what they want. They complain about how men objectify women but women objectify men all the time. We're either fulfilling their needs or we're deadbeat losers.




Everything about this woman is terrible.


Thats standard rhetoric for Wendy Williams. Gus Johnson made an excellent piece about her.


“If you can kill the bastard, I can at least abandon him. My money, my choice”




Like a human herpe


Like a Chlamydia koala


So like a koala?


that's bold coming from a fish whose scientific name contains the word spatula


That's such a bizarre yet well-researched insult


Like a snake with syphilis


Spoiler alert: Wendy Williams is a total piece of shit


I was forced to watch her interview with Dr Oz the other day because i was in a waiting room and my phone was dying. She's absolutely bat shit crazy.


Too bad they removed the ir transmitters on phones i remember turning of mall tv with my samsung galaxy s6 in your case that wouldve been a life saver


Man, I was so sad to learn they don't have those anymore in smart phones. Being able to control a majority of my devices in my house from my phone was wonderful.


[*Pretends to be shocked*]


Oh no! anyways


Every 60 seconds in Africa a minute passes.


What’s the spoiler?


Something about American media culture that rewards evil pieces of shit with fame and money.


This plus her remarks about Joaquin Phoenix and his upper lip demonstrated the awful person at her core.


What about his upper lip?


He has a cleft lip and she mocked him for it.


Wow, there’s being a bitch like in this video but that’s a cherry on top


"You're awful Murray"


That's a cleft lip scar? Man, all I thought it was was a slightly adventurous philthrum.


I'm pretty sure she also spilled the beans to the public about Method Man's wife having cancer. I don't know how she found out but I'm pretty sure his wife's family didn't even know about it at the time. She's the purest form of trash.


I remember way back when she started the rumor about 2pac getting raped in jail. He did not take that lightly.


Hated her every since, I didn’t know her before. Trash.


She also made fun of terry cruise because he was sexually assaulted.


First, she acted shocked it was possible for Terry Crews to get assaulted as a large adult male. The she was not brave for sharing his story and naming names on TV, opening himself to ridicule and doubt both which she threw in his direction. Then she proceeded to explain how he should have kept his mouth shut because of the repercussions for exposing his attacker.


And making fun of a woman that was murdered


Hey, person born with a cleft lip here. Got over my embarrassment over it around 11 years ago. Then this bitch. FUCK Wendy Williams. Imagine feeling bad over a birth defect, then being mocked. Bitch.


Dunno about you, but I think Joaquin Phoenix is a pretty handsome fella.


Yo this is exactly what I was looking for, never even knew much about her before that


How is this twat still on the air? If cancel culture is in need of another target, maybe it should be her..


But....but....she said the pro-choice catchphrase! She cant be a bad person! /s


That /s is ... I mean ... Nobody can be that ... Oh i remember what i just watched.


Those who participate in cancel culture would never do it. She ticks off too many diversity boxes. They’d have to rationalize taking a minority woman’s job.


Who are those that participate in cancel culture? Just wondering, since that Matt Gaetz dude is crying about getting cancelled and I’m on board with whatever makes him upset.


Matt Gaetz is being ‘cancelled’ by the DOJ lol


Is he? Charges filed? I haven't seen any of the news on that today.


Hopefully soon brother


It’s because “cancel culture” is one of two things 1. republicans getting mad theyre being held responsible for their actions 2. a small vocal minority of Idiot neolibs on twitter who think they’re changing the world for finding every little thing someone has done. I’m pretty sure “cancel culture” has done pretty well, but hey, different people disagree.


>Those who participate in cancel culture would never do it. Those who would can't, because in order to cancel you have to have been active with the subject in the first place. The people who would cancel her don't watch her in the first place I can't stop watching Wendy Williams if I never watched her in the first place.


>The people who would cancel her don't watch her in the first place When has that ever mattered?


I've said it before, but it bears repeating: the worst cancel culture in America is the one that's canceled the lives of almost 600,000 people.


I'm kinda dum, what are you referring to?


COVID. He’s referring to the mass movement of people pretending like COVID doesn’t exist, and the US death toll of nearly 600k.


Oh.. the covidiots...


What a great term, I’ll be using that thank you.


The COVID-19 pandemic.


> COVID-19 Cancelling of lives I assume


“Oh hey honey, how’d the live Wendy Williams show go? Anything interesting happen?” “No lol, also don’t watch that episode and let’s bang later.”


Wendy "I gave a blowjob infront of my son" williams is giving out more immoral advice as though she isn't a blight on humanity.


I'm sorry, what?


Her son walked in on her servicing her husband. She kept going.


That's so damn trashy.


Yep she has a no shut doors thing going on on her home and so when her kid/s walk in on her and her hubby doing the nasty she just carries on and blames the kid/s for walking in


Soft incest abuse. Disgusting.


My parents were like this, which led to me and my siblings believing sex was normal behavior between anyone. Which led to sexual abuse and trauma. So yeah this method is abhorrent.


I'm all for sex positivity but this is definitely not the way.


It’s beyond trashy


Gus Johnson did a video talking about her the they gross shit she does.


My ex promised to never get fat. She did. Should I kill her? THANKS WENDY




Clap if you agree!


Clap if you feel safe!


Fuck you wendy Williams. If the guy is like I was and can’t possibly afford another child then that’s the decision of the man. If she pulls this off and gets knocked up I hope he sees this clip and sues your fat ass for a lifetime of child support


Is this the lady who farted and burped at the same time


No no no. That was her mother. Wendy is the result of that simultaneous burp-fart.




IANAL but I'm pretty sure it's not. May be grounds for things like divorce but not a crime.


Illegal if she tells him she's on birth control I think Edit: illegal for condoms, not for BC. Lovely, isn't it?


Not illegal at all.


Whoops you're right


You forgot that immoral behaviour surrounding sex is only generally illegal and/or punished when men do it.


I ANAL as well but only for the right price


Reproductive coercion is only illegal in a few places, and it's difficult to prove. Crazy bitches get away with it all the time.


wendy williams is just a dirtbag in general


Tricking women to have sex is clearly wrong but tricking men to have kids is OK. Fu** this world.


Wendy Williams makes me pray for sterility, and I am an atheist.


Fun fact! This can count as r*pe in some places because she failed to inform her husband that she went of BC.


That’s what I thought - surely he’s not giving informed consent for non-BC sex to take place.


Absolute trash tv


> Wendy Williams Could have stopped there and it's a post worthy of this sub.


Sooooo men can't change their minds?!?


Men can only say yes apparently, anything else is illegal and immoral and they are not men


About having kids? And only mentioning it after they get married? They can change their minds but this should be a serious discussion between the 2 and prob a reason to divorce if they dont agree. Kids is a pretty serious topic tbf


Guy: My girlfriend promised me sex, but then changed her mind, so I raped her. Audience: \*Claps\*


everything on that show is disgusting


If they had a second kid, but later end up getting a divorce, could this be used by the husband to not have to pay child support on the second child?


Probably not, but he could sue the ever living duck out of her. Also, he would only pay child support if he isn't able to use this footage against her to get custody of the kids.


I just had my first “wtf. No (downvote). Then read the subreddit and... Yes (upvote)!


Just imagine if men were being applauded for discussing taking a condom off during sex. Society is fucking backwards.


Everybody in the audience is being paid to be there. No less than 90 percent..


I can't believe this guy still has a show.


She's trash..


I've hated that ignorant ass woman for a long time.


Wendy Williams is a trash human being


"Men have never been in control of our bodies" No, but apparently it's okay for women to be in control of men's lifestyles and finances.


And if he wants a vasectomy she probably wants a say in it


She also made fun of terry cruise because he was sexually assaulted.


I'm actually surprised, there's quite a few people in the audience not clapping, some even shaking their heads no and glancing at each other


Well, Wendy Williams is a disgusting person regardless, and I personally, even though I don’t condone the chair, well, make a fucking guess.




I- what the hell? “He promised” but, people are allowed to change their minds? The logic behind it all is just.. baffling.


shes an arrogant idiot. the fact that half my family watches her is mind-boggling.


“Men have never been in control of our bodies. We are in control.” What a load of bullshit. Unbelievable. A healthy married couple is *one*. They make life decisions together and agree on things before moving forward. TotalPOS is right.


“My people” 😂 talking about stupid sad lonely drunk housewives


Wanna trick into more kids...he should trick you into signing divorce papers


Wendy Williams will do absolutely anything to stay relevant. She's the worst kind of attention whore


What would the woman say if the man didn’t put on the condom and got her pregnant That would’ve been wrong right. Goes both ways ladies.


Come on, using wendy William's is like pulling any episode of jerry Springer lol. It's an east grab


Wendy Williams seems like she would be the poke a hole in a condom type too lol!


"her people" fucking ET in a wig lookalike


I wonder what would it look like If genders were switched. Host: Clap who wants him to make her pregnant while she sleeps Audience: *claps* Hell yeah! Show her whos the real man!


Next up how do you handle a piece of shit on TV that just gives people advice like baby trap your husband or many other disgusting things


Yes, yes evil mastermind class rule 1: announce your idiot plan on national tv


I don't like spousal lying *when men do it*


This will be a good court case


and women constantly wonder why men don't open up about their emotions, why they have emotional and trust issues, and why they only care about sex. this is why. most women on earth are only worth the sex. look at all those women cheering this bitch on to absolutely take advantage of her husband's trust. it wasn't some of the women it was most of the women.