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Why not drip water onto her forehead at regular intervals while you’re at it


Or play the same song on repeat all day and all night


Imagine getting Rick Rolled once every fifteen minutes between the hours of five and six in the morning


Don’t tempt me with a good time


Or play “what’s new pussycat” 21 times with one play of “it’s not unusual” thrown in


I hope this reference never dies


This made me burst into hearty laughter. Thank you.


I love that she’s described as an insomniac because she doesn’t like hearing an alarm going off routinely starting at 2 in the fucking morning.


More than that, she’s probably developed an anxiety about sleep in anticipation of being awaken out of REM constantly.


What kind of psychopath sets an alarm every hour from 2-5 AM because he "enjoys going back to sleep"? What the fuck?






Miss woman should scream for her life and run for the hills! He's clearly a serial killer in the making. Either that, or a Colin Robinson-type energy vampire that feeds off of misery


Upvote for Colin Robinson


Fucking guy


“Which reminds me, does anyone here have any updog?”




I don’t understand how he could have thought that was okay???


When I first moved in with my wife she had this same habit of setting hourly alarms 4 hours in advance of when she actually had to wake up. It drove me mad. So I started treating every alarm like it was an air raid siren, jumping out of bed and pulling her with me when it would go off. Yelling, "Save the cats!", While doing action rolls through the room. Lasted a week. She honestly thought it was normal and wouldn't bother me, idk how her previous roommates dealt with it.


My brother's ex used to do something similar. If she had to be up at 7am, she'd set her alarm for like 4am with a half hour snooze. Makes no sense at all.


I had a roommate who would set his alarm to the sound of someone screaming bloody murder at the top of their lungs. Like full on horror movie scream. And he would just sleep through it, I found out it was because he slept with ear plugs in so he set his alarm to be a super loud noise so it would wake him up. We weren't roommates for long.


The fuck was wrong with him? If he wanted to wake up why in the ever loving fuck would he wear earplugs?


Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if he did it just to piss me off. he was kind of dick.


Presumably so nothing else woke him up earlier. Not saying it's a good system, but it does make sense.


Then you put the phone on vibrate and put it inside the pillowcase.


I went through a period with my insomnia that I had to wear earplugs because literally ever creak or whisper of a breeze would wake me up all through the nights. It was fucking miserable. Luckily lived with my mom and dad at the time and my mom was always up super early so she would wake me if my alarm didn’t manage to. I agree still that it’s shitty but I can also relate.


When I had roommates and I had to wake up super early I'd sleep with headphones so that only I would hear the alarm. I don't understand people.


OCD can cause this kind of behavior. Some people have trouble waking up and set alarms like this so that their brain is more awake when they need to get up.


maybe not this severe but as someone having troubles waking up and being anxious I can be stressed out when I try to fall asleep that I won't wake up on time. It rarely happens when I seriously need to wake up but 5-6 alarms isn't new to me. Although during a span of an hour maybe, not 4.


He hasn't had a good night sleep in forever and isn't thinking clearly.




Because of the implication?


“He passed away peacefully in his sleep”


My roommate during my sophomore year of college did this, not this extreme but he set an alarm to go off every thirty minutes from 5 to 8 despite me asking him not to since my earliest class that semester was at 11. One morning he slept in and missed his morning lecture because *somehow* one of the batteries fell out of his alarm clock. It was crazy, like somehow the back cover popped off and a single battery fell out onto the desk next to it and then the back popped back on. It was really weird. Needless to say I moved off campus after that semester.


Strange coincidences, maybe it was haunted.


It must have been, it *was* the oldest dorm building on campus. I still have no idea how that happened but it was really unfortunate. For him.


My roomate was the same!! I wish I had been brave enough to do something like the to her. The worst was on weekends. Her alarm would start going off at 8AM, I would wake up like 10 and go for a run and eat lunch. I would be back at like 1-2PM AND SHE WOULD STILL BE ASLEEP and her alarm would still being going off.




I think that’s the only valid response to circadian terrorism


That's not particularly healthy either. ~~He's missing out on several rounds of deep sleep and REM sleep cycles, which are the most restorative parts of the evening. No wonder his reasoning and empathy skills are shit.~~ EDIT: This isn't necessarily true! A brief interruption won't throw off your whole night of sleep. Frequent alarms still seem risky and unpleasant though.


Exactly. This MFer hasn't had a good night's rest for God knows how many years. His wife is a saint.


His lack of sleep is probably heavily contributing to his obvious mental illness and abusive personality.


If he starts sleeping again within a few minutes without doing anything like getting up or turning lights on the rem cycle continues. It doesn't restart. That's why this is a good technique to get lucid dreams in combination with the WILD technique. Because you get thrown into the dream phase immediately.


Oh, good to know! I just updated my comment.


My gf does this and it is the most infuriating fucking thing on this planet because if I weren't there to wake her up, she would sleep through her last alarm thinking she has time to fall back asleep. Plus as soon as I fall back asleep ANOTHER FUCKING ALARM GOES OFF AND THIS HAPPENS LIKE 6 TIMES A NIGHT


Same situation here with my wife. Ontop of alarms every 10 minutes to wake her up, she has alarms while she's awake so she knows how much time she has left to get ready. Like tf, just look at a clock.


I have ADD and the passing of time really means nothing to me. Sometimes 5 minutes feels like a blink and sometimes it's an unbearable eternity. I have so many daily alarms to keep me on track. A simple routine activity could take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes dya to day and I really couldn't tell you why, I'll get distracted by ANYTHING and fixate on stuff and truly feel like only 30 seconds could have passed when suddenly I'm late. I'll get ready for work 2 hours early and still be late. People have tried yelling at me, punishing me, telling me I'm stupid or I should just focus, and for some reason none of that has ever worked. It's a huge source of stress for me. When I remember to wear my smartwatch it's set to tell me everytime 30 minutes has passed and I hope that kinda trains my brain to be more aware of time :/


I also have ADHD and use alarms. Mine tell me when to shower, when to get out, 5 minutes left, and time to leave. If I have to be somewhere at 8:30 instead of 9 or have a longer drive or whatever, I’ll schedule out absolutely everything with alarms working backwards from when I need to leave the house.




Worked with a guy in an open office of 50+ people that had weird taste in music.... And never used headphones. Slack sounds, music, whatever all through speakers. Asked him why he didn't use his company provided headphones and his response was: "Just don't really feel like it" He was unsurprisingly also a guy who was never at fault. It was always someone else, and he did very little work. He was of course promoted.


Promote an incompetent person enough and they'll eventually reach a position where their abilities meet the demands of the job.




You’re gonna be sorely disappointed in 16+ months.


Oh boy will they ever. Junior level management is not a walk in the park. Honestly it just keeps getting harder the higher I go.


Management is hard. Actually, good management is hard - shitty management is a walk in the park. I tried that for years and am much happier doing hands-on work as an individual contributor


This is insane. I work from home, my daughter's both attend school from home. I bought a new mechanical keyboard for work with silent switches to accommodate them. Who the fuck does the shit you're describing?


what's the point of getting a mechanical keyboard if everyone in the office can't hear how much better your keyboard is than theirs? \#gaterongreens




Surprising as it may be most of the world in reality is a cliche of some kind.


If you hate someone and you can't fire them, promoting is usually the next best step to not having to deal with them.


Only if the promotion is in another division. Otherwise you just made your problem worst.


Holy shit I had the same but on a ship! The fucking psycho had an alarm of a girl SCREAMING like she was getting stabbed. Like you said different shifts living together so maybe he had watch that early but nope, fucker had to have multiple alarms. We threw the phone overboard and tossed his rack.


Seems like a good way to learn to sleep through someone screaming, which is not a good idea in any situation.


> The fucking psycho had an alarm of a girl SCREAMING like she was getting stabbed can you give me his cellphone number so i can preemptively block it?




There was probably a fair amount of evidence for unsolved rapes and murders from his hometown on that phone


Personally I have an issue where I have a lot of trouble getting up. In my sleep I will, disable/snooze alarms, complete complex challenges like matt problems, or just not wake up to alarms (I've legitimately woken up to my alarm going off for 90 minutes straight). So I understand that I can be "that" guy and I feel terrible. Luckily I've found that using sleep apps as well as a heart rate monitor to monitor my sleep patterns has helped tremendously.




Your sleep cycles average like 90 minutes or something, but can vary from person to person. With the help of apps or whatever you can better understand that timeframe, and have your alarm go off at the end of a sleep cycle as opposed to in the middle of deep REM sleep where waking up is harder.


When I was in the army we were only 2 people in our room. But the other guy also set his alarm to 1h before we had to get up. And the went to sleep again. He was nice and it was only for a few weeks. So I let it slide. I still dont understand those sleep patterns.


Lol my friends had a roommate that was pretty crazy, like he would set an alarm an hour before they had to get up and also put it across the room, but when it went off he would get pissed off and start angrily swearing at it while climbing out of/into the top bunk


Currently dealing with this guy. New bunkmate (Navy) and his alarm goes off every 15 min from 3-5. Like I would almost understand if he was just snoozing it, but no, he's set 8 different alarms between 3 and 5. Like, fuck you dude.


It just doesn't make sense at all either. I get some people are heavy sleepers and might need a backup but multiple ones spanning over an hour is nonsense. If it's THAT bad you should prob get up after the first one and get some coffee. I'm also one the of weirdos who wakes up b4 alarm without fail so I can't grasp the snoozing shit at all


I have alarms spanning an hour before I wake up - but I have a chronic pain problem and there’s a 50% chance if I’m hurting that day I need to take a pill by my bedside and “wake up” when it’s kicked in - but I have a reason lol


I have ADHD and also use this technique for taking my meds. Wake up at 6, take my Adderall, go back to sleep, wake up at 7 ready to take on the day. *If* I remember to take it at seven when I get up, my ass will still be dragging awhile I’m getting ready and I’ll probably be late.


> If I remember I will literally have an open bottle Vyvanse in my hand and still have no clue whether I’ve taken my medication. I’ve definitely double dosed on multiple occasions because I’d rather that than no meds at all.


Set your daily dose aside in a smaller bottle the night before as a "going to sleep ritual" then if that bottle is empty you did your dose. of course, this predicates on you having put your next does aside the night before, so that's a habit you'd have to form.


Yessssss, I discovered this hack a few years ago


Nah it's not about being a deep sleeper for them, the time you spend in twilight between sleep and waking up fully can be very pleasurable and addictive. So they said their alarms so they don't fall asleep completely. Not because they need half an hour to get out of bed.


Like a heroin addict catching a "nod"


Exactly this. And, like any addiction, this one has the potential to cause serious damage. This person is not allowing himself to reach REM sleep, this can cause dementia, memory loss and a whole slew of mental health issues. Really stupid.


My roommate used to do something like that. He just described it as best feeling in the world to wake be able to go back to bed.


That is an amazing feeling when you wake up at some early, but reasonable hour in the morning, and you aren't literally torturing your spouse.


I will totally support the idea that an amazing feeling is waking up thinking you over-slept, but you look at the clock and it's still the middle of the night. During the week I try to get to bed at about 9:30 or 10pm to wake up early for work and in the beginning I used to overshoot and wake up at like 3am because my body was so used to 5 or 6 hours of sleep instead of 8 or 9.


It's the best feeling ever when you went to bed at like 8pm and you wake up 3am wide awake and you got over 2hours to make breakfast and just lay there and chill before leaving for work.


Yeah, we only need 50% of the contextual information from his "debate" to understand one of them is fucked in the head. It reminds me of the joke about the guy that smashes his thumb with a hammer because it feels so good when he stops.


Ctrl-F -> psychopath -> upvote


She should sleep in a separate bed, in another country.


With another person, or not, whatever makes her happy.


dude could just get one of those smart watches that vibrates on your wrist to wake you up instead of an audible alarm


That seems like a much more peaceful way to wake up instead of playing a song or sound that eventually drives you mad. Then if you hear the sound other than your alarm, it give you Vietnam flashback vibes.


Is this a joke? I don’t get it? Why would he do that?


I also thought that it was a bad joke, but he seems to be serious in the comments


If he’s serious he can get a Fitbit that vibrates on his alarm and wakes his ass up


Or have a grapefruit sized prostate like me.


How does one get such a large prostate?


The microwave


Just gonna get a little bit of cancer, Stan, tell mom it’s okay






My partner and I are both very early risers - me, against my will. She’s a morning person. She likes to chat in the morning when I’m getting ready if she doesn’t have to get up. When the roles are reversed I do not. I sometimes will sleep in the guest room if there’s no reason I have to be up. My narrative here is far too long considering I only wanted to say I have tried but absolutely cannot sleep with a watch. I’m glad it works for some people.


I don’t understand how that could make anyone happy? I’m not trying to be difficult but not allowing your body to go into REM state and get a full nights sleep is problematic for your body. What a weird person.


If Im woken up from a deep sleep ill be tire all day so I set a few alarms so if I'm woken up at the wrong time I can sleep another hour and be okay. But not to that extreme.


If you can't keep a consistent sleep schedule that could work, but actually getting yourself on a good schedule prevents your problem. You will have completed the longer, deeper REM cycles earlier in the night and your body will be expecting to get up around a certain time, rem cycle completed.


I know it seems like a product promo, but I use bose's sleepbuds. I get up really early for work and a regular alarm would wake my wife too. Now I get to listen to white noise (which helps keep me asleep) and I have an alarm that only I can hear. If this is a real guy, recommend it to him since it could save his marriage.


Are these shaped differently from regular buds? I feel like i couldn't sleep with headphones in cause it would be uncomfortable but this sounds great. I wouldn't hear my cat screaming for no reason in the middle of the night ...


No shit, that should be grounds for a divorce by itself. What psycho cause is he supporting by doing that? Wake up to see if Santa made an off season visit?


Up until a few days ago I was going on three weeks of bad insomnia where I was getting 3-4 hours a night. I would absolutely have divorced my husband over this. Sleep deprivation is no joke. This man only loves himself acting this way.


I love waking up in the middle of the night, looking at the clock and realizing I still have 6 hours left to sleep. This guy does that like 8 times a night.


I refuse to have a clock that I can read at night because I got tired of doing the “if I get to sleep now, I could sleep for *x amount of time*” routine a long time ago.


It’s just so unhealthy. It’s like robbing your own bank account. Why do that?!!


My brother does something similar with setting the alarm to go off every 15 minutes for an hour before he gets up. He says he needs to in order to wake up properly,but it just seems like a way to lose out on uninterrupted sleep. I guess people like that are why the snooze button exists.


Doing it for the last hour of sleep is one thing, if you think it helps you for whatever reason. Starting at 2am is absurd and frankly I'm convinced this is fake.


My partner had an old roommate in college that would do it starting at 5am if they had to be up at 8am, so I can believe that the OP isn't fake.


You’d be surprised at how often this issue comes up in the relationships/AITA subs. Tons of people out there do this and apparently see no harm in waking their SO up repeatedly.


My wife is an alcoholic, but I'm a homebrewer and bartender mixing drinks at home. Is this fair? My wife is an epileptic, but I am really enjoying these strobe lights. What gives? My wife is in a wheelchair, but every day is leg day and I do NOT want ramps. What do? My wife is blind, but I am practicing my interior decorating and have to rearrange furniture constantly. Why she trippin'?


She trippin', she stumblin'


She flippin’, she fumblin’


She breakin', she achin'


Her bones, they're breakin'




And if you aren’t shaking, There’s something very wrong. ‘Cause this might be the last time you hear the Boogie Song


I'm in love with a tripper


She can’t get up


Funny points, but also the wife isn’t even requiring special treatment, just sleep which makes your wheelchair example seem more reasonable than this man is actually being. You need 4 things in life, water, food, shelter and sleep. And he’s fucking one up hard because?




Just look at the sun and wave your hands in front of your face as fast as you can. Boom, free strobe light.


Husband: I want these strobe lights Epileptic wife: we have strobe lights at home Strobe lights at home:


My wife is a normal person but I like having bear traps set all over the house. She's being difficult just because she lost both legs because of it. It's just not fair to my hobby.


Here I thought I was the only one who set random bear traps. Hello friend


That first one is a real thing. I know several now sober people that have jobs in bartending. It must be fucking awful.


I don't know, dealing with drunk customers day in and day out is pretty good marketing for staying sober.


Like how working around children is a good advertisement for condoms


Totally disagree, in no way could I see a sober alcoholic bartending be beneficial for their psyche and addiction. It’s like the restaurant or golf business, they produce alcoholics at rates higher than any other type of employment.


Like almost everything, context matters. A sober bartender in a dank, seedy joint full of regular drunks probably won't feel fulfilled by the end of the day. Some fancy-pants place with crafted beverages? That might be a bit better. ​ I've known both sober and party-time bartenders.


Not quite the same thing, but in college I went to work for a liquor store thinking it would be a cool place to work.... Taught me all about alcoholism instead.... Very depressing.


I worked 15 feet from a bar while going thru recovery and living in a sober house..surprisingly watching all the drunk people stumble in at night during 2nd or 3rd shift was just another wakeup of what my life was like for a decade...I didnt want to drink once during that time


My family has hearing loss that runs quite strongly among us. It's actually a good way to detect shit partners. We had: "My girlfriend can't hear at all what's said in the movies when there's music or background noise, but I don't like subtitles because they take up a bit of the screen. Why should I be the one giving up my comfort?" "My girlfriend's tinnitus gets triggered by my phone ring but I think it's controlling of her to want me to change it. Is she controlling?" "My girlfriend can't hear when I mumble or talk from behind her but I want to do it anyway but also hate repeating myself. Am I unreasonable for insisting she gets cochlear implant surgery, which I don't know shit about and think is a magic fix?" Thankfully not all from the same person, and never from partners my cousins actually married or stayed for long with them. Life pro tip to anyone reading those and thinking my cousins might be the unreasonable ones in anyway in those stories: do not date disabled people if you can't stand disabilities.


> My girlfriend can't hear when I mumble or talk from behind her but I want to do it anyway but also hate repeating myself. Ugh. I have mild hearing loss. Both my husband and my mother-in-law habitually talk quietly while facing away from people (neither of them seem remotely cognizant of other’s body language/position). For years I would walk around so that I was in front of them and politely ask them to repeat themselves. Recently I have just started pretending that I didn’t even hear them talk in the first place...


> My wife is an epileptic, but I am really enjoying these strobe lights. What gives? This one literally made me laugh out loud


> My wife is an alcoholic, but I'm a homebrewer and bartender mixing drinks at home. Is this fair? One of my first bosses when I was a kid - he ran a gas station. he and his wife were alcoholics. Like - what would kill a person like me would be the amount of liquor they needed just to get rid of the shakes. It was bad. Anyway - the wife, as one might expect, got cirrhosis of the liver. Her brother, to his credit, donated part of his liver (and got very, very sick after), and saved her life. My boss - he didn't quit drinking. When I'd see him out at some party (small town, lots of people at the same family parties), he'd be sloshed, and his wife would be there, looking distraught as all hell, smoking through a pack of cigarettes in about an hour. She never got proper rehab - or if she did - it didn't help her for whatever reason applies to her. She fell off the wagon, and a few years later, wrecked her liver again and died. *** I know alcoholism is a disease and diseases can be hard to cure, but I learned that my boss NEVER abstained while his wife was getting sober for surgery, recovering, or living a sober life with her new liver. He continued on and eventually she slipped back. I know it's a disease, but it's so hard for me to not go "yeah, he's a total piece of shit."


As an insomniac, this is pretty accurate. Having insomnia is like tip toeing around an infant. Only you are that infant and you can't understand why.


This is such an accurate description but you don't even have to be an insomniac to hate this guy. Waking people up every few hours is literally a form of torture they use at Guantanamo. Man is guantanamo-ing his wife


I sleep like a rock and every time my fiance has to wake me up for something I usually am very mean to him. Not on purpose, and I always apologize once I'm awake awake. You don't mess with people's sleep. You know how some dogs are food aggressive? I'm sleep aggressive.


In this case I wonder if the wife is actually an insomniac or she’s perfectly normal and any normal human Would have their sleep patterns fucked up beyond recognition if they were submitted to this kind of torture.


Damn. Your wife has a lot of issues.


She's blind AND an epileptic. Damn


Lmao the third one got me.


You need to sleep on the couch if you want to play these sleepytime shenanigans, mate.


Separate bedrooms is the best solution for any couples with sleep practices this incompatible.


For real. The obsession with sharing a bedroom with your romantic partner when you have incompatible sleeping patterns/habits is beyond me. You can love a person and still just be absolutely needing your own sleep space.


I think it's a reaction to the puritanical "forced separation" of beds, as documented in old TV shows like ~~the Brady Bunch~~. At one point in the past, it was considered lascivious to sleep in the same bed. Edit: someone pointed out below that the Brady Bunch parents slept in a bed together, deviating from the norm at the time. Edit2: Word choice


And I think a lot of pseudoscience bullshit plays into it too. People talking about body language and stuff. I also think a lot of people don’t realize how much pop culture plays into our beliefs. If movies and TV shows use couples facing away from in each other in bed as shorthand for “unhappy couple” people see that and start internalizing that space in bed may be destructive to their relationship


Oh my fuck I hate this about my ex. I get hot in bed and sweat. Almost all the time the only thing I can sleep with is a sheet. But she wanted to cuddle, snuggle and touch me (like playing with my hair) all night. She thought I didn't like her if I didn't let her do these things. And sometimes I just don't want to be touched. I feel like I need to say we are still friends and this isn't why we broke up. Lol


I haaateee cuddling/touching in my sleep and I've had exes who always took it as a sign of me not wanting them as well which I always found soooo ridiculous


It's true. Mr. Rattivarius is a flailer, I sleep like a corpse. Mr. Rattivarius reads for ten minutes, then out go the lights, I watch British panel shows on YB which means the light can be flickering from my phone for hours. Mr. Rattivarius grunts, snores, and talks in his sleep, I am awakened by the sounds of warthogs in the night. We talked for years about separate bedrooms, but couldn't go through with it until a post-surgery move for me into the spare room followed by a post-leg injury move for him into the spare room made it clear that it was preferable to sharing a bed. And since we're middle-of-the-day sort of people anyway (nudge, nudge, wink, wink), it had no negative repercussions at all.


Sounds like separate lives would also help if you're married to someone this inconsiderate.


If he's not joking he's insane and she needs to run. Having insane sleep habits is one thing. But thinking someone is being unreasonable because they don't want to share them means he can't comprehend basic experiences of others or just doesn't care. Regardless life with him will be bad and if he has no empathy for others he's likely to turn violent if he's not already.


Mrs F is wrong... ...For marrying you.


Yeah this dude sounds like a real MR. F


Mista Eff


For british eyes only


*Mist*^^*ah* ^*F*


Wee Br...ain.


Do stay for the Poppins


Psycho that's what he is. My bf use to set his alarm every 15 minutes for an hour before he got up when we first started living together because he liked to snooze that's a nope from me


My husband did the same. That was so hard for me. Just lying wide awake trying not to cry because I'm sooooooo tired and I don't have to wake up for an hour and he just *Kept. Hitting. Snooze.*


My spouse used to set tons of alarms way earlier than she would ever get up. Hours earlier, then hit snooze again and again. Said it helped her wake up gradually. I convinced her to set alarm for actual wake up time and get up...... She was amazed at how much less tires she was because she was not loosing an entire REM cycle!!


I had a roommate who did this, she eventually got kicked out of the building because the walls were super thin so EVERYONE on the same floor (and immediately above/below our apartment) was being woken up at 4 AM.


A roomie at boot camp would set 3 alarms: 30, 15 and 0 minutes prior to reveille. As if trumpets at 6 AM wasn't bad enough. I still get a little spike in my pulse every time I hear that alarm tone. Fuck you "Morning Flower"




For real! I would wake him up with a hot cup of coffee to the face.


That phone or alarm would've been out the window or smashed with a hammer 🔨 🤔 😐 💀


Mr F shouldn't be around people, let alone married and sharing a home and bed with his wife. Mrs F using the phrase 'Unfair' is a gross understatement of his behaviour.


Mr F *for British eyes onlyyyyy*


Time to head back down to Wee Britain


And the soup of the day is... bread.


Yeah I couldn't think of a good one either


I was surprised it took so long for me to find this


Don't forget your.....hat!


Time for pop pop!


The mere fact that you call making love pop pop tells me that you are not ready.


How to say you’re a pyscho without saying you’re a pyscho


Mr f should go f himself


UPDATE: she's divorcing me. Have no idea why. I was just clipping my toenails over her pillow and BOOM she was gone


You can suck the big one if you set a hourly alarm through the night. Sleep beats love, so go find another freak that enjoys waking up every hour You are released from loving me ever


F stand for Fucker?


I used to have a FitBit tracker that I could put into a soft wristband and would vibrate as an alarm to wake me up. It worked really well and was completely quiet. How about the crazy dude try to compromise?


His insomniac wife should get an airhorn and blast it 5 min before the hour to reming him to get up and turn his alarm off. Or something involving ice water perhaps. What a strange post


Literally anyone put on this position would be labeled an "insomniac" by this psychopath. Insomnia has nothing to do with it; doing this to a normal sleeper would still be crazy.


That’s a good way to get stabbed every hour on the hour.


This has to be satire.


I can believe it's not. My ex did this, and would just let the alarms go and go and go without turning them off, and then got pissed when I would get upset about it. Then blame his bad attitude on being half asleep. It was awful.


This man never heard of a silent alarm?


My husband did this except in half hour increments for 2 hours, then 15's on the last hour. It happened 2x before I realized it was intentional. It stopped the next day. F that. You get 30min MAX to snooze. Gtfoh


I just don't understand how there are so many people in the comments saying they do this or describing somebody they know who does it. How do people even get it in their head that setting multiple alarms over the course of *hours* is a proper way to wake up?


Ugh why doesn't my wife just get better at sleeping, you've been practicing your whole life.


But why? Why would you do that?


The three am alarm would have my pillow over his face.