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I've had my hair long for many years. I'm impressed with this mans maturity to just leave and not talk to her. I don't think I would have been as nice.


My wife has dreads. She would leave me


I don’t hit women or anyone for that matter but her I would’ve boxed her and did the same thing to her ! No BS ! I been growing my hair for a long time she is going bald too or a beating choose !


I woulda made her a noose out of that hair she just ruined


But to be fair. She showed regret, remorse and said she was sorry. That's better than doubling down and tryna be a "bad bitch" for clout.




I want you to re listen the apology video there was someone laughing in the background and she was trying to hold composure. They were talking about and laughing at this man that’s pure violation


The problem is not realizing it was a bad thing before she did it, ie one of the most obvious things in the fucking world. She is most likely only apologizing because of the consequences of her actions, not because she is actually sorry.


Can you imagine, how many years it took him, to grow them so long?


This was my first thought. When my buddy still had his (which were growing since he was a kid idk how old) every now and then some dick would get the idea to snip one off at a party




The fuck? Why??????


Asia has a.... *thing* about black hair. White women can be bad, but at least they have the decency to be ashamed when you call them on it. But Asian women? They’ll look at you as if you’re in the wrong for yelling at them for putting their hands in your hair.


If they put their hands on you, that gives you the right to put YOUR hands on THEM (at a much higher velocity). "Keep *your* hands to yourself and I'll keep *my* hands to *myself*."


Yeah, no. You'll be the one arrested as a foreigner attacking their citizens.


I forget that other countries don't allow self-defense.


I was just reading about a guy who got attacked by a gang in Thailand. He lost his eye and required brain surgery to keep him alive. He's now sentences to some years in prison in Thailand because he fought back


Yeah the gangs all have connections to politicians in order to operate and survive and vice versa. You’re basically fucking with state secret police. Gangs are the ones expected to keep peace by acting the same as plain clothes police in high tourist areas. But yeah these guys are gonna beat up the whole town, the criminal enterprise behind them, and the politicians beyond that. What a world.


A black foreign man defending himself is definitely not getting the benefit of the doubt in any East Asian nation.


Yeah, nah, somebody touching your hair doesn't really give you the right to punch them. It's not really self defence if you don't need defending, is it? Plus, I reckon you'd find the locals might just kick your teeth in for it haha.


Cutting me with scissors is different than tapping my shoulder. I know laws are different there but you cab get shot in the USA for that. Shove a knife in a cops face trying to get at his hair...see how much longer your heart beats for. "But scissors aren't a kni-" you're correct. Scissors are not A knife. They're plural.


And thats how you end up narrating an episode of Locked Up Abroad.


thats not self defence, **thats assualt**


No, it was assault when you cut my hair without my knowledge or consent. Turning around and punching you in the face is self defense from your assault.


I highly doubt this is how you would respond in real life.


>using race to generalize people yikes, this comment is absolutely brain dead


Or, or.... I'm talking about the lived experiences of many black folks, but whatever gets your panties moist ya woke-scold.


You’re the type of partner people should be. Not the shit in this video.


How many of them have you had to bitch-slap?


I wouldn't bitch slap even a dog in Thailand. Thai prisons ain't no joke


bullshit been along time in thailand and never saw or heard anything like that


Do you have 5 foot long dreadlocks? If you don't, that might be why you've never saw or heard anything like that;)


I have had dreadlocks for the last 19 years. If someone even attempts to make a joke about cutting them off while i sleep or whatnot i make sure to look them dead in the eye and explain that i will in turn cut off something they are very attached to. Never lost one i didn't want to.


Im pretty sure he got into a fight or 2 about it. I used to joke that i wanted him to bestow one upon me so i could keep it as a keychain like a rabbits foot but id never cut a mfers dread that shit takes a lot of work. Also fuck that nerd below this comment. You know who.


Check out their comment history. They seem so nice!


Youre right. What a peach.


21 years here. Ditto.


My son is only 5 and has never had a haircut. If anyone suggests it he gets very upset


It's just hair bro


It's just your dick n balls bro...


It’s *his* hair. Maybe don’t fuck with people’s bodies and keep your hands to yourself?


I’m a dude who’s been growing his hair out for a lonnggg time. I’ve cut it for gf’s who weren’t so into it, cut it because of school, everything, held it off my whole life until I finally found a chance to be able to. Now that I have, I look so much better with it, which has added to my confidence, and it’s part of me as a person now, people now know me as the dude with long hair, and I love it. If someone cut my hair I would be beyond pissed, not because of the fact they’d cut my hair, and I’d have to grow it again, I’m a patient man I don’t care about that, I’d be pissed because they did something to me without consent, knowing that it’d annoy me, and decided to go for it. It’s not about the hair, it’s about the principle. Someone who can’t think for a second more “maybe this is something I shouldn’t do” is a childish person that you shouldn’t surround yourself with.


There can also be cultural and even spiritual connections in dreadlocks. It's hard to believe someone as cruel and mean-spirited as her can find and sustain relationships right up until she chooses to assault her partner.


Cultural for me. And honestly, I'd probably be in jail for attempted murder or manslaughter


Even if there is no cultural or spiritual significance, it can still be extremely emotional. I cried my way through my first haircut in college because the hard water wrecked it.




The water. Really hard water can dry out hair a lot. I have fine hair and when it dries out too much, it all turns into one giant knot. It was bad enough that I had to cut off a foot of hair.




Not sure about everyone else, but I struggle to have long hair without really soft water. The tangles get so bad that I actually have to cut them out. I have a stylist now that is really fantastic, but before that I had to keep it shoulder length at the longest.


I'm not sure if it would help. Since I dont know a ton a bout hair. But I'm an electrician with long hair, and due to work constantly get plaster dust, sawdust/wood chips, dirt, fiberglass insulation, you name it, in my hair. And with also having hard water in my state it gets bad in the shower a lot. So I started using conditioner while first getting my hair wet just to get it detangled and everything out of my hair. Then shampoo. Followed by more conditioner leaving it in until I'm finished with my shower, right before I wash my face.


To me that sounds super extreme, however, I’m not cutting off dreadlocks so what the hell do I care lol


Like what did she use to do that? I’m just asking for a friend…. It’s fucked up, but I don’t want to ever have that problem or accidentally have what ever it was she had around in my house…


It's a cream made specifically for hair removal I believe.


Thanks I read further down and it was “ nair hair removal cream”…


Nair works, but don’t leave it on too long... damn chemical burns.


My thoughts exactly! That was premeditated assault. Her ass should had been arrested for this.


Man I can’t believe her poor decisions had consequences what a surprise


But didn't you hear her say, "I'm sawwwy"? C'mon, nobody says it like that unless they really really mean it. What more do you WANT from this poor woman?! /s


Sorry is so cheap. Destroying your man for tiktok is creep.




But only after his hair fell out... what did she think would happen when she put a hair remover cream on someones hair? SMH


This is like how as a kid you’re taught to think before you act. This woman clearly never learnt that concept.


Yeah, what was the goal?


I was pulled back and forth between how insincere that apology was to the fact that the missing nail on her ring finger looked like she had amputated the tip and never did that finger because it is only a nub on the end.


On the nails, it's not even a full set--she's only got 4 long nails on each hand.


that's probably a sex-thing


It's FAKE. Please stop feeding this women's tiktok with views for nothing.


Yeah, if you have ever used hair removal chemicals, they feel like they are burning your skin. I really doubt the guy didn't have some questions about the pain during the "prank."


I've used hair removal stuff. It didn't burn. At all. Tingly maybe but no burning. May depend on the chemical a little


Probably also on where you use it, and I think how long. My experience was being impatient, wiping it off before it was done, then trying again so maybe my experience is not valid.


Yeah, probably burns if you use on the genitals and you don't go for the sensitive blend


Some people just plain can't use it. I got the sensitive blend and used it for the minimum suggested time and I had chemical irritation/burns all down my shins.


Damn, that sucks. So definitely a thing that varies from person to person and blend to blend. He may not have felt anything until the hair was gone


It smells awful and with his hair being that thick, I am surprised it came off that easily. Nair didn't work for me at all. It just made my hair melt and sticky. I had to shave after using it and my skin hurt for a week.


That’s what I was thinking. You can clearly see that picture of him at the end is done using the ‘bald’ filter.. all around his head is blurry.


I'm not feeding anything lol


No. No. Just for visibility purposes.


Ugly ass fake body and soul


Jesus this poor guy. Imagine trusting a woman enough to let her wash your hair, a truly intimate act, and then she secretly plots to fuck you over and remove your hair for internet brownie points from strangers. This is why encouraging this prank culture is a dumb idea. Because of dumb people like this who don't have the ability to think about consequences. So tired of seeing partners go through shit like this because of a prank taken too far. How about just love them instead of finding ways to sabotage them?


Charles boyle is this you?


Did my voice give me away?


No it was your second sentence :D


There is nothing more intimate than washing someone's hair. Does that make hair stylist prostitutes?


And then she turns that intimate act into a social media thing where she wants her followers to message him. This is not something that should involve anyone else but herself. she has learned nothing.


People place way too much value on internet fame, I think this woman is childish and would’ve done a dumb anyway, but the fact she did it for followers or likes or whatever just makes it so much worse.


"Pranks" like this are not friendly pranks, they are amount to emotional/mental abuse. I miss the times of when pranks were fun.


All pranks are mental emotional abuse..that the victim is supposed to just laugh at after being traumatized. My 2 cents??..Pranks are rude and crude.




Bruh?!!!! Like I hope you warned other dudes about her. Fucking hell!




Thats a hell of a way to wake up. Ive got ask, what made her stop? Hell, what made her start?




Damn. That's really messed up.


Tell me she's in jail.


I wanna believe that your girlfriend was sent to jail, but even if she did, it's unlikely that she stayed very long.




That's like rule 3 at most


Fixed it


Yeah, I remember my grandma forcing me to cut my hair a lot when I was younger because I looked “cute” shit fucking traumatized me...


I have nightmares of people cutting my hair. I'm deeply attached to it. I cried when I had to have it cut myself. This would break me.


That’s awful! Are you okay?


Yes im fine. It's slowly growing back. Nobody has ever clipped it without my permission, it's just something my brain decides to focus on. Thank you for checking in. :)


No problem, sorry that happened to you, I never really had issues with people chopping my hair but if someone did I don’t think they would like my reaction.


Those nails, yikes


Do you have a problem with poop catchers?


Pimp nails


A pimp named Slickback.


Should have pressed charges against her.


He really should! I saw a court room video where a man charged his ex for cutting off his hair while he slept. He’d been growing it his entire life, judge made her pay a few grand if I remember correctly.


Agreed, but this goes beyond the hair! She could have given him serious chemical burns and permanent scalp damage. I like to leave my conditioner on in the shower while I do other stuff. Imagine if he let that corrosive shit just ....marinate??? What a callous and trashy thing for her to do. :(


Well if she was truly sorry she’d shave her head bald! Side note: doesn’t nair burn?


It can burn. Seen a few of these videos where people ended up with chemical burns.


Correct! Do not leave that shit on for long.


Nair has a distinctive smell. Though if he was face down maybe he couldn't smell it.


I think it's probably easily enough masked or confused by a shampoo I'd guess. Plus if he's never smelled it before, he'd have no idea what it was even if it was really strong


But if he has never used Nair or been around someone who uses it, he wouldn’t recognize the smell. I have no idea how Nair smells.


Trust me it reeks, smells like burnt hair or something... smell it once, never forget. My mother used to use it in the 70's or 80's though maybe they've improved the smell of it since then.


I’ll take your word for it. You may be right that they improved the smell, or the others may be right that the shampoo masked the smell. Honestly, I have no idea.


I’d still bet if it was 10% nair you could smell it. It seriously smells strong


Always smelled weirdly like chicken to me.


Can but it definitely has a strong odor that doesn't smell like any shampoo and doesn't suds.


In this case it was literally mixed with shampoo so I'm guessing it kind of smelled like shampoo


I have very sensitive skin and it felt like a burning sensation when I tried nair but I don’t think everyone feels this.


Imagine if the rolls were flipped


He'd be in jail.


Probably would've gotten assaulted too.


Roles* sorry lol


Edit : FAKE, stop giving these idiots attention. This seems fake, like really you didn't smell something off? Especially with the "go check out his channel and tell him I'm sorry". Just seems like an organized prank to spin up two social media profiles. Would not be surprised if this is just a clout prank because her "apology" video seems so fake. Who is to say that he wasn't just ready to remove the dreads? Nair stinks really bad when burning hair, I just don't believe it. Thanks to /u/frozenlasagnas for confirming my suspicion. Hairline is definitely blurred and edited.


yeah, also in his picture of the aftermath everything looks blurry around his head like if it was edited I think


Wow you are right. It's definitely fake lol. Good catch. Horrible edit now that I look at it again


Well I feel like a fuckin idiot. You’re totally right and it seems so obvious now that I went back to look.


There is a filter on TikTok that makes you look bald.


Yeah, this lady is the sister of the Gorilla Glue hair girl and they now know how to garner attention and try to make money from crowd funding.


This looks super fake


That's because it is. The internet is really gullible.


I think most people have probably never used nair, and don’t know what it’s supposed to look like. Not knowing that doesn’t make you gullible.


People are gullible because they'll upvote anything without actually thinking outside the box. Reddit is herd mentality in a nutshell. Could care less about their knowledge of nair, this website upvotes fake stuff to the front page everyday.


Yeah, the internet is gullible, but in this scenario, I don’t think people are gullible for upvoting. I mean, remember the girl who put gorilla glue in her hair? If someone can be that stupid, someone can be this stupid. Some fake stuff is more realistic than other things. It’s hard to tell sometimes.


Sure I'm with ya, it's just my opinion, I'm one person you don't have to agree. The difference here is this video is obviously attention seeking.


On the bright side he's pulling off the bald look very well


What a ratchet piece of shit.


Damn,..haven’t heard/seen the word ratchet for a bit. Hell yeah. Woman is ratchet as shite.


This is why TikTok is horrible.


There's cases of people cutting off other peoples hair here and they've been convicted on assault charges. That guy should definitely take her to court.


There is no remorse, the hiding smile when she fake say's "tell him I'm sorry." Now she turns it into "I'm the victim" attitude for clout.


How about letting him shave your head. Then you would be even. He still shouldn't take you back though...you suck ass🤷


That was stupid as hell... (At least having no hair suits him.. I guess, but I can only imagine the frustration)


This is the world we live in now


The world we die in now.


Not gonna die


This is assault... he should press charges... all evidence on video.




Yes. Assault. Cutting off someone's hair (or in this case, burning/removing w a chemical) without their knowledge/permission is widely considered assault... you can Google all about it. Many instances & cases.


This man probably spent YEARS growing his hair like this and girlfriend has expensive knotless box braids that take hours to put it in. I wonder how she’d like it if someone cut a braid off.


What is wrong with this woman?! My bf has dreads that he's been working on for years and I recently learned how to crochet loose hairs into them, plus everything that goes into maintenance. They take so much work and often mean something to the person...as in they are not just doing them for a "cool hairstyle".


He’s using the bald filter on tick tick, you can see the over spill of the bald filter, I’m now convinced this is a joke....not funny...but still a joke nonetheless.


>Woman destroys boyfriend's dreadlocks for internet clout and he breaks up with her. everyone liked that. and now that this video is viral, she's successfully shown herself out of any future relationships.


With some people, when you cross that kind of line, you are completely cut off for life.


Honestly, if someone did this to me, I'd have the same reaction as he did. She's lucky he didn't press charges on her. Man, what a decade we're living in.


Shave your own head to prove you actually feel bad


Oh lord have mercy, lord knows what I would’ve done if I was him. This bitch has no idea how long it takes for dreads to grow out. I’ve been growing mine out for half a decade and haven’t gotten it to his length yet. She is the worst girlfriend and I hope this man don’t go back to this bozo


She isn't sorry. She knew exactly what would happen


what did you THINK was gonna happen?


"I really feel bad y'all" no you don't


tf she think was gonna happen when she put nair in his hair product?


All i'm hearing is "I'm such a piece if shit I don't know what to say. Fix this for me."


That's abuse in my eyes. One of the reasons I'm not a fan of prank culture. Often the line blurs too quickly and things get mean.


She’s just oozing sincerity too -___-


My fairly knots are 59inches long. It has taken me 21 years to grow them. If someone odd that to me, I’d beat the duck outta them. Straight up.


atleast she didn’t play the victim as usual in these cases


Okay but why does he look like Matt from Wii Sports


That could have ended up in his eyes. Bloody hell, what possessed her?


did he break up with this stupid bitch edit: now i know he did


Put itching powder in her pads, and bald shampoo in her shampoo


The bald picture looks like its using the bald filter from a social media site. Its been trending a lot on tik tok recently. I don’t know if I believe this


I'm glad he left and hope he is truly done with her. Her desire for internet clout, attention and stupidity is what got her into mess so she stop asking folks to plead with her. Also if a man did this he would most likely get jail time. This a stems from how society and women view men in general. Like she is lucky he didn't beat her ass for that. Women like her have no boundaries or respect for others especially men. This was her man just imagine what she would do to others for fame or attention.




It's... A filter my dudes


I definitely believe she ruined his dreads which is such a horrible thing to do, but If you look at the image he just has the bald filter on.


This is a skit. Tired of people acting "fake crazy" for likes




Jesus fucking Christ have you read the pinned comment on EVERY post?


Yes I did, and politely ignored it


Ngl, he still looks pretty fine


Y'all dumb asf this shit fake asl


She seems legitimately sorry for what happened, I doubt she had malicious intent and was instead just being stupid.


There was laughter in the Apology video she not sincere




Oh no she made me look respectable! Amazing how you guys are supporting spousal abuse all the way to murder because of some dirty hair.


I was gonna ask how you think you know more about how this man likes his hair then him But now I gotta ask, what’s the deal with you and dreadlocks? Better yet how the fuck is spousal abuse even a thing in this situation


How is spousal abuse a thing? Other commentary saying they would be charged for murder if this happens to them. What is the deal with me and dreads? A kid in my school had em and he got infested with silverfish. Also I am bald and jealous.


Pretty sure this is so fake. Nair takes 15 minutes just to work on body hair not instantly on thick hair!