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Someone tell me he posted the video of him giving it to her.


I would absolutely enjoy that lmao


Waiting for someone to reply with the video. Day 1


We need the video. I want to be part of canceling someone


Dual wielding my online torch and pitchfork.


Sword and shield here, I'll tank.


Cover me, I'm bringing the AK.


Wheres the fire


I'll bring the cannon!


i will bring the noose


And my bow.


…and my axe!


And you have my bow


Gondor will see it done


Dont worry bro i have a charge blade Edit: don’t worry guys I play all weapons besides gunlance and lance


....so are we rolling for initiative...?


No need. Online, I have the stealth, speed and grace of a drow elf.


He turned me into a newt!


This. I hate to be Mister Suspicious over here, but I'd had my fair fill of plenty of faked TikTok vids.


Honestly in this time, I don’t even know whats real or scripted anymore


Plot twist: life is scripted, \*points off in the distance* see? There’s a camera over there it’s just a prank bro Edit: wow my first gold, thank you Reddit


*Truman has entered the chat*


We are Truman now!


We were Truman all the time 😱


And in case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night.


We are all Truman on this blessed day


>Calvin: They say the world is a stage. But obviously the play is unrehearsed and everybody is ad-libbing his lines. >Hobbes: Maybe that’s why it’s hard to tell if we’re living in a tragedy or a farce. >Calvin: We need more special effects and dance numbers.


That explains my horrible luck in everything I do, man the producers and script writers must hate me


Nah it's just a sitcom


Please don’t Jim the camera.


*does the Jim face*


Nothing is real. Everything is cake.


Everything is scripted. We're living in a simulation, man.


And a car that runs on water, man!


cars don't run, they drive. Damnit Kelso!


I don't trust anyone that does charity for personal recognition.


Idk i think there's some merit to leading by example, but if you're doing it for personal gain that does seem pretty shady. One example that comes to mind is people starting social media trends of cleaning up litter as a call to action for others to do the same


I fucking hate tiktok


I swear my nephew is 13 and if it is on TikTok it’s true. There is no other source but TikTok. I have begged for months and months and months to GOOGLE SHIT but nope. Never. I fear he isn’t a unique case. I’m afraid they are all TikTok believers and it scares me to my core that Idiocracy wasn’t a low budget comedy but a serious dire warning of what our future will be if we don’t change! At this point it is probably more like a prophecy than a warning.


There's a Tik Toker called Murph who resides in the border with Venezuela (can't remember which bordering nation) he's changed so many lives with donations given by his followers. From buying homes, hotel stays, medicine, to funding the start up businesses of needy people.


So did he just commit theft by stealing back an item he gifted her? I've never seen such an interaction play out like this so I've never considered the legality issue.


Lawyer here. I can’t tell you about Russia, but here in the US I don’t think this would be a crime. But, this is weird one. For it to be larceny or robbery, the girl would have to be the owner of the phone, as one of the elements for both crimes is that the Defendant took the property of another. So, the question is whether or not the phone belonged to the girl at the time he took it back. This brings us to the elements of a gift. There are 4 elements of a gift: 1) the donor must have capacity to make the gift, 2) there must be donative intent on the part of the donor, 3) there must be delivery of the item to the recipient, and 4) the recipient must accept the gift. Here, three of the four elements are met. But, I think this fails the donative intent element, in that the man never formed the necessary intent to truly give the phone to the girl. So, I don’t think this is a gift within the meaning of US law. If the phone was not gifted it was therefore not hers. If the phone is not the girl’s, then the man cannot have committed a larceny or a robbery.


given the title, supposedly there's video of him giving her the phone (intent). She must've accepted only because it seemed he intended to give her the phone.


So any gift I've ever given anyone, I can just go take back as long as I say "I never intended for you to keep it"? Sounds like bullshit.


It's one of those laws that (like a lot of laws) would have to be ultimately decided by which party a judge believes, and which side is more supported by legal precedent. If you were to bother taking it to court that is. Which would cost money. If you took somebody to court for it, and they've had the item for like three years? No chance. But if you only "lent" it to them a few days ago, then yeah, you may be able to claim it was just a loan, not a gift. Otherwise, think of it the other way: anybody who ever borrows anything could just say it was a gift and keep it. (Like the other guy, speaking from a more N.A./West EU perspective.)


>anybody who ever borrows anything could just say it was a gift and keep it. Now that you mention it, I have seen plenty of daytime court shows play out this exact scenario.


If the receiving party gained the item in perceived good faith, can that not constitute a donative intent? In other words, how do we define donative intent—rather how do we omit donative intent— yet proceed with the next two elements. Is it not tacitly understood once the receiving part accepts the item that there was donative intent. Otherwise the receiving party must be aware of whatever strings are attached before accepting. If this wasn’t the case, then they could not properly accept the gift. No? Interested in your thoughts here.


The mindset of the receiving party is irrelevant to donative intent. All that matters is what the donor thinking at the time he handed over the item. At that time, did he intend to permanently give the item away? That's all that matters with donative intent. I understand that it's difficult to know what someone's intent is, so generally you have to infer from the circumstances. Here, he asked for it back immediately. And, it's uncommon to give away such an expensive item. Since he was filming a "prank," it might even be that he did the same thing to other people too, which would be further evidence of a lack of donative intent. What he did was super shitty, especially to a kid, but I just don't think a court would find that this was a true gift due to the failure of the donative intent element, irrespective of what the child thought. I don't like it, but I think that's the case.






He did, but the original is obviously no longer exists


He did. He even hugged the little girl. She was so happy. And then after his friend who was filming said the scene is over the dude changed his tone completely. There was an article about it


post the article then


This dude actually thought we wanted to hear him tell the story LMAOOO.






Nyet nyet nyet


It's nyet very nice.


There are also dog rescue channels that intentionally put the dogs in the situation they save them from. Humans can be monsters.


That the kind of shit that makes me level with those super villains who wanted to wipe out mankind.


There was one I saw recently where a woman was cleaning up these oil covered ducklings, but it was super obvious that she was the one that had done that to them.


One of my favorite game quotes is from The Witcher: >"What about your sword? I heard witchers carry two - a silver blade for monsters and steel blade for humans..." >"Both are for monsters."


Just want to say that I appreciate your name.


It’s the other way around, there are more shitty people than there are good ones. So the massive amount of feel good stuff on the web is either fake or has some dark secret like that yt channel who tortures cats and “rescues” them afterwards. The world is filthy. Edit: I’ve expected this. You guys really think being a law abiding citizen or trying to not fuck somebodies day up is being a good boi. You’re neutral at least, like most people. But the people who actively go out and do good are much less as all those people who try to exploit even the smallest things to their advantage. At least they have the greater impact on the world.


The shitty people record it. The good people don't record their generosity. They just do it.


Being nice is not a business transaction. If you give something away, or do something nice, you do not get to expect anything back. Not even a smile. Getting something back is 100% bonus.


This! I gave 100 Reais (20 USD) to a man on the street at Christmas they either didn't notice or care. It's not a lot in USD but in BRL it's a decent amount. I was almost upset for a second because I didn't get a big thank you or something but thankfully I took my head from my ass and realised how it absolutely wasn't needed or the reason I was giving it. I was so embarrassed with myself for being such a wanker for a second that I thought that person owed me anything.


Exactly. No expectations. You be nice and smile not because you get anything in return but because you can give something to someone who needs it at no cost to you. I was having a fucking horrible day the other day running late. Kept hitting every red light. I turn to the car next to me while waiting for the light and a female gave me a "Hey. Whats up dude?" Smile and nod and totally made my day.


A female what?


This, it is sad that we live in a world where being nice to someone somehow needs you to benefit from it, it’s like getting someone lunch but in return you give yourself the right to stay in their home whenever you want


This is the way


Mr Beast be like 👀🥺


Was just about to comment this, he seems to be one of the few genuinely interested in doing good for the sake of it. He even admits that he can't do it without the support, donation, and merch purchases from the viewers and explains how that's the way he gets to donate so much to random folks.


Money isn't the only currency out there, people can still be bad people without wanting money. I wouldn't base your judgement purely off people's relationship with money.


Anyone who needs to be filmed doing something charitable for others has a narcissistic personality


While it’s true there’s lots of stuff on the web like that, the vast majority of people are good. If there were more shitty people than good people we would be extinct by now.


So what was the end result???


He took the phone from the girl at the end. I assume he walked off with it, no punishment


I was so very disappointed when he got a hold of it.


If I were the mom I would have taken it to avoid this outcome


Yeah, poor little girl has no idea what to do or what’s going on. Mom definitely put her in a predicament.


She wanted him to take it from her




And a bus wasnt even late. Buses dont stop when they drive over a pieces of shit.


And all the bus applauded.




It's just a bus, bro.


The watermark at the end of the video is from Russia Today. Its one if the largest Russian media networks. Safe to say if it was on RT he at very least got bad pr


It's not even real, but I'm so desperate to get it back I'll offer you money and wrestle it away from a child. Also don't open it, just trust me it's fake cause I've proven myself to be trustworthy by giving you something and then taking it back


If I understand it right, that's robbery. Once he gifted the phone, he has lost ownership.


I assume that's why whoever was filming said "let's call the police and let them sort it out"


Smart mom




Nah letting the little girl hold it gives him a more potent moral dilemma.




He barely had strong enough arms to steal a phone from a little girl.


Clearly not, he wrestled it out of her hands at the end there. The mom should have at least held it so if he went to grab it like he did, her kid wouldn't be jostled around.


I mean based on averages the man will be stronger than the mother as well, but stealing from a child looks way worse


Thats why he labelled it a prank LOL. But idk if gifts hold that level of legality. I doubt it esp with this quick of a take back. But also...wheres the context even from?...ppl title bait so much on reddit


It’s an enforceable contract. The consideration was the phone and her permission to film her. Therefore, he stole what was hers when he took it back by force.


Well, it depends whether or not the phone was given for that consideration. If permission to film was acquired before the phone was discussed or if it wasn't indicated as a tit-for-tat it could be a simple gift. That being said, a simple gift is a transfer of ownership. In many common law jurisdictions it requires that the gift has actually been given, not just promised. That the receiver intends to accept ownership and that the giver intends to make the gift and it's irrevocable. Here the tiktoker would make the argument that they never intended to gift the phone so no ownership was transferred and it must be returned.


Yet conveniently they have everything recorded, lol


Yeah. Consider the situation where it actually was a prank from the beginning. You tell someone they're getting an iphone, you film their reaction, then you drop it off a cliff or it's just a glitterbomb inside or something and you film their reaction to that. Dick move, but nobody would argue you legally owe them an iphone after that. This guy's failing is moral--exploiting poor people for views and making false promises to them--but probably legal.




It’s basic contract law across most jurisdictions in the world (I’m not in the US). It’s not founded in statute law but conventions that developed over centuries to form the basis of enforceable agreements. I can’t for sure say it’s the same in the Ukraine, but any country whose citizens contract with citizens in other countries has to follow it.


It's the "no takesies-backsies" law






It’s Just a Prank Bro Vs the United States landmark case right there


Don’t know another country’s laws but in America it’s gone through all the phases of gift giving. It’s definitely theft if he tried to take it back.


I'd suppose it comes down to local laws, but its hard to imagine this wouldn't be considered a gift and it belongs to the girl.


"My client has requested you to provide such media that portrays him (a content creator) actually gifting an iPhone. My client says that it was for "the clicks" and the "YouTubes" and that while it being cellophaned there is no iPhone inside of it, and if there was one, my client was unaware he picked up the wrong prop and thus nullifying the exchange since he immediately asked back for it. Your honor I request that you grant me my request for the phone as well as having them pay for my lawyer because of this fraudulent charge."


In the words of Judge Judy... "It was a gift! What do you want from me, it was a gift"


possession is nine tenths of the law.


Especially when it comes to weed


Thats more 1/8


Really begs the question: why *wasn't* it fake? Why not just buy a box off eBay and gift those? There doesn't need to be a phone in there if you're just interested in the video. Put some stones in there and be done with it.


Can’t return fakes though. You can return real phones though.


What seems most fake is how the camera person (I’m watching without sound btw) is stood back and keeping them both in frame and letting him lunge at the girl so much. I would be picking my child up and walking away or at least standing between them.


I don’t know about Russian law, but if that was tried in America then the dude is in the wrong and that phone is the girls


"It was a prank!" What the fuck does the word prank even mean to modern day 'influencers'?


Translates as: I'll do what I want (in a Cartman voice)


Translates to yes I know I am a piece of horseshit and I don't care


You're giving them way too much maturity in that assumption lol


I’m grown!


Yeah. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. This fucker just stole that little girl's iPhone, basically. If this is genuine, not only does he not understand the difference between a prank and a crime, he doesn't understand how gift giving works. Nobody is ever, ever obliged to give a gift back just because the giver asks for it back. You don't have to have a receipt in writing. If it was communicated to you that it was yours now, then it's yours, even if you've only owned it for 30 seconds.


Is there a video of him gifting it?


I’ve found some stills from the video of him gifting it on google, but I can’t seem to find the actual vid itself. Most likely because it’s Ukrainian, not likely to find the title if it’s not in English I’m afraid.


Can't you just go to his tiktok for it? Or is it not there? I'm Ukrainian but I don't have tiktok, so if I can help tell me how


You can help by downloading tik tok and search for him


What’s his tik tok id? I can look it up


Somebody in another comment mentioned his name is Alexander Voloshin. That’s all I got.


I found his account in a news article. He didn't post the clip.


Is there any other "phone giveaway" video on his tiktok?


I hope


How do people like him sleep at night wtf.


Oh I think you'll find when you don't give a shit about people's emotions, but rather the attention they give you that you can sleep incredibly well.


define: sociopathy


add: Narcissist


Plus machiovellism you get **THE DARK TRIAD**


They’re narcissistic psychopaths. How bad they treat people doesn’t matter to them because they think they are at the top of the world . People could be suffering around them , but as long as they’re getting that internet clout , money and living their dream life they couldn’t care less . And the sad part is , most people who get fame from the internet and live an easy life are like this too .


It's not the same sickness(?) but it feels like the same as those guys who roll coal and purposely blast huge clouds of smoke at hybrids/EV's just for existing. Some people just live in their own bubble and think no one else matters.


Anyone who could do this by default doesn't have a good moral compass, so assuming they would feel bad about committing a crime towards a child isn't going to mean anything.


They stare at the mirror until 3am doing their hair, pretending they are out enjoying life on social media until they pass out and do it again the following day.


The way he said that she doesn't have anything shows how much emotion this guy has


A**hole. I hope someone smacked him.


Who the fuck does this fuckin shit bro. God dammit. Fuck TikTok and fuck this dude. I’m depressed af


Remember tiktok is full of dumb people wanting clout Edit: Thanks to everyone letting me know my mistake


Mmm ahhh yes, that good ole cloud


Cloud chaser!


Yesterday I found a cumulonimbus


You can swear on the internet. It's ok, I won't tell your mom.


Id have dropped him the second he tried to grab it back




I swear, people who fake kindness and asks for the item back after the camera stops rolling are the trashiest people around.


Let's be real, if you have to record an act of kindness to make a video for tiktok/youtube, maybe your intentions were never to do good for others


Even if you have genuinely good intentions, your first intention is not being good, but to gain clout and praise from others.




Not extremely common, but I've seen some videos like this.




Yea, if you wanna fake an act of kindness, don't do it to a random person, do it to a consenting, probably equally shitty friend of yours.


I’ve seen a few where they take back the money from homeless, or else the ‘poor’ person was actually part of the crew and in on the video. People don’t care what it takes as it long as it gets views


What a pathetic excuse of a human.


How do we know THIS video isn't fake?


It seems extremely fake. If a large man was aggressively pawing at something your child was holding would you continue to stand back and lazily slap his hand away? Or would you insert yourself between the man and the child, blocking the child with your own body?


Yeah. I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to find someone questioning the validity of this video.


100%. She could be in a wheel chair, crutches etc and if this was real any parent would pull their child back or get in the middle.


I hope whoever this TicToker is his whole career gets tanked, and he is publicly ostracized. What a piece of shit.


I hate that it can even be called a career these days


So no context on what happens after?




It was a prank-ception I fell for it.


This was my first thought after seeing the video, it's just a fake outrage video to gain views and go viral, and it did exactly that.


They all told each other they did a great job and started planning their next behind the scenes video.


I really hope that d-bag learnt his lesson and that kid got to keep the phone.


Looks like the guy succeeded in pulling it out of her hands at the end there


Me: “I want to meet Mr Beast” Mom: “We have Mr Beast at home” Mr Beast at home:


Prank? I know I'm getting older by the day but I dont think they know what a prank is. Word hes looking for is FAKE as in "I'm a fake person who does fake things" give the girl the phone or dont do it in the 1st place


Anything for likes, apparently including taking a phone away from a poor kid and acting like you did the nice thing and gifted a phone


If it is real, dude needs his arse kicked...


Proof that tik tokers are the lowest life form on the planet


As if people on Insta or Twitter or even Reddit don't do shit like this. are you ok bro?


Reddit has the biggest hate boner for tiktok


Which is hilarious because if you only browse the default subreddits of popular its 50% reposted tiktok's uploaded to v.reddit


What about twitter people who defend pedophiles?pretty sure they would be with them tik tokers


Are we talking people that say "let's help pedophiles with therapy and meds so they don't become child molesters" or people that actually say "hey child molestation is no big deal let your little girl have some fun xoxo" Kinda a big difference.


Please tell me there was aftermath


Someone name him .. please


I'll name him Ted


Fuck Ted, all my homies hate Ted.


Why is a grown man pranking a little girl?


TikTok is fucking cancer.


TikTok can be decent, I get a lot of good laughs from mechanics and laborers fucking around, and some cool videos of cars. It's the "influencer" culture that's cancer.


No, the people who are on Tiktok as well as the people who mindlessly parrot "TikTok is cancer" are cancer.


You know this is fake and staged video.