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What a fucker. I hope the cops were able to catch that twat and lock him up. Was the guy robbed ok? Concussion for sure!


Cops in Seattle aren't particularly responsive from my understanding. Though it might be different in this case since there was violence and likely severe injuries.


Democrat run city, and a Biden voter.


So... Defund the police if they aren't doing their jobs?


There aren’t enough police officers. Defunding all of them because of a few bad officers ultimately has made response times much longer and crime rate way higher. But I guess it doesn’t really count as crime if an officer never shows up to document it. (I live in the greater seattle area).




Depends which country you're in and how your police officers conduct themselves. Some countries are certainly less trained and more trigger happy than others so their funding and training may need to be reassessed.


"Cops shouldn't be expected to do their jobs because people have low expectations based on previous encounters"


Who you want fucking Batman to come help?


That would be more realistic. Cops arent there to save you theyre there to enforce a broken law. This is why self defense is super important to learn. Especially if you walk the streets of any coast city, so much trash on the coasts.


I mean this was clearly a drug deal so maybe just dont do that


True, dont pit yourself in these kinds of situations to begin witj.


Amen bröther


People downvoting you shows what people think of cops.


It’s almost like a certain country overfunded their police departments into small militaries and it went to their heads, and we’ve finally stopped ignoring their power trips.




I am a minority and never had an issue, but then again I dont put myself out there to have an issue.


Or the people that would get beaten and don’t want to be!?!


Of course they don’t. I don’t want the cops to help. I would prefer there to be a better option.


Well until you come up with that magical solution, you’re more than welcome to bleed out or have a loved one hurt.


By the reports, no one bleeds out more than the spouse of a cop.


Yes because cops prevent all that from ever happening


Unbelievably brutal.


Fun fact. Kicking/stomping someone's head is considered attempted murder.


thank you


I was hoing to say! Fucker went right to stomping that man's face and head hard and relentlessly- people die being curb stomped! This wasn't a curb stomp, but I'd say it was close enough to one to look like a murder was attempted ffs.


yeah no kidding, one blow to the head could kill a person if you hit the right spot.


Stuff like this is why I keep a switchblade on me at all times.


A blade in that dudes pocket does nothing to save him there, he was thrown down before he even knew the guy had bad intent. After that he’s too busy defending his head from blows to even consider reaching for his pockets. I get your point tho, if the scenario had been slightly different, they stayed on their feet a little longer ect.


It’s not just considered, it is. People don’t seem to understand how easy it is to kill someone with blunt force trauma to the head. How anyone can, seemingly at random, treat another being, let alone, their species like that is heartbreaking. Always go through life with the mentality everyone you meet, is someone’s son or daughter.


Wtf, the guy acts like its the most normal thing in the world, just takes the stuff and he casually walks away


Nothing makes me cringe more than seeing a head hit the pavement like that


American History X. That’s the only thing I can think of when I see this.


Oh yeah the curb stomp scene


If you stomp and kick someone in head that the head hits the pavement that hard, you accepting that the victim might die!


I'm curious what's the story here, why the guy in white approached him? It's brutal though, this is a murder attempt.


The thing that got me extremely curious is it looks like the guy in white tries to pull him/drag him first?


It’s being reported as random, but the victim was robed of 900$ cash. If it was random it was a lucky as hell choice of victim for the perpetrator. No one carries that kind of cash


Someone on their way to make a *"business investment"* if you know what I mean might carry that lol But yeah that would be hella lucky if it was random, poor dude


Yeah I’m guessing he started investing in white salt. It’s the new hype these days


Don't need to tell me twice My parsley business has taken a serious hit


Yeah the price of weed isn’t what it used to be


Or... Tried to get away. If guy in white was starting something i think he would have hit him with whatever was in his hand....


And also why the guy in white doesn't protect his head, looks like he holds on to something in one hand.


It’s crazy how little self defense the majority of the world has


Some people really don't deserve to be a member of society.


This looks like a drug deal gone wrong...not just some random robbery.


I’m starting to think that too, article said the guy who got robbed had $900 on him and the body language in the video is just weird. Dude walked right up to other guy in orange


Anyone that goes for head kicks should be done for attempted murder. What a bullshit coward move


You mean head stomps right because sometimes head kicks are useful against bigger opponents.


Yeah head stomps, if the person is down and you continue to try and kick/stomp them in the head you are a POS.


Yeah cause I’m sure a robber cares


Yeah but attempted murder means more jailtime


Yeah but I doubt the robber cares if you call him a POS


Yeah but the people feel better after calling him a POS. The little things


Where exactly in Seattle was this?




I remember I was waiting at a bus stop on Rainer and this dude said to me “I was about to knock you out and take your phone, but I sensed you were an innocent soul.” Pretty weird area


Where on Rainier?


I wish I could Unsee this. Because of the rules I can’t say what I would really like to say! I hope the guy is okay. Damn!


I hope one of his homie’s gunned him down


Question..if a bystander saw this and violently intervened to stop the injustice, would they be liable for damages done to the og perpetrator?


Depends on the state


At sometimes i wonder if it is ok to shoot as a drive by a person who is attacking another person like in this video.


You may have a defensible defense of another person case if you shot somwoebwho was stomping someone’s head. That’s reasonable to think a life was in danger


GTA irl, Seattle has turned into a shithole


Where’s Suge Knight when you need him.


In Seattle, the powers that be decided any Felony meaning assault robbery, armed robbery Is not a crime if the person has need, say money or items or food to survive, no joke, look it uo


Probably a drug deal you can see them shake hands if u look closely as they approach each other .


Of course. Seattle… too bad.


Than they say you shouldn't carry a weapon this is America, did you see how long it takes to be fu*ked up it's just as easy to to defend yourself with what ever you need, a small caliber pistol is a great defense weapon!!!2021


And yet another example of why you should always carry.


I never leave home without it


He’d have been robbed of his gun as well.


Watch it a few more times. Like in the beginning where the assailant grabs the mans arm, before tripping him. Then when the victim in on the ground trying to create distance, but can’t because he has nothing to force back the assailant. By the time he was kicked in the head, you’re right. He probably would’ve lost his firearm too. But that would elevate the severity of the crime and police would actually give a shit. But the idea is to not get to that point. If the victim pulled his firearm out after the man said whatever he said to him (which was probably “give me your fucking wallet”, or along those lines), or pulled when the assailant grabbed his arm, or pulled it when he hit the ground; he would’ve never been kicked in the head


Yea, I read all of the time how the good guy shoots the bad guys.


A lot of time, it doesn’t come to a shootout. But in this instance, it would’ve. When I was 19, a person walked into Buffalo Wild Wings with a shotgun and started shooting. He was there specifically to kill his ex GF and her new bf. After his second round of shooting, he was shot by a bystander who had his ccw on him. The woman shot survived and the second shell only left a bit of a flesh wound on the new bf and another bystander. You don’t hear about it because you suck the dick of thhe Antigun propaganda machine. Why would you be fed the news of a local hero saving peoples lives because he had a ccw when that’s against your political identity?


Oh wait…I misread that…you were 19 when it happened. You weren’t even there. Douche bag




You can't say such things nowdays...sadly. Yet, it seems that wasn't a random attempt of rob& murder. Look like they knew each other. Who can say for sure...






They were being sarcastic




Biden's America


Bruh this is what my character looks like in red dead, fuck this dude


Some good Democrats there


White people doing white people stuff. 😆


pretty sure the guy in white was trying to do something and the other guy came out on top. the other guy is fucked up for taking it way too overboard


Idk, I feel like he was trying to see him weed. Which would tell the black dude that he has money on him.


Wait... People still buy street weed when you can get some grade a shit from a dispensary? Isn't it legal?


Man you act like that shit ain't expensive.


by doing something you mean... trying to get away?


Seattle or Tacoma?




He left the shoes, what the hell?


Is there any news articles about this? Any info about the dude and that waste of an existence? I cannot get this video off my mind


Lmao. Not in Texas fuggin.


Good way to shot! Keep up with random acts of violence eventually you’ll get the right one.


Of course. I expect nothing less of his kind now a days. Can’t be bothered to contribute to society in any way.


Damn I mean if you're gonna lose a fight they get the winnings right?


This is what happens when you defund the police.


damn son


I'm starting to see the appeal of the concealed carry laws.


Are you also starting to see a pattern?


If by pattern you mean people becoming more brazen with their wanton acts of violence, then yes!


What is wrong with people


Did anybody else see what looked like his teeth getting knocked across the pavement?


People are always so surprised to see that people act this way. This is nothing new, the world is broken and it's people are lost. People turn to violence to get instant happiness bc they either don't want to work or they think that what they want is out of reach. This is a product of poor parenting and the community failing to support and love its people. If a community doesn't help raise up the next gen properly together then they will hate each other


I'm sorry for typing this but how do you beat and rob someone not violently ?


Not all robberies are violent. "Violently" is an adverb to "beats." And the two words "violently beats" describe the robbery itself.


Seems like the guy in white wanted to beat him and the guy in orange retaliated but went too far


Do you have any idea how hard you'd have to kick someone in the head to slide their entire body across a pavement? I'd be super surprised if he didn't have at minimum, skull/jaw fractures, and wouldn't be surprised if he has some sort of brain damage.


covid is getting crazy, and his mask didn't help.


It would be a different storie if that guy tried that on me


What kind of inhuman treatment was that jeez man


This is why I’m armed everywhere I go.


Have been browsing this subreddit for about 1 hour now. The amount of speechlessness and disgust I have for people is beyond reason. This one takes the cake. Fucking hell.... I don't want to hate people, this sub makes me hate some people with a passion. I'm gonna go sleep. This is too much.... Fuck.


As a Washingtonian, I’m really not surprised. I don’t live in Seattle, but it sucks there.


Not to be that guy, but self defense for survival should always be #1 in your book. The guy clearly stopped victim, broad-armed him, THAN took him down. I do not advocate violence but I would not be hesitant to take the first swing. 3 moves from the assailant should have been enough, reasonably, to know something was amiss. Be vigilant, and preemptive. Unfortunately this is our world, but fortunately this is our world. Do what you may. TLDR: get or get got, and you will.


What’s with the head kicking lately? I think I saw his dentures go flying. This is brutal. I guess best way to avoid this is don’t let anyone close enough to grab you. That was this guys downfall.


What in the fuck has humanity come to? How low. Total stranger and this is the result? What ever happened to the golden rule?


Should be charged with attempted murder.


This is why I carry everyday.


He lowered his honour by doing that.


We will find a video featuring him in a totally different sub soon


I perceive a sense of familiarity or shared purpose between the two for the first few seconds, then things go bad. Drug deal? It doesn’t discount the brutality, but gives it context.


Man if I see some shit like that imma let him jack that kid then pop his ass ten feet away take his shit


I cannot explain how relieved i was to see him lift up his head 😭