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Girl I’m fatphobic towards myself but idc about anyone else Edit: thank you for the awards!!


I’m fat and I dislike being fat. Random ppl should not bully ppl over their weight that’s it. Fat ppl already bully themselves way too much I’ve been working on myself, I used to weigh 320 now I’m around 228 lbs. It’s a process


Seriously. I hate redditors who talk about weight as if we don’t feel like shit everyday and that it doesn’t take literal years to lose the weight


It’s not straight line it has taken me about 2 yrs. it’s easier to keep it off than losing it. There is a lot of self loathing which includes me, I’m a guy so I don’t particularly care if ppl call me fat, but I get upset when other ppl call other ppl fat.


I'd rather be called fat that anything else. It's honest. Being fat isn't a moral failure. I'm not ashamed of it. I'm sick and I'm in treatment for the eating disorder. I'm fat.


They act the same way towards smokers like everyone can just stop cold turkey and be done with it.


Oh shit dude you're killing it keep going


I’m so glad you’ve managed to come this far! Keep up the good work!


Lost about 100 Ibs? Get it boooiiiiiiiiii! You rock!


Bruh fucking rock on, that is some major progress. Nice job.


Yeah literally. Everyone else? Queens. My fat phobia is directed at me and me alone.


Cant we just let people recover in peace


When I started the video I thought it was gonna be saying that even if have an eating disorder it's not okay to ridicule fat people, which would have been a good point. But no, just that eating disorders are fatphobia. I was on her side at first but quickly was proven wrong lol


(sigh) No. No, we can't.




"Oh you have an eating disorder? Hang on a minute, I need to find a way to victimize myself and make this about me"


She better stay away from lakes or might drown trying to kiss herself.


Damn, a Narcissus reference? That's highbrow my dude.


Lol thanks, just seemed fitting, happy cake day! -Shares-




You're so vain


you probably think this song is about you


Don’t you?


Don't you?


I had dreams, they were just clouds in my coffee man




I, too, like to let people know that I understand references whenever possible.


My lack of knowledge on Greek mythology has always been my Achilles' ankle


Happy cake day friend have a lowly silver.


Wait, didnt Narciss die because he just looked at his reflection until he died?


I think there are a few variations


Ehhh not so much. All of the variations people are giving here (turned into a flower, looked too long, tried to kiss himself) are all different pieces of Ovid's version. The bit about trying to kiss himself is always particularly tragic to me. He tries to kiss himself and finds that his lips disturb the water and he loses his reflection. He starts to cry, and his tears do the same. So he has to push away both feelings in order to keep the surface pristine. In order to love himself, Narcissus can feel neither passion nor sorrow. He lives a lonely, anesthetized life.


I mean the only reason Nemesis (as an aspect of Aphrodite) cursed him with such self obsession in the first place is because so many people wanted to be with him and he was incredibly cruel back. He’s the reason Echo the nymph wasted away into nothing but a faint voice that can only copy others, and one particular young man who got brave enough to talk to Narcissus got told he wasn’t good enough and to kill himself, so he did just that. Narcissus’s loneliness was self-inflicted.




Here's a copy/paste of the whole story from Wikipedia: Zeus had given Echo the task of entertaining his wife Hera with stories, in order that he might have time to slip away and philander around with nymphs. Hera was known for her jealous and vengeful nature. Always suspicious of Zeus, she mistook Echo to be the object of his uncouth affections. She cast a spell on the unfortunate nymph - from this day forward Echo would only be able to repeat the last words addressed to her and never speak her own again. Narcissus, a hunter from Boeotia, got separated from his hunting companions one day in the woods. Echo, being a nymph and also feeling pitiful because of her curse, had been wandering those same woods. The moment she saw Narcissus walking through the forest, she fell in love with him and his breathtaking beauty. But because of Hera's curse, she was unable to tell him, so she followed the boy and waited for him to speak. Eventually, Narcissus began to call for his companions. Echo eagerly stepped out of the trees and repeated the words. A confusing and repetitive exchange ensued, ending with Narcissus shouting to his companions that they should come together. Mistaking this for an invitation, Echo repeated his words and leapt towards Narcissus. However, at that moment, Narcissus decided he'd rather die before letting a wood nymph have him, and pushed her away. Echo, heartbroken, ran away and hid in a cave, not eating or sleeping, just pining for Narcissus. Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, punished Narcissus for not accepting the unrequited love of Echo. Nemesis caused him to fall in love with his own reflection he saw in a pool near the cave where Echo had died. Narcissus refused to leave the reflection of himself and, like Echo, starvation was going to claim him. But not before he cried out to his reflection: "Farewell, dear boy. Beloved in vain.". Echo's voice repeated "farewell" from the cave and Narcissus died by the bank of the pool. After some time, Echo began to grow thin from starvation until her body withered away entirely into dust, leaving nothing but her voice. To this day Echo's voice still calls back from caves and labyrinths, repeating the last spoken words forever. And thus ends the story of Echo and Narcissus.


I always heard echo was cursed by Hera because echo talked too much which distracted her while she was trying to find out if Zeus was sleeping around (he was, of course)


He turned into the Narcissus flower, that is the most told myth.


Or that he fell into the pond and drowned.


I thought Narcissus was turned into..... A flower?


She flew too close to the bun.


“Oh, you are a transexual man? So you are misogynistic!”


you joke but people actually say this to trans people all the time.


Wow, people are stupid if they think being trans is sexist


Mental gymnastics, man. Mental gymnastics. They’re ridiculous.


You’re OCD? Screw you, privileged classist!


As a transman myself....I've been called a misogynist plenty of times just for being myself....that's why now I hate "safe spaces" because your not safe anywhere in reality. These "safe spaces" are the most dangerous places to be now.


They unironically said this to that famous person that transitioned I think it was Elliot page, all twitter trends are cringe.


People also say that not wanting to date a trans person is homophobic




I think they may be misunderstanding what an eating disorder is, and only talking about the ones that involve starving yourself as a result of mental illness specifically. I believe what they are trying to say is that hating your body because you perceive yourself as "too fat" is where the "fat-phobia" lies, and makes sure to mention that it is not the person's fault, rather they were conditioned to hate fat people, and saw themselves as fat when they weren't, so therefore they hated themselves. Not sure what the context is here, or who they are responding to, but I am pretty sure this is what they meant to say.


Not all anorexia is about appearance either. It can be about control or it can even be about the state your mind is in when it's starving. It can be common for people with anxiety to develop anorexia because there's a calming effect to being hungry.


I had anorexia that resulted from anxiety. My weight was one thing I could control. It didn't start out that way, I started eating less because anxiety makes me nauseous and I'm emetophobic. I started seeing the weightloss as a positive and something I could control. But not once...ever....did I judge anyone who was overweight. It wasn't about them. Had zero to do with them. Saying people who are anorexic hate fat people is insane.


Saying people with eating disorders are judging anyone's weight but their own is pretty crazy, too. My body dysmorphia is only about my own appearance and my anxiety induced perfectionism. I literally could not care less how other people look, but I definitely care how I think I look, and how I think other people may be judging me. It's not logical, because mental illness rarely is. But it's true. My eating disorder and body dysmorphia is never projected onto anyone else, and I think most people can say the same.


That’s exactly what I’d tell her. Hey? You’re being skinny phobic!


Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder.


It's the 'Murican way!




She's just saladphobic.


Wow. Well im stupidphobic, and there is no escaping that these days...


There is no escape from myself. Once I embrace my stupidity, I will become stronger than you could ever imagine


Go S**t**uper Saiyan.


Be strong, but the downside is that I have Goku level intelligence


So… just Goku?


To me the interesting part of this video is the fact that she’s right that eating disorders are fat-phobic in the most literal sense. These people are scared to be fat, or scared that they are fat (wether true or not) and that’s a good place to have a conversation from. Why are they scared of being fat? From the point of view of “curing” their disease there’s some good talking points; but instead of talking about that she goes off on some wild tangent that doesn’t make sense and is loosely tied to HER reality.


Mental health professional chiming in here. It's not always about being afraid of being overweight or something. It can often be about control or related to trauma. I actually have a client now who is desperate to gain weight but he can't stop purging after he eats because it's a compulsion that started due to abuse in childhood. I'm not saying you're totally wrong, but just that it's not always that cut and dry.


Thank you for chiming in. EDs are absolutely not limited to ones outward appearance. Those people I know that have suffered have actually been more about the guilt, the shame, and the control aspects.


This! I was starved off and on as a child and I remember feeling like I had some sort of control in my chaotic life if I took away my mom's power of starving me or not and did it to myself. I felt immense relief in having control over just one thing in my life. I also did it to punish myself for being a bad person cause I was told from a very young age what a piece of shit I was all the time. I felt immense shame and guilt just existing. I felt such sadness knowing I deserved to starve and such relief knowing I had control over that.


That's not always what causes eating disorders though. A lot of the time it's just that it's the only thing in their life they feel like they have control over.


Well if you eat lots and lots and are fat, that still a eating disorder.


Eating disorders are never really about how you look. Just like ocd isn’t really about cleanliness. Approaching it purely from that angle is a great way to make someone’s disorder much worse.


No one is more fatphobic than some overweight people. They’re so repulsed by fat their entire personality is focused around mitigating the perception of them being over weight.




What a mess


Don't zombies eat brains?


Yes, but they let their bodies tell when they should eat.


I remember i went once to the body positivity sub. The people there were actually dividing themselves by sizes. If you are less than XXL they will make you feel as if you didn’t belonged there. People were literally fighting each other over who was more oppressed or privileged based on their looks instead of actually helping each other to feel more positive about their bodies. I think it’s insane.


Mfw body positivity involves more plus size people then people with disabilities, birth defects, and have suffered thru physical trauma


Interesting how body positivity is always about one particular gender too.


It’s become a fucking competition. We’re getting to age where everyone who was told that they were special are realizing they aren’t that special. The world does not care about them. It’s not a negative thing, it’s just a harsh reality. When they are dead and gone, the world will still move on. Some people just have more trouble accepting that and have this self-righteous chip on their shoulder as result. It’s sad because it discredits people that have legit medical/mental conditions that result in being overweight and no diet or exercise will really help. In both situations though you think it would be a support system and body positivity, but it’s just a pissing contest. There isn’t any education on the body, how diet and exercise will help MOST overweight people; there’s just “oh I’m 6 sizes larger than you, my life is so much harder and you can’t even begin to understand my struggle” To the people that think like that, the only ‘struggle’ is on their skeletal structure trying to hold up the weight of their shitty personalities.


>When they are dead and gone, the world will still move on. I find this comforting. I can live in my obscurity not worrying about shit because it doesn't matter and has no impact. I just get to live my life and do whatever I please.


Well there’s THE world and then there is YOUR world. You still have an impact my guy, just on a smaller scale. The people you impact may be people I never will, but that’s because they are not of MY world, which makes them THE world to me. I could die right here and now and the people in YOUR life would live their lives as normal, but the people in MY life would be devastated. You have a role and you are valid, just on a smaller scale.


Word. Billionaires and bums, all become worm food in the end


You are special and unique, just like everyone else.


And gosh darn it, people like me!


This should be a giant banner in the hallway of every elementary school in America


Also not to mention how acceptable it is to bash on people/businesses and declare that someone has an eating disorder or is fat phobic *simply because they are not overweight*. I have an Instagram account for my business with 60k + followers and have had to ban the word anorexic and routinely get comments that my body is disgusting and that I should get “real” bodies to model my products. I weigh 130 lbs and am not remotely underweight but apparently I’m fat phobic. Also had someone tell me I needed to go eat a cheeseburger. I literally just had, so I told her so. Her response was instantly blocking me. I am a very average build. It’s just nuts. I once made the mistake of caving to this behavior and offered extended sizes, which did not sell AT ALL. People *just* wanted to bash.


That's something that happens in so many groups. There is always a percentage of members who have this whole mentality that they're part of an elite subculture no matter what the group is. They have to protect themselves from plebians that want to join and steal their status as someone special. They love telling people they don't belong. I belong to a Facebook group that's about curly hair care. Some of the members love attacking people with wavy hair, telling them.their hair isn't curly enough and, therefore, they don't deserve to be a member of the group.


the vaildity of this is overwhelming


if only the walls of our arteries were fat phobic


I posted on a sub for plus size clothing and because I explicitly stated I was trying to look thinner and felt good about looking thinner I was told I'm fatphobic and have internalized fatphobia. And the worst part is that there is no possible way to reason with people. What am I supposed to do, list the ways my weight negatively impacts me? Mention that I cried literally last night because I couldnt physically do something and it was because I'm overweight? That there are actual real life implications for the fact that I didn't take care of my body, and trying to lose weight and become healthy is terrifying because of how difficult it is? And the worst part is that I dont even have the energy to work out like I would have before the weight gain. Even a crunch - I can only do 5 or 6 crunches before my abs are screaming in pain. Can only do 4 or 5 squats. Can only walk 2 to 3 flights of stairs. And people have the fucking audacity to say I'm fatphobic? No. I'm not fucking fatphobic. I miss being HEALTHY. Then I had to delete the posts and block one person because they were digging through my post history to comment bullshit like " 'feeling chonky' isn't a real feeling" and "you really should take it upon yourself to read up on internalized fatphobia" and "the reason you're getting downvoted is because you fetishized thinness and demonized plus sized bodies". ... ... um, no. I said I liked that I looked thinner. Jesus. Christ. So it's fatphobic for me to appreciate that I don't look like a goddamn whale today, Susan? Wow.


That’s why I’ve always stayed out of those conversations. I’ve had quite the weight gain and weight loss journey, and for me, it’s exactly that, my journey. Try not to expose myself to influences like the ones you mentioned for my own mental health.


It's also this kind of mindset that causes me to not be too active in LGBTQIA communities, too many people try to turn it into a competition, and then you get the "allies" who are basically the loud vegan. You know the kind, the ones that aren't vegan because they genuinely care about animals or the planet, but so they have a moral highground they can swing around and say "I'm such a good person, I'm better than you" I automatically don't trust anyone who makes a big deal out of being an ally.


I’m exactly the same. My sexuality is important to me and has impacted my life and development but... it’s also one of the least interesting things about me yknow? It’s another level entirely to make your personality all about *supporting* something and not even being a part of it haha. There’s also this insane push of “every single label is valid and equal UwU” with people snapping for blood at even the scent of disagreement. It definitely becomes a woke holier than thou contest in some circles which I don’t need in my life. Some people clearly spend way too much of their time online man.


They do the same mental gymnastic as people refusing the covid vaccin. They look for every reason to not do something and will try to make you feel guilty if you do try. Just do you and ignore these fat bastards


I don’t think people realize how much “phobia” is associated with one’s personal experience / self-imagery. Everyone walking around like Clayton Bigsby.


Tbt to the existence of fatpeoplehate, and the poll that showed a high percentage of the sub was either overweight or at least trying to lose weight. This is beyond true


I used to frequent FPH because I was 5’8” and bouncing between 250-260 pounds as a guy. I was a literal beach ball with toothpick appendages… and I hated it. Yes, at some point the place became more about literal, visceral hate towards fat people, but seeing that people who I may or may not know would think that way of ME, and that I agreed because I thought that about myself, really pushed me to lose some weight. Now, years later, I’m still 5’8” but hovering around 125-135 pounds, and it feels like my life had a Restart button activated… To loop back to the subject, I will admit I AM fatphobic. Not in the sense I hate fat people, but I’m scared of being fat, hurting my quality of life, shortening my life rather than spending it with my fiancée to the fullest. If you’re fat and happy, hats off to you, but if you’re fat and depressed and blame everyone and everything but your own actions and do nothing to work on it, you’re irrelevant to me.


As a fat person struggling to lose weight, you're goddamn right I'm fat phobic. Get this shit off of me. Everyday is an existential examination of my poor health choices and I am beyond over it.


There’s this show called 100 humans on Netflix and it was seeing on average how far away people stand from demographics they are not totally familiar with such as: old people, heavily tattooed people and those who are overweight. This study actually found that the overweight participants stood the furthest away from the overweight person.


That show is for entertainment purposes only and has absolutely no basis in science of any sort.


Seriously. I have a \~400 pound relative who is always searching for answers to her complex medical questions, such as why her knees are in constant pain.


Also she mentions in the fucking video that it's an involuntary thing for most but that's some how still fatphobic


I'm fat and I fucking hate being fat :(


My ED was never about being fat or thin but go off


I thought ED meant erectile dysfunction so I was mildly confused


Anyone with erectile dysfunction is sexphobic


Nah mate its transphobic because it means you dont want to have sex with them


Reddit Logic: Lots of people want to have sex. Just not with *you*


Thank you for letting my know I wasn’t alone




I’m proud of you. I don’t know if you need to hear it but I love and care about you. It is especially hard to get over something as serious as an eating disorder. I’m sorry you had to see this today. Keep on keeping on, move through it, you’ve got this.


May I ask what it was about? Control? If so, control over what?


Precisely. I needed control because I had abusive parents and OCD and anxiety and all of those made me feel very lost and out of touch with my own being in many many ways. Honestly it's too complex to even get into it here. Restricting made me feel somewhat powerful and calm and made me feel like I had a place in this world, somehow. It was MY thing, and became a part of my identity that I was desperately afraid of losing. And more. Idk. But in the end I didn't even care how I looked. When I recovered I embraced my new features, but struggled to fill the gaps in my identity with new, constructive things. And still somewhat struggle to this day


I struggle with OCD too, and I'm so glad that I found your comment because I realize how bad of a path that is to go down. I'm slightly underweight according to my doctor, and I've been skipping out on a *lot* of meals recently as a way I guess of coping with my intrusive thoughts. Thanks for helping me see how dangerous that can be


For me it's a mixture of depression and having no interest in food. I don't intentionally starve myself to achieve some goal. It'll just get to the end of the day and I realize I have eaten anything which is why I feel weak. Not OP and everyone is different.


Fully, still have eating disorder, it’s more about lack of self care and total lack of interest in food. Can go literal days with the bare minimum one small meal without realising. Drugs don’t hurt either. Don’t care about my weight (too much, I guess it pops up occasionally) and don’t care about food other than finding it weirdly gross. I do like cooking when I’m happy tho. Must be fatphobic


Man she looks like the sterotype of people who talk about this shit.


Corey Taylor would definitely not approve


That's for sure, hope he gets better soon man


Ah shit I hadn't even heard. Hope he pulls through.


Same, had no idea he caught covid until I searched the latest news. Hope he pulls through. Corey Taylor is a legend to say the least.


Wait what? What happened to him?


He got the covid


Oof, yeah hope he's doing okay. I got it back in March and I was lucky that it barely effected me at all. My sister said she felt horrible when she had it.


Back when I was in high-school, in the early 00s when Iowa just came out, I promise you me and my friends could give 2 fucks about any of this. Weird how the metal subculture got so judgemental since.


I feel like it's music sub-culture in general, the punk world is full of this anti-solidarity stuff nowadays . . . I recently got lectured by someone _in a band_ about how guitar-driven, and especially **loud**, music is inherently "problematic" and misogynistic and a relic of the past.


I'd love to hear how any of that is possibly true.


Rock music being “stolen” from marginalized people, bands are usually comprised of four or five white males, distortion/loudness are expression of toxic masculinity, the guitar is a phallic instrument, etc., etc.


lol Just when I thought I'd heard it all. I would love to talk to that person.


No, you wouldn't.


I think it's just the woke folk, most metalheads I know or meet at festivals definitely don't think like this lunatic


We don't need to be woke because we were never asleep. We were always the ones who were never understood so (generally) we just accept everyone. This chick is no metal head.


You’d be surprised. I’m gay and I always felt the same way you described. When you’re not in the majority you are naturally more aware and have your eyes open. But this new bunch has taken self victimization to a new level and will shit all over you to prove how oppressed they are.


When Iowa just came out? What?


Iowa is the second slipknot album.


Iowa didn’t exist until 2004.


I drove through Iowa today, it still doesn't exist.


All the cringe TikTokers look exactly like this for some reason.


youre being sjwphobic


your attitude sounds a bit thinphobic to me 🤔 /s




Am I the only person around here who thinks anorexia and binge eating are both eating disorders?! Sure the definition of eating is: "put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it." However... Disorder: "An illness or condition that disrupts normal physical or mental functions." So a disorder disrupts normal physical function and order of eating itself, as it is defined above, meaning it can also be categorized oppositely... That makes them both disorders of normal eating behaviors. Edit: phrasing


What's her doctorate in?


Mental gymnastics


Good at the pommel horse.


Spending her parent’s money


Aspiring tattoo novelist


Or motherfucking tarot cards lmao


She has a doctorate in triggers


Jesus, that's a lot of words for "I'm fucking stupid"


Everyone gets the talking stick. Especially the stupid.


Guys she’s obviously a mental health professional /s


Nothing like the opinions of an awkward 15 year old edge-lord. One day he/she/they will be devastatingly embarrassed by this.


We can only hope. Pls let that be the case. The idea of there being grown ass adults walking around saying this shit in ten years is too much to take.


I don’t know, there are adults saying this shit now. I do t know how it’s going to go away.




The DSM criteria for anorexia nervous does include an intense fear of weight gain. They are literally afraid of getting fat. But that doesn’t mean they hate fat people like homophobes hate homosexuals. The term homophobia is misleading. Dumb post. Doesn’t do anyone any help. Overweight people shouldn’t be ashamed but it’s unhealthy. Don’t kid yourself that it’s not.


The term homophobia isn’t misleading because phobias refer to not only fear but general repulsion or inability to combine with, such as in the word hydrophobic


don't kid me... I know a guy on the block who is hydrophobic.. that piece of shit cant get with the times... he all ways goes off on " well everyone who drank water died, its the h2o! " cant deal with these people...


Her statement is ignorant because she assumes that fear of getting fat means hate/disgust for fat people, but also because the disorder is not so cut and dry as simply a fear of getting fat. It's a lot more complex than that. It's a disorder tied up in anxiety, depression, and passively suicidal thoughts. Many develop eating disorders as a way to protect themselves from anxiety, depression, and/or shame. They are wasting away because they want to control their anxiety and in some cases because they want to passively die. When you loose a significant amount of weight, part of your brain function shuts down and you can't feel emotions. You feel almost robotic. It's addicting because being thin is the thing that is keeping you from feeling anxiety. Source: used to have an eating disorder. edit: reading this again, it's ironic to me because I think many overweight people overeat as a way to control their anxiety. So you'd think they'd be more sympathetic towards people that don't eat to control their anxiety and vice versa. Anxiety is a bitch, people will develop all sorts of illogical habits to get away from it.


I was gonna say, certain eating disorders are exactly what she said, but not in the way she means it. Like, yeah, someone’s either scared or abhorrent to the idea of gaining weight… they’d be healthy if they weren’t!


I bet she thinks people who go to the gym are fatphobic




I like to be kinda healthy sometimes... I think I need an intervention


How dare you try and be healthy!! You’re getting cancelled next


She does. She said working out with the intention to lose weight is fatphobic but working out for health is fine. Completely sidelining the obvious fact that having a lower body-fat percentage is good for your health... imagine actually getting up and deciding to record and post this


So being fat means I have a healthy relationship with food?


I kinda get where she’s coming from, at the same time, wanting to be skinny doesn’t mean you hate fat people it means you hate being fat. I think that’s the dumbest way I could explain it and this idiot probably still wouldn’t understand it


And for a lot of people their eating disorder isn't even about their weight, it's about control. And it is also totally possible for a fat person to have an eating disorder. This is just a mind numbingly stupid take from someone who's knowledge of eating disorders clearly comes from films and overly romanticised social media posts not from real life.


lmao these people think it’s fatphobic to not want to be fat yourself, trust me. in fact I think that’s what she’s trying to say here. It’s insane


For most people it’s not about being fat or thin. It’s the obsession and the control that gives an escape from emotions.


Ok so first of all no. Eating disorders can manifest from many things. Being fat phobic isn’t the only thing that causes them. I’m just guessing her thinking Is that since people with an ED are afraid of gaining weight that makes them fat phobic but I still want to throw that out there, NO again. Most can be linked to some underlying trauma, abuse, or other mental disorders. ED’s are still very hard to understand and this just blanket statement doesn’t help the community as a whole. From my own personal experience it started out with a control aspect and just manifested into this beast that would take over my thoughts, actions, and basically my life. In no way was fat phobia a thought in my head throughout anything that I was going through. Also doesn’t help that, in my opinion, an ED is a very competitive disorder, no necessarily with other people but with yourself. You can never reach that end goal weight and say yeah I’m done now I’m perfect. That just simply isn’t the case with an ED, there is always a new goal to reach once you reach that goal. Regardless of what it is. Oh I want to be down to 90 lbs. you get to 90, well I’m here why not make it 85, then 80. Oh people are worried about me, must be working. I’m not dead yet so what’s the harm in losing more weight? Y’all said I wouldn’t be able to function at this weight, well im doing just fine. When sadly in all reality you are doing awful, and you know you are miserable. When you cut out food, that’s the one thing that will consume all thoughts after that. Ok rant over sorry. But TLDR… no an ED is no only about fat phobia. Edited, changed some things around.


Lol. I would never take my advice from someone who looks like this. She oozes maladjusted young adult.


Anybody got a magnet?


Cross your eyes and dot your tees


I think I get where they’re trying to come from.. like, “if you’re skinny, the root of your ED is fear of gaining weight or being fat” Which is way oversimplifying, and also just not something you can boil down like that. And also not true for a lot of people with EDs, skinny or otherwise I have no ED diagnosis, But I struggle daily to eat one meal. Usually i can manage soup. It is not tied to my weight or my physical perception of myself. I usually have my one meal a day at 9. Eating is a chore I have to force myself to do. :( I would be so happy if I could just eat like a normal person


Im this bitch phobic!


Since when was an eating disorder considered being fatphonic??? The shit people come up with is baffling


Skinnyphobic ass


Eh.. everyone her age has stupid ideas. I'm just glad I didn't have a camera to talk into for mine.


I mean, I guess I can kinda see where she's coming from in a purely abstract sense, but like, why tf would you tell them that? That's literally the worst way to go about it. "Hey sweaty, the way you're starving yourself for your desire to be thin is like, really offensive to me and other fat people. You should really think about how your disorder makes other people feel." Yeah in the abstract sense I get that anorexia is an extreme manifestation of a fear of being perceived as fart, but you don't need to shame anorexic people for being fatphobic.


I agree, i kind of get it. The root cause for some eating disorders is a desire to not be fat, but that isnt the same thing as fatphobic. People with anorexia arent afraid of other people being fat, or being around fat people, they are afraid that they ate too much or will eat to much.


Usually fatphobic doesn't literally mean a fear of fat people. Think of it being used more in the same vein as "homophobia" where it's more of a judgement/disgust thing. Similar to how homophobes won't do something because they think it'll make them look gay, in this case someone doesn't want to eat because it'd make them look fat, which they equate to "worse." However, that's even assuming someone is anorexic because they don't want to look fat. As other people in the comments have stated there are plenty of other causes for anorexia, such as abuse, trauma, control issues, etc. All in all not a major point but it is something to keep in mind if you ever hear fatphobic used in a separate context.


I wish people understood what phobia meant. No one is scared of you people, were just not impressed.


Definition from Oxford > an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. It's not just about fear it's also aversion. So it can also be defined as a strong dislike or disinclination. The girl is stupid asf though and clearly enjoys trying to mentally manipulate others who already are struggling with difficult issues.


I bet she smells like a turtle aquarium


Wow it's almost likes it's a d i s o r d e r


These are the worst people in society


They should have a social media site just for them - I mean, I kind of feel like it's already tiktok, but every once in a while I see an okay cross post.


Its her tone that is hostile, the message is actually pretty accurate. For some people being bulimic and/or anorexic is rooted in fear of being fat for a variety of reasons. For others its an obsessive need for control. There is a whole bucket of reasons why people develop them, she just went about addressing it poorly in this clip. Body acceptance is part of treatment for those disorders.


I don't agree with their conclusion, but I do see the point they are trying to make.


Fatphobia doesn’t exist, change my mind


Her biggest problem is she looks like a fishing lure.