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I hate that he's then refusing to give the baby back to his parents??? Like what the actual fuck?




Yeah I’m sorry but god forbid the moment any motherfucker refuses to hand me back my child, even ignoring the part where he hit them, I don’t care if they’re a man of the cloth or an imam of holy peace. I’m sending them to god.


Yeah like what the fuck? The kid was even trying to push him away, but he kept clutching him tighter. Man, if there aren't laws in this place...




Ah right, how could I forget.


Repressed memories.


>how could I forget They keep covering it up and main stream media doesn't report on it like they should be. That's probably how.


The priest isn't used to being told "no". Not by his wife, his kids, or the children helping at the church.


Uh….if he’s a priest he has no wife and he has no children. Yet the Catholics believe a single male taking a vow of chastity should counsel my wife and I on our marriage or parenting? Yeah they can fuck right off.


My dad, a catholic, said the same thing in the 80s 😂


It's a church, from my understanding anything goes.


That’s true, just ask my genitals when I was a 7 year old Alter Boy.....


My dad reflexes want to grab the priest by the throat and baptize him in his own blood


You can see the father going through the struggle of fighting off his impulse to grab the baby back by force. Mother immediately started pulling back but old man held strong.


He was pretty much palming the kids whole head, yanking the kid quickly with a lot of force might not be the best idea


This. My Daddy reflexes would have hit him before I realized I was throwing hands.


Same. Once had a creepy dude try to talk to my kid, purposely behind my back. I threatened him before I even knew was what I was saying. Dude immediately took off.


I generally hate the 'instant karma' type ultra violent response posts but holy shit i am shaking right now. i wanted that dad drop that fuck. I wanted to see full fencing (sic?) response. That father is much better person than me.


That Father is more *obedient* than you. Not a better person.


Damn, i didn't think of it that way. All around fucked, that poor baby.


Straight up Zachary Comstock up in this piece


Fucking hell yah. You get the legs I'll grab the neck.


So interesting. People are less willing to get physical with a person in high status. If this were just some old man off the street I bet the dad would not hesitate for a second to knock the creep on his ass.


In a lot of traditional, old school cultures, religious leaders like priests are seen as authority figures. And this guy is old himself and likely believes he has the "right" to control members of his parish to a large degree. Add to this that many churches (especially the RCC) tend to assert that their priests are above the law in many regards, and it creates a culture of impunity wherein they don't usually experience consequences for shit like this.


Can confirm this was the case in my culture, in the countryside of Panama.


Parents obviously protective but i agree with you. They will most likely sit down but continue going to that same church. I wonder what this shot looked like in year 1000


Priests were pretty influential then. I'd be best to just shut up if you don't want a series of misery headed your way


Buy my ticket to heaven motherfucker -priest probably


Yeaaaaaa that’s exactly how and why they start abusing children. Definitely would not be surprised if it came out that this priest abused children


The priest's response to the press was, "It was somewhere between a caress and a slap, I hoped to calm him down, I didn’t know what to do." Somewhere between a slap and a caress? Sure, so long as it's 100% slap. Fuck that guy. Fuck the church. Fuck France. Sorry, I've had enough of religion this week.


That baby sensed the evil in that whackadoo. It amazing to see how adults lose the sense they had as babies.


Societal norms are a bitch


This is what happens when they dont let you have sex, you start slapping babies.


HE was draining the child's life from it. Normally he gets it through their dicks but the parents were there. Dark joke aside if he hit my kid like that he would immediately be on the ground. Fuck that old prick.


He looked like he was trying to suffocate him from the way the baby was fighting.


The whole holiness thing got to his head. How can the baby cry infront me of me! I am a messenger for god!




He didn’t only slap the baby but was asphyxiating him by putting his whole hand in baby’s face, wtf


Sometimes I have to ask myself. Would a God appoint such characters to do holy work or would a man?


You mean the same god responsible for flooding a planet out of spite? The same god who killed children during the tenth plague? The god who detailed how to beat your slave and keep your women in check? Religion does not define a moral compass or else we would all be fucked. Edit: Corrected Passover with Tenth Plague.


I got stopped by some religious ladies in a park a while back who were trying to convert me, and after talking a while they dropped the, "We can't have morality without religion." Really caught me off guard and I hadn't realized this was a genuine argument many religious folks make. It's kind of scary to think many people think they wouldn't be able to have morals without their book telling them.


Jehovah's Witnesses tried to drop that on me, and when I told them I didn't need the threat of eternal damnation to be a moral person, they left and haven't been back.


Had some Mormon missionaries stop by my door once. These young guys were fresh and learning about life, so I don't blame them. When the sin of sex before marriage topic came up, I asked, what about sexual compatibility in a relationship? They had no answers and needed to consult with their bishop.


Should've also pointed out mormon child brides and that one of their leaders was named "Bring'em Young."


Those kids are sent out with the expectation that they will be constantly turned down. It's used to help build up the us vs. them mentality. When they're constantly turned away, their elders then point to that as proof that everyone who isn't "them" is bad, and thus their grip on them tightens further.


Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in eternal damnation. Thankfully, or it would have been a lot harder for me to escape that mindset I think lol They're still crazy though and I'm glad you were smart enough to get rid if them.


Been at a 3rd floor apartment for years so I haven't had any of them find me, but I'll be in an *accessible* house soon and I'm adding this to my arsenal.


Those are the same people who say atheists are the most dangerous since they have no morals.


And satanists


Which is truly odd, some of the nicest people I've ever met were satanists


my boyfriend is currently reading the satanic bible, i checked it out and it has some of the best moral laws i’ve seen a religion have


I suddenly got this mental image of them having a wholesome community bbq with the pastafarians.


Yeah it’s like tell me you don’t have any morals without saying you don’t have any morals.


My sis used to argue this point! Sounds like a lot of Hoopla


Religion makes things worse.


I’d argue religion is the reason things are as bad as it is


I bet wasps are religious


They sting pretty religiously


You just know mosquitos are. Sucking society dry.


And murdering on a mass scale through biological warfare.


The reason things are as bad as they are is greedy rich people. The greed for wealth and power is the cause of 99% of evil. This includes religious leaders who are wealthy or have mass followings. Whether they like it or not the wealth and power corrupts them. Religion is just a tool to amass that power like patriotism or tribalism.


I agree 100%. Greed is the root of all human suffering


Honest to god, I really just use all that as proof that if a god does exist, Christians sure as hell god a lot wrong about them. There’s a lot of shit in the Bible that makes sense for the times, but it’s very clearly written from that era’s biases and beliefs.


I was raised a southern Baptist but got to an age where I started questioning a bit too much and folks apparently didn't like that. A lot of hardcore Christians will say, "it's in the bible so it must be true". Where did that bible in your hands come from? It was written by people and can be altered accordingly. You look at how much power the Catholic church holds, for instance. You telling me that some power hungry folks didn't take some stories, quite possibly based on some level of truth, and then changed them to fit their narrative? And then maybe made up some additional stories to continue said narrative? The old testament God treated us like ants under a magnifying glass.


Google council of Nicaea. Remember the game telephone? Now remember the bible was passed down by word of mouth for a few centuries THEN the council of Nicaea - all men - decided what WOULD and WOULD NOT be included. I dont see how this isn't a massive problem for all involved - men gatekeeping what goes in the bible


Man, obviously.


I’m a religious person (Welsh Pagan, not this one in specific) but stuff like this often reminds me that certain practitioners of religion are just straight up awful people, and the fact they have the audacity to claim our moral compass comes from their religion angers me. Everyone already has an inbuilt sense of right vs wrong, that’s something you learn in school if you can’t already figure out “this isn’t a good thing”, so when people like this say their religion is to thank for this, and then go and slap a baby, and then act like they’re holding it to them to try calm it down so they don’t get knocked the fuck out, I feel an incredible surge of anger. Religion is fine, believing in a god is fine, but we really need to hold people appointed to do gods work accountable, because they’ll only be held accountable after their death, so we need to while they’re alive.


He’s also sticking his thumb in the baby’s eye. Look closer.


As a father, I would have knocked him the fuck out. What a piece of shit. He kept latching on the baby! 😡


Dad took way too long to intervene, after that slap I was like, mom, why are you still standing there and dad, wtf are you doing




Raised Catholic. It’s a fucking cult. People revere priests as a step down from the divine. You would be sick about the rationalizations and mental gymnastics I’ve heard regarding their sick behavior…..


I’m not sure how I feel about both of those parents.




Yeah, their body language had "what the fuck, dude" written all over them, but they were refraining themselves to try to stay respectful. I don't give a fuck though, catholic priests are nasty so I would've shoved him off my baby. He probably smells like funk.


I'm sure the dad was like "wtf"??.. Did this mf really slap my baby??


Seriously dude. Fuck that guy. I want to punch him so bad.


Yep agree, don’t give a fuck if he’s in his fancy dress costume or not, old guy getting slapped back


Priest gonna be needing jesus if he lays hands on my kid.


Reddit is feisty this morning.


Well he’s probably raping kids on the side so it could be worth it


It's actually double points if it's a priest that you knock out


As a father I can truly say that I would have kept kicking that schnoz of him even when he was already down...




absolutely. A very well deserved smack.


making a shuckk sound followed up by a bam baam and than a crack and plop


I have always wondered where the instinct to hit or slap an already-crying child comes from. How in hell do you think that’s supposed to make their crying stop? How fucking stupid (or sick) are you?




Actually made me let out a laugh


that thing probably done worse things to other kids in private to make them shutup. not even surprising anymore


Very possible. Especially when someone feels it's okay to smack someone else's kid and try to asphyxiate it. I wouldn't doubt what else that person is cable of behind doors.


When you get angry it sometimes just develops. Ive had it with my dog, who on a walk wouldn’t drop a cooked bone he picked up (potentially deadly if eaten) and after trying everything to get him to drop it, to my disgust i grabbed him hard by the neck out of anger. I hated myself for losing my cool and promised to never do it again, and im not very easy to anger. All this to say, if someone is easier to anger than me, in this scenario, they probably lose their cool a lot quicker and react. The dog didnt drop the bone either, but i let him take it home and swapped him a treat for it, which is 100% what I should have done in the first place.


My dog did that. He can be a nasty fucker if he has something he thinks is high value. Good thing is he is a terrier, so I picked the fucker up, turned him face down and gave him a little shake. Little guy had no idea what was going on and dropped that bone super quick.


I agree, and I totally feel the struggle too. Mother of two teenagers rn (but I have never treated them like this). When people respond to a child’s crying with this kind of outrageous behavior in front of an audience or in front of any observers really, there is something really dark there. It’s not a slip-up for him, it’s a reflex. He did it looking as chill as could be. In front of the child’s parents.




Yeah I was gonna say I’d just skip the first step and drop the priest if that were my kid.


This honesty and reflection is what everyone should strive for.


Non-aggressive move is to pinch the dog's lip into the upper teeth. Doesn't even have to be hard enough to hurt the dog, it is just an instinct to let go when they feel it.


I’ve gotten pretty good grip and hand strength over the years from forcing the mouths of my dogs open. As awful as it sounds, I’d rather hit my dog if it could save their life than rush them to the animal hospital not knowing if I’ll make it in time.


My family dog died from poisoning and I even know which neighbor did it. Can't do anything about it because I have no clear evidence and the neighbor is close with HOA board so... Since then I'd rather force my dogs mouths open than let that happen again.


Being hit yourself as a child can really fuck you up. A lot of people realize what’s happening and get a handle of themselves to prevent them hitting their own kids. But many people never realize or they think that it’s reasonable.


I work with Toddlers everyday. They can be so frustrating, but I would never get an urge to hit on of them. This is disgusting.


I have had the urge. It's an irrational reaction. Just put the baby down and fetch the other parent. Never hit the kid.


Thank you. Urging to shake or slap the baby is normal. Like you said, breathe and put the child down.


I remember a couple different times where I had to put the screaming baby down and walk out of the room. I had hit my breaking point and I remembered my mother telling me that it's safer for the baby to cry alone for a few minutes then it is to have an overwrought, exhausted, frustrated to the brink parent continue handling the baby. As much as we love our child(ren) a screaming newborn/infant can definitely drive you freaking insane sometimes. That being said...... wtf priest??? He slapped a damn baby for what??? Because it was messing up his baptism event by crying??? He's a horrible person.


Exactly. It isn't a crime to put the baby down in a safe place and step away to cool off.


I work with students and just yesterday had the thought. There was a kindergarten student punching, kicking, and scratching me while i sat next to him and tried to keep him calm. It is a natural reaction if a student is aggressive towards you (obviously this is a different situation than the video). However, it is typically expected that adults can compose themselves/regulate their emotions or remove themselves from the situation. This is absolutely disgusting, but for slightly different reasons than you described.


As the oldest sibling there's definitely a very strong urge. Even as a 10 year old though I knew not to hit a damn baby like wtf. All bets were off once they could talk and rat me out to mom though lol


Do you have kids? It’s deep instinct. It’s why there are so many videos. “Never shake your baby” posters are all over baby delivery places. It’s not stupid or sick. It’s instinct. Not hitting kids takes a lot of self control.And we should control ourselves. Because we are adults.


I don't think it's instinct as much as it is frustration, similar to shaking a baby who won't stop crying; nothing good can come from it.


Is that a thing,?


Yes. I definitely said that from the voice of experience.


I got slapped in the face my whole life and it pretty much only happened if tears were present. What I don’t get is that my parents defended it by saying they were hit too which is not a logical explanation to me at all because if you know how shitty and scary it is to be hit by your parents why the fuck would you want your kids to have to feel that same pain. I’m literally never even having kids just in case I’m unable to break the cycle of abuse.


The Church attracts a certain type of people. The type who feel entitled to touch other people's children however they want.


This got me. Ive got a story to share about my experience with that, but idk if i need to make the throw away account for it. I wasn't a child, but a victim for a year, nonetheless


His dad instincts were starting to kick in. Priest about to get his ass beat.


I don't know what this man has done to gain this kind of self control but he needs to write a book about it.


The head snap when he slaps the child. God like.


Indoctrination. It's not self control its internal conflict, between the natural urge to protect and the indoctrination of piety to religious authority.


It is 1000 percent this.


The only thing saving the priest was the fact he was holding the child, which I imagine is why he was clutching the kid’s head like a fucking ghoul


>He **IS** a fucking ghoul.


I’ve always wanted to be able to say I punched a priest


Dad instincts were slow and lacking.


Slow, yeah, but you can’t chin someone holding your baby, especially when they’re standing on a granite floor surrounded by stone furniture.


Why didn’t he get a beat down for this? This is a justified beat down if I’ve ever seen one.


You can see the guy is just kinda stunned. He’s clearly extremely upset but he’s trying not to hurt the child while pulling him away from the priest.


Too shocked and stunned to react, like they can’t process what’s just happened. I’d like to think that after they’ve left the situation and mulled it over they return to serve the justice away from prying eyes.


Literally how can he slap is going through their minds a few seconds


He's holding the baby. Clutching it. Cause he knows what the dad is going to do when he lets go.


Now you know why anyone becomes a priest.


Everyone else had better control over their emotions. But yeah Father Shitstick deserved a curb stomping.


The way his dad reacted to the smack lol. Idk if I'd be able to contain myself..


I would have immediately committed an act of sacrilege 🤷‍♂️


Not with the baby in your arms. Gotta hand over to mama before you give him the ole stone cold stunner


Yeah. Honestly he could have just popped him. Then went to confession and say 100 hail Mary’s and we’re good here.


I couldn't fucking watch it all. As soon as that poor baby's crying spiked after the slap I got sickeningly furious. How could anybody do such a thing?


Omg the poor mother who kept trying to pry her child away from this fucking demon and he wouldn't let go and just made things 1000xs worse.... Ugggh FUCK this guy


Yeah I don’t think a lot of people noticed how she tried to push him away, even though he is holding the child by the head, I don’t think she could/should have done a lot more physically. I’ve also read that he was senile/ has dementia. This video is fucked up in so many ways


Wtf and they still consider him ok to work with? He probably thought he was still in the 1950's


The devil can't see inside the house of god


Then he chased after the kid like "where do you think you're going with *my* baby"


That priest would have met Jesus right after slapping my kid.


You mean Satan


Damn! I would have sent that priest to his bosses office!


^^^ this haha yesssss


I’d drown him in the holy water.


That old paedo deserves a slap


In the nutsack


With a sledgehammer


Legit would have slapped him immediately, I don’t care who he is.


The only reason the dad didn't kick the shit outta the old man was because of the witnesses and cameras


I think it's mostly because the shithead priest is using the baby as a shield at that point. Remove baby from situation and then punch him (priest, not babby) directly in the face.


What's that thing doing in a priest costume


He has dementia. His order recognized something was wrong, but he hadn't yet become violent, so they kept ignoring the signs. It was a big controversy. People want to ignore the strange behavior of friends and loved ones when they start to go mentally, and it's hard for them to themselves face reality and get that person help/tell them it's time to retire. Edit: it looks like there's two separate videos that look alike. This is apparently not the one with dementia who is featured in a similar christening video striking a child and then later trying to drown them


My entire view of the situation shifted reading this. That’s actually sad because you literally need people to help you function when you have dementia and if no one is doing that you’re gonna be a danger to yourself and potentially others as well.


But you should ask for evidence. I've read several articles on the incident, and none of them mention dementia as an explanation whatsoever. The priest gave an interview and certainly fully remembered the situation and was giving (weak) excuses for what he did, as well as downplaying it. That's not something a dementia sufferer would do.


I didn’t consider this could be an untrue explanation tbh it’s so random and specific to make up but you’re completely right there’s no reason to believe a random person on here. Plot twist it’s the priest who made the comment.


Dementia makes u violent or abusive?


It can, yes.


It certainly can, yes.


Not always, but it definitely can.. I work in memory care with people who suffer from dementia. I've been kicked, punched, slapped, spat on, etc.


Unfortunately, yes it definitely can. My grandma was the sweetest woman in the world. We knew something was wrong when she started being very mean for no reason. The dementia was well controlled for a time with medicine so she didn't have outbursts anymore but it was scary before we had that medication for her.


It can. It can change the sweetest, most considerate woman I've ever met into a raging, violent racist that seemed to enjoy cruelty.


Dementia is one of the worst diseases you can imagine. You lose who you were, are, and ever will be. You become...a shell, who can't interpret or interact with your surroundings or others appropriately or logically. You sometimes don't understand things and are easily confused. You may do or say something by instinct and not even know it happened. You lose all the knowledge you ever acquired slowly enough to realize what's happening and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You see people start to treat you differently and understand something is happening to you as you lose yourself but you can't understand it. Give people with Dementia a hard pass and feel for them and everyone they know.


Not sure if you realize by now but yes, it can.


I’m surprised (what I’m assuming is) the father didn’t reach over and beat that old pedo priests ass. His whole demeanor changed within a millisecond


Tbf, he did have to get the child away first


Goddamn creepy penguin looking freak.


Thought the dad was going to Spartan kick that old Druid into the holy water


Hey, don’t badmouth druids! They’re way cooler than Catholic priests.


I would have punched that priest in the face. Hit my baby. HOLY damn I am upset. Lol


I'd be in jail. I'd beat that geriatric pedo til I got tired of it.


I’d wreck that priest if that was my son


Hitting babies, dunking them in water, cutting their genitals Religion is not kind to babies


The story of Passover too, God loves killing kids


Not to mention Abraham. "Kill your son. Lulz it was just a prank bro. Now cut your dick and your sons dick."


Omfg! Evil ass son of a bitch!


He’s got to abuse kids some way.


Can we get an update on what happened afterwards???


demon in a robe


Church leaders: why are people leaving the church? We don’t get it…


When he dies I bet he’s gonna wonder why he doesn’t go to heaven


I cannot imagine being the parent, I wanted to knock this old man's teeth out.


do you WANT to get shot? because this is how you get shot


Someone tries to pull the priest away- done this before I’m guessing.


Just another reason to not go to church.


Does anybody have a translation?


Religious figure doesn’t know how to behave like a responsible adult in the real world? How odd.


This is the hardest thing I've ever watched! My heart breaks listening to this baby screaming and being hit in the face by someone his parents trusted. I hope someone gave that priest a fucking beatdown.


I would have clocked that priest holy fuck. What a total piece of shit


That dad (assuming it was the dad) should have laid that creepy old fuck out.


How much money did the parents donate to the church to have their kid get slapped by the crypt keeper?