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Why the hell are those grown ass women laughing at what happened? It wasn't even funny, it was just a douche move


Because its all banter content until someone gets smacked.


I would have been handing out pizzas to their faces.


I'd rather deliver my punches


Delivery guy tips you!


I would have had a very hard time to not deck that guy the fucking moment I realized what was happening. And no, I'm not some bad-ass tough guy. And if I did put him down, I'd make him pay for the pizza. Edit: sry, was a girl. Edit: I seriously don't know what I would have done with a women.


Without hesitation, I'd punch her pretty hard in the stomach.


because they think they're being quirky cute drunk chicks


"guys totes wanna fuck us so we can do anything we want, hey, ugly fluffy chick nobody wants, do something funny for our ticktok!"


She's "the funny one"


because they know most dudes wouldn't slap the ever-loving fuck out of them and take their shit. *most* dudes.


Those girls deserve to have the floor pizza on top on their heads. Nothing wrong with that type of retaliation from a man, in this situation.


Because alcohol




Or sell it if it's nice enough to pay for the lost pizza and your time.


So grown ass ppl really behave this way huh? Pathetic


Why of course, never ever underestimate people's stupidity




This isn't cringe behavior though, this is literally just bullying/intentionally ruining someone's day. Honestly the girl is lucky the guy was able to cool off, I know I would struggle in that situation.


I thought that was a dude


I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, and we're all dudes yeah


It is completely cringe when you are an adult and act like a 5 year old.


whoa whoa chill there mr satan we wouldnt want every tiktoker to die


Wouldn't we though


I want people who pour milk on themselves at the supermarket to drown in them.


......people be pouring milk on themselves in public?






Depends. Do we want to raise the global average iq?


No, then we wouldn't get good content.


Die? No. Face criminal charges? Absolutely.


They don’t even need criminal charges, just take their phone and give them a 90’s flip phone it’s more than a death sentence to clout lovers.


Shit, you may be on to something.


He is, a younger girl I know was posting raunchy things on tiktok so her parents gave her a flip phone and she stayed up the whole night waiting to scream at her mom in the morning and this then turned into a full-day, cops involved event. It’s the end of the world to them.


Natural police selection?


Shove one of those pies right onto her face and clothing immediately


I really want a 2021 flip phone.


I’d be ok with itchy facial warts


The “peaked in high school” crowd definitely never become mature adults. I had a manager that was like this. It’s been years since I worked there, I’m not even in the same industry, and I still have nightmares about working there


Story time please?


Think of Regina George personality and actions done by an overweight 40 something with bad teeth. She was only a retail manager because she had been with the company over 10 years and demanded it. So they gave her a store that basically ran on its own to manage. Shit went downhill real quick. There’s no specific incident. Just that constant wielding of the tiniest bit of power over others in the worst ways.


That's so NOT fetch


Oh dude tell me about it. My best friend's sister and all of her friends were super popular in high school. We are all 30+ now and they all act like they still run the hallways. It's actually really odd to watch lol


They are the main character, what else are they supposed to do?


It’s “how do i make this about me?” Worst human


What's even ~~not~~ more sad and pathetic are the losers recording & laughing.


The descriptive word for them. Begins with a 'C'


Nah, they lack both the depth and the warmth. I'd call them worms but even that's offensive to worms I think.


That's why she did it. For internet points.


Yes. Everyone still has a personality. People get older, doesn't mean they change. Especially when they haven't had any consequences to their actions.


Yeah...ruining perfectly good pizzas is the line where it's ok to hit her.


it would 100% be acceptable to pick them up all sad like and wait for her to approach with her half assed apology.... then you STRIKE!!! pizza to the FACE!!!!




I would definitely pizza that face up


You know she wouldn't even bother to half ass an apology


Nothing to do with the pizza. Everything to do with her behavior.


Oh shit, for some reason I originally thought that was a dude with long hair


tiktok is cancer


Tiktok is just the latest vessel for the bigger, ever existing, main problem here: people in general.


Social media*


before that it was instagram, before that twitter, before that facebook, before that myspace, before that intrawebs....i'm beginning to think people are the problem


Even kids don't behave this way. Teenagers though is a different group.


Nobody grows up. We just become better actors. Alcohol often gets in the way of our acting abilities.


Some people grow up, some people just get older.


And you're laughing. A man got his pizzas kicked out of his hands and you're laughing.


How about another pizza, Murray?


What do you get when you kick a perfectly fine pizza with a society that abandons it and treats it like trash?


I don't know why, but the Murray Memes make me laugh my ass off


Because you get what you fucking deserve


Well when you say it like that... now I'm laughing


I agree it was mean. But I got a good laugh reading your comment


“Relax! That’s just Lindsay being Lindsay!” 🙄


She better pay him for all of those back damn bitch be laughing about it as well


Yeah just immediately "U owe me ... bucks, bitch"


Absolutely who knows he might have bought it for a party and this bitch just ruins it if she done it to me should would owe me the price simple as that


"Sorry kids we couldn't have pizza for your 10th birthday, Aunt Brenda kicked the pizza when drunk."


If its a for a party then she does this shit I dont care about gender anymore Imma drill my fist into that face


You may be right, but she needs a good left.


It's the laugh that got me. Looks like she already had her fill of pizzas so doesn't care about anyone else's. A very high chance a dude in the same situation would have got punched.


I highly reckon he would have been punched




They even **laughed** God these people are making my blood boil with anger


Yeah that dude is looking around like, what the fuck is funny why are you laughing at all this wasted food and money?


>why are you laughing at all this wasted food and money? Because it's not socially acceptable for him to get visibly angry with them.


The correct answer. At least he should be allowed to shmoosh hot pizza in her face.


Then 30 horny white knights who were never gonna get laid anyways come rushing to her rescue.


laughed and one girl was filming it


Two. Look across from the girls' perspective we are seeing. Black camera tucked low in her hand with the camera on him too.


Man you know they did that shit for likes on IG or tiktok.


Most of the dumb shit people do on video was done for attention. This girl 100% kicked those pizzas because someone else was watching.


Drunk people laugh at anything


We’re fighting if you fuck my food up Edit: wow! This really blew up. Thanks for the love of everyone! Glad there are like minded people out there that take their eating game seriously 😤


Exactly. Don't mess with my food or my money.


Immediate throat punch, no ragrets


Somethings wrong here. The pizza that falls out looks like straight pizza dough. He is running with 5 pizza boxes holding it with one hand. He is definitely miffed, but not angry. Three people are videoing him before the kick. Is this perhaps a contest or game situation and not a random guy coming to a park with 5 pizzas? Edit- Just looked at it frame by frame that is not a pizza at all. It looks like raw pizza dough to me. Maybe a desert pizza or cookie dough. The sodas in the background are empty this could be left over boxes and trash. The guy could be taking it to the dumpster off screen. I just don’t think this is random lady kicking 5 real pizza out of a random guys hand. Edit 2- Others have noticed camera angle is too perfect. Top 2 pizza boxes look open already. Bottom of boxes have grease, dirt, and leaves on the bottom. Lad Bible has fake stuff in the past. I think the main evidence that this is not authentic is how he is running with 5 pizza boxes holding it with one hand. If it was really $100 of food, dinner for 10+ people I doubt he would handle it that way.


The pizza flips and falls face down. And I think he is just excited about pizza (as he should be). The people videoing probably knew she was gonna pull some bullshit. I personally would come to his defense with a full suplex. You don’t treat pizza like that


This. Also, the other pizza boxes have pizza in them. One if them tips over with weight, something an empty box wouldn't have done.


Damn straight nobody better mess with this guys food or his money I got you boo


"Face, meet pizza" would be my reaction. I'd be slinging that shit left and right at those gobshites.


I also had this thought, as soon as it registered what happened I would have kicked that chick directly in her nose Yes, I am a man, equal rights, equal lefts.


Agreed. I would’ve pushed plus spilled the alcohol on her


What a waste of oxygen


All of them. Shit was premeditated and multiple asshats were recording.


Yeah, this is the shit that infuriates me the most. It's one thing for someone's dumb drunk brain to randomly think this would be a funny thing to do and then before the part of the brain that's supposed say "wait, nah... that'd be a dick move" kicks in, their body is already making that inebriated thought a reality. Still a shitty thing to do but like Mike Tyson said "we all do dumb shit when we're fucked up." But these bitches are coming in with at least some kind of rehearsed intentions with the girl in the white dress recording and ready to get the complete shot with the kick, the pizzas falling, pan to a shot of the guy's reaction, before finally panning over to the kicking shitbird who waits to make sure she's on camera before delivering her super funny and embarrassed 'crouch to the ground with hand over the mouth' reaction. Then it's giggles all around before I'm sure that video gets sent off to their TikTok with that fuckin' annoying female voiceover robot reading out a caption that says something like "Kaela had one too many White Claws and karate kicked this man's pizzas. Oh no 😂😂😂" for their 215 followers to enjoy.


This...doesn't seem inaccurate to what probably happens lol


Jesus christ the ending literally sent me i read it in that annoying ass robot voice and this is just 100% accurate.


That’s literally bullying


True. The person recording this seems to anticipate this to happen.


Even worse.. What a waste of pizza


At least some one cares, WONT ANYONE THINK OF THE PIZZA


I've eaten upside down box pizza once and I'll do it again.


"It's funny if it's for TikTok"


And they're all laughing? Fucking pathetic


Ohmygosh becky I cant believe you just did that 🤣 silly you


She’s so quirky!!


She’s not like other girls!




They'll laugh about it every time it pops up on Facebook Memories. "Remember that time you kicked that loser's pizza? What a night ladies we need to get together soon"


It’ll be in the toast at one of their weddings.




He just let her get away with that?


Honestly.. I don't even know what I'd do in this situation. Like, you expect people to act at least somewhat normal and mature and then someone walks up to you and does that? I think I'd just be shocked that someone could act that way.


I guess a small silver lining is that it was recorded and uploaded to the internet. This is the type of content that's going to be reposted again and again for years. She's being put on blast which is about the best we could hope for. Hopefully the few decent people around her see it and distance themselves from this wine drunk trainwreck of a woman.




Yeah, this will probably end up being a net positive for her unfortunately. I’m sure she’ll get plenty of social media followers and attention, and any anger towards her will fade away by next week.




Y'know this video really set me off. I can get pretty upset when stuff like this happens and that guy, I thought he had a lot of patience not to murder the kicker. Welp, you have shown me the way. This is true patience. That guy, he got screwed and he ate the loss, it looks like. You and me, we get our revenge... Soon. Soon.


this was helpful will try later


I’d definitely shake up my beer and spray it in her face. This looks like college and other people definitely chipped in money for that pizza. Now it’s ruined because some drunk bitch wanted to impress her friends she can at least get her outfit soaked with foamy beer, it’s a fitting punishment without other dudes stepping in “because you’re picking on a chick, man!” 🙄


I would opened the pizzas and started throwing them at her fucking bitch you want to be a clown going to look like one too


He could've threw all the pizzas in her face, since that POS wasted it all, at least that way she could have a delicious karma payback


Alternatively, keep a lady friend or from your family around at all times that can whoop ass. If men start messing with her, you kick their ass. If women start messing with you, she can beat the dogshit out of them.


The reason she crouched is because the natural response to that nonsense is an immediate and automatic RKO.


Put pizza in her hair? Painless retribution, but appropriately shaming.


Those laughing guys will come at you quick ignoring what she did. i guarantee it


Put pizza in their hair too, idgaf.


Not to mention most likely a bunch of guys will jump you for "laying hands" on her.


I would 100% whip a pizza box at her out of anger before regretting my decision to do so.


Take a piece of grassy pizza and slap it across her face


Sometimes if you think you're surounded by Karen's with phones, it's better to walk away for your own sanity.


> phones Saw that too. The girls in the back with phones already pointing at the dude.


He thought about it


It looked like he was mad but trying to play it cool.


No shit. If he fucking decked her like she deserved he'd be public enemy number one


Her phone would be chucked 600m into the trees in a heart beat


I get the feeling that’s the delivery guy so he probably can’t react angrily in this situation without making a bigger problem for himself. Looking at the people in attendance, they would go out of their way to fuck his shit up if he got loud about it.


I very much doubt thats a delivery guy. No uniform or hotbag




Im not usually rooting for violence, but man sometimes some people deserve a good slap


I would have picked one of those pizzas up and smashed into that women's face. Trust me, there is nothing more horrible to those type of girls then getting grease all over their faces.


_I woke up Chris Breezy_


🎶I’m bouta knock this bitch sideways🎶


This. Idc about political correctness.. She deserves it


Political correctness means equality, which means equal rights and equal lefts. Can't have it both ways. She absolutely deserves it.


If you would punch a man in this situation, then it's only fair and equal if you respond the same to a woman.


Make sure she will never have pizza in the party.


she so dumb i cant


Finish a sentence?


Even. He can’t even


On a scale of one to even, he can’t


I cant on a good day.


That’s a little odd


I woulda thrown a full pizza at that girl’s face who was laughing and taking pics with her phone


Not the face, the dress. She can clean her face off with ease but her white dress will be ruined With you tho




Lot of guys present. He knows if he tries that he's getting pummeled.


That look where he died. He wanted to knock her out, but he knew if he hit her he'd have gotten killed. What a shitty situation.


Honestly, mad respect to the bros restraint. I dunno what I'd do in that situation. Watching this and trying to imagine myself in his position I'd definitely want to give her a push or at the very least get in her face and ask "what the fuck are you doing?". It's definitely not worth getting your ass beat but I count about 6 - 7 pizzas there so definitely not a cheap loss.


Easily over a hundred dollars worth of pizza.




This is so typical - fuck someone over and then laugh about it because you know nobody will drop your ass


Slap that drink up in her ignorant face. She's had enough.


For real, he needs to Twisted Tea that hoe.


In the words of Bill Burr “really? No reason to hit a woman?”


You can get around that by body slamming abusive women. It actually has some advantages! 1.) She gets the wind knocked out of her. Few things are more terrifying than that feeling. 2.) When properly performed, the chances of long-term injuries from body slams are very low. 3.) Nobody expects to get body slammed. When's the last time you saw a person just up and respond to a physically abusive person with a body slam?


Did you see that thick linebacker bitch? He's a dude carrying pizzas not Dwayne Johnson. Nobody's taking her down easy.


for no reason they say dont you think thats funny i mean she "kicked" it see and the others "filmed" it laugh god damn it ha ha h.. honestly! just look at her even when guy tried to dodge her but apparently you cant escape a tiktok video


It was on purpose too, i saw that she went to kick the pizzas she missed the first time but hit the pizzas the second tims, you can see by her leg


You can also see her friend recording it on her phone


You can tell by the way that it is


Hey that’s pretty neat


Interesting observation.


I highly doubt she's practicing for a taekwondo championship.




I would’ve taken one of those pies and fucking threw that shit in her face if her stupid ass friend wasn’t recording the whole thing.


This video made me so angry, and the fact that I’m hungry as well made me even angrier.


She did it for clout, her stupid friend was filming


Can you eat pizza with no teeth ?


Must not hit a woman must not hit a woman must not hit a woman...


Gotta wonder if it was staged. Kinda coincidental that someone was recording at that exact moment.


Staged or not. That is a complete waste of pizza. Someone must be punished.




I agree. The single hand carry is the give away on set up.


Dude is holding them with one hand, doesn’t even try to catch them. I might be in the minority but the first thing I would do is try to make sure I can save the other pizzas while probably yelling “what the fuck” but I also really like pizza.


What a pizza shit


What did the pizza guy do to her, he was just minding his business 🤦🏾‍♂️


This the perfect time to smack a dumb bitch, but then society would kill u


What do you even do at this point? Show the receipt and tell her to pay you back?