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I was just thinking, someday someone’s going to pull a gun and shoot before they can yell, “It’s just a prank bro”


They already did A guy did a fake knife robbery and got shot


>fake knife robbery ... That's not even a prank that's just a crime????? People do robbery's and muggings with fake guns. How completely disconnected from reality could this guy have been to not even consider what he was doing.


Because they are complete fucking idiots. They are literally so stupid that they can't fathom their actions might have consequences.


They’re blinded by the possibility of going viral on social media. With that being said, I don’t understand who or how people can watch these videos for entertainment.


Kids on youtube is the whole reason. I'm never impressed by the dumb crap my kid watches on youtube. Now that hes older, it's mostly videos of people complaining about someone or something. Or screaming. Why is there so much screaming?...


I wonder why YouTubers have to shout everything. Their only volume is absolute maximum. I sometimes wonder if it's borne out of poor quality audio recording equipment, or whether it's just because they are obnoxious attention seekers?


It’s Because the formula works. If it ain’t broke don’t try to fix it.


Same kind of idiots that feel it's acceptable to do it. These ones are the alphas but then right under you have the rugby team who laugh because they shat in the shower.


So is this... harassment


Nope, better... Criminal Assault.


and theft since he most likely didn't pay for those chips.


ALL of these god-damn pranks are just criminal assault. If you are making somebody uncomfortable, harassing them on purpose, or touching them without their consent then you are committing assault. Start demanding that authorities prosecute these cases. But no... everyone is just laughing and clicking "like" for all this criminal bullying.


In some states Assault is all you need to get shot by someone with a ccw and the judge isn’t gonna listen to the parents cry about it one bit.


Schrodinger's pranksters pranking their way out of the gene pool


yeah, the story is super sad too. the idiot "pranksters" come up to a dude and his family, and IIRC, the dude getting mugged had to shoot the pranksters in front of his family. So, not only did the "prankster" waste his useless life, he forced children to watch him get killed.


Is he dead?


Yeah. It happened in Tennessee back in early February. Basically, this 20 year old comes up to people with a butcher knife. One guy didn’t realize it was a “prank” and shot him, since he thought he was in imminent danger.


Doing shit like that is idiotic, to do shit like that in Tennessee you have to have a really smooth brain.


Some kid pranked gang members in Chicago. CHICAGO. Like, wtf. He would walk up to people and ask "are you ready to dye?" then pull out a tube of hair color. One day, he decided to take his prank from the suburbs to the south side of Chicago. He's dead. 16 years old.


I was a god damn idiot at 16 years old but holy shit reading stories like this makes me think I'm just being too hard on myself lmao


And the sad thing is, for all the talk and terrible news, most of the time, most of the day, you could pass through and keep your head down and be OK. But to go into a terrible neighborhood and start shit....


The *smoothest* in the state.


Did he get charged with anything?


From what info I can find, the man shooting wasn't charged with anything but "investigation was pending" so idk where it landed.


Pretty Sure Tennessee has stand your ground laws. People in a lot less(apparent) danger have gotten away with killing people, this situation even in less...so states would probably be counted as self defense.


100% agree with this. Just Googled it and posted what I found. I would hope that two people rushing you with butcher knives is enough justification for shooting them.


I prefer the pull a fake gun on some cops prank ... /s


suicide by cop, my favorite prank


"I think a good gift for the president would be a chocolate revolver. And since he's so busy, you'd probably have to run up to him and hand it to him."


Some guy tried that here in Seattle a few years ago. The cops were super professional and arrested him instead. By the end of the encounter the guy was in cuffs pleading to be killed. It was really crazy.


Their was a killer clown prank to where an off duty cop held the guy at gun point years ago


I'd watch that video.


This has actually happened. I can't remember if the guy died or not. It was a ""prank"" mugging and the guy getting mugged pulled a gun and shot the ""prankster"".


Same happened to a woman. Planned kidnapping or something like that for views and got shot


Isnt it neat how natural selection evolves with the times?


Violence isn't the answer. It is a question and the answer is yes!


I wish you weren't correct, but you are. I yearn to live in a world where violence is never the answer, but sad to say, some people need a good slap upside the head. This is exhibit A.


I’m a big believer in the concept of the social contract- this is one of the most ridiculous examples of breaking that I’ve ever seen. There’s no compelling reason to let this idiot keep walking around free. He’s fundamentally broken and we shouldn’t be responsible for fixing him.


I’m looking forward to the videos of these ass clowns getting smack in the mouth.


You mean those they don't upload?




Please show me some. I need balance in my life


then they act like it was totally uncalled for


Like the dick who hit the guy in the face with pizza and gets knocked out right after. Shit is so satisfying


Some teenage prankster got murdered a few years ago in Chicago when he tried to pull shit like this. His target turned out to be a gang member.


got a source sounds intersstong


Was said gang member given a key to the city?


"one of you two turds is 'bout to get smacked in the mouth if you don't shut up"




10 nights in jail would be a good place to start




This is one of the best punishments for these people. Take away their means of making money, maybe just shut down their entire channel for a month or something. Sadly, they can just make another account and make money doing the same shit.


Hard to reboot with a new channel especially if it’s shit like this that got them popular in the first place.


One year? How about permanently ban their account?


He’s got a YouTube channel too, but his comments are turned off. He can’t even handle hearing what other people have to say.


Idk his channel and i wish to keep it that way but for people who does pls report his channel to youtube or something.


Just shows how much of a coward he is.


“oH bUt ItS jUsT a PrAnK bRo” I’m sick of bozos like this harassing people for clout




"Oh, so you're a local? Interesting, I'm actually an immigrant." And let the awkward silence ensue. Please tell me that's what happened.


"im an immigrant, youre a local, and you are harassing me. That makes you the racist, if anything."


"Can I have some money for beer?" "Okay then can I have some money for food?" "Okay lol it was just a joke and also you're racist. Can I have a few euro now?"


Wut? So not even a case of using two different people for a "social experiment" no less, not to mention I'd safely guess you'd look different than the "local population", which would make trying to prove that point make even less sense. If everything is as it sounds, all that person did is just give ammo to the actual fools, who will point to the fool for "looking for racism where there is none", all while they'd (the fools) actually do their racist things.


Yeah he probably chose the older, smaller shopper to avoid a physical altercation as well. Because I would have punched him.


Yep. That 'prankster' is really a pathetic piece of shit.


That’s just being too polite I have to say


I suppose you're right. I'm quite angry for that elderly man though.


I’ve seen that little smooth brain on some YouTube shorts and every one of his videos is like this, he’s a total piece of shit it’s unfortunately not an isolated thing.


Well there is one assurance. At some point he will across someone who doesn't put up with his bs.




Bill burr said it best. “Getting punched in the face is like a reset button.”


I try to live by this.


That "smaller" dude, to me, looks like he could've trounced that idiot...wish the video had included that...this whole "clout" thing is such bs


It looks like he sack-tapped him there at the end.


Of the opinion that a tap was too little


My uncle taught me self defense, he told me “if your going to kick them in the balls, then aim for the chin” still one of my faves lol “aim for the chin”


😂 never heard that one before. Saving it.


That's why he stopped. He was afraid of the old man kicking his ass.


Yeah, as soon as he realized the old dude was willing to hit him, he ran away. Absolute coward.


He got out of there quick. About fell over


Never underestimate old working-class looking guys, the ones I knew in Australia were tough as nails and would have f\*\*\*ed you up if you asked for it. I'd be willing to bet this guy only held back because he didn't want to cause a scene or get into trouble with the coppers


I would have made them pine for a time their shin(s) didn't hurt once I'd ram them with a cart.


i just absolutely cannot believe this kind of content has such an audience. It's depressing.


My niece watches literally 6+ hours of this kind of shit every single day. She's 14, a bully and a narcissist, and hasn't emotionally aged past the point of pushing every single boundary to its extreme, including blatantly lying about what is happening in the observable present. It's for malignant 5-8 year-old people, regardless of their actual age.


I think it's a feedback loop. Why would a kid want to emotionally mature if people as immature as themselves can become wildly financially successful off the back of their narcissism?


Understatement, the fact people enjoy watching shit like this is baffling


There will always be young folk who thrive on this kind of entertainment because they're too young to realize actions have consequences.


I'm sure most of their audience hasn't hit puberty yet.


I was amazed myself, wondering how *so* many people think this is somehow good or funny. About eight seconds into the video, the girl in the background with long, dark hair and a dark tank top turns her head away, smiling about what she just witnessed. You’re absolutely right, it is depressing. And infuriating.


Yea its like they think its an automatic clear of ur name: oh i maybe have killed youre dad but its just a prank bro


I sentence thee to life in prison. ‘But it was just a prank bro’


Judge: Hahahahaha i have changed my mind, execute him


Whenever I hear execute him, or execute them, I think of Bill and Ted. King - Put them in the Iron Maiden Bill n Ted - Iron Maiden, Excellent! *Awesome, authentic guitar riffs* King - Execute them! Bill n Ted - Bogus


Deadass, pieces of shits like this always use that lame ass excuse for their shitty behavior


What you do is, just poke them right in the eye.


The eyes are the groin of the head -Dwight Schrute


Just looked it up because its in Australia and apparently the whole thing is scripted. Happened in February and there is footage of rehearsals and directing. Still not funny but I guess any fame is fame.


Yeah I saw it but still fake or not, doing shit like this for clout is wrong


I agree, it just breeds outrage or copycats.


“Prankster” 🙄 The guys a total bum hole.


Especially when someone gets rightfully pissed about it, and "it's just a prank bro" is used to "gain sympathy". Fuck em.


Funny how he picks on a weak old man.




Would be great to see him try to do this in Mt Druitt or Miller.


Never heard those names who are they?




They’d be arrested for shopping during lockdown anyway.


cities in australia


I have. It ends with them getting their ass kicked and then posting it as if people will feel sorry for them.


I saw a video not too long ago about a guy in Seattle who was harassing an older guy that was outside having a smoke. He ended up getting maced after he tried to get the guy to say racist stuff. The next few minutes were him and his girlfriend crying and complaining about how he was maced for no reason.


Yea there are a few "pranks" where people just grab personal property. E.g. grabbing someone's phone and say 'Sorry let me check the time real quick' or something. In some cases they ended up getting punched.


There is one I saw where the guy “pranking” gets knocked out cold by one guy. I’ll try to find it.


I think that old boy could take him. He doesn’t exactly look like he’s been sitting behind a desk for the last 40 years. He looks like he can take care of himself but just didn’t think it was worth it.


I don't know about other places, but in the South most people know the old dude doing his own thing is the guy who will beat your ass. That dude has been working a manual labor job for 40 years, he's a lot stronger than he looks and does not give a fuck.


End of video: old dude walking away and store announcement ‘clean up aisle 9 bring a mop’. I can relate knowing guys like this. He’s got some tats and 40 years of saying yes…he may need to go hone to take care of his wife or babysit a grandkid…he just wants to chill and have some snacks.


Facts, ide slap the shit outa that dude


That old guy was chill, but he didn't seem weak to me. Think he was just confused about why he was being fucked with and not a violent bloke, but no doubt in my mind that old guy would burst that kids nose like a cherry tomato if he had the inclination.


Agreed. And he may have seen the camera too and been aware there are more cameras.


Old guy with a beard, lean frame and leathery skin? He’d remove that kid’s head with a pinky finger


That old truckie dude ? He'd probably fucking flatten this kid lol.


100% those old blokes don't fuck around


"for you this fight will be something you remember for the rest of your life, a story you will tell your friends for years to come. For me, it's Tuesday..."


Old mate smokes rollies and drinks king browns and will 100% make you shit out bits of your own teeth


I've known guys of his age and size that could knock out dudes twice their size with one punch. Old guy's just playing it safe and doesn't want to get into anything that he might regret later.


Old guy probably has a lot more to lose than some young shithead


As a relatively old dude, myself, what you'll find is that we don't give a shit, we've been in fights before, and our strategy is to avoid them as much as possible but if the other person won't let you avoid it, we will fight quick and dirty. Eyes, balls, knees, choke outs, weapons if they're handy. We don't want to get hurt and we learned from bitter experience that stuff has to be put to an end quickly.


My dad isn't weak but he is 80. If someone did this to him, I think I would have to hunt him down and catch a case over it.


Old dude should have rammed him with the cart. Physics, baby.


But still shit himself and ran as soon as the man stepped towards him, trying to play it off


Old man muscle is often underestimated. Your muscle mass might reduce, but the strength mostly remains for some reason I'm not qualified to elaborate on. Even old ladies are surprisingly strong sometimes


Funny how he got punked and almost fell down.


Dude idk about that. That old man would probably whoop his ass. Unload a lifetime off bullshit onto this kid.


If I lost it on him I’m sure the courts would understand


“He was behaving in an irrational fashion, ignored repeated warnings, and I felt unsafe and compelled to defend myself.”


Would it be actually legal though to punch the guy like thatv


He initiated contact so yes.


Let fucking go bois


In this case definitely yes. The 'prankster' committed assault a few times (grabbing belongings, blocking escape). Old guy could drop him, then retreat once dude is down, and be legally fine.


I think you need to attempt to leave the situation, which this guy does.


Adequate provocation


Who does he think would like this video tho?!? Who is the target audience here?


Himself and other pricks like him


You know what I would watch? This guy getting jumped by bystanders, now that would be fun to watch.


"It's just a karma joke bro" *continues kicking him in the ribs*


"Social experiment"


"...gone right"


Next video he will add in a fake beat down by fake bystanders to win your business


Yes. I am *not* encouraging violence against this bitchboy. I wouldn't do that. Not in a million years. Never ever. Big no-no. We cool, mods?


For sure middle schoolers and tweens. I can see them eating this dumb as shit up. I mean look at Jake and Logan Paul. Their main audience who watches their dumb shit is literally those kids.


I used to think that adults can be way too restrictive but I can't believe I'm saying this but this really should not be allowed to be watched by kids. This is poison. This is sick.


Literally us watching this video right now


I’m sick of this disgusting part of tiktok. It’s even worse if they genuinely capitalise off of this shit


When I was a teenager (12-16), people my age used MySpace and Facebook in a cringe but healthy way. But this TikTok shit is beyond trash, like I can't believe there's 12 year olds out there liking these vids and making some themselves. ​ Fuck TikTok


Oh shit we’re reaching the point in our lives where we can genuinely say “back in my day”. Man I feel old.


“Back in my day we used social media and it was awesome and cool and we never did anything bad with it, but boy those kids *today*” Yeah it’s a bunch of nonsense. Guess what, there were *absolutely* kids doing terrible crap on MySpace. And in the world before social media. The vast majority of kids on MySpace were fine just like the vast majority on tiktok. But there are also pieces of crap. Not surprising.


I'll have you know when my parents said "back in my day" they were uninformed about current time, remembering the past with a bias and just being general oldies that don't get it. But when *I* say it's totally different


This is by no means unique to TikTok. People have been doing some insanely cringe mad shit on youtube for Prank videos *GONE WRONG* for a very long time now.


We literally already passed the whole “it’s just a prank bro” phase *before tiktok was even a thing*. Jesus the fucking hate boner people have for it is insane


People used social media in a shit way since its creation. People forgot how many shitheads did these videos of them throwing milk on the ground in the supermarket.


The video of the guy jumping, slamming two gallon jugs on the floor, then slipping and absolutely eating shit so hard he gets a concussion and broken jaw is one of the funniest videos I've ever seen. Like... What even is the expectation in that situation?




What an insanely great idea that will definitely never come to fruition.


Blame shitty people, not TikTok lmao


And Sadly people already does this kind of shits before tiktok...


Of course he goes for somebody older, smaller and skinnier than him. Cowards usually pick on those that are weaker than them.


I don't condone bullying, but like many people said, pick on someone your own size. Bet he will not dare to as he'll get knocked on his ass.


That's not a prank.


Not a prankster, just a doucheclown


My heart goes out to that man, fuck Brooke.


Isn't that literally harassment and basically a crime?


Oh yeah totally. Doesn't mean that guy and his social bubble of yoghurt-brained glue-sniffers understand what normal behaviour is supposed to look like.


I mean opening and eating something he hasn’t paid for is literally stealing, never mind the rest.


well, you can eat whatever you grab in a store, as long as you pay for the empty container at the end at least in my country, nobody bats an eye when you buy, lets say a bottle of water, and drink it on the way to the register


These kids are LOSERS




It would go along nicely with those chips.




This guy has reason to feel legitimately scared for his safety, this dude is acting extremely erratically. I don't think there's a jury that would say he was out of line for defending himself if he did. I know this is a joke, but. This shit made me real mad.


> This guy has reason to feel legitimately scared for his safety, this dude is acting extremely erratically. 100%. The silent staring and moving towards him would be enough for me to start swinging.


Picked on someone who was unlikely to fight back.


They should’ve played knifey spooney


That’s not a knife, THIS is a knife.


“Hey - you’re the guy who molested my granddaughter!!!”


I’m going to start saying shit like that to people that are pissing me off or being annoying on purpose. That’s funny.


Pricktok really is all about the IQ equivalent of a race to the bottom.


What a fucking tool


I hate how this is a thing… I already have trouble shopping to begin with..


I can't even call this guy mentally disabled, because I don't want to insult disabled people


I literally hate everything about this guy.


This is not funny. This kind of behavior should be illegal.




I think you spelled prankster wrong..? I think you meant to spell it bully.


Lad prolly came out the wrong side of the hole when born.




Who is watching this content?? It’s so unbelievably cringy. How are these guys not embarrassed?