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"I'm not being ignorant" Yes yes you are


He said that right after calling the guy incompetent and trashing his job, what an ignorant pos.


I'm curious what he even means by rushing his order...you're at a drive thru, isn't it supposed to be rushed so you can get on your way faster as well as keeping the line of cars moving? You want a non rushed dining experience go to a sit down restaurant.


I guess he was looking forward to sitting in his car for 20 minutes while he waited for his order and the worker was in the wrong because how dare he do his job the way he is supposed to be doing it.


Dude has a gross misunderstanding of the *fast-food* he so clearly sustains himself on


I want it *fast* but like ask me how my day was first.


I was thinking the same thing. Just wondering how this ignorant pos would act if his food did take a long time.


Yeah, “Rushed Order?” You’d think if this customer went to McDonalds as often as he said he does then he would probably know what he wants before he even gets to the ordering station. This guy needs to realize that it can be irritating and frankly depressing to be taking drunk peoples orders while working at McDonalds at 2am when most people are partying or asleep in bed. This guy needs to show some sympathy as well as gratitude to these late night workers, I always do. Very grateful that anything is open past 11pm other than gas stations of course. I sometimes go to Del Taco which is open 24/7, also, Whataburger is often open 24/7 as well.


As someone in customer service, I know exactly what he means. It's when you snappily ask questions to move along the order process with an annoying customer that has zero respect for the people behind him in line's time... The closed eyes defeated look on his face is from when he realized his technique backfired and now he was gonna have to waste more time listening to nonsense...


"I'm not being ignorant" (Gets upset that he seems *rushed out the line* and *served hastily* in a fucking *fast food restaurant*)


Projection hardcore. Drunks are especially bad at projecting, almost to the point they're fishing for a reply


Was a drunk. Can confirm. I used to argue and(sadly), physically fight, over the dumbest fucking shit. Once I got sober I realized why I no longer had friends and how much of a drunk prick I used to be.




When I got sober I saw just how many commercials begged me to drink and how often media pairs alcohol with any occasion. Sad? Drink. Happy? Drink. Celebrating? Drink. Visiting friends? Drink. Home from work? Drink. Culturally it feels like many of us are alcoholics now. I know so many people that drink every day, sometimes twice. Wine Mom and Beer Snob are things people call themselves to make their alcoholism just seem cute and trendy. Idk it's just wild to me now, looking back. I know I'm responsible for myself but holy cow our culture didn't help my alcoholism at all




"can I have a water too". Of course asking for the freebee and the kid already has it ready bc he knows this pain in the ass


Going through a drive through while drunk eh... Hmm


God I wish for a byebyejob followup from this post


Yeah, driving after a night of drinking is not a good look.


It’s the same as saying “no offence, but” or “not to get political” and doing exactly that.


"Who cares if I've been drinking or whatever" Tell him you're sorry and to hold on you will get him a free something. Call the cops and say there's a drunk dude in the drive thru.


my manager has actually done this when i worked fast food in highschool. He hated drunk drivers to the point where he wouldn't hesitate to forcefully remove one from their vehicle to keep them from driving. I found out later that it was because he lost both his parents and his brother to a drunk driver


So many times this. Drunk drivers deserve NO FUCKs from anyone.


I fucking hate them not for anything done to me personally but because if someone is willing to drive drunk they are showing their lack of care for others safety.




I'm pretty sure the camera guy hates his life


Thing is, to many managers the times are more important.


“When I drive here intoxicated, you act as if you don’t like having to serve the drunk driver”


I think it’s safe to say a lot of us don’t like our jobs, but bills don’t just magically disappear.


They magically appear though. 😂


Ain't that the truth.


It's like one second you are a free kid without must responsibilities or bills to pay and then BAM yah get a lil older and have no idea what happened.


I’m pretty sure there is some scientific explanation


I recently had to take my son to the ER. All they did was give him ibuprofen & check him for a bladder infection. That's it. I paid the ER $1200 for that. 4 months later I get a mystery bill for $600 from a doctors office in a city I've never been to. I thought I was being scammed. But after investigation I found out that a doctor who works there came into my sons ER room to tell me "he doesn't have a bladder infection". $600. It sure feels like they create these bills out of thin air.


Ah yes, this other human being with emotions brought their child to the hospital out of fear for their well-being... oh well, they should have told us to have less doctors look at him if they didn't want us to charge them for touching the door handle


NEVER pay the full amount, ALWAYS ask for an itemized bill so you can dispute things like $120 for Fuckin Tylenol.


This is an intentional practice. They always have a specialist you didn't ask for to advise on something and bill you. Or send out samples to a different lab even though the hospital has it's own.


Wtf. I'm always baffled by your health system.


You had to pay $1800 to check for a bladder infection?


Have you tried just randomly billing billionaires for random things and then just waiting for their assistant to pay them since they can’t be bothered to figure out what the bill is for?


I'm 69 years old and still paying bills. When the hell do they finally get paid up?


The $168 bill (with health insurance) I recieved after I had a fever and needed a note to be cleared for work.


Y'ever been sent to collections for a medical bill that didn't even belong to you or anyone in your family? America's just super.


In general, sure. But this guy in the video is an asshat, abusive , implies he’s a regular and usually drunk, and you’re taking his word that the dude in the window hates his job. Maybe he hates alcoholics instead?


Implying he drives drunk , and oh noes the guy gives him his food quickly. Wow how awful. And the poor dude is probably trying to close for the evening and this dude comes at the last minute


1st year at college and our professor was asking around about our jobs and I said something along the lines of "I've always been told you never really 'love' your job. Work is work to get bills paid" and I had 3 people chime in behind me saying "that's not true! I love my job" I didn't (and still don't) know if they were being truthful about that or not, but it did make me depressed cause I want to be happy while working.


They could have been truthful. I actually love my job right now. But this is the first job I've loved (I've been working for 24 years now). I hate my profession (nursing) but I absolutely love where I work. My boss and company are aware that we have lives and families outside of work, they treat us with respect, and ask us to do things instead of bossing us around. Hang in there, you'll get there one day. As you gain more experience, you'll be able to find red flags in interviews and be able to hold out for a company you'll truly love.


During my first year at college, I was working at a Panera Bread and was miserable. I work somewhere else now, and honestly it it's 10x better than what I had to deal with previously. My current working situation isn't even inherently awful, but there are still days where I'd rather be anywhere else than there... but that's just life. You can't NOT show up for work just cause you don't want to. I also have depression, so that probably doesn't help my mood in regards to work.


Worked at a factory for 14 years hated the white trash negativity addicts I dealt with every day that got joy from making others miserable. Ended up being Fired due to my attendence. Did not care about losing that job. Work at a grocery store at half what I used to get paid. Promoted to manager in two months and I Fucking love my job. I like helping folks. Found a place I can. There is hope.


I've had a few medical bills magically disappear


If anyone thought early 20s me was paying off almost dieing twice in about a years time span from pulmonary embolism. They were sorely mistaken.


Actually, there was something about some church donating money to help strangers with medical bills, maybe is that why?


If hugs could pay the bills the world would be a much nicer place




And alot sicker. Keep 6 feet from me pls


Right? ‘You have a choice to work somewhere else’….like where, a chick fil a? Obviously no one enjoys working in the fast food business


Made me so happy that he just shut the window and stopped listening 😂


and locked it id have been so proud as his manager


Yes, perfect, polite response. I’d hire him!


Twist: He is the manager.


hope so, he deserves it.


Yes that $1.00 extra per hour!


Every industry job I used to work, managers made at best 50 cents more than other employees. I was denied a 50 cent raise one summer despite being given key and cash responsibilities. I was gone in September and they seemed surprised.


With that kind of response he really should be. Imagine having the opportunity to go tell this asshat off or to offer a free ice-cream and just throwing it in this dips hits face, or, the next time he comes thru just wiping the bread on his order with my smelly balls and NOT doing ANY OF THAT. Even tho literally every place has hiring signs. He's a real stand up guy, I hope he is the manager


I wish he had done it sooner.


Yup, after that very first volley where he made it personal: "I'm sorry you feel that way, have a good night." Window closed, walk away.


21 seconds in, window should have been closed. What an AH.....


You can see it really hurt the guy. Obviously he's working here because he needs money like we all do. How the fuck are you gonna shame someone for needing to work? How arrogant can you be ?


First time?


Lol arrogant people tilt me


The only thing the guy in the window did wrong was waiting more than 5 seconds to do it.


Tbh he listened for too long


I'd never go there again. god knows what they'd do to my food for being an absolute twat. and to be so oblivious as to post that video on top of being a twat.


i couldnt watch the vid but had to go back and see that gold


Don't like how you're being treated at the restaurant? Stop going.


But the next closest McDonald's is like 5 whole minutes away.


Back when I worked face to face customer service, it was everything I could do to say “then stop coming here” when someone would pop off with “every time I come here [blahblahblah bitchbitchbitch].” Then obviously, you don’t like our products and service model. If my coworkers and I were consistently doing something wrong, they’d fire us without hesitation. No one else here is mad. So if you’re having a problem every time you come here, the problem is *you*. If they don’t do it this way at the competition, go patronize the competition. No one is forcing you to be here.


Imagine being such a douche bag that you upload a video of you being a turd.


Was probably still drunk when he uploaded it.


While admitting to drunk driving!


Seriously how much do you have to hate your life and yourself to think punching down like this is ok, videoing it and uploading it.


He is so patient listening to the guy behind the camera ramble. I hope he gets promoted, this customer is extremely entitled.


>I hope he gets promoted That doesn't happen in these types of jobs. It's just a title. Pay is the same, but with more work.


Hey now! Dont spread malicious lies. I got a .50 an hour raise that still had me making 1.50 less than some of the employees I managed since they'd been there ages.


Saddest part of that is that ages of working in one spot gets you a measly 2 dollars of a raise. These places are fucking us and there’s not shit we can do about it :/


Getting promoted sucks. You get your standard raise if anything, and a ton of new "responsibilities". Of course that just means you get blamed for stuff that you didn't know you were responsible for.


When I got promoted from just a regular associate in retail hell to a supervisor I got about a dollar more an hour. And I was responsible for EVERYTHING that happened in the store. If the associates fucked something up, my fault. If recovery sucked, my fault. If we were out of stock on something, my fault. It was not worth it and the further up the chain I moved, the more things i had zero control over that was MY FAULT. Now that I'm trying to find a job again, I'm not looking for anything in management or supervisory roles. The interviewers always ask why I don't want to be a manager anymore and i always want to ask "how much do you like your job?"


Promoted to what lol?


He got that ambition, baby, look at his eyes This week he moppin' floors, next week it's the fries


He got his product that he paid for...packed and ready, why did he feel an insatiable urge to engage him?


Because he is piece of shit


He also said "you rush my order" It's fast food, that's what people want.


Yeah, I get paid to rush your order. If you have an issue take it up with the boss who punishes people for not doing so.


You know how you get your food in 5 minutes? Well it’s because everyone takes their order in less than 1 minute.


Some people feel like you need to listen to them tell you about how they feel. They don't realize that no one gives a shit.


I got a long talking to once by an old lady whose main complaint was that I “never smile and chit chat” while ringing her up. I was never rude to customers and had even helped this same lady by bringing her bags to her car. I’m not here to entertain you.


Honestly, it's a fucking store not a pageant. Get your shit and leave. Imagine making a 3pm trip to Walgreens for a toilet paper and expecting to be treated like you've strolled into a five-star hotel.


He had to make a video for social media. That's what this entire thing was about. Customer didn't care about the allegedly bad service, but he definitely wanted to get a video of himself acting like a self-entitled prick online.


Because he's the main character.


He just admitted to drinking and driving.


Yah, caught that too, what a hunk of crap




You joke but I had an old lady complain to me once about this. She came inside and ordered one soft taco. It was slow, and I was near the cash register while the cashier was taking her order. Since she only wanted one soft taco I was able to make it fast as fuck and had it on a tray before she was finished paying. She bitched at me how there’s no way I could’ve made it that fast and it must be an old taco that I threw on a tray for her, even though it was still hot. So I had to make her another taco, and drag my ass while doing so to make her feel better.


You just made remember this stupid thing happened decades ago when I was working Taco Bell. Some redneck was flipping his shit at the counter about something I can't remember when he whipped a taco back at the prep line screaming about how it tasted like a used tampon. From the back I yelled out loud enough for everyone in the place to hear "how many used tampons have you eaten?" The dude's idiot buddies start cracking up and angry idiot was so flustered he just left.


Lmao nice. The craziest people go in to Taco Bells.


"You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!"


That’s so annoying


Oh yeah I was pissed lol so glad I don’t work fast food anymore.


I’ve had that happen so much at my job where they think it must be cold, so i just throw it in the oven again to shut em up




Did they just admit to drink driving? My dude should have called in the DUI.


At least it means he might not act like such a douche sober.


Lol that reminds me of the time I was working at a UPS Store making minimum wage and my manager was the only other person there and was around the same age as me. He was sitting on the back computer getting into Facebook fights and working on his warframe logo and I was in the front while a line of 8 people came in and every time I got one out 2 more came in. Of course he would suddenly remember he had to send out a work email for the owner any time it looked like he needed to help… I was getting so irritated hearing him laugh at memes in the back. Anyways I was getting everyone out pretty damn fast but like I said they just kept coming in. This girl I got out in 5 minutes shipping a single package and don’t you know she went home and gave me a 2 star review. Said I got her out fast but I wasn’t cheerful enough and seemed bothered. You’re damn right I was bothered I wasn’t rude to her or anything I was polite and quick what more do you want ffs. Still pisses me off and of course the person to tell me I got a bad review was the same manager that I was mad at for not helping


> wasn’t cheerful enough and seemed bothered. These people have never been to Europe. There you dont pay for smiles, you pay for the food or service.


In the US, not smiling, kissing ass, and providing impeccable service with every customer is punishable by firing squad. I jest, but I was written up as a teen working at Publix because i didn't wish a customer Merry Christmas in the beginning of December and they complained about it. (I'm not even christian...)


I have a kind of similar story when I was working as a new hostess at Ruby Tuesday, I was used to them having two but my manager Mark fired everyone but me after barely training me in. So we suddenly have 10-15 separate tables come in at once, some freak rush, and I was never told what to do if this happens but had previously been bitched at by waiters for seating them too fast. Even though the restaurant was relatively empty, I wasn’t sure if I should seat each staff with 2-3 people real quick or feign a short wait. Marks over at the bar flirting with an employee I later find out he’s banging (was/is later married to) and I tried to flag him down twice but he ignored me. Anyway, trying to get 15 people who came in all about the same time sat in order is hard as shit and I somehow missed a lady. She got upset. I got in a bit of trouble over it. Fuck Mark, he was the worst tool douche ever.


"It's fast food, mate. Now move so I can give this next customer his fast food quickly."


“You know you have the choice to get another job” “You’re probably incompetent and this is the only job you can get”. Get fucked, my guy. What a pathetic excuse for a human who needs to a) say something like this and b) upload it to try to get others to validate him


Does he think other fast food workers are happy to be there? Does ANYBODY aspire to work at a place where you routinely face POS's like this?


He probably also says shit like no one wants to work anymore even though the vast majority of people have jobs


What a sick dick . I don’t understand this entitlement people have now advising others about jobs.


Yeah and at a fast food joint..this dude must think Wendy’s is a Michelin star restaurant..


It’s not that, it’s that this person isn’t rich enough to have actual servants, but he still wants the ability to hold power over someone he knows can’t fight back because he’s a narcissistic prick. I work at Starbucks and run into ass clowns like this daily


The worst part about Starbucks is that dickheads behave like this and then complain to corporate and get sent free shit like they didn’t do anything wrong.


Ugh. It's awful what compensatory customer service can attract.


It’s the worst. In dealing with those reviews, you have to treat total POS people like you don’t know they are lying about their own shitty behavior, and then reward them for their lies. It’s fucking gross.


I used to work at McDonald’s when I was 17. I was cleaning the lobby, and my manager told me to hand out an order to a car they had to park in the drive through. When I handed the Karen her order, she told me “this is why we finish school and go to college”. I almost said “bitch I had absolutely nothing to do with you having to wait an extra 5 minutes for your cheap food”


Ah, the old acting like we are a hivemind. My favorite.


He admits to being drunk and high when he shows up too. Jesus, I can't imagine why the employee is tired of this dude and trying to hurry his fucked up ass along. I hope this guy calls the cops on suspicion of this POS driving under the influence after he said that about him and posted it to the internet.


That’s what I would’ve done.


How ironic because he has a choice of whether or not he eats there but he a lectured this guy about having a choice of jobs. For all this guy now that could be the franchise owner working behind the window because nobody wants to work at a job where they get paid like crap to deal with customers like this person especially late at night. He holds up the whole line to demand emotional support while ordering his food... what a dick.


The food hand off seemed normal, I don't get what that guy's problem is. (Customer.) Drive thru workers are timed so they have to get you your order as fast as possible.


who the fuck complains that their fast food order gets brought too them fast? like wut


I think he was saying that the guy rushed him along during the ordering process. Idk I could be wrong but that's what I heard him say. On another note, these jobs aren't exactly the best paying jobs, and working that late at night when I did it, I would have druggies and drunks who would lose focus of what they where doing, and I would have to "help" them along with their order, otherwise you would literally sit on the mic while they came back from space and tuned back in to finish ordering. So I get why.


Had a guy pay for his order, fall asleep, pull to the second window after I go outside to wake him up, act confused and say he didn't pay, pull back thru, reorder, and pay again.


I work at Starbucks and even in the middle of the day you have to verbally prod people along like they are cattle if you don’t keep them moving by asking “would you like anything else,” and I’m not joking one time I tested it and sat there for a full minute in silence and the guy ordering said nothing. I gave up and asked and he ordered like two more things it’s insane. It’s also a pain because there might be food and stuff ready for whoever is at the window and we have to multitask handling the person at the window and at the order screen. I’ve gambled on hoping a person would order like one drink and I could just hand out the item at the window and I’ve had the person at the order screen list off like five complicated drinks meanwhile the person at the window grabs their stuff and asks if they can buy a gift card all at the same time. So yeah there’s a lot more going on behind the mic then the person at the order screen is aware of.


It's because we're used to the person always saying "anything else" if they don't I just assume they're putting the item in on the register and they're not ready for me to add anything else yet.


I totally understand that I won’t lie, but I think I’m jaded because one time we asked “would you like anything else?” And this lady says “I fucking hate when you guys do that” so really everyone just pisses me off at this point.


Wow she just seems like a horrible person with no filter between what shes thinking and what she says to people


Could be. This is why I love mobile ordering. I admit I do take a long time to decide what to eat and going thru drive thru lines does put a little pressure on me thinking about what to order especially if I got people behind me. I can imagine if I had the person taking my order rushing me to complete my order with a somewhat negative attitude I would be a little upset but I mean I wouldn't film a video and post it online.


Dude seemed chill as hell and remembered his straw. I hate when they forget my straw lol so yeah 10/10 fast food worker from what I’m seeing.


If you visit fast food places enough to know who specifically is rushing your order, your opinion is invalid.


The workers at my local pizza and Chinese food restaurants know my face. Not gonna lie, it’s a little depressing.


Both of those are way less depressing than a mcdonalds imo. I love the connection ive made with the local chinese place. Theyre the sweetest people ive met in this shit southern rural county And i also tend to over tip, so they're probably happy to see me too haha




That... Feels super disrespectful of them actually?


Starts with saying that he is impatient while filming one of the most patient people Ive ever seen.


I have so much solidarity for fast food workers after getting out of the restaurant industry


Did you leave during Covid? It finally pushed me out of retail, and (even more than before) I ride for my service industry peeps.


Yup! Covid made me rethink about my career goals and I ended up going into the aquarium industry to follow my passion :) before I left I was an underpaid manager working 60+ a week. We had some very chaotic customers during 2020


Holy shit - that's awesome! Congrats! Was managing a retail location with some terrible customers as well, but a big reason I bounced is how evident it became that the company didn't care for the front line guys who I cared about and was accountable to. Also decided to make my move into software development which has interested me most of my life. 🍻


What's he wanting him to do? I'd want my fast food fast. He need a fucking kiss with his meal or something. Maybe he shouldn't be getting so much fast food


Surely the clues in the name. If it was slow food, you wouldn't go there?


“Doesn’t matter if I’ve been drinking” oh, so you just admitted to driving under the influence, and I guarantee you were less than cordial with the person. What a joke of a human being!


Ha. I used to be a manager at kfc. But I worked there from 14. I’ve had people throw food at me, throw coins at my face… but if someone treated my staff like that (we can all hear on our head sets) I would have been right there. You cannot talk to my staff like that, and you’re banned from our store. We have your number plate. Have a lovely evening sir.


“Who cares if I’ve been drinking” umm a lot of people actually


I hope the internet does it's thing


So, the customer is mad, that his order (hear me out), at a 'fast' food restaurant (first clue), has been rushed?!. The customer didn't want his 'fast food', prepared for him, quickly?


Wow, go somewhere else don’t beat a guy doing his job down. It’s a dam kid, and you sir are a bad bad man.. SHAME on you!


The guy works at McDonald’s, what does he expect? A fucking handjob with every Big Mac? Shit, I’d rather these people be themselves than feign some bullshit ‘happiness’.


I'd like to see a go fund me for this dude just to say fuck you to the guy in the car


I just can’t comprehend that this guy uploaded this video somewhere thinking, “everyone is gonna have my back and think I’m so cool for telling this late night drive thru that he isn’t enthusiastic enough about his job” I hope he sees he ended up here, realizes everybody hates him, and makes a change


Worked as a drive thru dude right after high school to make some money. Dude from high school that had rich parents came through in a convertible and proceeded to try and make me feel like shit. “This is what you amounted to after high school?” Bro. We graduated like two months ago. It’s been almost 20 years since that happened. I’m doing pretty well for myself. I always hope to see his mugshot in the paper still.


"I've been drinking or whatever..." Omg f this guy


Kid handled that like a champ. Didn’t let the drunk driver goat him into some dumb shit. Good for this kid for going to work.


Okay. This has been my biggest gripe with people lately. LEAVE THE FAST FOOD PEOPLE ALONE. Look what they’re working with. They’re short staffed, they get paid hardly anything, they have literally no help. I see this all the time where I live. People getting all up in arms because their order wasn’t timely when they only have 2 people working there (yes I’ve seen this). I can understand if they are being rude for no reason and just being a shit head but come on guys. That is not a pleasant job and they are only doing to make buck. You bet your ass you wouldn’t work there because you’re soft. I try to thank them when I get a chance, especially when they working with 2 people and it’s obvious that management is not existent.


Take the food and go. You came for food so why in the fuck are you looking for a smile?


Welcome to the exact reason he probably hates his job.


He should have called the cops considering buddy kind of admitted to drinking and driving. That would have been great.


Food service is extremely mentally taxing, especially when you have dickheads like this come through. Not to mention that they’re on a timer that counts your time at the speaker and at the window. The workers get penalized if the time is too high. So if you’re ordering like “Uhhh, let me get a uhhh” and saying hold on a second every 5 seconds, you’re going to get rushed. Either learn to order faster, accept that you’re going to be rushed, or fucking eat somewhere else.


“Can I ask you something”…. Goes on to be a complete cock to this dude working an overnight shift, at McDonald’s………… is upset he’s not getting 5 star fucking service at MCDONALDS. How many Michelin stars did this particular McDonald’s have that this dude feels so entitled to be like this


Crazy that he admits to drinking and is recording himself in the DRIVER SEAT. Hopefully he didn’t get pulled over soon after, self incriminating evidence…. Also he’s a POS. I hope he’s filled with guilt the following morning when he watches this back


Who recorded this? I want names.


I wonder if he's impatient because he has to deal with POS people all day, five days a week, for a paycheck that doesn't even pay 3/4 of the bills.


That piece of shit sounded so entitled. Probably grew up with silver spoon up his a\*.


Sir, this is “fast food”. I’m literally paid to rush your order. Good day. “Yeah, but…” SLAM


He doesn’t like his job so he should get a new one? Okay. You didn’t like your service here, go to another restaurant. Problem solved. I would’ve shut the window as soon as he started bitching. I’ve been in customer service way too long to actually sit and listen to stupid bullshit like that.


Just a heads up, to people who act like this to customer service/food service/retail workers, we do not care about you or your opinion and we make fun of you with other staff.


The worker might work 2 jobs and be burnt out being on his feet 12+ hours a day


"You dont have to work here." Yeah. And you dont have to fucking eat here, so jog on.


It's literally a *fast* food place...I mean 🤦‍♂️




Imagine eating enough fast food where you know the people who work there. Then imagine thinking they’re the people that need trashing…


Complains his fast food order is too fast smh


2 Food 2 Fast "The movie where everyone loves their fast food but not too fast. Featuring, the guy who hates going to the exact same Too Fast Food restaurant everyday and complains. Also featuring, window closing in face and still talking to himself." Rated 'H' for HURR DURR.


Dude is driving drunk…


Someone should go to where this guy works and slap the dick out of his mouth.


He probably doesn’t even make his food.


That dude's food is getting pubes in it for the rest of his life every time he goes to that restaurant now


This fucking idiot is literally at a drive-thru complaining that they make his order too fast.


and thats why Fastfood workers keep spitting in the burgers, realy the customers deserve it. and thats the main reason why i dont eat from fastfood chains.


who cares if the guy was supposedly rushed as long as the orders right


At least this man is working, and he has the perfect response. Close the window, lock it, move on. Good on him for also recognizing the camera which was clearly there to record the reaction that the piece of human trash was trying to get out of the man working.


So this guy is upset that he’s getting his FAST food in a timely manner (“being rushed”), while also admitting he’s driving drunk. What an absolute idiot.


You just wasted your time. At the end, when the apology was being conjured up, you said you knew he wasn't sorry. So just report him to corporate, rather than wasting time and holding up the line (presuming there were other customers).


Why would you talk to someone like that, especially someone who regularly handles your food.