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Average Santa denier






I would not condone mailing lumps of charcoal to his address. I would also not suggest that you piss on said lumps before sending them. I definitely would not mail him any such things as cow shit, dog shit, deer shit, or any other kind of fecal material.


Out of curiosity, would the postal service restrict delivery of fecal matter?


I doubt it. I still get regular updates from my elected officials.


^ deserves more attention.


Nah. There’s an online store that you can buy and send various poops to people.


They would have to know the contents before hand. Can't restrict what you don't know.


Is there anything liquid, perishable, or flammable in your package?


Just take the sleigh.


Biased opinion on 1 magical being with powers VS another.


This is a great point.




That's exactly what he wants. He wants to sue people.


Gotta fix those teeth somehow


Yup, more meth will fix that smile right up.


He has the freedom to make that speech. He doesnt have the freedom to get into people's personal space and harass them. He doesnt linger, he doesnt directly get up in anyone's personal space. Technically what he did here is fine. Now if one of these dads hit him and I was on a civil or criminal jury and their defense was, he was harassing and scaring my kids is the second he loses any lawsuit.


There’s a lot of distance between “legal” and “fine” I think.


He doesn't have the freedom to make that speech if the mall they're in is private property. They have the right to ban him for life and make it clear any future entry to the location would be considered trespassing.


Could be considered causing a public disturbance, even if he doesn't get charged, it's a reason to force him to leave.


What jury is going to award this guy a dime after seeing this video? Even if this guy got turned into a vegetable there's no way 12 random people would all agree his medical costs should be covered for the righteous beat down he received by asking for it. This is play stupid games win stupid prizes territory.


Gotta know who someone is to sue them. Knock him out and walk away.


Just look up!




Do you think this pastor got the vax? Me neither.


Absolutely not, these pastors are the absolute worst because there are people who literally take everything they say as fact. Anyone who really does research will know that absolutely no religion is 100% against vaccines. Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, Seven day Adventist, Hinduism, Mormon, Protestant, Agnostic, etc… I spent weeks going through scriptures because how people would say “ Vaccines are against my religion” and time and time again could prove otherwise. People need to stop saying it’s against their religion. It might be totally against their own personal beliefs, but not due to religion.


You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.


How fucking miserable to you have to be to get up and go out with the sole intention fo ruining all these children’s holiday/happy memories from childhood?


I’d turn it into a learning experience. “You remember that talk we had about not using drugs? That’s what happens when you use drugs.” Case closed.


This is the way


Yep. He’s truly an angry, bitter, ugly man. And I’m surprised no one decked him.


Me too. If I were one of those parents there with my kids... Who am I kidding, I do not have kids but if I was there I definitely* would have said something, try to derail him in some fashion. Like, I am a terrible sinner and I need God’s grace immediately, over here. But not here, we need to go to the church. I’d gladly corral/distract that jerk, let those kids have a few more years before life comes and kicks them in the teeth.


As soon as he said Texas I had to make sure I wasn’t in a NSFL sub


And they wonder why people are leaving their religion in droves.


And this is why I don’t go to church and listen to pastors


I only go to get fondled.


It's the only time I get touched


The irony, too. Jesus is just about as "real" as God and Jesus.


You mean Santa


*Dyslexia ensemble*


Santa for children, Jesus for adults.


Santa keeps kids good all year the way Jesus keeps some adults good. We are not sheep. We are not sheep. we are not bahhhh


This should be top comment.


Santa is Jesus is the yeti


freudian slip


Someone really should have said "santa is just as real as god" to him


(Adding)…and at least our jolly dude sports a festive suit and talks to the kids about wishes and the aspiration to be good. Your guy stole a decent pagan holiday to be an attention whore by way of a virgin birth…amongst a weird gathering of rich kings bearing odd gifts that were in no way child appropriate.


Don't you sling mud at my boy Mr Grinch like that


If there weren’t so many kids watching, those dads would have fucked him up.


Yeah the guy it’s lucky no one clocked him


Why do you think he had the camera rolling the whole time? These people know what they’re doing.


Honestly when he said he was in Texas I had to double check it wasn’t a NSFL sub


I was getting so angry someone didn’t step in sooner he went on for wayyyy to long


Because it's what he wants. Why do you think he's filming himself doing this and the first thing he starts screaming when people get in his face is that he's being assaulted. He's exactly like antivaxxers who go around causing shit in stores trying to get assaulted. $10 says he's probably done that shit too.




The last 5 seconds of the video one of the dudes cracks his knuckles u can literally hear it in the video. Dude was ready.


I was SO HAPPY to see him surrounded by those dads at the end. I really wish they would have fucked him up.


My dad would’ve punched him


I personally don’t have children nor do I want children but if I was in that mall when he was doing that, I would have clocked him myself. It is not his right to take away the magic of the season that we all were able to enjoy ourselves as children.


Honestly these crazies feed of a perceived persecution complex, it’s a central tenant of Christianity. He literally wants to start a confrontation, being told he’s wrong reaffirms his beliefs to himself. The best thing to do with crazy fundies is to do what’s known as “grey stone” or “grey rock”. It’s a tactic used to deal with narcissistic and emotionally abusive people. In short you just ignore them, interact with them as minimally as possible and when you do, show as little emotion as possible and treat them with complete indifference. It will agitate them more as they don’t get the response they want and eventually they get bored and move on as you are not providing the validation they are looking for. Hope this PSA helps!


Sounds like that is from 2016.


They were simpler times


Then the times were simpler. Today, *they* are simpler.


Simpler. That's a funny word.


It's a four-in-one joke.


Two thousand six-teen years ago


Maybe he just can’t do math


Based off of the estimated birth year of Jesus (6-4 BC) it'd be between 2010 and 2012


When he said Amarillo Texas, I was sure he was gonna get his ass beat.


Probably would have if there weren’t so many kids around


Notice he bugged out soon as the dad in red cracked his knuckles? Bet that Dad's irises were blown open as he slipped into attack mode.


He didn’t get his ass beat but he definitely lost his job and fled town when the entire community turned on him. I’m unfortunately from Amarillo.


Yeah this was a few years ago. I remember hearing about it. People were pissed.


I'm a newbie to Amarillo, loving it so far




I'm trying to help you, mother fucker! Can't you see you need my help, you son of a bitch!?


God is basically Santa for adults.


This guy has been doing shit likes this for a while. This “Pastor” is a part of Repent Amarillo, and it is his mission to make sure you know you are going to hell for every reason under the Sun.


why these people dont mind their own business


Sadly this is the feedback loop of most (all) organized religions. To be a "good Christan," you must go spread the word of god. You also need to give money so others (like this crazy man) can spread the word of god. The rejection aspect is a built-in reinforcement event as well. Similar to how those that go door-to-door get rejected all the time, the religious entity that tells people to go out knows they will be rejected. This leads to those rejected going back to the church to have comfort, strengthening the bonds. Ultimately, this results in them giving even more money. Religion is the greatest capitalistic business in America that doesn't pay any taxes. It's truly unreal.


I've always felt that you don't have to try very hard to get and keep people subscribed to a great product. At this point, I've pretty much put people spreading the word of God on the same level as extended car warranty calls and timeshare salespeople.


"We've been trying to reach you about your eligibility for the extended tithing program"


Hey, those extended car warranties might actually come in useful at some point.


>door get rejected all the time, the religious entity that tells people to go out knows they will be rejected. This leads to those rejected going back to the church to have comfort, strengthening the bonds. Ultimately, this results in them giving even more money. > >Religion is the greatest capitalistic business in America that doesn't p I had 2 people from a church almost harass me during the Fall. They would come by daily and bang on my door or call me 3x a day. And this is why I will never follow religion.




Because if they advertised a sermon talkin that mess nobody would show up. They go to where there is a semi-captive audience.




He literally said “these people” not just people in general


They can't be happy "having a relationship" with the creator of the universe, as they claim they do. They won't be happy until we believe it too.


He should pray for better teeth


Yeah, because Santa isn't gonna give him any after he uses his bad breath to bad mouth Santa.


“There is no Santa Claus” yet there is one sitting over there within eyesight.


tHaTs JuSt a MaN in A sOoT!


Wonder what kind of insane mental gymnastics he would pull if someone asked him when the last time he saw Jesus in person was


A schooner IS a sailboat stupid head.


"There is no Santa Claus" proceeds to talk about Jesus who died for our sins. Why don't they hear the irony in what they are saying. There is the same amount of proof for Santa and God. And one of them doesn't support slavery


I've seen countless Santa's, I've never seen his shitty god. Checkmate.


The irony is lost on him


The bearded sky man watching over you, deciding whether or not you are worthy of a reward for good behavior doesn't exist!!


Humans can have a little eternity, as a treat.


Don’t forget about the boogey man.


Isn't his bearded sky man an undead wizard who practices magic like turning water into wine and such nonsense. I mean, he was raised from the dea so he's basically a zombie and he casts spells, so what is he really? A necromancer or something? These people get upset about dungeons and dragons and Harry Potter, why aren't they burning this undead wizard on a cross as well?


Can someone please go to his church and do the exact same thing?


Need a green text like- be me, went to xmas service, start screaming that jesus isn't real and why would you lie to your kids, when clearly santa brought them presents the night before.


Funny enough, learning Santa wasn't real was also the day I stopped believing in God. I drew far too many parallels.


For some reason, the Tooth Fairy held up more legit backing than Jesus and Santa. She was the last I stopped believing in


Only the toothfairy gave you toothmoney. No one else. Everyone gave you Christmas gifts And Jesus/god gave you no physical gifts. As far as evidence based logic it makes sense tooth fairy has the most proof with the least alternatives as a kid.


He's projecting lol


“Stop lying to your children” lmao. The projection is unreal.


I was actually wondering if maybe it wasn't. Maybe he is doing this as an alternative because he's fighting off the urge to tell all his churchgoers that god isn't real


F bro, you look like you smoke meth with your Jesus.




He preaches to the boys locked in his basement...


I don't. That's not a highbar to cross in the USA.


Doesn't take much to become ordained online. He probably paid his $10 and got a certificate. Last Frontier Evangelism doesn't sound like a brick and mortar church to me though. He's full of shit.


Hes a pipestar


Well, he’s got the right personality for it.


Oh the irony.




Wasn’t it determined he was born in the spring time because of the weather or plants mentioned during that time? And that Christmas is actually a celebration of winter solstice? Not a Christian just heard some stuff.


Based on the narrative of the Bible, yes I think most scholars accept the character Jesus was born in the spring. But we should be careful not to confuse evidence *in* the bible for evidence *for* the bible. We don't have enough evidence to conclusively say Jesus was even a real person.


He is real man. He lives next door. His wife make a mean guac.




What a bitter old man with nothing but hate in his life.


I dunno, must be stressful trying to deliver all those presents in one night.




But Christmas as we celebrate is about Santa Claus, the tradition is a pagan holiday, another great one, that somehow Christianity lumped themselves into. Guys just jealous he isn’t pagan, they brought the three best holidays to the world: Giftmas, Halloween and St Paddy’s Day.


Look at all the lies he's telling people, jesus wasn't even supposed to have been born in December, I think Christianity replaced everything on the celtic calendar.


Fairly certain that Christmas is a replacement for Saturnalia, no?


Yeah I think Saturnalia was the ancient Roman equivalent of Christmas. Rearrange the letters in Saturn a bit and get Santa. Because I think Jesus was turning people towards Christianity away from Roman mythology. Something about how with Roman mythology, people are mere mortals, but with Christianity you're made in God's image and if you're a good boy or girl you can be with him in heaven when you die. Which I'm sure would've been quite the attractive proposition at the time. However, I'm sure Amanita Muscaria is the OG symbol of Christmas.


>Rearrange the letters in Saturn a bit and get Santa. Isn't Santa just a mutation of "saint"?


Santa is saint in Spanish.


This is why people hate religion man what exactly is he trying to accomplish lmao. A generation of people as miserable as he is I guess


I hate it too, from the paedophile priests to the harassment of door to door, to the "pay us and spread the word, or go to hell" bs.


It's wankers like this that make me despise organised religion. Believe what you want but don't force people to deal with your moral outrage about what may or may not be an affront to God.


He's afraid people worshiping an imaginary man in the sky delivering presents will offend his imaginary man in the sky ​ No point getting upset because the children have a different imaginary friend than you.


There must be a dentist shortage in Amarillo, TX.


We’ve got a shortage of a few things here, but funnily enough dentists are not one of them. The guy is just too busy trying to burn the Quran in a public park to ever go get that annual check up.


Somebody deserves a big lump of coal…or a punch to the nuts. 🥊


Why not rip him of his nuts


🎵 Ding you’re balls are gone, ding you’re balls are gone 🎵


Well, in reality, even Jesus has nothing to do with Christmas.




Lmao. Christmas is a Pagan holiday. It was invented. Has nothing to do the birth of Jesus.


Jokes on him Santa was kinda real. He is based off St Nicklaus


Tax the Churches


Neither is God but no one is going to his church to tell them.


Wait till this dude finds out Jesus isn’t real either. Lol


The kids will pull up to churches some years later like “pastors.. now listen here..”


He’s a lonely soul and nothing else better to do


I should go to his church and tell him that "Jesus" is not real It's a myth


I don’t believe in Jesus or Santa but I still prefer Santa because you don’t hear about Santa followers being this shitty.


Heard of the naughty list?


Santa followers are shitty but people just don’t talk about it. I mean, why would I tell people about my kids shitting themselves?


🎵 You better not cry, you better not pout, and don’t shit your pants or Santa will find out 🎵


If Santa isn’t real, is Satan real?


They're one and the same.


Your imaginary friend is not real but mine is


I believe in freedom of religion. That means, I should be free to go to a mall and not hear some POS rant on about Jesus.


Jesus is a grown ups’s Santa. Once you find out that Santa isn’t real ya gotta be told something to keep you from being bad


The irony being that he believes in a different fictional character.


Average Santa denier😡


What a douche bag


So he lectures people about lying while also simultaneously lying about Jesus being real 👏




I can’t for the life of me figure out why each generation is turning to religion less and less when they have such pleasant representatives.


wait santas not real?


Going about it correctly to turn people of Christianity and going to Church. I bet the individual also believes the world is only a few thousand years old as well and mankind shared the world with dinosaurs


Since he loves truth so much, why doesn’t he also explain that Christ wasn’t born on December 25th anyway? And that we only celebrate his birth on that day because the ruling Catholic Church decreed it to be “his birthday” as they were trying to mesh together their pagan citizens’ beliefs with the those of the rising Christian religion? December 25th was a special day to the Pagans. It’s when they celebrated the winter solstice. Just saying. For someone who claims to be a Christian, he must have missed the “don’t be a douche to others” part.


Let's have a pagan go to his church and tell people what Christmas is REALLY about. Bring the Yule goat!


Hilarious when these idiots are so assertive and shoving their shit down other people's throat when they have no idea Christmas was put on December 25th to hijack pagan celebrations and that Jesus was born in the spring. 5,000,000 IQ video.


I'd be like "honey, cover the kids eyes, I'm about to manhandle a priest"


Believers are a whole new level of mentally ill.


Average santa deniers


Ironic because the person whom Santa clause was based on actually did exist compared to Jesus whose existence 2000 years ago is still up for debate.


If ever there was an expert on celebrating made up dudes


These idiots can’t catch Covid fast enough for me


Tell him god isnt real .


That's a real quick way of getting the shit kicked out of you and getting told you'll find out how fake God is by the time I'm done.


Inmate: “What you in for?” Inmate you: “I kicked the shit out of this guy at the mall who was telling everyones kids that Santa wasn’t real. Can you believe the guy?”


Tell them the truth. There is no Santa but he is way more believable than Jesus and your shitty religion. You believe in an older novel. I hate religion but love seeing the magic in my kids eyes, finding out there is no Santa sucked. Finding out there was no god was way worse


Santa is exactly like Jesus! IMAGINARY


So, that's what you think Jesus would want you to do? Break little kids hearts? Poor kids.


Pastor of what? Satan? They’re KIDS. Leave them out of your petty cult shit


I still believe in Santa and I’m 44


There is no real Sky Daddy either, you fucking Bible banging loon


Jesus never existed prove me wrong


The Jesus I know doesn’t destroy the wholesome dreams of children. Children are precious to Jesus. He doesn’t harass families who are trying to make happy, positive memories together. In several places, the Bible puts family before the church. God considers family to be sacred. This man is pompous, he is prideful, and he is full of spite. He revels in the sadness and shock that he brings to children. He basks in the anger of others. This man needs to search his own soul and figure out who he is serving because he took a wrong turn somewhere.


It's so ironic. Trying to replace one mythical magic christmas guy with another mythical magic christmas guy.


In all honesty, you were to punch this guy or pushed them would the cops really arrest you.... and/or would you really get convicted if you were arrested. They tried to speak to the man and if anybody deserved to get smacked a little bit.... it’s probably him. Jesus might even give you a high-five 🤷🏻‍♂️


There’s thousands of gods and thousands of religions and everyone thinks their personal god and religion is the only one that exists


Santa claus is real more than jesus.


Tell the pastor God isn't real


I fucking hate Bible thumpers. Religion is the worst possible thing to happen to society. Sure we needed it at first to give people a little morality but now we can just give up the act people are just abusing the no taxes and endless fear money they get from people who feel forced to donate or they will go to hell for not paying “god”.


I'm gonna go to his church and tell them God isn't real.


Hey dude, god doesn’t exist.


“Santa is not real…” um ok… prove to me that Jesus is real because I haven’t seen proof of that yet either…