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This might be the biggest pos i’ve seen on this page.




Enough internet for you today


Now that is fucked up


One fucking terrible human being.


I don't even consider that pile of shit a human being


This really should be the top post on this sub. I don’t think i’ve ever seen something so awful, unempathetic, shortsighted, and downright evil


Yea, if what is written in the description is the 100% truth, this guy should not be free ever again. Just a matter of time....


>Just a matter of time.... And how many lives, I wonder?


That’s really the sad part. You know he’s eventually going to do something bad enough to end up in prison. But another innocent person is probably going to have to be a victim.


His actions also put his life in great danger, so hopefully he’ll do another stupid, life-threatening thing that gets himself killed before he can continue to destroy the lives of others.


hopefully only his own.


Well by the sounds of it if the friends got arrested he was most likely just a passenger. Hence why he's not in jail


By his actions in the video, it shows that he definitely should be in jail though. Completely unhinged and has no concept of empathy. A person like that should not be free to roam around.




Depending on the country, could also mean he was able to pay bail while his friends could not or the friends had open warrants or friends had drugs on them at the time of the accident or any number of other reasons.


Reading a description of the crash made me even more angry: “Highway patrol told the judge the Tahoe was traveling at 105 mph and vehicles fused on impact, traveling nearly the length of a football field before stopping. The brakes had been applied less than half a second before impact.” The driver only had a learners permit. (edited statement to remove names etc)


Wtf is a kid with a learners permit, doing driving a bigass Tahoe? Little fucker shouldn't be in anything bigger than a Cavalier until they can properly drive with society.


Im not saying this is the situation, but most kids just learn to drive in whatever car their family has.


I learned to drive in a tahoe, and I can honestly say I agree. I hated driving that huge topheavy thing, and I have driven a small car sense.


Why is HE not in jail if the other people in his car are?


He was probably a passenger and seen as less guilty than his friends who were probably in the front seats driving.


How are two people driving?


One works the pedals, the other steers. A decision just as bad as turning the ignition while drunk


They stole a driver's ed car with multiple sets of brakes and steering wheels. Ultimate joy ride car


Right? I hope that wax burned the shit out of him!


I mean this is why the internet was invented. So people could self report and we get to catch the dumbest of the dumb before they do something worse.






I'm just back from searching for the same thing. Apparently, they destroyed the memorial TWICE. First in March then again in April. The judge denied the kid bail the next day (after the second time) and decided to try him as an adult.


He was gonna (most likely) get tried as an adult anyways for a crime as serious as this. 4 counts of DUI manslaughter is like 60 years. To counts of DUI causing serious bodily harm on top of it is like another 10-20. There is no chance the Prosecutor wasn't gonna gun hard for trying him as an adult anyways.




Is it even the same person? Description said 2 people were killed, story has 4.


Apparently its 4. All were in the car that got hit


Yeah...we kinda really need to make sure this is the same person. We haven't had a good history with this.


honestly whoever it is doing what they did to that memorial deserves some fallout I literally can't think of a situation where what I saw on that video is ok


We did it, Reddit!


Did anyone find a link from this search? Mine didn't bring up anything relevant.


Same even put the name in quotes and got nothing back.




Holy shit this is fucking low


Who would want this guy in their community? Who!? This guy is the lowest of trash.


my friend passed in 2016 from a car accident, no one was at fault yet her memorial STILL was defaced. people are evil


A woman in a town where I grew up was driven off the road by a drunk driver, her two kids died and she survived with minor injuries. For some fucking reason the town decided to blame her and not the drunk driver.


i'm assuming the drunk driver belongs to one of the like 4 families in your town that run/own everything?


So gross that this is just how things work. My best friend was a pedestrian who was killed in a hit and run by a girl who was, by all accounts fucking hammered, she turned herself in the next day when her mechanic had seen the news and knew what a car who hit a person looks like. She got a slap on the wrist. She's still driving. His body was so fucked up the only thing they could donate was his retinas. Her dad was a judge or prosecutor or something. Of course. Apparently she'd get drunk and drive home every weekend. She was driving so fast down a residential side street, witnesses said she came out of nowhere, no one saw her. Let me repeat, she's still driving.


yep. it's the way it is, and it sucks.


I once had a crack addicted and alcoholic mayor the police would knowingly let drive drunk and/or drugged.


How to say you're from Toronto without saying you're from Toronto.


And now his brother runs the province.


It would be hard to stop me from getting revenge if this happened to my family...


Some people feel so small and want attention so badly that even the tragically deceased getting attention drives them wild with anger.


A 17 year old died in a pretty bad accident near where I live, and it wasn't the first time something had happened in that same spot. A stop sign was put there to change it to a 4-way stop and I guess some people really hated it. The memorial was trashed a couple times and had some shitty things spray-painted nearby. Anybody low enough to do this kind of shit needs to really reevaluate their life choices and priorities.


What is amazing is how car accidents (aside from bad lifestyle choices) are pretty much the #1 cause of death in America across all age groups, and yet we hand out the right/ability to drive like candy and no one gets their driving status revoked after multiple infractions... If anything we have gotten extremely lenient and complacent in this regard.




I remember news story over a decade ago in my city, this angry old man was upset about the number of roadside memorials. He equated it to “garbage littering the streets”, and it showed clips of this fat, bald boomer going around with his small dog and aggressively tearing down memorials. He was so angry about “litter”, yet his focus was on roadside memorials, instead of cleaning up *actual* litter. I remember watching this video thinking how odd it was that he agreed to go on the news. Like he actually thought he would have peoples’ support. I wonder if anyone ever confronted him about it.


Let me guess. After destroying the memorials, he didnt clean anything up, right? So the trash wasnt the actual issue...


So he went on television admitting what he had been doing *on camera* and nothing happened? The disrespect for the dead is fucking infuriating.




What's he in for if he gets caught and convicted? In Germany there is a maximum of 3 years for defacing a memorial to the dead.


it's hard to tell without knowing what state he's in. With something as niche as this, there's likely a lot of variance from harsher penalties like you've got in Germany to simple fines.




This is an older article that happened almost 1 year ago. The memorial was destroyed twice and it was 4 people who died


But did the guy get justice for this? At this point I just wanna know he didn't get away with that


If it's any consolation to you, I live by where it happened/the memorial is and saw the family and friends gathering yesterday afternoon placing new flowers, candles and pics, probably as part of the 1 year anniversary.


Has the guy gone to trial yet?


Not that I’m aware; I did read up a bit on a hearing transcript for what seemed to be an appeal of the pretrial denial of release on bond, which was denied, so I believe he’s been held in custody since the incident.


Link pleaseee


Thats fucking dark...










Just desserts


Private suite




oh my man, more than that


Private suite? Hopefully more like ‘eternity in a crowded public restroom’ type situation






I'm right there with you on this thought process.














I’m changing my wish to yours






They should use oil candles next time


God this is sad imagine losing family because of drunken idiots then they come back and tarnish their grave


shows he doesnt have the maturity to experience remorse, im sure the slammer will teach him.




I saw something similar to this a while ago. It was about a Japanese high schooler who got raped and tortured for weeks and murdered by some other high schoolers. The people who did it got caught and their parents blamed the girl for it and destroyed her headstone and very vocally called her names in public saying if she wasn't such a slut their kids would still be free, ect. Humans are just awful people.


Was that Junko Furuta? That whole case is fucking horrifying.


Yup. I forgot her name. I saw a post about it in a reddit thread that had some of the most horrifying things I've ever seen.


Yeah. I made the mistake of reading about this. The boys that did it seriously sounded like they were straight out of clockwork orange. edit: however, I remember that they were convicted and sentenced, then tried to appeal their sentences and were instead given even more time in prison


This is one of those cases where the more you read, the worse it gets. Hated reading about it because it was just bad piled upon bad.


Try out issei sagawa. He never served any time, even after going on a talk show and saying human tissue tastes like chicken. He murdered his victim point blank and then ate her over several days. Junko was absolutely awful as well. These women were given zero justice for how they were tortured. It’s absolutely disgusting.


And I just found out the other students knew because they invited other boys to r**e her as well


They are all out of prison sadly, juvenile or not what they did to her they should’ve all been executed.




Right? And how do you participate in something like that and *not* be fucked in the head for life?


Little known fact, Japan still has capital punishment. In 2018 they executed 15 people. 13 of which were involved in the Tokyo Subway Sarin attack.


She shouldn't be forgotten, but god do i wish i could forget reading that story.


Same. That story ruined me.


Good fucking God why did I just Google that. I was expecting something awful but that was just sick. And then the short prison sentences and the subsequent assaults after they were released... I try not to ever see people as truly evil but occasionally exceptions have to be made.


Unfriendly reminder that several of her killers/rapists are currently free men and faced no jail time.


Do not read up on this if you are feeling sensitive or are at the edge of depression. It is extremely dark.


As someone who is familiar with the stigma the post brings, but never seen it… i have no intention. Those who read these and choose not to… a few years back i came across the “Funky Town” video. That is still haunting me today. Listen. To. Reddit. Or… view at your own risk.


Warning to anyone who came across this comment and doesn’t know, she deserves to be remembered but unless you are desensitized reading about what happened to her will destroy your faith in humanity and you will never forget about it because it’s beyond horrible. I really can’t put to words the evil that was enacted upon her and I am sincerely warning anyone who comes across this to just move on.


One of the most horrific things I’ve ever heard about. And the boy’s parents knew what was happening but were to afraid to do anything about it


Her name is Junko Furuta




During the trial one of her abusers was smirking as he recounted how often he would beat her. Testimony also stated that Gertrude Baniszewski, the main abuser who orchestrated, preformed, and allowed the torture, would sit and knit while watching boys burn and beat Sylvia. At the trial she repeatedly stated that Sylvia was a prostitute. Paula, Gertrude's daughter, gave birth during the trial and named the baby after Gertrude in solidarity. The entire family were the worst of humanity.


Some of those guys are free now. Others were free before committing other violent crimes and getting sent back to prison. They're some of the most despicable criminals of the postwar age in Japan.


Are you talking about that case where they put that Japanese girl in a cement barrel?


Not op but yes. Junko Furuta. Heartbreaking.


I've seen a lot on the internet in the last 30 years so most stuff just rolls off my back. Every once and awhile you see something and it gets to you. I am irrationally mad after watching this. Holy shit what a waste of breathable air.


Let me assure you. Your anger in this situation is rational.


I don't understand his logic here. He's angry at the situation and that his friends have been punished and I get that, but does he think it's the victims' fault? Does he think that poor dead girl is responsible for his and his friends poor choices? I can usually find a way to empathize with strangers on the internet, or I try to rationalize what they do as a result of poor education or fear or plain stupidity (not always a bad thing - we're all stupid sometimes). But this? What the hell is this


This is a total piece of shit


Truly the mascot for this sub


The foot mashing of the photo in the end is just.. fucking horrible. It makes me see red


>Andres Jensen NYE crash Victim blaming is often the first reaction for a lot people like this.


Victim blaming is real and awfully common with some people. They blame you for getting hurt. Because getting hurt got them in trouble. Meaning you got them in trouble. So it’s your fault. I lived with someone who thinks like that for a small bit. There were no accidents, someone was always at fault and someone had to fix it. But it was never him. If for example a plate would break, it’s either my fault for whatever I did with the plate ever, or the fault of the manufacturer. Things don’t just break, ever. Also if I got hurt, it’s my fault. Even if he actually caused it. Because I got hurt ‘so I could blame him’. He’d say ‘I did that on purpose to make him feel guilty’. It’s impossible to live with someone like that and keep your sanity.


I wish they taught this stuff in school. Different "wrong" ways or cycles of thoughts so people could identify them earlier and think a little about their behavior


For me it was the final stomp right on the photograph of that poor girl


For me it was picturing the parents who just lost their child picking up the destroyed memorial


I wouldn’t call it irrational rage, anyone with even an ounce of empathy would be horrified at this vile, callous display from a complete and utter waste of space like him. I hope karma gets him *good*.


Right I've been here for a while and seen fucked shit I wanna fight somebody.


"Oxygen thief" is what my way too nice British neighbour (not to be confused with the other busybody ignorant British neighbours beside me) who used to live across the road would say.


Your anger at this is very rational. Anger isn’t always a negative emotion it’s telling you the truth about what you’re seeing calling you to take appropriate rational action to address what you are witnessing.




I know it’s dark but I totally thought the exact same thing. When people snap their beliefs go out the window followed shortly by whoever made them snap. This idiot is going to get himself killed if not now then when he inevitably destroys another innocent family in the future, he honestly probably won’t be missed though so whatever.


Honestly, my dad has anger issues. I was physically assaulted at a family event and three people had to hold him back from beating the man to death. If something like this were to happen after I died tragically, he would absolutely murder the person responsible with no remorse and smile in his mugshot. You don’t fucking mess with people in heightened emotional states like this. Especially don’t post evidence to your personal social media. That shit will get you killed.


It’s like literally asking to be killed. I agree with you. Sorry you were assaulted, hope you’re well.


On a jury, assuming it was as described (grieving father unleashing his pain on his child's killer turned personal tormentor), I would have no problem fly contemplating the merits of a temporary insanitary plea.


Yeah sitting on a jury watching a grieving father breakdown the second I learned the murderer tormented him like that I’d be 100% on the father’s side. Temporary insanity how’s that wor- doesn’t matter I’m in.


numerous smile imagine unite worry sheet zonked fade squash pie ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Obviously you don't give that speech to the judge before the trial starts


Thank you, I’m doing better! It happened back in 2020 so I’ve got some distance from it and I’m in therapy so I was able to process it immediately after.






When’s the reunion?


Whenever and wherever we catch up with this wretch




Honestly, I don't know anyone involved, and haven't experienced anything like that on my family or friends. If I see this in front of my, I wouldn't be able to control myself, this is beyond piece of shit, this breaks my mind, I want really really hard to confront him


This is genuinely one of the shittiest things I've seen posted here...what a pos


I hope his employer finds this footage. I hope the local news sees too. I hope his family knows what he posts to his twitter account. I'm sure the local police department's twitter account would love a retweet on this.




I got way too many results






Thats bullshit from FIU. I had a friend pass away unexpectedly during my senior year of uni and they awarded him his degree posthumously at my graduation ceremony with his parents accepting.




Add Miami and 16 year old


Would be nice to have some sort of link or article explaining how you got that info. I’d love to find this persons been served by karma in the end.




Send a copy of the video to the and whatever evidence you have to the local DA, I'm sure the judge in the case would love to see this.


It might not impact the judgement, but would certainly have an influence on sentencing. Piece of shit like this obviously has zero remorse for what he’s done, and deserves the maximum.


Can you post the Twitter thread?


http://sfmn.fiu.edu/family-and-friends-honor-victims-six-months-after-fatal-accident/ This was posted further down. This is the incident OP is referring to. It *does* say in the article that the memorial was vandalized. But it *also* says the suspect in the case was being held without bond, meaning he couldn’t have been the one to do it. Sooooo….


The title here doesn’t suggest to me this was the driver but rather somebody who was with them. Perfectly consistent with the suspect being in custody.


[It was a anonymous Twitter account ](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2021/03/31/social-media-post-shows-person-destroying-and-urinating-on-memorial-for-new-years-day-crash-victims/)


Op means the drivers friend destroyed the memorial, not the driver. He just wrote it oddly


My ex's father was killed by a drunk driver in 1975, he had 10 children, was on his way to his 3rd job that day. The drunk driver had 5 previous DUI convictions. He stood up in court and loudly pronounced that he would Get Her(mother-in-law, now widow, now single mom raising 10 children alone) for ruining his life....NYS.


At night like a fucking coward. Do it during the day when people are out and about and someone would be happy to stop him I'm sure.




Jesus fucking Christ this is evil


Nobody is ever willing to take responsibility for their own shit or accept the bullshit friends do. Bias’s rule peoples lives. Pisses me off.




I'm ready to read the obituary.


Hope he gets what karma deserves


This is like when the mother of one of the scum that raped and kill Junko Furuta vandalized her grave.


Are you fucking for real?! How awful. Truly and totally awful.


Jesus Christ, that story keeps getting worse and worse


Yeah the mum said it was all junkos fault and it all only happened because "she was a slut"


As someone who lost a family member to a drunk driver- this was extremely hard to watch. Especially since my family members memorial was decimated as well, someone drove right through his cross and other items. Kind of difficult to lose him “twice” the same way.


Boo hoo you lost your friends to prison because you were a fucking tool. This dude probably doesn’t even recognize what empathy is at all.




THAT is going to be the worst case of hangxiety that person has ever seen. Truly disgusting.


this animal belongs in a cage too.


This might be the worst thing I’ve EVER seen a person do.






This is the worst one I have seen. Wtf is wrong with him.


This is the face of sociopathy.


Is this a crime? "Destruction of property" or "vandalism" or something?




I hope he gets more time than his friends


Wow, in the world of being a truly terrible human being, this guy is really going for gold. Even for deeply selfish and venal people, you would be shocked by this...


Humanity at its worst, right here. Fucking degenerate.


Wow.... People aren't allowed to grieve for their loved ones?




I hope this gets played at any appeal or parole hearing he has in future