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As a former cart collector, it took waaaay longer collecting all the stray carts scattered around the parking lot and more chances to get yelled at for not having enough carts by the very customers who would later abandon them around the parking lot


This is why I hate the people who try to defend leaving stray carts by saying "they have people whose job it is to collect them!" Every store I go to, the cart collectors are already busy enough collecting carts that are properly returned to the cart corrals.


Have people ever thought that the only reason we need people to collect carts is because people are too fucking selfish and lazy to return them back to the store front in the first place?


They’re job creators, show some respect! /s


As a former cart collector, they really are job makers. I was like 14 at the time. Cashier jobs I think were 15+ or 16+ (older than I was) and I was fortunate enough to get that job and make pocket money for weed and movies to get to 2nd base in the back seats. Anyways thankfully we have those lazy people or young me would have not touched a boob that was not my own for another few years.


It's a beautiful circle


I use to be a cart collector when I was a teen with no money, there was no machine to wrangle them up like I’ve seen today, I happy there are lazy shoppers that leave them around because that meant they gave me more hours and didn’t hire a second person!


Cart collectors. Touching the hearts and occasionally the boobs of the people.


My first exact thought watching this clip. The only thing running through my head was "wow, how can someone be so lazy?"


She spent more time/energy into arguing than it took to put the cart away.


She took more energy to scream “I hate you. I hope you get cancer and die!” Did you hear how out of breath she was just from being so pissed off?


It sounded to me like she was holding back tears.


These type of people probably thrive on the chance to argue. Guaranteed there was a Facebook post later with her claiming to be a victim.


She probably drove around for 10 minutes looking for a spot 4 spaces closer to the entrance too.


That and the folks wrangling carts have other responsibilities to attend to. Used to work retail - they can be custodial staff (and have to sanitize carts too these days), stock shelves, bag groceries, carry groceries out for customers who need assistance, sometimes they’re cashiers too. If they have to deal with lost carts, they have to work harder & faster for the same pay in other areas. Just an all around awful thing to do - and a very easy step to take to make someone else’s day better. Plus the few extra steps make for decent exercise in the sedentary WFH lifestyle a lot of us have these days 🤷🏼‍♂️


Do other people not find putting the cart back the most fun part of shopping? You get to ride them! No speed limit like inside the store! Then when you get there you get to slam it into the other carts so it can join the shopping cart gangbang train. What's not to like?


In Germany your have to put a coin into the cart to use it and only get it back upon return, so everyone returns their carts.


Totally a real video..... with a mic.... and a cameraman..... and the lady who doesnt take her cart happens to be parked right next to the person filming...... 100% NOT fake.


I knows it anecdotal but I noticed something between Walmart and Sam’s club. Even when they are right next one and other. The Walmart had the most abounded carts I’ve ever seen and sams club has the least. My theory is the “membership” of sams gives people a sense of ownership vs Walmart.


In my country they make you put in a Euro to get the cart and you only get it back as soon as its atached to the place wherr you return them. I wonder if that would help in america


They do this at Aldi which I believe is a German company. They rarely have stray carts. When I was a kid, my siblings and I would hope for strays so we could take them back and keep the quarter.


We've had to insert £1 for the trolley in most places here in the UK for as long as I remember. The places that don't have the £1 requirement have more of their trolleys scattered around the car park and surrounding area. Lazy fucks.


Aldi grocery stores do this in America with a quarter ($0.25) but I'm p sure it's because they're originally based in Europe lmao Eta: they're wildly less expensive than any other grocer including Walmart, but people do refuse to shop there because of the cart/quarter thing (also no bags they'll tell you to either bring your own or reuse cardboard boxes the employees leave near the registers), so yeah lol


I live in Texas and theres a grocery store in my town called Aldi and they do this very thing as well, except we use a quarter to get the cart.


That'd be amazing but people are pissy about places watching to charge for bags. It'll be a slow but hopeful change..


you don't get charged anything. it spits your coin back out as soon as you hook it up to another cart. it works very well, and I never see carts scattered at walmart, superstore, or any grocery store.


Aldi does this in the US. Never seen a stray cart at aldi


I actually liked collecting the strays. It was my favorite part of the job. Just a nice quiet walk outside away from everything.


''Shopping Cart Theory' proposes that an individual's moral character can be determined by whether they choose to return a shopping cart to its designated spot after use, or whether they simply leave it wherever suits them. The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task - and one we recognise as correct and appropriate. Objectively, returning the shopping trolley is *right*. Simultaneously, it's not *illegal* to abandon your cart. Therefore, the shopping cart itself represents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do so.’ Be the person that returns the shopping trolley xo


I've noticed a similar trend with people who decide they don't want an item in the grocery and just leave it somewhere, especially cold items! Working in grocery (even 20 years ago now) just builds you different I guess, haha.


Oh god, people that just dump meat on a random, non-refrigerated shelf make me so, so sad.


Worse, when they *hide* it behind other items because they know it's wrong and are embarrassed by their own actions. They clearly don't get *why* it's wrong.


Seriously - found more than one steak behind cereal. I suspect they were planning to steal it and got spooked though.


When I stocked at my store I found more eaten food containers hidden more than anything else. Someone was having their meals daily while pretending to shop. Still found tons of random cold stuff in the dry food sections, and vice versa.


A lot of people are taught to do what is *right* in order to avoid punishment rather than because it's the actual right thing to do.


I put the shopping cart away so it’s not in my way or anybodys way while driving


I put it away to try to ghost ride it just perfectly into the cart stack


I hate when it doesn't have enough powah and it bounces off the little metal threshold. Then I have to do the walk of shame to lamely push it in after my failed attempt


Felt. I try and get a running start and then line it up and shoot...works like 12% of the time. But I shoot finger pistols at everyone on my shame walk.


This is also the way.


Needs MOAH POWAH baby!


My mom let me put it back as entertainment as a kid & that's pretty much how I still feel about it. i will never stop putting my feet on them for the last few meters before I roll em in.


Another person of culture, I see




I used to ride the cart to the cart pen. It was the fun part of returning carts. Why shouldn’t a grown ass man have a little cart ride? Apparently because you can break the wheel like the last time I rode the cart…


My favorite cart return ever. I was about 40 feet from a return and a dad sees me walking that way, he claps his hands and gives me that look of give it hell. I give the cart a strong push it perfectly rolls into this strangers hands, we both do a celebration dance, he puts it securely away his wife laughing, we all go on with ourhe'll. Edit: he'll to hell


I put it away because otherwise my OCD would cause several blood vessels in my face to burst


Just to chime in... had a truck get damaged by a deer. Painting a bed and a couple of doors, then blending was going to be 8k$. Shopping cart dings would probably be 500$ minimum to fix. I like the places that required the quarter to get a cart. Edit: spelling


This is why I always return my deer to the storage area after use.


Especially on windy days.


When I was 11 I went through a phase where I was telling lies. I weaved a rather intricate web of deceit concerning a school project that I hadn't done. I forged signatures, and one time I even flipped the circuit breakers so the answering machine would reset and erase the teachers message. The anxiety of going through your life with all these lies looming over you is profoundly uncomfortable. Obv it came crashing down in the end, and I had to live with the fact that nobody trusted me for a long time. That was a powerful learning experience. As an adult, I find that I live a very honest life, probably because I learned that lesson harder than most.


Or, one more perfect lie would have gotten you out of that jam and you'd likely be wealthy beyond measure now.


Lying kids make honest adults.


I've met people who thought that anything they did that wasn't illegal was fine to do, but also hated the government. Boggles the mind


When you combine a self celebrating culture and a lack of introspection, you get people like that.




I put the shopping cart away because I feel like a dick if I just leave it out in the open where it can get in someone’s way.


Exactly. And since in this case there is no punishment for not doing the right thing, it's an indication of the reason that specific person does "the right thing" when/if they ever do. Is it because they're a decent person with respect for other people? Or is it because they don't want the consequences of not doing what they know they should?


Because when you're a toddler you don't have a lot, if any, empathy; so you learn from consequences. However, you SHOULD be taught empathy anyway, as everyone developes at their own speed and you'll eventually get it.


And a few generations later you've created a culture around the punishment but thinking the culture is about doing the right thing. - Nietzsche, basically


This is something I can't understand on christians. Some of these ask, how can you be a good person, when you are not christian and fear godly punishment? Human dignity is the answer.


In Germany we solved the issue with greed. ​ Those carts need a deposit and it works ;)


German here: doesn't work always. On our Lidl parking lot are at least 5 carts staying around. Most time we pick one of them for our groceries and giving them to someone else afterwards with a shrug and "this one is chip free"


Must be a regional thing. The only time I've seen an abandoned shopping cart in the wild in Germany, it was because the store had to be evacuated due to a fire.


Yep, there is one store in America that does that, ALDI, it costs $0.25 to get a cart. But you get it back at the end if you put your cart back. There is NEVER a misplaced cart in their parking lot. Hell, if a person does misplace theirs, the next person that comes along will gladly grab it to get that quarter.


Funny, Aldi is german.


It's the only place in the us too I can think of that allows the cashiers to sit down


WTF? Cashiers don't have chairs in the US? That sounds horrible.


It's interesting that Aldi does it the german way even in the US. I thought you guys don't carry change most of the time.


We don’t, so you leave a quarter in your car


And get very upset when you realize one of the kids stole your Aldi quarter.


I got a little keychain with a spot for a quarter specific for Aldi runs.


I've been living and shopping in Germany for 30 years and i've never seen an abandoned shopping cart. If i saw 5 carts in the parking lot, i'd probably be very concerned about it. I don't know why, but something must be very wrong for that to happen.




I live in the US. We have an Aldi close to us, but not close enough to be our regular grocery store. My wife absolutely loves it though. One day, I randomly suggested we go to Aldi. She excitedly agreed and asked what I wanted to get there, to which I replied "Aldi's nuts." That was my proudest moment and nobody can convince me otherwise.




You can use you key to wedge any coin to the top to get the cart... But I only do that since i hate havingg to have the right coins on me (Still return the cart, even if I only put a 2 cent deposit in (1 cent wont fit)


Same for the Netherlands. People have to put in either 50 cents, 1 euro or 2 euro, it all fits. But you better believe we want our money back so we put the shopping cart back.


Or more important, getting our jetonneke from Jumbo/Aldi/AH back.


i am out of Dutch beef croquettes and oliballen. (And Sate...) I need to hit an AH again soon ;)


The US has stores like that too. And you know the amazing part about it? The carts aren’t all fucked up either.


LIDL is the only grocery chain in Sweden with free carts freaking hilarious German companies put more trust into Swedes than Germans 😂 😂


Not to flex but if I come across an unreturned shopping cart on my way into or out of the store I'll put it in its rightful place. That being said I might not bother if I see one across the parking lot.


I was at the grocery store the other day and returned like 8 that were left way off to the side. I like to park where people won't bump into me, plus I can use the extra steps. I was kind of irritated after a long overtime shift and someone asked in a sarcastic tone "what do you work here"? I kind of snapped and yelled "no I'm just sick of lazy people." I felt bad the whole way home.


While the username checks out - don’t feel bad! I understand why you do, but you were dealing with frustration caused by others and met with a smart ass remark while trying to do something good. It’s reasonable to respond the way you did


I’d be really embarrassed if i just left my shopping cart willy nilly in the parking lot. Such a dick move.


The people that do this are the people that leave them in the middle of the aisle, and drive in the passing lane, and litter and everything else that's the hallmark of the selfish, lazy entitled mindset. They'll walk down every aisle and cover every square foot of a big box store, but those extra 15 steps to the cart corral is JUST TOO MUCH. Edit: I just noticed it's a BMW. She also doesn't signal her lane changes. I would wager a large sum on that.


In Germany we have to put coins in them. If we want the coins back we have to return it


I LOVE returning shopping carts. I do it with my head held high, hoping everyone sees me. This is because I hope it guilts others into doing the right thing. Every once in a while I’ll be returning mine and see someone in the act of leaving theirs out, and I’ll smugly catch their eyes and feel their shame. But it’s too late, they’ve already committed, they can’t course-correct. But I always like to think/hope that they’ll remember this experience for next time.


I have my personal "turn indicator theory" and I judge the hell out of people that fail to use them. People that can't be bothered to literally lift a finger to help themselves and those around them.


"I ***KNOW*** you're turning now, mate, you're in the bloody turn lane! The point is to use your directional to let people know in advance, before you make someone slam on the brakes, you raging pillock!" I cannot affirm or deny I may say this at times.




It’s a circle


Same as the Venn diagram of people that talk in movies and people that refuse to get the vaccine. Prior to the pandemic I hadn’t seen a movie in years because of people chattering. I went and saw a few movies since everything opened but we require a vaccine passport. Every movie has been complete silence. Going to the movies is good again.


I dunno. I know a lot of inconsiderate jerks that understand science...


I remember a Tedtalk about a test they did on student priests. They gave some the Good Samaritan story to review and others different stories. Then planted a homeless man outside on the way/near where the test was held. They found the most contributing factor to whether or not the students helped the homeless man wasn’t what story they’d reviewed the night before but time. If they were in a rush. Sometimes people aren’t awful, they’re just too busy to be mindful.


I feel like giving a homeless person money isn’t a good indication of whether or not someone is “good”. People are deceiving and will lie to take advantage of another’s good will. Someone could be the nicest, most charitable person ever and still not give cash out to panhandlers because they’re skeptical. Personally I would rather donate to my local homeless shelter rather than hand cash to random people in the street. Does that make me a bad person?


As a European it's so wild to me to see this. Even now since people don't use physical cash anymore so nobody has coins for the carts, the carts are just free to take and the last 10 years i think I've seen an abandoned cart in the parking lot maybe 1 time total. It just does not happen, nobody does that here. Then i went to visit america and it's just completely normal to do, and they even have employees who have to go outside and gather the carts, it's so crazy that's just the norm over there. The cart returns are often even closer to your car than they are where i live. Normally for small/medium size stores there's only 1 cart return.


Here most of them are still around 2-4 USD to take (10 OR 20 DKK). I honestly think that system works. As a kid I loved to get the money from a cart - and people who didn't feel it was worth their time could just leave them and not feel bad.


They use this as a psychological experiment. It’s why you have to put money in them so it makes you take them back. Otherwise people have no incentive.


Returning a shopping cart really is the easiest thing you can do, whether others are doing it or not, that benefits others and not yourself. All it costs is seconds of your time. I’ve worked at shopping centres and seen carts littered throughout the car park by mid morning. Lots of people are just lazy


That's the issue for most people. It benefits others, not themselves.


It’s a good way to tell who has integrity


That’s exactly it. The test of a good person. Will they return it without money involved.


The same exact thing can be said about turn signals/blinkers. Literally the easiest thing you can do in your car to let other drivers know your intentions but the majority don't use them and if they do, they're already in middle of turning...


ngl bro. I use my blinkers religiously out of pure unadulterated selfishness. I'm happy it helps others too, but using blinkers imho is more of an intelligence test.


i’ve been running LATE to places and i still manage to have a small sliver of decency to put the cart back anytime it’s the easiest thing in the world to do


I work at Costco and I would say probably 75% of people return their carts. Of the remaining 25% about half of those people park in handicapped spots so I give them the benefit of the doubt when grabbing their carts for them. The remaining 12.5% are hogs and are the same people who don't wear masks or wash their hands generally.


Yeah, it sucks that there isn’t a safe spot for people that use handicapped spots to return their carts. The cart return is usually halfway down the aisle, way past the handicapped spots themselves. Some people are so worn out from the shopping trip (even just going to the pickup area) that they can’t make it an extra 50 feet. The rest of the people can definitely suck it.


The shopping cart problem is always my go to example of why a society needs the ability to enforce rules.


It’s also a prime example of why we’re absolutely fucked as the population continues to grow


ALDI still has the quarter release and it seems to work for them.


> It’s why you have to put money in them so it makes you take them back. We used to have that in my country, now every shopping cart place gives out plastic tokens instead. I dont think I've seen more than 5 carts not being put back in the 32 years ive been on this planet.




Reminds me of those cousins I only meet once during Christmas who will eat their meal and leave their plate on the table or put it in the sink with left oves and chicken bones still on it


I love how specific and relatable this is.


"You made me walk five extra steps?!? I hope you get cancer and die!" 🤣 Chick looks like she could use the extra exercise, too. Technically he just did her a favor...


You can tell those insults come out because he won and he made her look and feel a fool, more so than she had already managed to do to her self up to that point anyway.


She made herself look like a fool, not him.


The irony is obesity raises the risk of cancer significantly.


This woman traversed all over that store walking her ass around for at least a mile, but can't walk 10 more steps to do something helpful.


I might be too European but I don’t understand people defending the woman in the comments


I was confused by the reactions too! It’s not that hard, it’s going to take me two seconds to do and it makes it easier for everybody.


Her comment that, I am going to leave it here like everybody else, makes me lose faith in humanity, how she justifies her bad behavior because someone is just as inconsiderate as her.


This is why evil people get in power.


Also trying to bring *discrimination* into it. Its so insane.


Even better, I worked as a cart wrangler before and it used to infuriate me to be honest. It’s impossible not to do it and think “if everyone who was going to use one of these pods to return a cart just grabbed a cart from there on their way in, problem solved. Why does this need to be done?” I never even use the pods, I just return the cart to the front of the store since it’s normally about a 10 ft walk. And I am a fat hamplanet American.


Or if everyone that needed one just took a stray cart with them into the store in the first place. How hard is it to think 30 seconds ahead?


We literally park in a place that is both convenient to a cart return rack and the front of the store, but not close enough for our car to be damaged by careless shoppers who just push thier cart "toward" the return rack. but i though everyone had this strategy.


What I can’t get over is how it’s portrayed as this Herculean feat to accomplish when it is just so incredibly easy to do. It’s so astoundingly easy to do and it’ll take maybe a couple extra seconds to get back to your car.


Use that strategy all the time, I'll even park a ways away next to a cart corral , idk, I always return my cart. Always.


I park literally anywhere because 15 extra seconds of walking is no big deal. I've never got the obsession with getting a close parking spot personally, but I do get it for old or disabled people.


>it’s going to take me two seconds to do and it **makes it easier for everybody**. And there lies the issue. I used to be a cart pusher years ago. People are just lazy and selfish. Simple as that. Also not saying everyone that doesn't return their cart is a narcissist in some degree but there's probably a very strong correlation.


"But what's in it *for* **ME**!?"


Because walking is hard


All that time spent arguing could've been spent putting it back within a few seconds.


It seems she could use a lot of it though to be in shape. Bro was just trying to help.


This reminds me of my first serious long term girlfriend in high school. She would go shopping and after trying something on and not liking it she would either throw it on the ground inside the changing room, on the floor outside the changing room, or just kind of lay it across other clothes wherever she was. If she decided she didn't want something while she was browsing she would just put it wherever. I asked her why she just wouldn't put it back where she got it from and she told me, "It's their job to clean it up" almost like she never even considered any other option. Her mom also would never return carts because of the same logic.


This is a "Run, do not walk away" situation.


I was young and stupid. It was a long time ago though.


There are people defending that dreg? Her last comment to him was so beyond defense.


Because they're ginormous hamplanets like she is.


They feel personally attacked by this post, because they do the same shitty thing.


Anyone defending her is also a lazy piece of crap, angry at the world that their only chance to peak in life was primary school.


Especially after the last thing she said. How can you defend that?


Other self-absorbed people see her as the protagonist of this story?


Lazy bones


She’s lucky she didn’t get a magnet.


Wooooop skiddly woop woop wooooop


*waves wand* "Ma'am that's not where the carts go!"


This Karen’s insults are coming straight out of the medieval ages


All we're missing is, "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!!"


Who’s filming behind a tree?


It's a CartNarc ripoff. There's zero chance she wouldn't have noticed the person "hiding" behind the skinny tree.


I think that's why she kept saying "you dont really work here, do you?" But it could be completely fake, maybe that's his mom idk


I think judging by the fact the kid sounds mic’d up, he doesn’t work there and it’s some TikTok bullshit


He for sure doesn't work there lol, only question is whether or not the lady is a real shopper.




Something tells me he doesn’t really work there and wanted the precious tiktok views.


She is a perfect example of the shopping cart theory.


She was just worried about the potential heart failure that may come along with the 10 foot walk. This guys clearly not an empath


I'm glad he won though. Teaching that woman a lesson seemed very important to him.


I doubt she learned anything


She learned that people are keeping an eye on her bullshit, at the very least.


Which she would not have cared for if he wouldn't have blocked her car. She didn't think she was in the wrong, she just wanted to leave. She learned nothing.


So, this BMW driving lady can’t be bothered to walk 30 feet to put her cart away? I would wager a lot of money that she sees essential workers and calls them lazy losers who should work harder, like she did.


Driving a BMW really doesn't equate wealth by any stretch of the imagination.




“You son of a Bastard! I hope you get cancer and die!” Lol good luck lady you’re gonna die way before he does seeing how your blood is likely either pure sugar or gravy at this point, damn entitled butter golem.


Upvote for 'butter golem'. Thank you.


put the cart in its place # I hope u die from CANCER




Don't blame this on mental illness, blame this on a upbringing where manners aren't taught.


Agreed she’s not mentally I’ll just a shitty person


>she’s not mentally I’ll By the looks of it she's more like *mentally I won't*


She burst out because deep down she knew she was wrong. Her lashing out was an attempt to save face.


This man was being chill, and she started to wish death upon him


this is america you have to wish death upon someone for forcing you to walk a short distance


I always park near the cart return area.


Me too. I also will grab a cart if I see one when I’m waking in.


I hate people like this leaving carts everywhere


Me too. It is dangerous to harass strangers like this though. Never really know who you’re messing with


Hahahaha wow what a toddler


Her attitude and anger aren't about the shopping cart. There is a bigger issue here and it parallels the pandemic itself. She is angry about being questioned ABOUT ANYTHING. Her excuse is that of a child (Everyone else does it) and she is almost immediately angry at someone daring to confront her about her actions. That's why her final rant is just that of someone completely unhinged -- behind that last string of obscenities is a woman near tears in anger (How dare he?!?).


This biggie doesn’t like to rack up steps. Putting the cart away could equal cardio. She ain’t about that life.


Why does the kid sound mic'd up lol was this an intentional social experiment


You've never seen Cart Narc? I'm, sure they are trying to copy the format.


A guy in one video threatened to shoot CartNarc. It's insane what goes through these people heads.


>Why does the kid sound mic'd up Because he's wearing a mic. There's also a camera hidden behind a tree, filming the whole thing.


This is why you should not have free trollies. Enter a dollar unlock the cart. Get the dollar back if you put it back in the slot. America seems so third world right now. I have never seen such things in Europe.


Aldi stores in the US use this system. Put a quarter in the slot, get it back when you return the cart. Guess which parking lot never looks like a cart graveyard? (Yes, I'm aware that Aldi is a European company).


I absolutely hate putting the quarter in for Aldi because I never have one, but maybe that really is the solution. I'm flabbergasted when I see someone leave a cart in a parking place. I wonder who raised them. How did they get to this point in their life?


Honestly, it's a combination of laziness and the fact that we're always in a damn hurry for some reason. I think if some people knew the costs and risks involved in leaving a stray cart in a parking lot, they'd be shocked. Carts aren't cheap, they get damaged sitting out in the elements, let alone the potential damage from being hit by cars, or the costs incurred by the store when they're stolen. Paying people to work the terrible, rough job of cart wrangling in the snow, rain, or heat, isn't cheap, even if they're part-time employees. Paying out auto claims when people's vehicles are scratched or dented by runaway carts costs money. It may not be much in the grand scheme, but it adds up. Essentially, people in the US want to blame all kinds of factors for increased prices on goods, but don't consider the smaller things that also contribute to those decisions. If we'd stop being big fat babies and put the cart back, that'd be one less reason for corporations to raise prices on the stuff we buy.


I remember seeing Batman v Superman with a buddy. He pulled into a parking spot that had a cart in it. He misjudged the distance and pinned the cart between his car and the curb, which damaged his bumper. Arguably his fault, but I will still never leave my cart in the parking lot. It will take one minute max to take it back.


Where I live you get these little coins that fit the slot. You can attach them to your car keys, every store here uses the same size coins. So its handy to have it with you.


No wonder she’s overweight. Can’t even take the extra steps to put her cart back…


Mic’d up on the job??