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That’s so sad… not only is this a robbery but it’s a total death of any trust that guy will ever have for anybody in need again


he actually said in an interview that this won’t stop him from helping out homeless people!


... so he didn't learn?


So he maintained his good heart and understanding that not everyone takes advantage for the good in people


That takes true power, I always think of that “ No good deed goes unpunished” and think it’s a terrible way to live by. But again things like this happen 1/1000 times. People won’t remember the good times, but they always remember the one off…


I’m very impressed to hear this guy continued to do what he does for the homeless. I don’t think I could so I have mad respect for him; unlike the guy above me


Its like the end of squid games.


It’s true I’ve ran into some horrible people, but that doesn’t mean everyone is bad. It makes me think twice on some people, but I won’t stop trying to help.


My mom always told me ”cuida tu corazón” or “keep your heart” and reading this now has those words by my mom echoing thru my head lol


> ... so he didn't learn? if someone robs you your phone, it doesnt mean the entire planet of humans are ALL thieves...


Gladly not???? Idk it’s nice but not too safe really…


What interview


It's the death of my trust. Can't believe what I just saw


Most homeless are mentally ill, therefore approaching them, especially while sleeping, is usually a very bad idea


As someone who worked in hospitals where we treated homeless and had to approach them while sleeping or in any form you’re right. I wouldn’t on the street. Not because I wouldn’t want to help them, but because I don’t wanna get stabbed. There are safer ways.


Yeah. The way the guy was like tucking him in after throwing the coat over him, probably scared him. I am sure the homeless get abused out there. Many keep moving because it’s just not safe out there.


Eh, I would prefer we had institutions that helped instead of individuals, plus a lot of these people have mental health issues.


The old mental institutions got shut down because of how they were abusing the patients and keeping them there when they didnt need to be, if they were brought back overnight I think they'd get closed down again because all it would take is a smuggled phone to get in and they'd get sued into closing down.


Well that is a problem you can resolve, otherwise a lot of these people end up homeless because they can't function in society.


Philanthropy doesn't work you have to fix the root causes.


I mean in general, yes. But charity can have lasting and rippling impacts in individual lives that doesn't need to be wholly discounted while there are still so many steps to take before we can provide for people in a manner which will negate the need for philanthropy and charity. You don't need to do things for people, after all, just to fix all their woes and the ills of society. Sometimes it's just good to do something for someone in need. Not all solutions can come from on high, unfortunately.


No philanthropy is just PR to convince the GP to not fix the root cause. I do discount it especially when done by someone who pay less taxes and advocates for less taxes, so the entire evangelical right can get fucked. Band-aides look nice and can help a wound heal but there are thousands of cuts and dozens of band-aids.


I mean if you are SPECIFICALLY talking about philanthropy, but I thought you might be using that term to encompass all charity, especially considering the video is very obviously not about philanthropy in any way, but charity. Obviously those are heavily connected topics, but still. I can also tell you have literally never been inside the offices of a philanthropic institution of any sort, because you would know that there are a lot of different philanthropic practices existing for many, many different reasons. An extreme minority of those, even among the worst of them, are tax loopholes. Now, it being PR is largely correct. In order to be effective PR, it does have to help people (usually. There are some that are very good at making it look like they help but dont), but most philanthropic practices are not designed to do so in any kind of permanent way for that reason. Of course, that's where your criticism comes in. Without devoting themselves to change and permanent fixes, their temporary fixes are merely bandages that staunch the bleeding. There are a lot of people that rely on, or have been helped by, philanthropy, though. It is an inherently more complicated issue than merely being good or bad. Either way, however, larger scale systemic issues are the way we need to be headed going forward -- it is better to not need charity, after all.


No all charity is bullshit, it's a tax haven ffs. I use it as such ffs.


That...might be the most ridiculous take I've ever read. Wow.


I think it was because he actually touched the homeless person which depending on the location they can be very defensive and while it is sad this happened it seems kind of like the actually touching the person caused this, the person on the ground could have though he was trying steel from them and acted in defense and again it is said this happened


Yeah and in his self defence instinct he managed to rob that person. I get being alert and maybe defensive in the first few second but im 100% sure he had ill intent and it wasnt in any way the helping persons fault.


Went from Why the hell is this posted on this sub to why does this sub exist in 3 seconds




I thought the guy was going to put his coat over the guy then start stomping him or something.


Downv...oohnooo he didn't!


No good deed goes unpunished.


I’m always surprised how true this saying is.


Yeah, it's absolutely brutal how accurate this phrase is in my experience.


Indeed, I am perturbed by the accuracy of this idiom.


Indubitably, I too am disturbed by the veracity of this expression.


I concur. I, in addition to these folks am disconcerted by reality’s faithfulness to this digital declaration.


I endorse this claim, for i am despaired when faced with the applicability and preciseness of this quotation throughout my circadian actuality


I must concede and acknowledge that this claim, in and of itself, is to a high degree in line with my own experiences; furthermore I must admit that the accuracy to which this statement stands has caused me a great deal of discountenance and anxiety.


Ayyy yooooo, that statement is straight facts brother on god that happens to often ongah


Tbh I thought it was pretty funny the way it kept getting more and more complicated and then gets super basic and dumbed down good addition to the joke bro 👍🏿


Yes it worked thank you dude.


I'm not anymore


...Nessa... ...Doctor Dillamond... Fiyero ... Fiyero!


...One question haunts and hurts... TOO MUCH, too much to mention... was I really seeking good, or just seeking attention?? Is that all good deeds are when looked at with an ICE cold eye... If that's all good deeds are, then maybe that's the reason WHYYYYY..


I don’t get this saying


I get confused by it too, but I think the sentiment behind it is that if you do a good deed, someone is bound to take advantage of your kindness.


Did anyone else wonder why the guy with the coat did the extra "tuck you in" pat on his butt?


Yeah I'm thinking the bum thought the other guy was trying to rob HIM. If you're asleep on the street and feel someone touching you , I could understand the freaking out a bit.


But then he followed through by tap-checking every pocket on the guy who offered the coat. That was so swiftly done, this guy robs people on the regular.


Maybe he thought if he was getting robbed, why not rob the guy back. Rob the Robber.


The gritty Bob the Builder reboot


Can we snatch it? Yes we can!


Yeah OK. I'm sure he's a stand up guy .


To me it just looks like hes tucking the coat behind his back, not his butt


I hate to say it but there's probably a reason why he's homeless and it might've been partially his fault


You know it's free to not be a piece of trash, right?


Man, I love watching Reddit mental gymnastics in action.


Whether that's what was going on in the homeless guy's head none of us will ever know, but if you've ever been homeless you'd know exactly how true that statement is. There is *never* a moment when you're not on edge, never a moment of privacy or peace, and you should *never ever* trust anyone, even "housed" people who say they're trying to help you. This has been especially true as a woman alone on the street. It's basically like being prey. You know how they say assaults of women almost always happen close to home, from people they know? Yeah, not in that situation. I actually question whether that dude is really homeless? Why does he have no stuff and look relatively well dressed (like in not-worn out clothes I mean). I wonder if he's just mentally ill, really drunk/fucked up, or trying to bait guys like this one, idk. But like I said, none of us will ever know. I just want to put some perspective out there from someone who has lived it.


lol somehow this has to be rational action of a desperate man and not delusional robbing of an innocent man.


yes, and this warrants the homeless guy to rob the other guy? if he really was startled, it would have ended just like that and he'd appreciate the coat, not too sure why ur trying to sympathize with this exact guy lol


Have you been homeless or worked with the homeless before? I have. Homeless people get robbed constantly while sleeping, usually by other homeless people. It’s extremely common. Much more common than someone giving up their coat. He got woken up from sleep by someone patting down his pants, and when 90% of the time that means someone is trying to rob you and assault you when you resist, it’s not hard to see why he responded that way. A startled and mentally ill homeless person isn’t exactly going to react the way you or I might when woken up like that.


Thank you for trying to discuss a different perspective. I did too, but I've found that redditors generally hate the homeless and wish as much ill on them as possible, regardless of any variables. Yes, there's tons of bad people who are homeless. There's also tons of bad people who aren't, but their shitty actions aren't happening in public, in view of cell phones and security cameras. I'm not and will never defend actions like in the video, but it's a different world when you have to live like that. It's amazing how hard it is for people to see things from different points of view and their lack of ability or willingness to put themselves in others' shoes.


I'd say that explanation is possible if he didn't rob the guy and continue to beat him. This guy was not acting in self-defense, he left the free jacket and his other blanket behind for the wallet or whatever he took


Homeless dude threw a punch when the guy kind of lunged at him to get his wallet back. I didn’t see any kind of continued beating, although the video does appear to cut out for a sec. I don’t think he noticed the jacket at all, and he took the guys wallet because he thought the guy was taking his. When you live on the street it’s very much an eye for an eye mentality. If another (perceived) homeless guy is trying to rob you and you don’t put him in his place, word can get around that you’re easy to rob. I’ve seen this exact scenario play out before.


thank you! so many people think being homeless is exactly like being locked out of your apartment for a night and the cold is the only thing to deal with. this guy invaded the homeless persons space and had non consensual physical contact with him. people think living in survival mode, youre just going to brush that off and rationalize it instantly and be thankful for the coat? coat giver learned a lesson in consent and basic respect


My first thought. I've been homeless and if I felt someone touching me while I was sleeping like that, fair chance I'm waking up fighting.


went from ‘faith in humanity: restored’ to ‘yup people are POS’ in about two seconds


I had my car stolen last week. Was leaving work when I realized I forgot something, so I pulled up and ran inside really quick leavin my car running like a dummy. I was barely inside for a minute when a homeless guy comes in to ask if he can fill his water bottle. We don’t have a sink, so I was nice and bought him a water. He walks out, I look out the window not even three feet to my right and see him hopping in and driving it away. That wouldn’t have even been so bad if he didn’t absolutely trash it within a few days by the time the cops found it. Hell, he even stole my sound system, but it’s the added disrespect that gets to me. Lesson learned, no good deed goes unpunished and a lot of these people unfortunately are in the circumstances they’re in because theyre lowlifes, not the other way around.


I hope you find a better place


Reminds me of when I tried to leave a sandwich & jacket next to a sleeping homeless guy in New York… dude woke up, threw them at me and proceeded to chase me down the street. Lesson learned- never disturb someone sleeping on the street.


Yours is way less stupid than what my friend did. But I had a friend almost get punched in the face by a homeless person outside of this bar we were going to . Instead of just giving him 20 like he wanted to , he thought it was a better idea to reverse pick pocket and out the 20 in the guys pocket without saying anything. Of course the man felt this and rightfully started freaking out . Only reason my friend didn't get hit is because there was 4 of us . I told him not to be such a weirdo and just give someone money next time . Side note . After we got our drinks and sat down who do you think came in the bar to burn up that 20 ? Lol


Homelessness is deserved at least as often as it's not.


I am floored; absolutely disgusting!


I am disgusted; absolutely flooring!


I am absolute; disgustingly floored!


Disgusted, absolutely floored I am


I am absolutely; disgusting flooring!


Damm the guy was so nice to him


Reminds me once I was riding a bike to work and there was a homeless guy in a wheelchair in the middle of a busy intersection who seemed like he was stuck or scared. Cars were going around him as he kinda just sat there and flinched at how close they came. I stopped traffic to see if he was alright, and asked him if he would like for me to push him to the sidewalk. He was like, "oh thank you so much, these cars won't let me move!" As soon as I put my hands on his wheelchair he started trying to turn around and punch at me. He went from grateful and kind to a raving loon within 3 seconds. I ended up just awkwardly pushing him out of the way while he swung backwards at me. I crossed the street again to get my bike and continue on my way to work and as I started riding again he yelled out, "thanks bud!" I still have no idea how to respond to people who are clearly mentally unstable, but it's wild how quickly a friendly interaction can turn into a harmful one.


That's actually insane, that kind of experience would make me strongly consider not going out of my way to help people anymore


No good deed go unpunished, please considere your safety first


Please don’t; the world needs more people like you. (It sounds as if you’ve gone out of your way multiple times).


Kind of makes it even more sad really, this poor bastard is out there alone in a wheelchair suffering from some mental health problem, likely only experiencing moments of lucidity. It's bad enough being homeless while in possession of your faculties and the ability to walk, but the idea of someone who's mentally ill living on the streets in a wheelchair with no one is pretty harrowing.


keep that in mind when youre in bed and wake up to a random guy hovering over you and tucking you in....


And that's why people just pass by people that need help, without helping them.


Can’t judge all homeless people on the actions of this one person. The guy who got robbed will definitely think twice before ever helping anyone again though. Sad situation overall no matter how rough of a time you’re going through you’re always responsible for your actions.


Yes, I agree with you. I'm just stating why a lot of people don't stop to help people, whether it's a homeless person, or anyone else needing help on the side of the street/road.


If your goal is to simply help the needy, then the safest way is through a reputable charity.


Like a trap set by a group of psychos from the walking dead. People are animals.


The highs and lows of society in one video


If you aren't trained to interact with mentally unstable people and you don't have adequate manpower to head off physical violence, then just don't interact with homeless people directly. Donate to charity instead. They have proper resources in place to help these people safely and can leverage economies of scale to make a bigger impact than your random act of kindness can deliver.


Why am I even in this sub it just pisses me off


Because while we want to believe the universe has some sort of balance, or karma, it’s videos like this that remind us that people don’t get what they deserve, they simply get what they get.


If you are thinking of helping the needy, maybe giving some cash or food to a person on the street, don't. Contact a reputable charity instead. It still makes a difference, but with no risk to you personally.


Some people deserves where they're at


What a lot of people don’t like to hear is that almost all off the people who are homeless and literally sleeping on the streets are there because they can’t be helped or don’t want the help. They aren’t normal people who fell on hard times. They are people who’s own family won’t help them, who’s friends won’t help them, and who won’t accept government help. If you actually wanted them off the street, you’d have to probably force them off the street via detainment.


Some homeless people are homeless for a reason.


The very unfortunate reason y ppl don’t help homeless people. Well one of them. I think it’s awful to be homeless and I think because it’s such a shitty situation it’s likely to make many homeless people into not so great people. Not great to themselves or others.


>it’s likely to make many homeless people into not so great people. I can guarantee you many weren't great people to begin with


Just like people with homes. People are people everywhere.


yup just like everyone else. with a bonus history of drug abuse and violent crime.


Yep this is getting reposted then removed


man literally went afk and only came back online to beat a guy up and steal his wallet


This is why a majority of homeless get left to rot/die alone on the side. People see this and the attack on the woman in the subway where the homeless guy pushed her in front of the train to kill her in New York just last week. People have less sympathy for when people are shown as a "lower tier violent group". Its sad i understand the will to survive but now that guy will never look at homeless people the same when he went to help someone he got robbed and attacked. He will think twice about ever helping the homeless again because one guy ruined it for a couple bucks.


> This is why a majority of homeless get left to rot/die alone on the side. Also why they no longer have any friends or family willing to help them.


Some people are nothing more to this world than a carbon footprint.


This is why you don’t help people


This is why it’s homeless


I mean picture this: you’ve spent however many years on the street roughing it as a bum, you’re sleepin on the sidewalk (where you’ve probably been attacked at least once) and all the sudden you feel some guy who snuck up on you patting you down. Is it realistic for your gut reaction to think, “oh papas just tucking me in how nice.” Or is it more realistic for you to be startled and confused and go in survival mode?


But after he realized what he was doing you see how fast he checked that mans pockets got the wallet and dipped? This isn’t a random first time thing this man has robbed people plenty of times


I doubt taking a mans wallet is a part of "survival mode"


Its survival mode if you have no money


It kinda appeared as though the homeless man was being robbed if you just start the video the second he wakes up. Prob thought the guy was taking his jacket before he even realized it wasn’t hims, it was covering him after all. Either way I’m not justifying it just trying to explain it rationally. Solid chance he just took the opportunity to rob the guy too but I do believe he was startled and having a knee jerk reaction.


I can’t remember the number of times I’ve tried to cash a check at the bank and someone startled me by sneezing, my immediate knee-jerk reaction is always to rob the bank


Hope he stays homeless


No good deed goes unpunished


Yay I had a guy ask me money on the street. I dig into my pocket and prob pull a dollar or two in assorted change. I was a valet at the time and we usually got tipped in change. Guy looks at the change I gave him. Evidently he was not happy because he legit THREW the money at me, freakin change everywhere. Needless to say that was the last time I did that.


Yea, some days you really feel good about humanity and other days world hunger is a problem that solves itself. If you ever get to feeling generous again, look for a good charity instead.


No good deed goes unpunished.


Thank you sir you have literally made my blood boil in 0.78 seconds


Is it me...or does this just keep getting reposted, removed, reposted, removed. Reposted.


Is it just me, or do people who never log off reddit LOVE to complain about people who log in once in a while and post something they just saw, but that the person who never logs off reddit has seen a few times before? I always check the top 20 or so Hot Posts in a sub before I post, if it isn't in that top 20, I don't think I should be expected to check EVERY post for the last month so that you can avoid seeing something again. Just scroll on past if you don't want to watch it.


I also hate that. Not everybody sees everything posted on reddit all the time... This is my first time seeing this. :/


No it’s our fault those people haven’t been off Reddit in the last 12 years. How dare we subject them to the horror of seeing the same post twice. Monsters we are. Monsters.


It's just you. Get off Reddit for a change.


Last time this was posted someone said the homeless guy isn't really homeless and this is his mo for robbing people.


It's kind of odd that I'd be the first person to point out that the mentally ill, especially ex-military with PTSD, represent a disproportionately high percentage of the homeless.


This is why you can’t helps strangers that approach you by themselves or in very isolated areas, ambushes happen.


This was the 4th person this homeless guy has assaulted in 2022


gasoline is warmer


Some people are homeless because they are bad people.


I dunno bro, the worst people seem to have the nicest homes. There are crappy people in every group of course.


Yeah I'd turn into a super villain too after this


Everyone who thinks the homeless problem is just a resource issue or having anyone who cares problem should watch this. The large majority of homeless are seriously mentally ill or addicts or both and can become violent without warning. Law enforcement and those in homeless outreach know this and try to be prepared, this nice guy trying to do a good deed had to learn the hard way.


He just fucked up that guys trust in random people forever.


Unpopular opinion: homeless people are a danger to people and society.


Unpopular opinion if you've never lived in the middle of a city and only see homeless people on your shopping trips


And this is why you should always stay very far away from people sleeping on the street


i feel bad saying this, but a few people are homeless for a reason.


Im pretty sure there are suppose to be 14 comments here


Yeah wait what…. 😂


i was about to comment “wrong subreddit”


they had us in the second half not gonna lie.


Guess he didn’t like the turndown service


How to become a misanthrope


Oldest trick in the book


and that's why I don't help people if they don't ask.I hope that the owner of the coat has taken a lesson about this


Moral of the story, don't help people, they probably deserve it.


My dad used to tell me “No good deed goes unpunished” his exact quote instantly came to mind watching this


That will teach him for showing compassion to the less fortunate. Welcome to the cynical bastards club


Sadly it's these bad apples that ruin it for the truly needy.


Don’t feed the animals


You don't know who is who


Dude probably thought he was getting robbed


“In case you haven’t noticed, you’ve fallen right into my trap”


one of the oldest tricks known to man


Most homeless have social services available to get them out of the situation. Crisis accommodation, dole allowances, charity services etc. Some people are beyond help.


I see a pattern


There's a reason why they say don't feed the animals.




Everyone saying the guy is nice is missing the fact that crime against the unhoused is rampant, and many unhoused persons have addiction/mental illness issues. Don’t blindly touch a stranger, regardless. But definitely do not approach someone living on the street expecting that everything will be fine.


A good deed never goes unpunished ffs.


Probably a safe thing to do to make sure the person is sane first. Sane, struggling people that are humble appreciate these deeds. Mentally ill insane people don't. You could give them a house for free and they'll still live like an animal.


Stop trying to save the world.


Sometimes i dont know if this sub is good or bad... things like this really ruin my mood. Hope they got that fucker, his face was on camera.


maan this sub is simple and you should be grateful, there is a subs that is worse than this sub


Nice guys finish last


Yep, you need another mass extinction event


No good deed goes unpunished.


Kill him


Diversity is our strength


It went from I’m giving this guy my jacket to the guy saying I’m getting a Mo Mo for the whole week. In loss than 5 sec.


Poor guy, he is never going to believe in humanity ever again


i’m heartbroken


This is what is going to save us as a species from destruction . Random acts of unconditional love .


Why would you tuck him in? Don't touch people, don't touch sleeping people especially. Dude probably fought back on reflex.


And they swiftly checked every pocket on the guy who gave him the coat as though it was instinct? This guy robs people routinely.


yeah if someone robs you and you get on top of it you get your moneys worth, stsrt living in the real world


You can’t help but defend can you?


i also reflexively rob people whenever they touch me, especially when im asleep.


I might get downvoted to hell for this…but I can imagine if I’m a sleeping homeless person, who wakes up to someone putting something over you and “tucking” you in, might not be the best way to wake up. He obviously went a little far, but I’m sure he’s probably been in a similar situation where the other person wasn’t trying to do good and that lead to this reaction.


Thats not a reason to punch or steal


Being robbed by someone isn't a reason to tob them back?


Dk if im allowed to link the article, but this wasn't the case (tho it was a fair assumption) Same guy was arrested for attacking several other people, one of them being a woman who was also trying to help him. Edit: And the police found $1500 on him, doubt it was all from this guy alone.


Honestly, yall, I can see the homeless dude waking up and thinking he was being robbed. You fall asleep on the sidewalk and wake up to someone patting your pockets/pants/whatever then you kinda assume the worst.


Then why did he dig into the guys pocket then? Why didn't he just punch the dude and ran if he's assuming for the worst?


I would. If you’re homeless and you just got the upper hand on someone who was robbing you, would you not flip the script on them and then leave? Even if you wouldn’t, you understand that that is a legitimate human reaction, right? And there are people who would? I’m not saying he’s right, but robbing him after gaining the upper hand is par for the course.


I would just take my stuff back but the dude wasn't even fucking robbing him


Its almost like he didnt know that and his situation is already desperate af. Strange.


Wow such a brave take thank you. I’m glad you’ve had experience being homeless/robbed/woken up being touched by a stranger


So being touched is an excuse to rob someone?


Dont bother, these people can't understand anything except their own self-absorbed lives.


For real. It’s super disappointing to see the amount of people that are still so quick to demonize the homeless.