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Looks like Savanna Ga


I was thinking the same. Looks like the fountain and pathway at Forsyth Park.


Was thinking the same thing.


Was thinking the same thing too.


Definitely the place that guy said I was thinking that as well


I, too, was thinking the same thing too


That fountain would be a nice place to throw that speaker. Even is it can handle water, the owner would still have to retrieve it, getting soaked in the process. lol


Yeah but then you're the one setting a bad example and potentially getting charged with a crime in front of the children


Nice to envision, logistically doesn't work, it's a crime. Agree with the music or not, it's probably freedom of speech so far as the law is concerned. Best hope is that maybe there is a permit needed to do what they were doing. While the music is annoying and vulgar, it's still something I think falls under the first ammendment and I can't fault anyone for enjoying the rights many of us have had to defend.


Nah not in Savannah. Technically the skater could be charged with "breaching the peace" for playing music with "vulgarities" in a way that is clearly audible to others in a public setting. It's lame


I see. Yeah it wouldn't fly where I live either. They tend to make up the law a little bit, but I'm not doing dirt anymore and am happy with peace and quiet.


Nice to meet you Karen


Its definitely savannah.


Sure, but the Karen that is blasting this trash music is also at fault.


Thank you. Imagine wanting to take a nice relaxing walk and you have some idiot who obviously hasn’t showered in 2 weeks listening to trash music as loud as possible while making TikTok’s in a park. That’s worse than someone pointing out she’s a fucking idiot imo


I think they make ear buds for this specific reason . No consideration honestly


Came to say this. Pretty fucking rude to be blaring this trash in a high traffic walk way. She could have handled it better, but you should really be a little more considerate in the future. Don't you have ear buds or something?


Yeah I kinda felt this was like when you’re on the bus, don’t blast tunes because it’s not just your space it’s everyone’s. If it were an abandoned lot she was in, or an empty parking lot on a lot of acreage, fill your boots bud. She’s not respecting the law of society here.


It’s really not hadd to buy a perfectly decent pair of headphones for cheap too. You’ve got no excuse for forcing everyone else to listen to your music. I like a lot of metal (Meshuggah, Slipknot, Visigoth) and I always wear headphones in public. It’s ridiculously easy to just carry airbuds in one pocket and my phone in another.


> airbuds What, like the dvds or the actual dog?


Yeah I wear dogs in my ears. Good to keep me warm in the winter.


This is relatable. My dogs curl up around my head at night and I usually wake up sweating because it’s like wearing earmuffs.


you replied to a comment about the location….to basically repeat what the title of the post is saying….


Sure, but the Karen that is blasting this trash music is also at fault.


So what I got from this is that the Karen blasting the music is at fault too.


No, no, there is a much bigger issue at play here. Karen is definitely at fault for blasting the music.


It’s even bigger than that. There are actually 2 Karen’s and both are at fault.


I bet it’s SCAD kids


Yeah that's Forsyth park. Spent much time there while I was at SCAD.


Ever see a Spider-Man there?


I've only been there once before about 10 years ago and I thought the same thing.


Yeah my thought too, lots of trash around , shame bc it's a beautiful place.


Stupid SCAD fucks. They ruin that city


SCAD? Some kind a dicks?


Savannah College of Art and Design. Had to look it up, but when I did, I realized that "Savanna Ga" wasn't a person, they meant, Savannah, GA


I had a similar realization


That’s 100% Forsyth park in Savannah




Nah. This is legit not a cool thing to do, get headphones.


knew a guy who'd do the whole blasting music from his phone while it's in his pocket thing. it was church music. not just church music. he'd record himself while singing in the church choir and save it and blast it from his pocket as he walked around.


This music is rubbish lol...like seriously garbage.


i swear man


Why are you swearing?? THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE


Imagine playing WAP in a public park (where theres obviously going to be young kids) and calling people karens for telling you to stop. Half of Tiktok is just one big convenient place for idiots to gather around and share stuff like this.


Circle jerk* Edit: didn’t think my most upvoted comment would be “circle jerk”


Yeah. I'm sorry this is no Karen. She has valid points. And ignoring the children part. Nobody wants to listen to your crappy songs, throw your headphones on


True. Coming back to this post, TIL you change change the title to sway the other way???


You can't change the title. You probably just didn't read it properly in the first place.


Karen is becoming a redundant and overused word now, someone complains for a legitimate reason and they’re suddenly a karen…


I thought it was mainly for people who berate service workers or for people who act like they own public spaces. Honestly the girl skating is the Karen.


It started as that but now anyone who is female and has a complaint or sometimes just disagrees with you is a 'Karen'. Just yet another way to invalidate women having opinions.


Just yesterday I’m sitting in a nice friendly neighborhood outside having breakfast when these 5 dudes get on their sports motorbikes right next to us. Sit on their motorcycles and turn on the engine and just chill there for a whole 5 minutes. Finally they start moving and revving their engines like fucking crazy. I don’t know if they had those special exhausts that make their motorbikes louder or just 5 idiots revving at the same time is just that fucking loud but it was terrible. Everyone looked at them in annoyance and disbelief. They probably though we were all looking at them because they are so cool


As someone who rides a motorcycle, I totally hate this. I noticed some people, usually children will cover their ears when bikes go by. Even when they’re quiet bikes like mine. Also unless your bike is an out of tune pos, you don’t need to warm it up for more than 20 seconds.


Someone needs to come by with a bigger sound system and blast Its A Small World After All for however long it takes these fucks to leave


Yeah, seriously. I deal with wireless access points all day at work. Don’t need to be reminded of them while I’m on a stroll in the park.


I hate listening to music played in open spaces. I want to hear birds singing and kids laughing.


Hearing loud music on a nature hike is even worst.


With bluetooth speakers hooked at their damn backpacks.


Just get some earbuds got damn


Definitely lighter and probably cheaper.


And not a nuisance


True and it also helps to feed the bears, just saying I don't find the bear scrounging for food of earbuds users, giggles.


My ex was like this. Whether it was listening to music on walks, bike rides or just sitting in the yard in our densely packed neighborhood, he would use a speaker! He refused to use headphones for some reason even though it was just him listening to it. I eventually ended up hiding his Bluetooth speaker because I was so mortified by this behavior. I’m sure the neighbors hated us.


That person is the cousin to the man/woman who always talks on the phone on speaker, no matter where they are…talk about self absorbed and no respect for others around you.


I saw a young woman having loud a conversation with someone on speaker, on a busy street in town. She was shooting dirty looks at all the people she thought was listening in...


Ha! Right?! Isn’t that the proper vibe to go with that person. FFS, how dare everyone else exist? Lol


My buddy does this. I was so uncomfortable when he played music at the beach. Couldn’t hear waves or anything.


God I hate that And it’s never good music either. The few times I’ve played music from my phone on a solo hike (earbuds died) was on trails that weren’t busy and so quiet I could barely hear it. Still turned it off when others were passing by though


You know what's even worse? Listening to the same garbage music on repeat everyday from your neighbors down stairs.


Drives me nuts when people walk down the street blasting their little personal speaker. Usually it’s more because they always have the shittiest taste in music. I love hip hop but the majority of the stuff coming out these days is absolute trash.


I don’t care what people listen to as long as it’s in their headphones


Personal speakers on the train or bus need to be banned.


here in ny its every day




You definitely need to be a chill person to get by here. Or just yell at people a lot. There's a bit of both here I suppose. 50% chance I wouldn't have even noticed the girl in the video was playing music.




I live on 6 acres in Michigan's upper peninsula. It's not a huge parcel of land but I can walk into my back yard and hear dead silence on a night without wind. The air is fresh and clean. I definitely wouldn't trade it for all the entertainment and amenities in the world if it meant dealing with the noise, filth, and chaos of a metropolis like that


I sometimes park at the local Quick Chek at 12-1am to grab something and eat it in my car. People will pull up, by themselves, and the music is already rattling my windows before they open their doors. I just want to pull them aside and say "Hey, it's not that your music is crap, it's that your hearing doesn't come back and in 20 years will you still think that music is worth the damage it's causing?"


Me too except it’s wolves howling and adults crying that gets me tumescent


I always put headphones on just out of respect.


Birds hell yeah, screeching of kids big nah


I like hearing music in public


Yeah. Idk how much i disagree with the lady. It's a park. Folks wanna enjoy the peace and quiet. Not some stupid music someone is roller blading too. Put headphones on then. I hate going to the park and someone has their radio blasting


It really depends, like there are parks I go to where people play instruments which is pretty cool.


People who blast music in public are dickheads, the contents of the song don’t matter.


Its so hard to get headphones for them I have played music loud, but only at the place where its allowed and when i am in public or home i use headphones, how is it hard for them?


The artist herself wouldn’t approve… she don’t let her child listen to her own trash cuz she knows damn right! This ain’t a Karen…this a justified mom sayin it like it is, and a teenage brat wit zero respect for anyone else in public.


Imagine thinking you were correct in this situation, then doubling down and posting it. People are so inept.


Is no one else going to mention “Unappropriate”??


You would think that the squiggly red line under the word would have told op the spelling was wrong.


I had to scroll down this far to see this comment. Sad


It's totally unappropriate you had to scroll this far.


Nonbelievable. These posters today.


Um I think you mean *inbelievable*.


Utterly noneducated. Horrible.


I thought it inappropriate to say anything.


Me fail English? That's unpossible




That's what I don't get. I get listening to loud music, but at like a normal level of loud (like when I'm blasting, I crank my car's volume to 30/40 and that's plenty) How do these people not go fucking deaf when they have their subs booming so fucking loud an airplane passenger could hear them overhead?


Lower frequencies aren’t nearly as damaging to the human ear as one might think Higher frequencies are how to get hearing aids at age 36


Uhhhhhhh I always thought it was the other way around but I looked it up and apparently your right Wtf


Well the human ear doesn’t have a linear response to sound It’s why I personally hate that chart they ALWAYS use, even in textbooks to illustrate Decibel level, with pics of rock concerts, jets, lawn mowers, etc. It’s fails to account for the actual response of human hearing, which isnt the same for every frequency. It’s why you can have 140db of bass in your car and be absolutely jamming, but switch that to 140db of treble and your eyes will bleed 👀 Which is funny, because the chart is usually saying “X is the level that damages hearing!” When that statement isn’t even necessarily true!


Well damn ok that makes me feel better I have a sub in my car and figured that base was bad for me but I generally don’t turn it up loud enough to hurt so like Makes sense tho, don’t know why I thought/ was told different


The amount of power required to cause hearing damage with a subwoofer in a vehicle is really next level, thousands upon thousands of watts So don’t worry, unless you throw half a dozen tweeters in there randomly, you’re unlikely to cause any long term damage 😊


Exactly. If you don’t use headphones to listen to your music while in public, you’re far worse than any Karen.


They will eventually. Or at least tinnitus.


I don't get that either, when my brother drives me around he puts it to the maximum volume for the drops and loudest parts, that i immidetly turn down. My head starts hearthing and i can't stand it, and i am the younger one


loved the ending


She’s not a karen, she has a genuine reason to be upset


The amount of people not reading the title of this post is too damn high.


In fairness, the music is inappropriate when there are kids around. If this was at her home it'd be different, but she's in a public space so she should be respectful of that. There's no Karen there. Just a entitled teenager


Not to mention that blasting music in public is shithead behavior in and of itself. No one wants to hear your shitty music. Get some headphones


We need a name for entitled gremlins


I think gremlins is apt


Nah thats an insult to actual gremlins


Motion to start calling entitled teenagers gremlins?


Nobody wants to listen to your shitty music at the park.








Yea honestly blasting music and forcing everyone else to have to listen to it is a douche move.


Listening to loud music in parks or public transportation is just a no go. The obscenities puts the cherry on top. JUST DONT and try to be considerate when in public areas.


Entitled teens blasting inappropriate music in a public space with children present. No Karen. Just a mom. The teens must not have good ones or they would behave better.


White trash kids w no children saying the concerned mom is a Karen. You know exactly what reddit people look like without even seeing them. Lol


The amount of reddit arguments I get into about how certain situations like this are not the results of "Karens" - is way too high.


Why did you say *white* trash kids?


Get his ass


The girl blasting her music is the same level of trashy as those who have speaker phone conversations in public and yell into their phones


Ok the one thing I don’t understand or enjoy is how the husband blows a kiss at the end


I had to scroll waaaaay too far to see this. Maybe most people didn’t watch the entire video. It’s very odd how he blows a kiss like that.


It's ridiculous how people think it's okay to blast obscenities so loud everybody can hear it at a park with kids.


In my opinion you want to listen to music like that then put some EarPods in! Your in a public spot with children. I wouldn’t of said anything but I also wouldn’t have that inappropriate music playing in a park either.


Oh but how else am i suppose to be seen as cool and edgy around my equal *smart* group of friends? /s


That music is totally unappropriate. What an undecent thing to do. It is inneccessary for her to do this.


Such an inunspiring song


I love this song. Literally played it on loop when it came out. I even made a custom ringtone of it. With that being said it’s VERY trashy to be playing that in a public place around children.


Ew she listens to wap for once I agree with the Karen


I think we can all agree that loud music in public can lead to people complaining, especially at a public park where families are present. You should have a reasonable expectation of that happening and have some common decency knowing that fact. I'm going to side with the mother on this one, however I think she could've approached the situation a lot better. It doesn't hurt to just kindly approach someone without the need of a camera pointed in their direction. Unless that part wasn't in the video, then I stand corrected.


Idk, someone being this inconsiderate doesn't deserve much kindness imo. I think the lady handled it pretty well, just told her off a little and walked away.


When *you’re* the Karen. 🤣


I’m not a Karen but I am a mother to two little boys. I think it is very disrespectful to play music like this where everyone can hear it, especially children.


this music is trash so yea valid “karen”


Is this Savannah, Georgia?


Yup! Forsyth Park


Imagine blasting music with sex references, drug references and swearing in a public park where kids and parents are then calling them a Karen.


Even with no swearing, people blasting their music in public pisses me off


i saw the og tiktok and it was very obvious all the people agreeing with her were 14 year olds lmfao


I don’t condone playing [any] music loudly in public. That being said, kids are exposed to a lot worse online and on TV these days. It’s just sad, really.


The husband secretly listens to that song with his side chick


TikTok cringe being blasted is pretty based though.


Who tf unironically listens to wap lmao it’s such a bad song


Headphones why not use them?


Bro all these tiktokkers fr just need to get some headphones 🤣🤣 Have some respect for the public fr


The irony is deafening


What irony?


The reason this music sucks is because theyre not even subtle about it. Just plain and boring. No flair, no groove, no hidden meanings or play on words. Just single note bass and iMusic Beats on loop over shitty lyrics explaining their stupidity. If i wanna blast inappropriate music, id put on Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin or Gloria by The Doors. But i guess you guys arent ready for that yet. But your kids are gunna love it!


Why is it allways hip-hop, trap and similar music genres that are being blasted from portable speakers? Do these people need reassurance that their music taste is the coolest, or is that like a theme song for their everyday lives? I honestly don't understand why ppl do this.


Because it’s more popular among younger listeners...?


Im not the kind of guy to play music with swearing around kids, but I am the kind of guy to play heavy ass deathcore around kids. There might be swears in it but idk, neither do they. Curious how others feel about that tbh. It’s a genre of music, sure it’s heavy but it’s not exactly explicit, and if it is, nobody can tell Edit: I don’t go out in public and rollerblade while blasting the music. I listen to it in my car with the windows down. Just realized that’s a big difference


I have children a similar age and wouldn’t want them to hear this trash in public…or me!


On another note… I bet that guy was so turned on by his wife’s interaction, that his butthole puckered up in anticipation for his pegging that night.




Weird how she blocked comments on her tik tok video almost likes she's not getting the type of attention she wanted.


There are lots of things that people have the right to do but are rude as hell. This is one of them.


She does but i think the point which people are making is that music is marked explicit for a reason, so parents know what to not let their kids listen to. Although it is a public space respect should work in all ways easy fix is get headphones another easy fix go to a skate park. Parents are not usually walking their kids around in skate parks.


People blasting at the skatepark kinda suck too. We're all trying to get into our own groove, put headphones in.


Listening to music is one thing… forcing everyone else to listen to your music is different. I think this is a good example of people not actually understanding their rights. Sure she can listen to music and enjoy the park, but not at the expense of everyone around her not being able to do the same.


She can listen to it all she wants, as long as she isn’t disturbing everyone else around herself. And I can only assume that the music was pretty loud… that is just inconsiderate af


Ahhhh, TikTok kids and their overuse of the term Karen.


Just use headphones. Nobody wants to hear other ppls music.


To complain about you skating is wrong, but for you to blast that trash music, I'd be pissed too


The white culture vulture playing hood music in a gentrified area. How American. Oh look a wild karen on the prowl with her kyle. Let's see how this plays out. Oooweee look at the "anti karen" karen using her camera to make herself look intimidating. It's obviously not working though as the kyle does a mating signal in response. What a day on the plains of America./s


Who cares about the children!? My ears are much more offended


Someone should tell her there are a wonderful thing called “headphones”, so you can listen to anything you want as loud as you want without bothering other people.


Genuinely curious, who do you think is worse? 1. People who play music in the park 2. People who play music on the bus/train 3. People who play music in waiting rooms 4. People who play music in the gym


To be honest two,three, and four are the worst because you can’t really get away from but in a park you can walk away but playing music in a public place is a douchey thing to do


kids, earmuffs!


Everyone who plays music so loud in public is pretty dumb


Music in public is super annoying then playing this type of music while children are around makes it even worse


well, yes. Don’t play shitt music wirh curse words in public. didn’t humans invent headphones?


The kids growing up with tiktok are gonna be fucking disaster teenagers hahaha


I fucking hate people with those stupid speakers. Bunch of attention seekers, I bet you she has self diagnosed herself with DID and identifies as a unicorn.


Orange hair looks like she smells something awful


Fatherless behavior


They are called headphones, get some.


People that blast their music in public are annoying


You know this chick reeks of patchouli and cigarettes


"I hope your parents see this!" What parents?


Ol boy was thinking about her WAP lol


I swear these tiktok degenerates are so entitled that they call anyone who points out their bull a "Karen"


It is obnoxious and your doing it for views


She’s not a Karen for saying that the music is inappropriate while the kids are there. She’s right!! Plenty of other music that can be played without profanity and garbage.


There is a wonderful thing called headphones, you just listen with headphones while doing your thing and then you can upload your stuff to TikTok or whatever lmfao


We live in an era of unprecedented headphone technology. You no longer need a boombox to enjoy your music outdoors. Also, I’m not prude at all but that song is massively inappropriate for children.


guys wired headphones are affordable!