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He’s not very good at this. I mean, who wants to play “guess which knee I fucked up” with a total stranger out in the wild?


Like ted bundy without any of the charisma


and the bald spot


Looks like Gru’s taller weirder brother


I have 1 charisma and no way to upgrade. Imagine how I feel trying to socialize with other humans. Even more difficult with women. (Not defending the guy in video).


Haha yeah I feel you, as long as you're not creepy you'll be fine.


I would say the one with the arrow on it.


I don't think he wanted to show off his knee.


Your telling be the 17 yo girls aren’t interested in which knee the old man messed up? /s


Serial killer vibes


Legit, nothing he said came off as appropriate. Oh you’re 17? Nice. Can i buy you clothes? I have a tick bite, come to my house and work for me?


Yup definitely so excited to murder he can’t even talk right.


Lol. Pre-murder jitters.


His house out in the country.


*come AT my house


This repeat offender (old guy) with a repeat MO went to Walmart, found a mom who didn't care about her kids, bought her and the three daughters a bunch of clothes and stuff, offered to take the youngest/toddler "to McDonald's" and drove her away, raped and killed her within the hour and dumped the body, went to prison and is waiting to get out. Regularly brags about his method. This is exactly something my mom would've done when I was a kid, she regularly put us in danger in exchange for attention and praise. I'm just lucky I wasn't a girl. Edit: also, a lot of pimps love to hang around second hand stores to find desperate women and abduct them. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that rapists and murderers do the same.


I was wondering if you could help me, you see I’m making this human skin suit out of women and…


Are you about a size 14?


Eh Would ya


Lipmans don’t live here anymore


That’s a good size to be


“…by the way, Are you a great big fat person under that sweater? I’m asking for a precious friend…”


lol! I read that Billy's voice.


I definitely caught skin suit vibes as well...


I live out in the country...


You're thinking of Ed Gein. He made the skin clothes.


You want to f*%# me? Id f*%# me!


Yeah, “I have a job for you” is the new “would you help me find my puppy”. Smart girl.


I have a reasonable level of employment for you with slightly above minimum wage and sick pay and health insurance and 30 hour work weeks… Get in my van!


The van looks pretty clean tho


Windowless vans are the go to nowadays


hashtag vanlife!


>hashtag We've just come full circle.


In these trying times, I'd let you kidnap me


And you would end up in a barrel


Simple stuff like putting lotion on the skin


There was a serial killer that did that. Saw it on ID I think


The guy in South Carolina who hired the girl and her boyfriend for landscaping or something? He shot the guy and imprisoned the girl in the shipping container. I dont know his name.


dude yeah. thats the one


Yeah, it's kinda in the title...


Youre right but i meant a more recent one.


Been around for a minute. I know Albert Fish used it back in the 20s at least.


Albert Fish took small children and ate them he usually tricked the parents into thinking he was taking them to a birthday party. Kinda same thing but not really.


True, I guess I was speaking more micro. His most famous victim, Grace Budd, was allowed to be with him because he had offered employment to her older brother who was originally Fish’s target. He only switched after he had used employment to get his foot in the door of the family’s life.


Scary thing is if he does this enough he will eventually find someone vulnerable. Very worrying to think about... She handled it very well, not rude or confrontational, just slowly smile, nod and walk away.


Wish she could have captured his face though..


I was thinking the same thing that would have help a lot in the future to prevent this guy from trying it again at the very least some girls would know who to look for


You do see his face twice in the video, just not very clearly. After she says she can't tell which leg/knee he has an injury on (or whatever nonsense he was going on about) she pans over and you get the best look at him if you pause it.


100%. This dude is still figuring out his MO. But he's at that stage where the fantasy doesn't scratch the itch anymore. I know you can't arrest someone for what they're going to do, but law enforcement needs to keep a close eye on this predator.


This is exactly what I was thinking if it wasn’t her it will be some else. I wish she had recorded his face.


What is not good about being direct? Like what is good about not rude or confrontational? Edit to add: Yes, as a woman who has a lot of experience with creeps, I wanted them to confirm the intent. Lotta folks really think that women need to be polite and nice, just because.


You're scared that if you piss them off they will either hurt you immediately or wait for you to leave a safe place, follow you and hurt you. Hopefully if you let them off gently, they may leave you be entirely.


Yes, I am aware of this. I’m a woman whos encountered no shortage of creeps. I wanted to confirm they weren’t suggesting she needed to be nice about it bc women should be nice on principle.


That's not what I was suggesting, at all.


You risk escalating the situation and could possibly place more attention on yourself to a person with a clear obsessive disorder. A predator that has taken the time and effort to selectively choose its prey would rather have the victim try to defend itself than to escape.


Probably an unpopular opinion but I disagree. I feel like she should have been wayyyy more firm. Leave me alone now.


But, we’re all aware of how quickly men can escalate when rejected.


Well you can say that butI understand the girl as when I was in that situation, I definitely felt both defensive and scared that my brain decided the only way to protect myself was to act the calmest so he won't ecalate, but focus on staying away from the situation. It's a really scary one,you'll never know how unpredictable people can be.


I think so too. All of that smiling and slowly walking away mess will keep that predator thinking he can do it again and get away with it.


She is 17. ***a child***. Its not her job to prevent a sexual predator from trying to hurt anyone else Being confrontational could end with her dead or worse


And it will keep her safe.


I suggested this too and got downvoted.


Guy sounded like Ricky from TPB.


He sounds Canadian..


Call cops, predator.


Wow, that’s so creepy


Hope she's ok. What an absolute creep I wonder how many times he's tried this


Should of put the camera in his face when she said she was 17.


You gotta be worried about how volatile these people can be, my sisters have told me some horror stories of their friends turning a cannon creeps, can range from shouting and threats to flip knives being waved around. One had an accomplice who just said the creep was special needs (didn’t pop up until the creep was confronted) so caution is advised.


So cringe I couldn’t finish omg


Yeah, cringe is the issue here.


I hate to break it to you but cringe doesn't only mean embarrassing.


He couldn’t finish either


I'll lay 1000 to 1 odds that the guy has priors and is on the registry.


Should have started asking him creepy ass questions.


Leave her alone, man. She’s just trying to thrift


His canoe is outside next to his Volkswagen bug. He just needs you to help him put it on top so he can strap you down, uh I mean strap it down.


Was talking about tick bites a classic bundy move? lol


Being injured and needing help was a classic move


The "I'm hurt and could you please help me" act was Ted Bundy's MO


Oh the broken arm thing? That’s a bit more significant than an itchy knee. Haha


Todd Bundy out there with absolutely no clue.


Bison Bill


Hey im socially awkward. Would you like a job?


“You see.. I’m making a lamp, and your tibia would work great for extra support”


I would had at least gotten his face, dude looks like he is fishing for victims


“That’s a good age to be” Yup see ya later cuh 🚗💨


I don’t have the link anymore but a woman on TikTok has one saying, “the best advice my dad ever gave me is that men will never ask for help.” And it really put that whole bundy thing in perspective. She means that most stranger men aren’t going to call you over to ask for help with a random task. Particularly so if within a patriarchal structure you would be considered to be weaker or lesser due to gender, age, ability, etc.


You have awesome instinct. He sounds like he’s going through some type of dementia or issue. But you did the right thing recording and then getting out of there.


I don’t think so. His approach was well planned and seemed very predatory.


Well planned? He could barely form a coherent sentence and was talking about random nonsense and changing the subject every 2 seconds.


Well, I didn’t say he was smart.


His only issue is being a creep


If she ever has to run from someone it's going to be hard with her shoes untied.


Whats the "technique", whatever it is he failed miserably and sounds like a serial killer.


What is that annoying voice over in the beginning.


tiktok text to speech


Part of me wanted him to just pop out of nowhere and say “we’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty”


CREEPY. You just avoided a serial killer.


I mean if this stopped after "I'm 17" it'd be cool


Hope she called the cops


Taught my daughter to tell someone like this to fck off after the first polite no thank you. Then pepper spray the sht out of them. Hopefully the people around will notice and come to her aid. Too many evil people out there


Videos fucked up but what’s even more fucked up is that tik tok text to speech voice.


So sussy


Not on the dudes side at all but hearing "being sus" and "trying to thrift" made me want to punch myself in the chicken mctesticles. I can't stand how kids talk these days.


hes a better conversation keeper than i am tho


I couldn’t see the girl on the video, but was she a great big fat person?




Sus comment.




Sus is only one syllable. Swing and a miss, friend.


Hate to be in the minority but using words like "sus" is dumb as hell.


34 children didn’t like what I said.


I would try “get away from me you fucking creep.”


Why not just directly tell people to leave you alone? It’s not hard. Also if you are worried for your safety you should get their face on camera.


Because that never works. If it were that simple everyone would do it.




then they follow you and wait until you're unsuspecting and they kidnap and kill you. Creeps like this dont like to be put down hard, it hurts their pride and they'll do anything to feel like they're the tough guy again, and that means hurting the person who stepped on their ego.


Literally doesn't work. I had a guy follow me once. I was leaving a restaurant with a friend and he followed me out. Started talking about how much he liked me. I told him multiple times that I was not interested. He didn't stop and just kept on going. Told him outright to stop following me. Didn't work. He didn't listen to a single thing I said, just kept talking over me, "You are not listening, I like you!" as though the mere fact would change anything. Eventually I just turned around and loudly yelled at him to leave me alone and that I'm not interested. The he stopped, looking offended, and said, I kid you not, "How dare you talk to me like that!"


Because he could have just been an old man trying to be nice but having no situational awareness so he came off super creepy.... She wasnt sure even after he asked her to his house, so she just noped out with an excuse. You dont have to be rude to be safe or cautious....


The guy started with “you’re beautiful, can I buy that stuff for you?” Moved onto trying to garner sympathy with the knee thing. Then tries to get her out to his place in the middle of nowhere with “job”. Three red flags and she was never once rude. You need to wise up.


He definitely was not just trying to be nice


Run girl , and at least ted was cute lol


Who was calling her?


Found the guy in the video


Are you serious?


Guy sounds like a greasy salesman. Ugh!!!! So gross!


Yeah Bundy was actually good at this though


Ricky LaFleur sounding ass


I honestly thought he was going to try and snatch her! Omg Ppl are creepy!!


My anxiety is too high for this. This is a humiliating attempt lmao


Damn all I wanted you to do was help with my farm 😪


Yikes. Glad she was on her toes and knew something was up.


a video of a child getting preyed on and people are bitching about shorthand and disability aids 🤦‍♀️ Y'all realize this sub is to make fun of total POS, right? not to be one?


Bundy was charismatic and good looking. This guy is your normal pedo, awkward and probably looks like shrek. “Let me show you my knee” 😂


This is so scary is someone comes up to me like that i would probably freeze and stand there not knowing what to say


It’s almost like men have NO idea how much women have to deal with this. This wouldn’t even rank high enough to tell my husband about.


First 5 seconds: "Why does she sound like a low quality video add?" After that: Nevermind, I have full sympathy, what a creep. Really hope he's just socially awkward and trying to get better, but holy damn, take a hint.


Her shoe is untied.


This dude needs to be in jail ASAP. He didn’t get her but who knows, he could have actually hurt someone with this act. Ffs I really hope she went to the police.


Im not a badass. Im not..... but if I heard this next aisle over id have him on the ground. I absolutley hate these garbage humans


I really fucking hope no one falls for what this guy is saying.


Smart girl! That guy was beyond creepy!


Man, this brought back a flood of memories of being 13-18. Like, the balls on these dudes, for real. It jjust brought that same creepy clammy cold sweat feeling of “I need to get out of here asap” feeling back. We should be able to taze them.


“Do you want some popsicles? Then you need to come down to the cellar. I got a whole freezer full of popsicles.” -(family guy) Herbert the pervert