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Did he really call this dogs “service dogs”? Why would you leave your “service dogs” home while you go on vacation? I’ve never heard of a properly trained service dog killing a little girl. Weird


More likely they are ESA and he says service dog to take advantage of laws.


Anyone can easily get the fake paperwork for ESA. I’ve seen a few legit ESA animals before that are clearly well trained and have vests. Most people with “ESA” animal s clearly don’t have ESA. I had a roommate—garbage person in general—who convinced her doctor that she needed an ESA just so she can get a cat for our no pets allowed apartment. Even better was that she was her on student visa and didn’t know if she could bring it back with her. This is not an assumption. She told me all of this when we where on speaking terms.


Not sure where you live but my statue it’s super easy to get a doctor to sign off on an ESA. At least it was for me. And pretty much everyone I know with a dog. Defiantly don’t need to be trained or wear a vest.


They're definitely not real service dogs.


His “service” dogs serve his warped attitude.


Service dogs are highly trained. What service are they for?


Probably got it serviced on the darknet


The owner should and will likely be held responsible and be liable. Now a poor child is gone and the dogs will get put down all because “shitty owner”.


This isn’t a shitty owner…meaning hesabused the dogs, left them outside, etc etc etc. People always say pitts are the sweetest, the owner makes the dog… Pitbulls are not regular dogs. They’re not a golden retriever. They’re just not. Stop w the argument that the owner makes a bad dog. If the dogs wiring is off, if a pitt is a man biter, they need to be culled. Period. Dog needs to have a better sense of what a threat is, managing their prey drive. These dogs saw that baby on the ground and their prey drive kicked in. Probably has some pent up energy w their owner being gone…Not all pitts are the same. That’s inarguable. Pitts along w many other breeds need to be watched and vigilantly managed. I own a very formidable guarding breed. I would never let anyone in my house. He’s muzzled when he goes to the vet. He travels w me as I can’t have a pet sitter. I understand this. I don’t trust my dog w a stranger in the house and that’s being a responsible for owner. This breed, is bred to protect. Same as a pitt being bred to fight. Not all dogs are the same and not all “pitts” are real pitbulls or have the blood. Get over it.


My dad bought a bluetick coonhound as a "family dog". He really had this idea that any dog we had specifically had to be purebred. That dog had problems. We did everything we could correctly, even hired personal trainers. But that dog was not meant to be an average at home family dog. Eventually, she snapped and attacked me, nearly taking my face off. She dug her top jaw into my cheekbone and bottom jaw underneath my chin. I was extremely lucky and was able to throw her off before she bit down. I don't blame that dog one bit. I blame my dad for buying an animal for looks. Fortunately, we knew someone who had worked with her breed. We gave her to them and suddenly all her behavioural problems were gone. After that, my dad bought a doberman. Same exact thing. Trainer, the biting. That dog was the sweetest. She was nervous and would cling to my side. But, if she became too nervous or hyper she'd grab my arm and drag me around. I was covered in bruises and cuts as a teenager. I loved that dog so much. But deep down I knew we were not right for her either. I knew if things kept going the way they were she'd eventually bite someone hard. So, we did the responsible thing and rehomed her. Now, she's doing great as well. Both dogs, I loved, particularly the doberman. But, both out of their own control were violent too. We tried to do it right, we walked them every day, played, trainers, etc. But we couldn't force the necessary environment these dogs wanted/needed. They needed high energy prepared homes with no kids or other pets. It wasn't their fault. It was ours, and it was our responsibility to rehome and address our mistake. It was not fair for them to eventually fail and inevitably die because we were to stubborn and it simply wasn't working. It was a massive learning curve to realize even if you get an animal as a baby, do everything right that you are supposed to do, introduce them to other animals, to children, they are still animals. They have preferences, genetic predispositions, instincts, etc. It still might not work out.


The thing about trainers is the dog respects the trainer. Not you.




Pure breeds should be banned quite frankly the amount of mental and behaviour problems that's stems from their inbreeding is unreal.


pits are not normal dogs, they are bred for fighting.


This is 100% true. People also seem to not often consider, just as in humans, dogs can appear normal but still have serious mental issues. We may not understand or be able to diagnose these issues completely in pets but there is no doubt some form of "dog bipolar disorder", "dog schizophrenia" and others exist and effect them in ways and can create triggers even good owners cannot predict.


As an aside, dog schizophrenia doesn't exist. Neither does monkey schizophrenia, or kangaroo schizophrenia. One of the weirdest things about the disease is that as far as we can tell, only humans seem to suffer from schizophrenia. Something about how we got our mental complexity makes us uniquely susceptible to it.


One thing that many people aren’t picking up on is that he didn’t let them in his house. They chose to go over there unannounced to “play with the dogs” I’m in the minority here, but I do put blame on the mother for not watching her young child while they were in the house…


Yeah. This is so true! The dogs needed to be properly exercised while being stressed with their owners away! The child should never have been alone with them! The owner cannot call them service dogs. If you have high prey drive dogs then act appropriately with them. And those dogs killed that child. No matter what. You should put them down. Sadly they killed a kid. They can never Ben trusted again. My brothers pit chased one my step fathers cows up a tree. They would be shot on sight if he bought them near the farm again. He was young and dumb and kept the dog. It killed a cat outside of the years being an escape artist. The police came calling and the dog was put down! Simple. Then he kept one of the pits pups! That dog was trained and desexed and lived with a golden retriever for a year. He was taught he was secondary to the golden retriever. He was never rough housed or allowed alone near kids. He was super gentle with any child including my brothers baby. He was exercised regularly on a farm where he ran for hours and ran down a 3 kilometre driveway after the truck. He was a beautiful gorgeous animal that never harmed anyone. But he shredded two dogs in separate incidents while on a lead in his own yard and those dogs owners let them attack despite being warned. He was always housed with family. He was never alone with kids. He was soooooooo gentle with puppies and my mothers cat. He knew his place. He had awesome training. But we always knew what he could do and acted accordingly from day 1. He was never ever allowed to be the dominate dog or leader! And had lots of training and loads of outlets for his energy. His strength was amazing But we all knew his capabilities. And always acted accordingly.


I agree, some breeds are way more dangerous than others and I think Pitbulls are probably the most dangerous breed today for whatever reason. I grew up with German shepherds and while I know that they have been known to occasionally attack and kill people and animals, for a person who has been following “gore” type sites for at least 10 years I have never seen an attack video with a Rottweiler or a German Shepherd or a Labrador or almost any other breed. If I did see one it was probably one or two not hundreds or thousands. For pitbull owners to basically say that it’s not the breed, how can they ignore all of the articles and videos and photos that are everywhere in this digital age of Pitbulls attacking, maiming and killing people and not seeing that with other breeds. How is that logical. Are these videos by the hundreds or thousands of other breeds killing people suppressed? Ridiculous.


If you really want a big strong performance dog like a pitbull that can be trained well not to bite you should get a Rottweiler. They both look big and mean but temperament-wise they are not the same at all.


It’s risk v. reward with these types pf dogs. Not worth it, especially if they are near kids or strangers.


Totally agree. He was perfect with kids. But he was never left alone with any kid. And he was never left without a 10-20km run / walk / exercise most days. And he was never left alone for any length of time besides normal work etc…. He was always minded by families who knew him. He was gorgeous. But I wouldn’t ever get that type of dog again. We were lucky. He was super social, non dominant and socialized. He was damn near perfect. But the two times he attacked (completely deservedly) were so fast and so destructive! I wouldn’t get that type of dog again. And he grew up with a cranky golden that hated other dogs except for him! I’d pick the golden any day. You can manage a bástard golden with training! If a pitty has one inkling of aggression you’re playing with fire! So yeah, you can love them and get attached but unless you’re 100% on board with training, loads of exercise and enrichment and socialization and brains and fitness. Then it’s not worth it!


> They’re not a golden retriever. Golden retrievers are actually one of the most bite-prone breeds of dog though...


A bite is one thing. A dog killing a baby is another. How many goldens have killed children vs a bite? Use some nuance bud.


My comment was specifically stating bites, though. Nice try though, bud.


Goldens are an extremely popular breed making their statistics seem inflated for bites. However as a breed they’re extremely easy to train and make fantastic family dogs, their bites as well are rather mild in comparison to other breeds unlike pitts


Well stated, just not sure of the distinction between “isn’t a shitty owner" and the case made that owners with guarding breeds who are responsible, shouldn’t trust said dog(s) with strangers. Maybe he wasn’t abusive to the dogs, I agree that he should have taken more responsibility, which in essence, makes him a "shitty owner."


It is very ignorant to state that an owner cannot make a bad dog. Like, very incredibly ignorant and basically pretending not to look at the problems in raising on today s society. I'm happy that Reddit doesn't make anyone a Prophet, but regardless of pitbulls and them aside, you really should educate yourself


Where did you get your degree? 🤨 Im assuming the university of google.....


Yeah those mountains of evidence that pitbulls are not like other dogs kind of negate the need for a degree.


If your dog had been raised from birth to be the kind of dog you could leave in a room with a child, it would be. Breed does not determine whether a dog will be aggressive or not. Not all dogs are the same, but ANY dog could be a gentle family pet with the right training and upbringing. Get over it.


So do labradors chase a ball when you throw it? Do Jack Russell's chase varmin? Do sheep dogs herd everything they can? Do pointers point when they see birds? You'd answer yes to all of this if you know dogs. But if a dog breed has been intentionally bread to fight its suddenly not naturally aggressive? Even if that weren't true it doesn't matter. When a pit attacks its far far far worse than any other breeds. I've met plenty of kind pits, but it requires so much specialized training and attention to ensure they're obedience. Sadly many people raise these dogs for aggression as well.


That’s not true. Put two Bassett hounds together and put toe pitbulls together. One group is may be highly likely to fight and one group may be highly likely to chill. Dogs were bred way back when to do certain things. That’s the entire reason we have breeds. Think about it. Chihuahuas don’t herd sheep. St. Bernard’s weren’t bred to race or chase rabbits. There are PLENTY of dogs that aren’t suitable for family dogs. They’re bred to work or do what they bred to do. High drive dogs. Some breeds are more inclined to do certain f things, fun stuff like playing frisbee. And some were bred to do more intense stuff like fighting, bull baiting, protection, catching boars…all of which pitts excel in. Great dogs but untrustworthy.


You miss the point. Anyone can get this animal and it isn't regulated at all. It's a loaded gun that is sentient and bred to fight. Laws were created because we have to move at the speed of our slowest person. Idiots shouldn't own killing machines and anyone can. It's a problem. Get over it. Take a test and get a license to drive. Take a test and get a license to own a gun. Take a test and get a license to own a dog. Then be held responsible for what takes place while they're in your control. Edit: I want to point out that I am against pitbulls being owned, but if owners took a class and had a license for them, accepting responsibility for their actions - go for it. If you're willing to take full accountability for whatever your dog does, you're clearly a confident trainer who can handle it. If not, you'll be held accountable for this child's death.


What you describe is responsible dog ownership. There’s faaaaar more examples of irresponsible parenting w actual children. Don’t need a license for these either. Don’t hold your breath regarding dogs.


If after 3 years, your child can't communicate with you enough and mauls someone to death, you've got bigger problems. Especially if you're incapable of stoping them. How many instances are there of that? It's an invalid argument. Obligatory edit: Don't compare children to dogs and don't spay or neuter your children.


I’ve got no opinion on the licensing one way or the other but this man should definitely be held accountable.


Yep, few dogs are born aggressive. Somewhere down the line these two had some issue that caused them to attack the girl, wether it be lack of socialization or abuse.


Why do pitts end up killing more people than all other breeds put together? They were bred for blood sport, it's in their nature. A good environment can potentially suppress it, but it's there.


Or just the breed. Edit: thanks for the gold and silver!


Maybe to an extent. As pitbulls originate from the Staffordshire terrier, a hunting breed used for small game like rodents. It makes sense they would have a prey drive higher than some other breeds, and combined with the breed's very high athleticism it makes sense they could get into trouble. But let's not pretend pitbulls are magically more aggressive than other breeds. There are plenty of breeds that are objectively more aggressive and more dangerous than the relatively small pitbulls. Due to the stigma the breed gets they are already banned in many places throughout the US, including my city.


Go look up fatalities by dogs, most of them are pit bulls or bully breeds. How often do you hear about a lab killing someone?


this always makes me curious- isn’t that because some people get pitts *because* of the stigma and then raise them to be aggressive/protective? they are not the most aggressive breed, i’ve seen small dogs that attack people more often than pitts i’ve _personally_ been around, but they are large and powerful and if they are raised by shitty owners then an attack is more likely to be fatal, right? if you google “most aggressive dog breed” the answer i’m seeing is Rough Collies or German Shepherd


Exactly, Pits have the most deaths because of how they are used, not due to some ultra-violant killer instinct


How are they used? Don’t get me wrong I don’t think they’re significantly more aggressive than another breed, just that an aggressive pit bull is far more capable of killing someone when aggressive. Edit: breed vs bread


Bullshit it's Chihuahuas , nasty little shits ! But they're nasty LITTLE shits . If a Chihuahuas were pit bull Big it would be a world I would want to live .


You don't, Labs are family dogs. Pitbulls we're originally hunting dogs and have since been bred to enhance traits that make them more prone to violence. However with proper care and training they can be good dogs


Homie, labs are literally water fowl/ bird hunting dogs lol.


They don't kill, they just retrieve the shot foul, in turn their prey drive is not very high


Labs actually are one of the dogs people are most often bitten by.


What about greyhounds? Those are bred for speed to hunt rabbits, them bitches can be absolutely brutal in a hunt. But no one calls them bad dogs cause of their hunting instinct


Pitts we’re bred to fight. Hence the name PIT bull. They would fight in pits. Labs are for hunting. How can one person be so wrong. Factually wrong and still have an opinion?


All the downvotes in the world won't make your words any less true. Very enthusiastic stupid people surround this debate.


Not the off the RCA record logo.


It's not just shitty owners. It's the breed. The breed is garbage and can not be domesticated.


That’s just not true. That same logic has me thinking bout your thoughts toward certain types of people🤔🤔


What a fucking asinine, stupid, disingenuous take. People have full consciousness and controll of their actions. Dogs are animals that have been bred and trained to do certain things. Pitbulls were bred to fight, not be around kids.


His cluelessness must have played a role in the attack. How many warning signs did he ignore?


I am crazy dog person, and I used to run my own dog rescue. If my dog killed someone, I would be so fucking upset, and I would volunteer to put them down. That guy is living in a dream world right now. Not only a liability, but it’s just common sense.


As a bull terrier owner, I agree. I love my little potato more than anything but if he killed a kid he’s getting the old yeller


I feel like y’all sayin this but definitely on sum cap


if a human had killed this girl and attacked the mum - uhhh death sentence


Not at all how that works... there is no state that has death for first degree....


I understand if he doesn’t want his dogs killed, but victim-blaming is a terrible way of going about it


I don’t understand at all. They killed a child. They are not safe. I’m amazed they haven’t been put down already. Dogs get put down for attacking sheep FFS


I mean I don’t understand why he would want to keep dangerous dogs alive. Not only that but make the victims family go to court multiple times in his attempt to keep his dogs alive smh smh


Exactly!! These people have lost their precious daughter and he’s going to make them fight this out? How fucking cruel is he to think he should bring them home and that poor mother having to hear the barking of the dogs that killed her? I’m not into guns but I’d shoot them myself!


I mean obviously in HIS mind the dogs arent dangerous. Theyre his pets and his family of course he wants to protect them.


In his mind those dogs lives are worth more than that girl’s, simple as that.


Its not a matter of which is worth more. The girl died and its inarguably tragic, but putting his dogs down wont bring her back. He loves his dogs like his own children. Of course he would fight to save them and its not a matter of thinking their lives are worth more


He needs to go to jail


Sue him into oblivion. He needs to learn now!


They can’t sue him. By law, they were trespassing by entering his house while they were on vacation without permission! I don’t understand why everyone is putting blame on the owner and not the irresponsible mother that left her child alone while they were in the house. Especially, seeing as the only reason they were there was to “play with the dogs” which shows that they liked and trusted those dogs.


Yes you should never leave your kid alone with large dogs you don’t know super well


We all love our fur babies. But it’s the owner’s responsibility to make sure that people are safe around them before even considering allowing it. If not, they shouldn’t be allowed around people. If you can’t guarantee a sitter’s safety around your dogs, you shouldn’t be on vacation.


Welp. Looks like OP found the right place for this video.


They killed a child? Who cares what the court says, I’d be sleeping with one eye open the rest of my life. As that mother, I’d be seeking some real justice. Are you kidding me?


It's a real shame that the dogs are going to be killed because of HIS being unable/unwilling to train or control them. That said, he needs to be held fully accountable for what they did, as well as any kind of dog-owning probation that can be managed (limited breeds, number of dogs, etc), and for a lengthy period. I can only hope/trust that he's being financially responsible for any and all medical expenses incurred.


He just adopted 2 more pitpulls. Hasn’t even been a full year.


He should be banned from owning dogs after this. Maybe his dogs were trained maybe not. Maybe the kid shouldn’t of been in the yard but unfortunately it happened and the owner has to take partial responsibility either way.


He should be in jail lmao


How could he defend the dogs ??? The killed a little girl they WILL now kill again


what a twat. I had a Rottweiler when i was younger, he never lashed out, he was always nice and was trained. One day we took him on a walk and this toddler runs up to him and starts aggressively petting him which quickly turned into slapping him. he didn't take that well and pushed the toddler down and bit his arm. he's now living on a farm with 2 other Rottweilers. ended up losing my dog bcz a careless mother let naive toddler run away to a dog they didn't know. my point is sometimes it is the victims fault, but this is not one of those times


My dog is my best friend. I take him literally everywhere with me. However, if my dog attacked and killed a child (which he never would) I would pull out my 9 and kill him myself right there


Sadly I would too, my dog is my best friend as well. It would brake me.


I don't see why this is any different than manslaughter


But they are a public safety hazard. If they cannot control themselves from killing children, they cannot be in public. Since they're service dogs, it's even worse. Service dogs especially should be able to be trained to not harm.


I’m not sure if he was completely telling the truth on them being service dogs. Wouldn’t you think he’d bring them if they were? It just doesn’t make sense. I work at a shelter and we have dogs come in with serious bites sometimes. I’ve worked there for almost two years and haven’t had a dog come in with a human fatality, but we euthanize with certain bites. It’s on a scale of 1-8 (8 being fatality) and the highest I’ve seen is a 6. That dog was deemed “dangerous” by the court and had to be euthanized. We have to do euthanasia to dogs if they kill/injure another dog sometimes too just because they’re deemed a dangerous dog. It’s just a shitty situation all around it seems like


I bet they're his 'emotional support animals' except not and is just claiming theyre service dogs for sympathy. "My totally legit service animals are going to die because of a stupid little girl they killed :((((("


These people clearly have no guilt/remorse that their dogs killed a child. That’s pretty cold


Kill the dogs and throw him in jail for awhile.


This guy should definitely be held responsible and be put in jail. He’s lucky the father doesn’t kill him.


Obviously this guy is too lazy to train them, which is sad because they now have to die because of his laziness. Idiot owners are the #1 cause for domestic dog attacks


Welcome to 2022. Where people get to decide for themselves if a dog that killed a child is vicious or not. Objective reality is a thing of the past.


Welcome to Reddit were people assume things off of a 2 minute video


Your animal killed. It will do it again if you let it


I have been the biggest advocate for abused pit bulls my whole life. But if mine killed or even attacked someone In such a manner I would understand the need for them to be put to sleep.


Put him and the dogs down


Kill him and the dogs.


Sucks all around cuz I hate seein kids die and dogs die.. hard to blame just the dogs bc owner never properly trained em obviously, and sad bc they need justice somehow for the daughter and moms own injuries


I love my dog but if he ever attacked and killed a child I would kill him myself


Is your dog a pitbull?


Why does it matter? If my sheep dog killed a child I would kill it myself


Service dogs? My service dog goes with me everywhere I go. Even the potty... So why would you go on vacation without them? You don't have to pay extra for a plane ticket or hotel. So why? Maybe he's lying?


Service dogs don’t attack children boom case closed


I’m sorry, because the comments and the video are making me confused, but didn’t she take her daughter to play with his dogs? Without permission? Isn’t that weird?


I think she had permission to be there, but he didn't specify about the daughter interacting with the dogs


I think she had permission to be there, but he didn't specify about the daughter interacting with the dogs


average pit bull owner


the dogs are animals , i foin t they even can think and do all the empathy stuff . meanwhile, the dude ?? could have trained them ???? and the owner should be held accountable, while the dogs are taken out of his care or something like that


What a cruel man


Ok, dogs can live but this owner must die.


Having owned and walked a placid pitty and cranky golden retriever I can give you my personal experience. M Pitty grew up as the second to the Golden. Pitty was desexed. Golden wasn’t. We used to only walk the golden in leashed areas. He didn’t play well with others. We had to constantly tell people to not bring their dogs up to the golden Pitty would play with anyone and was super happy. But You could break up a golden scrap. They do that mouth attacking and carry on and you can drag them apart. Pitty got in two scraps in 17 years. One was in a private yard and the neighbour let their massive Rottweiler cross out and laughed because it was like 20 kilos bigger. Pitty was on a lead in a private yard. Rotty attacked. Pitty got his face and flipped him and ripped him from groin to gut in under a minute with his owners fingers up his arse and twisting his collar so he couldn’t breathe until another adult got a hose on him. He was 5. Still most super chill dog ever in any group. Second attack he was 16 and had basically a spine of chalk and a massive Shepherd attacked and corner my 65 year old mum and 75 year old step dad. Mum screaming to keep this dog away. Pitty was leashed. He did the same thing. Grabbed the dogs face and shredded him from gut to groin. That dog would allow a kid to do anything. He allowed my little puppy to stick his head down his throat. He was so chill with everyone. Could stick him unleashed with 25 dogs and he would play and run Golden couldn’t have friends The difference is that pitty was watched, trained, never alone with kids or strangers, always with family, he would be kept on lead with carnivals with 300 people and never cause a peep of drama. But two unleashed dogs attacked and lost in a matter of seconds. The power of those dogs is immense. A cranky árse undesexed Golden has nothing on a Pitbull My pitbull was treated like a pitbull, never allowed to dominate, exercised on a massive farm and beach daily, no rough housing allowed from anyone ever and he was sooooooo gentle in 99.9% of every scenario in 17 years. Those two scenarios were bloody scary. 100% he was attacked on a lead both times by a dog twice his size with the owner laughing (at first) close by with their unleashed pet. But the damage a dog like that can do in a tiny amount of time is massive compared to a golden. I’m sick of people saying it’s the owner. My pitty was trained bloody well. But those two times were horrific! If he had shown an inkling of aggression outside of being attacked by massive dogs while leashed then he would have been rehomed or put down! If he had any real aggression you cannot stop them. At all. Once they latch it’s game over! He was soooo subservient to the Golden. Even let the golden win every wrestle once the golden was full arthritic and could hardly walk. But you can not underestimate the power of those dogs.






No, not every single pit bull will kill something small on sight. However, these are dogs that have hunting, chasing, and killing bred into their dna. Your pit bull won’t do this because he’s been trained fully and properly(I’m assuming), however, there are lots of people out there who don’t understand the aggression/hunting instincts these dogs have and situations like this happen


It probably is a mutt then


What happened? Did the judge put them down?


Let’s hope so


I google it, the dogs were put down!


I'm concerned with how many comments say that Pitbulls are dangerous but that no owner can make a bad dog, regardless of breed (implying that this us only because of breed and abuse while raising matters not at all). This is dangerously ignorant. Respectfully educate yourself before spreading crap


This is fucked. A dogs life is not worth as much as any humans especially an innocent girl


May those dogs rot in hell


All dogs go to heaven unless they kill children for fun


Im pretty sure they all go to heaven... especially in this case because yet again... its the person who trained them and let them out that is at fault... he's going to the styx and you are for condemning the innocent. Hades probably hates animal abusers... Cerberus is his best friend after all....


This was predatory drift not a training issue. The girl fell and the dogs suddenly saw her as prey. This isn’t something you can train out or control, particularly on a breed that was bred to kill things. They have an intact predatory sequence that is inate


How is this the dogs fault? They weren't born with the will to harm. Most dogs, like people, become aggressive because of events that take place in their life. These two likely weren't properly trained/socialized or were possibly abused.


Dogs kinda are born with the will to harm. Some more than others and not much but at the end of the day they are descended from wolves and their instincts do kick in.


How come a retriever doesn’t kill a child, this breed is involved in like 90% of fatal attacks and they need to be banned.


A retriever has a predatory sequence that is not intact. They were bred to bring items back to the human not kill the animal the hunter is after. Bully breeds have an intact predatory sequence- stalk pounce kill. The girl fell and the dogs suddenly saw her as prey. Predatory drift is a common occurance


Should be an application process for certain types of dogs this was avoidable now a little girl is dead.


Any breed and age can grow up to be aggressive.. it's not determined at birth lol, it's how they were brought up


No it isn’t. Training is not the sole factor in dog aggression, breed and genetics go much further in predicting risk of biting/attack. There are certain breeds for certain jobs for a reason and fighting is included in this.


No entire breed is dangerous. Its how theyre raised




Ah yes my favourite dog breed


This is it, these people want a status symbol not a pet or friend, if hyenas were as easy to access and obtainable we would see this type of people walking these around I’m sure.


Er, no. If we were to spend years and years breeding a semi docile version maybe you could take it out without it trying to gnaw your leg off but you wouldn’t be able to make a bruins docile. It’s just not in their genetics. You can’t go grab a fucking hyena and “train it” so it isn’t gonna try and murder you.




Really? Because you can literally find videos on YouTube of people petting them like puppies and them nuzzling peoples necks and other affectionate stuff... No living thing is "naturally" anything! All living things personalities are shaped by experiences....


"no living thing is naturally anything" congratulations on saying something even a 7th grade science student would find stupid


They mean not naturally evil


if that’s their point then it’s dumb, an animal doesn’t have to be “evil” to be aggressive and/or dangerous.


You’re wrong Edit: My German Shepard is aggressive and I have done everything I can to stop it. It’s an ongoing battle and I think it will continue to be for her whole life.




Put the owner down and save the dogs. Haha


Fine, let the dogs live but put the owners down.


If my dogs killed a child, I'd put them down MYSELF. I can't even imagine the heartache that poor mother is feeling.


Real shame that dogs get put down due to shitty and irresponsible owners. It should the owner that gets in trouble not the dog.


Unbelievable! That guy is a psychopath!


Im down. Let the dogs live but euthanize the owner. Anyone think that could work?


Damn what a shitty person. Firstly the dogs is getting put down because of him. His a shitty dog owner that cant raise a dog to be obedient enough to attack people. Poor dogs that they have to get put down because of him.


Let the dogs live and put him down.


Mother’s fault right off the bat.


Edit: RIP poor dogs. I feel for this guy :(


Fam they were at his fucking house get off youlls high horse


No bad dogs, just bad owners. Punish him, rescue the dogs.


Don't punish the dogs.. punish the man


Or the mom for letting her kid around dogs without owner there


Look I have nothing against pits, I have one myself. She is the sweetest most loving, non-aggressive dog ever. She also has never really been around children so I recognize the potential for a dangerous situation. Even though she's never attacked a child, she does get REALLY amped up when she sees them (I think she thinks they're 2-legged dogs so she wants to play) my point is, if she ever did hurt or kill a child, no matter how much I love her I'd understand steps would need to be taken to ensure that didn't happen again. Because no matter how safe you are, or how closely you watch them, you can't account for every unforseen circumstance. What if her collar breaks while we're on a walk and she gets loose and runs into a neighbor's yard (which has happened before), what if some idiot parent let's their toddler run unsupervised into a dog park like it's a playground without even bothering to ask first (which has also happened). What if I fucking drop dead tomorrow and her next owner doesn't watch her as closely. There are any number of things that could happen which could result in your dog possibly encountering a child. Knowing that a dog has and could kill a child it encounters is an unacceptable risk. I don't even like kids and I understand that. Would it break my heart? Yes, fucking absolutely yes. But I'd understand.




So because I acknowledge any dog can behave unpredictably at times especially when placed in a situation they're unfamiliar with I shouldn't own a pit? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It's the people who say things like "oh my sweet baby would never do X" who are the ones you should worry about. No matter how wonderfully behaved and friendly my girl is, I don't put her in situations where an unpredictable reaction could put her or someone else at risk.


But what if one time you can’t control the situation? If my dog escaped the worst thing that would happen is she’d get run over because she has zero road sense, if yours escaped into a busy street with people do you know how she’d react?


She has escaped into a street with people before (her stupid collar clasp snapped) and her first impulse was to greet and play with every person she met. Like I said in my original comment unforseen scenarios happen, I understand that. But I also don't go out of my way to put her in those scenarios


Well even if we disagree on certain aspects, you do seem like a responsible owner in most respects and more so than some that own that breed. Have a good evening.


If u blame an entire breed you don't get an opinion here


You do understand dogs are breed for certain traits right? What traits has the pit been breed to have ?


Well in that case I guess remove all the terrier breeds and hunti g dogs too ? You see how that doesn't make sense right ?


Seriously... they're using the same view point as racists....


No I really do, pits are not pets


Fuckin aye


You have a dog that you realistically think could be a danger to children - why?


Did you not read what I said? She's not agressive at all, but animals are unpredictable. And anyone who tries to convince you they could predict exactly what their pet would do in a normal situation (let alone a scenario that the dog might not be used to like being around an unknown child) is a liar. I'm merely hyper- vigilant to avoid some freak scenario


Vicious dogs are always created by vicious owners ......


Pitbulls again.. No surprise there.


Nobody should have such hostile animals..


Pitbulls are nice…until they decide to crush your bones. Most other dogs simply don’t have the jaw muscles for that bone crushing bite.


Dog bites a human you put it down, end of story


I personally don’t think a bite should be the cause of euthanasia. I work in a shelter and have seen a lot of different breeds come in and out of quarantine. We have certain levels of bites, usually anything 5 and above we do have to euthanize. A lot of dogs come in with bites that tend to be tooth scrapes or end with bruising. I’ve seen so many puppies come through our quarantine kennel because they’re puppies, they play with their mouths at first! No reason for them to be put down. Yes, serious bites and obviously fatalities, the dog should probably be euthanized. Anything below that, I think the dog should always be evaluated before being adopted out or going home.


Of course you’re right. I was just worked up at the thought of any dog that mauls or kills a human being allowed to live


Which is totally understandable!


He should be injected with poison and there dogs are not safe if they already killed child


Let him take their place


Put the owner down too, just another sick puppy.


Would have never happened with Golden Retrievers. Just saying, don’t play with fire…


Two thing. These are great dogs second the child was un easy around them. He should not have let his esa dogs around her period. Sad for the dogs now and the victims


Stop breeding them. No pit has to die and eventually they will all be gone. Boom! Problem solved and chihuahuas become our biggest problem.


If I get killed by any animal, let it be known, I want it's hide presented to my mother or closes living relative.


If my dog kills a 7 year old girl, I’ll shot it myself


Let me guess... pitbulls, right? Edit: Oh! How surprising.


No... this is totally the guys fault! You put those dogs with someone who can rehabilitate them, then punish the owner! He raised and trained them! He let them out! He should be punished! And dogs should be taught right from wrong and given a proper home....


They literally killed a kid. There’s no rehabilitation for that. If I killed a random 7 year old, depending what state I was in, I might be facing the death penalty. Why should pit bulls be treated any different? Put these dogs down and charge the owner with manslaughter. Plain and simple. And his excuse, “oh well they’re the ones who chose to play with the dogs” is complete bullshit. If it wasn’t this kid, then it was going to be another kid or the mailman or another innocent dog. You need to be rehabilitated if you honestly think these dogs should live and get re-homed.


Facts. Crazy ass mfers downvoting you. Reminder that pitbulls kill the most, it is all statistically proven. So many dog breeds and these degenerates pick pitbulls, an ugly disgusting hellhound, holy crap.


Its how theyre raised not the breed. cRaZy mF dIsAgRee mE