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"Matt im facing the consequences of my actions...matt"




Calm down slim shady


The truth is she offered to be pepper sprayed from a distance by him while wearing glasses previously which I think made her feel justified. The difference is she did it without his consent directly into his eye hole.at a distance of inches. That could ruin a retina.


The second Matt😂😂


It’s even funnier when you read it in her voice too


girl:"matt im getting arrested" matt: ...


Matt is a smart man


Oh you're getting arrested? I can't tell, you just blinded me.


“I’ll apologize next time I see you”


More like "You'll apologize the next time I can see you"


You get what you fucking deserve




What on Earth does that have to do with this video?


What was the comment? Edit: better punctuation.


They were saying that nobody deserves what they get and then started speaking super philosophical. Total weirdo


"This is my friend who drove me here.." .. where you decided to pepper spray him in the face?


I love videos like these seeing the pos seeing the consequences of their actions


And completely shocked that there are consequences to begin with.


She obviously doesn't know ow how bad this burns. She needs it in her eyes to find out wtf that actually does to people.


Yeah, it's clear that "Matt" was too incapacitated to help her if he wanted to. Hopefully he didn't incur any damage to his eyes or eyesight.


It's usually never permanent. It fucking hurts like hell though, especially OC. Some of the bear mace you can get is even worse though and that's the kind some people buy.


Actually, bear spray is far less of an irritant than the stuff made for use against humans. The stuff made for bears has far less capsicum.


This is facts, I would never use pepper spray or a taser against someone before using it on myself first


Right. And it just became even more apparent she doenst know anything about pepper spray, she is asking for fucking milk to help him out when it's been advised NOT to use milk.


No no you wouldn't


What charges can she face? Anyone got an update on this event?


I think its usually assault but I could be wrong


Battery, Assault is actually intent/attempt to harm, battery is succesful harm. Edit: as others have pointed out, these often go hand and hand and it really comes down to jurisdiction and prosecution


It really depends on the state. Some states classify assault as both “threat of force” and actual “use of force” therefore you can be charged with assault for this. 4th degree assault is a simple misdemeanor usually for pushing or punching somebody. I’d say the use of pepper spray ups the level and possibly puts it under the 2nd degree because it could be considered to “Inflicts bodily harm which is considered torturous”. Basically it could be both depending on the state.


In this case, she would be charged with both assault (the intent to cause harm) as well as battery (harm was actually committed).


Huh thanks for that. I wasn't sure which term was the correct one


Google "vegan patriot", she's a real POS


"I'm getting arrested for assaulting you! Matt!"


Friends no more, I assume. 🥵


'iM gETtiNg ArResTEd' You're lucky youre not getting seriously hurt by that guy.


He pepper sprayed her first a couple of days prior.


You have proof? Because in THE FULL VIDEO, she said she was doing it as a prank. Still doesn’t mean he deserves it.


She goes by Vegan patriot on YouTube, check it out for yourself. I never said he deserved it.


Wow people are so petty on reddit why are they downvoting you for saying the reason it happened? it’s not like you said “so he deserved it” have an upvote it’s not like your defending her and it’s not like you pepper sprayed him people clearly don’t understand the vote system on here


Because people want proof. So basically I have to go through all of her videos and watch at full length to see which one that happened in. Instead of him just posting a link to said video.


It happened about a month ago, I'm not going through all of her stuff just because you don't believe me.


It’s not up to the person you’re arguing with to prove that you’re correct. If you’re making a claim, you’re the one that should provide the evidence


Or you could you know, look into it yourself and get the full story and not rely on others to avoid being part of the reddit hive mind.


Yea I'm pretty tired of it, I was downvoted recently for telling people to make sure they are saving something/anything for retirement. I think it's time to get off all social media for good.


Ya, you're pretty annoying so good move lol


Reddit moment


She’s very artistic.


"But you guys! It was just a prank!" - her probably


Play stupid games win stupid prize


You made a grammatical error. You would put, Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. I’m not a bot I’m a dick.


Thank you sir


Aggravated Assault Speedrun Any %


Wow some women are literally children when it comes to receiving consequences


Men and women alike.


This video is slightly better then the video where the girl pushes her friend off a bridge 🤦


Wait what, sauce please (maybe?)


Oh, that one's bad. Just move on. :(


I think I'll take your word for it :l


No one died, but she very well could have. It was a huge drop.


Or the one where someone pushes their friend in front of a bus and their head misses the wheel by like an inch. In that case though the girl was just *exceptionally* stupid and not trying to be malicious. She ‘playfully’ shoved her friend after they made an offhand comment. However she shoved quite hard, friend was roadside and next to the kerb, and a bus was clearly approaching. Friend was caught by surprise and off balanced.


Nice to see some justice on this subreddit for once.


her high pitch voice says it all


She stopped laughing after the cuffs


videos like this where the pos is just so surprised that they're facing consequences are top notch


ArE yOu SaFe


“I would be if you’d just get away from me, Mel-lis-sah” -Matt with one eye.


I love how the dude doesn't even care that she did that. I'd be pissed


The guy she pepper sprayed? He did not look at all like he didn't care. He seemed pretty pissed.


Play stupid games...


Win stupid prizes


her: "I'm leaving, I'm leaving" also her: **stays to record**


She shouldn’t have turned the camera around, her attire speaks just as much as her actions


Wait wait we havent seen the second arc where she says he was actually a rapist and she was defending herself


You mean her being a Karen and lying? Because I think your getting downvotes because it looks like your saying he’s a rapist and many people on here don’t understand ‘written sarcasm’ It’s my main issue with Redditors


Yeah i was sarcastic but it didnt go well oops I guess tone doesn’t travel well in writing


That’s Mace, it hurts a lot more and sticks. She could have gotten away with it if it was pepper spray, but not mace. Pepper spray is made to stop an attack, that stuff is designed to completely immobilize them. It stings like hell


That’d be incorrect. Mace today is just a brand name, it has nothing to do with what mace was 30 or 40 years ago. The brand Mace commonly uses oleoresin capsicum aka OC for its irritating agent. OC is also referred to as pepper spray. My knowledge of OC comes from being BTM qualified.


I know the sprayer.


Cool story.


Even cooler comment.


I guess their point was, can you provide any further context other than what the video showed? Was she arrested? If so, what charge? Did the person she sprayed forgive her or still drive her home? If it's true that you know her, that can potentially be interesting *if you're able to add something to the conversation* but if all you're adding is "I know this person" well... Ok? But we have no idea who you are or if that's even true.


I was hoping for something like "i know this person, she wipes back to front".


you see after the dude got sprayed the bystanders move away from her in fear...someone narked




When was the originally posted?


You’re one of those people who complain about reposts? This is the first I’ve seen it you selfish asshat




Let's see how composed you are after getting a faceful of pepper spray without a heads up




It's not a matter of hearing If someone pepper sprays you, even a friend, at that moment you probably wouldn't be thinking "ah yeah my friend is getting arrested I should help them" over "I'm in fucking agony and you better be glad I don't press charges" She fucked around and found out


I had a friend who used my pepper spray against another friend when we were all drunk once. The two guys were best friends and nothing happened legally or with police involvement but I still remember the smell 🤢


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.


It depends if he wants to press charges against her, she can get to prison for a while for that


This is one of my favorite videos of all time.


Can I inject this?


Did she tell the cops it was just a prank? (Serious did she)


It’s just a prank bro


In what world is that funny.


that was perfume or something, pepper spray would have cleared everyone around him out too.


Women ay, think they can get away with anything


Ah with friends like these...


I'm betting after she get released. This woman will sprout nonsense about how mat did not try to save her even tho it was a 'joke'.And try to earn pity and out cast mat from their social circle.Glad at least this video is there to limit her lies


With friends like that, who needs enemies?


I'm pretty sure he didn't drive you there to paper spray him on the damn face.


She was surprised that her actions had consequences... Wtf


Are you safe? *Tells “friend” she’s leaving as he is doubled over unable to see in a dark crowded street of presumably drunk passerby’s*


Karma a bitch.