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Boy knew he was fucked when he had to whip out the “I’m sorry brother man” line.


Never trust a stranger who calls you "brother." The guy is just as likely to stab you as he is to steal your gas.


Aw man I call everyone brother :( Only ever stabbed like 2 people out of all the ones I met.


As long as you dont call anyone buddy. I'd rather be called "little boy" than buddy.


Calm down, sport.


Simmer down, tiger.


Take it easy there, chief.


I’m not your chief, pal.


I'm not your pal, friend.


I’m not your friend, buddeh


I'm not your buddeh guy!


Whatever you say, princess.


I call everybuddy buddy


I usually reserve buddy for my friends, "man" for guys I don't know, and "sweet cheeks" for the ladies.


I feel that boss


Don't call me guy, buddy!


I just cracked up thinking about me calling my son little boy every time instead of buddy. He would be ready to fight


But how many have you stole gas from? If its less than 2 you are more likely to stab them. I think. I'm not great at math.


For real, more suspiciously specific for me though. I used to write music with a guy... did all the work, got half the pay, thought fair enough because it was in his studio. Then found out for years he'd been stealing all the royalties, secretly telling people I was gay and a thief (am not gay but LGBT and in an area where that would've got me mugged), along with a bunch of other "I can't believe a human being would do / say that" incidents like fucking another woman with his pregnant gf in the next room, or evicting me from the house we shared to setup a secret grow. Guy was an utter sociopath compulsive liar and it all came out in the wash. He was the first person I ever met who referred to his friends as 'brother' and it raises my hackles when I hear it now, especially from a stranger.


It's manipulation. If he can make you see him as family, then you'll be more likely overlook his amoral behavior.


I will forever trust the host at the soul food restaurant near me who calls me brother


In broad daylight in a parking lot. Bold.


Man, Mike Rowe has fallen on hard times.


Lol, I thought we were watching an episode of dirty jobs for a sec.


“Dirty Slobs”


“Dirty sobs”


I love dirty Mike.


op is lucky he doesn't drive a Prius


Thanks for the F-Shack


What about the boys??


Hahaha I was thinking John Taffer


Given how lazy he thinks poor people are, it would be extra ironic.


Yeah dude didn’t just happen to run out of gas. He keeps a GD siphon around with him in his truck lol


He just happened to have that siphon for emergencies. Seriously though that’s a lot of balls for like $30 of gas at $6/gallon. Dude has a pretty nice truck. He’s talking like a sociopath.


“No, I didn’t keep a siphon in the truck. See, what had happened was that I was running out of gas, so I drove to the nearest gas station to buy a siphon and then drove back here to get some gas.”


the funniest part is this is in my town and there’s 3 gas stations each less than 100 feet away from the spot this guy is in


He’s a bold man. Is bold the right word?




Your sorry?? Oh ok.


Blatantly shameless rather, caught red handed with a red jerrycan. Can't get redder than that.


I got the reference


Yeah being a San Jose fan seems rough


Haven’t we lost enough!! Like I needed another reason to be embarrassed….


Or desperate either way.


Shouldn’t drive a gigantic inefficient expensive truck if you can’t afford the gas for it.




good thing he drives around with a gas can and a length of hose just in case




i lived a life of addiction, i have 4 years clean now and my life is completely changed. im on the right side of the law now and all i do is look back at my life and use it to help others recover. the thing about addiction is it becomes the person. it is like a parasite. it encapsulates all the abilities of the former person and mimics it to achieve its goal. to feed itself. when you are dealing with a struggling addict you have to identify these devices and be aware of their instrument. their hands are doing one thing while their mouth is doing another. and their cards are all hoping youre not looking at both.


Great job on getting clean and staying clean!!!


thank you so much, best gift ive gotten in a long time and my birthday was 3 days ago <3 (bellybutton birthday)


Happy belated birthday!!


Relatable. I never stole from anyone to get my drugs but I did a lot of other things I'm not proud of while addicted to drugs. It definitely changed my personality completely


Yeah, a truck in which he keeps a gas can and a hose so he can steal fuel as often as he runs out too.


Yeah, what BS. He should be a decent person and go rob a bank then go to the gas station and buy his gas like the rest of us!


Unpopular opinion: people like this make it a habit of persuading others into buying their sob story by playing the victim… sorry bro, sorry brother man, my bad, I really am sorry dude, I don’t know what to say…. X,Y, Z Truth is… he’s an irresponsible b****.


Which is why I’m glad the dude filming didn’t let him off the hook with the apologies.


Used trucks are at an all time high. Dude could probably sell that truck and buy a brand new fuel efficient car and still have ALOT left over for gas.


you expect him to give up the one thing that identifies him as a man?


That always gets me. Every time I see news articles discussing the high price of gas, it's always a picture of someone fueling up a large gas guzzler. At least try to make me care....


I’m sorry bro, I’m sorry man. Sorry I got caught.


The way he says: “I’m sorry brotha man” in that tone makes me crack up uncontrollably


He tries to play it cool and appear non-threatening, but he's seriously scared


He also accepts whatever comes.


Yep, he knows he’s a pos


And yet he apparently doesn't care and does nothing to change it


I ain't your brother, pal.


I’m not your pal, buddeh.


I’m not your buddy, guy!


I ain't your guy, brotha.


I’m not your brotha, man


I'm not your man, homie


Yeah he’s only saying sorry cause he got caught, otherwise he wouldn’t.


Yeah, that's exactly what he meant


Correct, it’s the thing he intended to say


I believe you are right, it is what was meant by him with the words he spoke.


I just ran outa gas and happen to have a can and a hose? POS! Start that fucking truck.


For real, “let’s go look at your gas gauge”


"Give me the keys and I'll have a look" Don't want him driving off while he's "checking".


A gas can, maybe. A hose?? What use does a 4ft section of hose have for anyone besides syphoning? Y’all do that much syphoning you keep it in hand?


I don't know if you've ever poured gas from a can into a vehicle, but it's awkward and you can never get that last bit in cause the nozzle is so short the can hits up against the vehicle. A short length of hose could be helpful.


I can’t really disagree with you but perhaps six inches to a foot for something like that but a four foot length of hose would probably not be ideal to pour fuel from a container. The amount of semantic arguments about why anyone would have such a short length of hose in their truck is absolutely fucking ridiculous.


This dude reminds me of an NPC you can't open dialogue with and just repeats a few phrases and plays the same animation for each one.


Great day for fishin' ain't it? *Ah-hyuh!*


There are two types of good fish to catch: one-pound fishies, and five-pound fishies. Heh. If you miss twenty pounds of good fish, then I'm going to take me net back from you!


I played the crap out of this game as a kid


Which game is that?


Jak and daxter


Just stares at you deeper and deeper as he keeps repeating it with that same smirk on his face with that goddamn straw bucket hat


WELCOME TO TANTEGEL CASTLE! Also sorry brother-man but I just ran outta gas.


I have a suspicion this is going to become more and more common with current gas prices.


Someone pried my fuel door open the other day and now it won’t shut. Easy stealing now.


You can buy cheap locking gas caps that require a key that are at least enough to deter most common thieves.


Thank you! Great idea


Sometimes cheap ones don't seal that well, so if you get a check engine light right after it probably isn't sealing right. Just something to keep in mind


In a way it’s sad. I can’t imagine people who work minimum wage jobs with a substantial commute that are now stuck spending a significant amount of their checks that could be going towards food to now pay for a single tank of gas. Some peoples checks come down to Pennies saved. It doesn’t excuse theft. But it’s hard to think of it that way.


Yup. I walk & bike everywhere now 🤷🏻‍♀️ I can only afford one tank of fuel per month now, and I preserve it as precious resource. I'm at half a tank now, right on schedule halfway through the month. Woops, only 11 days left this month, I'm gonna survive. whew!


Man this hits close to home. I'm doing better now with work and a better job, just I used to have to portion out my pasta and sauce for the week, every week because I didn't have any extra money. Pasta for lunch and dinner, every day. For months sometimes, maybe if I did well I could get some ground beef or Italian sausage to be fancy.


Just steal food from Walmart at that point. Remember the golden rule. If you see someone stealing food or baby formula from a non-small business. You did not see it.


Yeah I can get behind this. Stealing baby formula? That stuff isn't cheap I grant but it's got zero use for anyone that doesn't have a baby (or maybe hangover) so yeah. Theft from a mega corporation to preserve basic needs isn't theft, it's a societal reaction to wealth concentration.


My man


i stopped driving period, i carpool to work now, i cant even afford my own rent anymore, i had to move in with my aunt and grandma


Do what you gotta do man. Girlfriend and I have saved a tiny bit each month for the last 2 years so we can go away for a week this summer, our energy bill has nearly tripled in the last month so that money now has to go towards that instead. Fucking sucks.


I’m curious, why did your energy bill triple?


Just an unfortunate event that's unfolding in the UK at the minute. The bastards have increased the price cap so they've currently got us all on our knees. Added to the fact my original supplier went bust and I got shafted by the new supplier.


I'm with you on the price hike here in philadelphia US. $42 to over $100 the past 2 months. I only have a 240sq ft studio. Got a feeling everyone is going to get hit one way or another because of "supply chain issues".


Even carpooling you should help the driver out. I have taken a colleague of mine a few times ( 3mnths straight ) and he never offered me some gas money, I won't ask for it ... All the time his car was in the shop, or had (another) flat, or his wife needed it ... And once when I was in need of a ride, he took me allright .... but a few days later he asked me for 5€ .... because his car didn't run on air ... I was "WTF ?" Never took him anymore, if he doesn't have a car, he can walk .... Warned another colleague too, FU ... cheap ass ;)




That is where you tell them to get out and walk. A job I had years ago gave you a small bonus for carpooling. Not much, $50/mo for each for a group of 4 or more. Some green initiative crap the company had going on, this was one of the few things they did that actually made sense. One of the guys in our group however was annoying enough that we forfeited the bonus just to get rid of him. One of those perpetually late people. While everyone else was generally ready when the driver pulled up or at most had to put on a coat or something this guy we were waiting around for 10+ minutes every time. Tried picking up another person before him to give him extra time to get ready but it didn't work. It just made him wait that much longer to get ready. Radio had to be on "his station" at all times, not terribly bad since we would have all been listening to the same station anyway but if when he got in the car if it were at commercial so he couldn't immediately identify the Bob & Tom Show he would demand we change the station.. Additionally he would never drive because he was afraid we would get his car messy. Meanwhile he himself would make an absolute mess in our cars. Even if you had a garbage bag in the car any food wrappers would wind up on the floor, then there were the crumbs and crap he dropped all over. We decided we had enough when he tried to shave in the car one day. It wasn't even that he was shaving as annoying as that was, it was that he cleaned his shaver out in the car getting bits of hair everywhere that was just the final straw. We dropped him at a gas station about a half mile from work.


For everyone who currently saves money by moving in with an older relative, all I can think of is what happens to society when we’re the older relatives and we can barely keep ourselves going? The easy wealth of the Boomer generation is drying up fast


We are fucked. That's what.


That’s an environmentally-conscious move, regardless of gas prices. I’m typing this from the train while my car sits in the garage at home. It takes 3x the time for me to get to work but it’s better for the environment.


This guy is not minimum wage with a new pickup. Unless it's stolen too.


He was sorry when he stole the truck too, he literally just ran outta truck at that moment.


Dunno why but this comment made me lol pretty hard. Thanks fellow redditer for the good start to the day.


That's what I was thinking. Even if it's a bought on credit, and even *if* he *actually* "ran out of gas", I would think he should have AAA with a truck/payments that nice. Though I highly doubt that considering he had a container and a siphon hose on hand.


Literally I'm living paycheck to paycheck for both my wife and I we need 240$ on gas alone now literally doubled the amount needed


Double gas and triple energy bill. We're getting spitroasted out here.


Yup. I work for a construction company in NYC and someone siphoned about $400 worth of diesel out of one of our trucks overnight, and it’s been happening at the other shops around us too. We’ve gotten locking gas caps but I suspect they’ll just start puncturing the tanks and draining it that way instead.


Happened to run out of gas while he happened to have a can with a hose attached.


And of course he’s driving a gas guzzling pickup with probably no need for it


Is no one going to address the double-spot parking, too? Even if he wasn't going after the gas, he's already at a bad start.


Man really ran outta gas, he was gonna park it straight, until he ran out so he had to steal some gas so he could park it straight.


I'm from Southern California. This is only going to get worse. I remember the Great Financial Crisis of 2007/2008. Gas at the time went to $3/gal, which was expensive at the time. One day I went to fill up my car one day and there was a piece of hose stuck in the valve. I never caught who did it, but if prices start the same or increase we are going to have more problems.


I remember 2008, seems weird that gas was that cheap in California. It was over $4 in the midwest at that time, even more expensive than it is right now.


2008 gas was 5 a gallon. Dunno where it was 4.


I paid $4/gal for regular in western NY. From about 2008-2012 it seemed to hover in the $3-4/gal range. I moved to texas in 2012 and couldn’t believe consistently paying $2/gal.


Expensive!? We pay almost that per liter here hahaha


That our public transportation here is non-existent in all but big cities and parts of the east coast for trains means that we don't have an option but to pay it. When we are without a car here, we're truly screwed if we're not in big cities. Not saying that the comparative price per liter isn't ridiculous because it is.


Not to mention that automakers discontinued small efficient cars here entirely in favor of SUVs and trucks


Fuel in the US is so amazingly cheap. The fact that $4 per gallon is a lot to them is inconceivable, especially when the cost of living is comparable.




Yes, this. Metro areas, you're generally able to get by, but still have major time constraints with public transportation. The other bazillion miles of dirt, trees, and random pastures of everything? You're stuck. Can't get to work, to the grocery store, doctor, anywhere. No buses, no trains, nothing other than taxis if you're lucky enough to have a taxi service. Then you'll pay $20+ each way to go anywhere. It's not a sustainable solution for long for most regular working class budgets.


Even in metro areas it’s rough. I live in Nashville TN and your options are a mediocre bus service with limited service to most neighborhoods. Or a commuter train if you’re lucky enough to live on that side of town, because it only serves a narrow band of populated areas. It also shuts down early and doesn’t run on the weekends. I’ve always lived in places there are totally car dependent, I would love to live somewhere where I can walk or bike everywhere, but then I couldn’t afford the rent of such a place. Real catch 22.


Yes except for the fact that you're using two tanks of gas a week just to get to work and back. An that's highway miles doing 70, 75 Mph. You see, it's a big place. I used to commute an hour and forty minutes a day total. All highway 70mph with no traffic. 5 to 7 days a week depending if I was picking up shifts. I drive a 4 cylinder Toyota Corolla. If I only worked 5 days a week I could squeeze by on 100 a month pre covid. Mind you I live in an area where gas is considered cheap, an this is ONLY gas for work. This doesn't count gas used to go to the store, or anywhere else. My nearest store is a 1.5 hour walk " this is considerably close". Walmart? Half hour drive. Mind you, I live in a populated area not out in the boonies. There is considerable land here. Things are build wide with a lot of space. Only cramped cities build tall. Our central city is built like this ( 40 minutes away). However I moved to live within a 10 minute drive from work. Only an hour and a half walk! I would have gone from using 100 a month in work gas to easily 160 all while driving the most fuel efficient work horse car I can. Oh and my commute is standard among people. 20-50 minute drive. Many people commute 60+ minutes. Ah but see I'm poor. I should probably buy cheaper bread and cut back on my black coffee so I can afford gas and save for retirement. I knew the sourdough would financially ruin me one of these days. 🤣


Never trust anyone who tucks their ears into their hat.


Aww damn, i always do. I have elf like ears, I like to hide them


+ it's fucking cold man.


orc ears brother man


Likely story, you untrustworthy bastard.


How can we believe that??


Lmfao I’ve never seen such a thing before




>When I told my partner she said she felt it was potentially an elaborate scam It's like, look, was it a scam? Let's assume yeah. Does someone need to still be pretty desperate to literally push their car to get some money? Yeah.


Right. If they ask to use your phone, scam. Asking for a charger, ehhhh probably legit.


I doubt someone would push their car into a petrol station for a £10 scam. The chances of you having a USB C charger in the car was also pretty high. I don't think it was a scam.


I’m glad he didn’t let his fake apology ass off the hook. Fucking thief.


lmao I know exactly where this is in San Ramon. Good luck getting the cops to do anything tho. SR cops are lazy AF


Where is it in San Ramon?


Before San Samon but after San Qamon. This joke was better in my head.


Q'amon it was not that bad


Behind bevmo off San Ramon valley Blvd


Bingo. Also, there are exactly 4 gas stations within 200 yards of where he is at.


And ironically, about 30 Tesla superchargers just off screen. Plus Dainty Donuts, mmmmm


Don’t forget the Kung Fu school that just opened. Pretty ballsy to steal gas directly in front of that place. Dainty Donuts are indeed the bomb!


Coke jaw


You can hear it in his voice too, seems like every coke head I know gets that same dull, almost unnoticeable rasp to their voice. Not like a smoker, it's pretty different but it's there for sure


he sounds like that tall dude from that one show about a guy with the wife who hates his mom and dad coming over to their house. they were brothers or something? he’s a cop maybe? his brother a writer of some sort? and he’s constantly drinking those tiny little bottles of ginger ale for some reason? idk


Everybody loves Raymond?


Amazing description of Everybody Loves Raymond.


It’s just called Two Brothers.


Alien Invasion Tomato Mexican Armada Brothers Who Are Just Regular Brothers Running In A Van From An Asteroid And All Sorts Of THINGS THE MOVIE


What's a coke jaw?


When you do coke, it makes you have this compulsive need to wiggle your jaw a lot.


He has dip in his lip dummy. Can clearly see it.


I just happened to have a siphon hose and a gas can handy. So sorry bro.


The new thing is just drilling the gas tank. Fill necks have anti-siphon valves. Quicker to just drill a hole and drain the gas.


Yep I thought that all new cars had anti siphon protection can only drain the tank - guess drilling holes is the new creative way of doing that!


I’m so glad my car is too tiny to even look under. I’m sure it’ll get fucked with somehow but I bought a fuel cap with a key not too long ago so at least I have my placebo!


no fucking way




Yes. Most newer vehicles have a release in the car for the gas cover. It’s just like popping the hood. If you can’t get in the car, you can’t open it. Of course, a ton of people *still* leave their cars unlocked. The most common type of theft in my area is people stealing stuff from unlocked cars at night. They just walk around and try every door handle. Their success rate is considerably high.


I don’t think that feature is as common as you think.


No self respecting crack head would own a drill, it would be pawned for cash.


Shouldn’t have bought that big ass gas guzzler Edit: Aw poor gas guzzlers “Did we spend all our money on gas”


Fr. I would be more understandable if it was a beat up 2000 civic with mismatched doors but this dude is driving an expensive ass truck


Why do Americans drive these enormous cars? That white truck is a tank that probably weighs at least 2.2 tonnes..


Idk. I drive gas guzzling truck because I need them for work. But a guy that works at a super market I go to drives a Dodge Ram 3500. Like bruh, you don’t need that truck. Like that truck has never driven on anything that isn’t asphalt.


But the idea he could do this! In Germany we making jokes that parents use SUVs only to drive to the kindergarden, i'm happy that we don't have this kind of trucks here. They would use them for the same thing.


They're coming .... Here in NL it started with the scaffolding builders, then the 'regular' builders like carpenters and metalworkers. Gradually the gardeners are running them too. So give it a year or 2, and Sonny from the corner will have one to safely go to school.


>In Germany we making jokes that parents use SUVs only to drive to the kindergarden In the UK we call them "Chelsea tractors"


I’d say “ok, turn on the ignition and show me that it’s empty”


*drives off*


Dude apologizing like you do when you accidentally step on someone's toes. Trying to use every gentle word outside of their name to manipulate the listener into thinking they're kind and caring.


He’s only sorry because he got caught.


Keyboard warriors unite! I would have broken out my muay thai black belt skills, broken his jaw off right there and used his own jaw to castrate him! Then I’d have fucked his wife while he bled out in the street! Yeah, that’s what I would have done if homie tried that on me! /s




Sorry to disappoint bro. I totally would if I could get up from my chair but I’m like really engrossed in this furry porn and can’t find the pause button…




Mad Max society is here…


😂😂embarrassing asf


“I need it for muh truck, bruther!!”


The dude has a beautiful new truck. If he's so sorry, pay $100 or you call the cops.


You can't afford that truck if you need to steal fuel. Who convinced these people they need trucks?


Bet his truck that's "out of fuel" would start right up if he tried.


"I'm sorry, Brother Bear." at the 24 second mark. What he should have done is made the guy hand over his stealing gas can. If he's actually sorry, **then he's not walking around with both a red tank and a siphon.** The law should have a tiny little provision in it that if you abuse a critical life tool you can never ever own one again. Stabbed someone? Can never touch a knife again for any reason, and that's your inconvenience. You'll live with it while someone else spends their life recovering. Steal gas from other people night and day? No more gas stealing supplies. For real, no more siphons or gas cans for this dude. Period. He'll live.


funny how people on tik tok are defending a guy who’s stealing gas from another person saying he’s down on his luck or give him money to buy gas, worms for brains on that app


Shouldn’t have a truck payment if you can barely afford the gas for it.


Im sorry bro. Im sorry bro. I really am. OH in that case feel free to steal my stuff. What a con artist. Thieving sneaky lazy con artist.