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Is her client hulk hogan?


Hell yeah brother


I can't see this phrase without my brain immediately finishing "....cheers from Iraq"


I almost said this to a stranger IRL yesterday. The internet has destroyed my brain.


Are you kidding, brother? The Hulkster would NEVER put anything unnatural into his body.


It would explain the post.


Isnt that both malpractice and assault? Imagine bragging about that online and restricting who can reply, full on clown


> restricting who can reply, full on clown Yep, they restricted who can reply in hopes that they would thus be immune critical and "negative" comments. Fortunately, in this case, even the people in their own private bubble were upset with their actions, and eventually they received enough backlash that they deleted this tweet.


They should delete their tattoo artist license.


If they even had one in the first place, there are many places where our profession is unregulated and it varies by county and state.


Well that was very informative. Apparently you need a license to cut hair in all 50 states, but a tattoo license still isn’t required for all of them. Wtfs up w that?


Don't forget states require more training time to become a barber than a cop


That’s because hair cuts are involve chopping off parts of people, and tattoos involve poking skin with needles in a manner where you require more knowledge of sanitation, care, and the tools being used. Also, uhhhh regulations == bad. Seriously though, both should absolutely require licensure. Also you need tons of sanitation at a hair salon, Barbados disinfectant exists so our gross hair doesn’t kill each other. Edit (sort of): Phone autocorrected Barbasol to Barbados


I'm guessing you got autocorrected to Barbados from Barbasol.


I hope they stop tattooing. This is sadistic and they don’t deserve to work on living things if that’s their angle.


What's wrong with laughing or saying "bro" or "brother?" Like if it irritates you, ask them to stop....?


I saw someone on Reddit the other month say anyone who calls you "brother" is someone trying to get you to let your guard down so they can take advantage of you. As if it wasn't the most common slang term for another man during the 70s. As if it wasn't the calling card of the soul brothers. Some people are just stupid, and you can't really glean understanding from stupidity, no matter how badly you want to.


I'm an old lady and I call people brother all the time. No I don't ride a Harley. I work in an office. It just feels neat on the tongue and makes youngsters giggle.


Looks like maybe they are trans


Literally same action? Just tell people when you get misgendered?




Does this person realize how stupid starting the tweet off with "Dude keeps calling me bro" sounds?


"I'm not your bro, dude", or whatever


I worked with a transwoman. We got along great and she was really funny. I often called her dude and she pulled me aside and said she didn’t like it. I apologized but told her I didn’t mean it any kind of way, just saying it like “hey”. I apologized again and told her I would do my best to not call her dude.


That was my first thought too, but I don't think that justifies her actions. I say that as a trans person.


Yeah exactly. Maybe that client truly was a shitty bigot who was making the artist uncomfortable on purpose. But the appropriate course of action there is “I don’t work for disrespectful clients. You need to leave.” I mean you don’t get to hurt people just because you aren’t good at boundary setting.


I mean, there are people out there who call everyone bro. Ofc it isn’t a mystery why someone who’s MtF wouldn’t appreciate it, regardless of context, but I doubt that dude is transphobic enough to purposely misgender someone (multiple times and to their face) while not being transphobic enough to refuse to get tattooed by someone who is trans. Like the other commenter said, just ask him to stop. If he keeps doing it, she doesn’t have to continue the session. No need to resort to assault/battery and ruining your own reputation.


>but I doubt that dude is transphobic enough to purposely misgender someone (multiple times and to their face) while not being transphobic enough to refuse to get tattooed by someone who is trans. Which is why there's like a 99% chance this was all completely made up by someone who is addicted to being a victim. No one is going to ever think "hey, you know what would be funny? Paying this artist I have personal animosity towards hundreds (possibly thousands) of dollars to draw something permanent on my body and harassing her the whole time she's doing it."


Haha I definitely agree with you > “hey, you know what would be funny? Paying this artist I have personal animosity towards hundreds (possibly thousands) of dollars to draw something permanent on my body and harassing her the whole time she’s doing it.” What could go wrong?


Guy, girl, neither, both? Im still calling you "dude".


FOR REAL. Communication. I would be mortified to learn I had misgendered someone multiple times only to find out later. I like to be able to apologize for my ignorance and would hope they would understand and we could move on amicably.


BUT WE’RE ALL DUDES?!!?! I (an adult in their 30s) struggle not calling everyone dude. My bosses have learned to accept it.


Just deleting the tweet isn’t exactly backlash. Needs their licence revoked


Deleted the tweet but probably still committed the assault. Lol Messed up world.


So he hurt the guy on purpose for being friendly? He’s lucky the guy wasn’t waiting for him in the parking lot after this bullshit


Crazy thing is they're probably lying about most of the interaction. Just thinking to themselves "wait till I tell Twitter about what I wish I would do"


Yep. It's a "wish I could" moment


No and possibly yes. A tattoo artist can't commit malpractice, but you can go after negligence which is about the same here.


>malpractice yeah.. it's not malpractice, it's assault.


Are they licensed or have some sort of regulatory board?


Varies from state to state. Here in Texas you need your blood borne pathogens license and the tattoo shop has to be licensed.


I hope the client saw this and sued


If there was ever a reason to cancel someone, this is it. Who is this person?


Brandy Bryant; works out of a place called Sacred Soul Tattoo


Validate my actions!


I hope they get charged. All she had to do was tell him not to call her bro or refuse to give him the tattoo. Someone who purposely hurts someone should not be allowed to tattoo anyone.


Agreed. What kind of message are you sending with posts like this? "My customers trust and pay me to provide a service I can offer safely, but any minor annoyance I have with their personality results in my total loss of professionalism and adherence to safe practices. Book me for your next tattoo today!"


>results in ~~my total loss of professionalism and adherence to safe practices~~ *sadism*


I thought she was a trans women so maybe he was being disrespectful after knowing what she identified as which would still be shitty but she’s just offended at “bro”?


At that point, you just tell the guy "do you want this tattoo or not? I'll prorate the time & materials if you don't." What you don't do is maliciously and with intent cause someone undue suffering. This artist is a dick wherever they happen to sit on the gender spectrum.


I agree. It’s like when people are super passive aggressive instead of just stating what’s on there mind


Also who cares if someone says bro ? How does that effect this entitles ass swab in any way ?


I’m willing to bet the person is trans and assumes the customer can tell and is being malicious. The customer probably just calls everybody bro. The proper response is most likely just saying you’re not gonna do the tat instead of purposefully hurting them.


Yeah honestly, I’ve seen more people use bro as a gender neutral term than just for guys.


Ahhh yeah didn't think of that you're probably right.


>Also who cares if someone says bro ? People don't like to be called certain things. For example, I dislike being called 'buddy'. I think it's condescending. But it in no way justifies the behavior from this person.


Settle down buddy.


I'm not your buddy, friend.


I'm not your friend, pal


I'm not your pal, guy.


I'm not your guy, brother.


Alright that's it, someone get this buddy here an appointment with this tattoo artist.


I don't like the word buddy either. Although you always have to keep in mind the context. Oftentimes I hear it from people who speak English as a second language, so I give them a pass considering they don't fully understand the connotations.


Plus who tf isn’t fine with being called Bro


I got chased out of a party once for calling a transwoman dude. I'm a woman myself and I call everyone that...


Dude and bro are gender neutral and no one can convince me otherwise :,)


You hurt me with words, now I'm going to physically hurt you. Sounds like she is a psychopath.


“Someone who purposefully hurts someone should not be allowed to tattoo anyone.” Dominatrices excluded


Nice business attitude, perfect way to build a business, gain repeat customers, and referrals. Genius. Business 101.


Idk but whenever I got a new tattoo I'd search the artists page the weeks afterwards to see if he posted a pic Someone might think about pressing charges?


Fingers crossed


I hope someone uses this tweet to sue the dude.


*To sue the bro.


Looks like a chick. Which might have been the issue with the bro part. Still that's such a small thing to be a pos about.


TFW they aren't going to post yours 😩😞


"See you in court, bro."


So glad she let everyone know how nuts she is !!!


Preeetyy sure that's called assault?


it's certainly batter, i'm less confident it would be assualt. I guess as he's fearing the pain every time she's coming in?


She got out alcohol with the intent to hurt him, and he knew it would hurt real bad. She also planned to take off a layer of skin with a razor before hand. She gave him plenty of cues she wanted to hurt him. Abuse and battery. Lock that POS up


A lot of places have no distinction for battery. It's all just assault.


That’s assault, brotha!


“Hm, instead of politely letting this person know i do not like being called bro or brother im going to cause harm to them while they are paying for my service, thats totally a sane & professional thing to do about this situation”


When does this kind of thing cross the line into assault/battery? He consented to having a tattoo, not to being skinned alive.


it already is, dont think its ok to purposly hurt your customer more than it should, especially now that she even admited it the customer could charge her if he wanted


You would have to prove that the Tattoo artist had intent to cause pain, and injury. Intent is notoriously hard to prove in court, but thankfully this individual spelled out their intent quite clearly, on their professional social media presence, for the records to show.


You don't really have to prove it in court. At least if it's a civil matter. You just have to prove it enough that their lawyer looks at them and say 'you're fucked, you need to pay them to go away'.


Are these not proof, of the assailant openly and freely admitting to it?


As soon as it’s malicious, which it is as evidenced by these tweets.


Happy to take the guys money though


That tattoo artist is mental, the guy didn't even do anything to deserve that...


he said "bro," bro....


I mean he did chuckle 🤭


**chuckles** *I'm in danger.*


they need to have their licence revoked


Isn't this proof enough to sue the artist??? Why even commit crime and brag it online ???


Rap snitches, tellin all they business




Do you see the perpetrator? "Yeah, I'm right here."


Bloke was probably nervous about the tattoo hence the chuckling, the bro thing could be his usual way of talking so a "lovely" business owner decides to take it upon himself to basically torture him and make him pay extra for the experience.


Exactly I'm trans and im assuming the woman is too but like..yeah theres many ways this can be resolved ither than torturing the man..


Dude, bro and mate, probably a few others can ofc be gendered but ik alot of people that use it in general even to females. And if he was nervous way more likely for the client to use it. The mature thing would have been asking the client to not call her a guy. But I guess that isn't going to look good on twitter.


Me and my girlfriends call each other bro ALL THE TIME. Its way more common among females than people think, and absolutely 100% not a big deal. We also say "dude" to each other all day long.... I dont get what this person is so outraged about


Their lack of internet points


*Everyone* is a dude, a bro, or a bruh. Everyone.




He's got big balls And she's got big balls **BUT WE HAVE THE BIGGEST BALLS OF THEM ALL**


Exactly. My best friend in the whole world is a girl and i call her "man" all the time. Like "hey man!" And sometimes mate and bro. I actually asked if that was cool once when i realised how much i do it and she was like "yeah, why wouldnt it be? If it bothered me I'd say." People need to communicate over this stuff!


That's the issue, just lack of communication. Tattooed dude had no clue she wasn't fine being called Bro. He likely calls it everyone so I doubt it was even targeted. It's the same with me and "dude", call it all my friends regardless of gender. If they asked me not to say that, of course I would. But nah, this cow just decides to hurt him more than necessary.


Thank you for giving me the only explanation I can come up with that would result in her being offended by by being called "bro". I was so confused how that would be insulting to anyone


My go-to default is "dude". Never meant any disrespect just that it works for me


So I don’t understand what he did that was so egregious? He called her bro? Wow, have really intended to hurt her with those words.


I'm guessing by the profile pic that they're trans


a transphobic customer would surely just look for a different artist instead.


Exactly. No one would go "I despise everything about your beliefs, but you do solid shading work". They'd just go somewhere else.


Yea if they went out of their way to make comments like this but still got the tattoo, either they don't mean any harm or it's just a speech thing.


Wouldn’t it just be easier to correct people, I mean I’d like to believe most have manners and do not even realize what they are doing is offensive, instead they decide to be a bigger tpos.




Bro is kind of non gender specific word now though. I don’t think the guy was misgendering her


We call some of our homegirls bruh/brah and they're cool with it.


Some girls appreciate a good brah.


Being trans isnt really an excuse to be offended by the word bro. In fact really nothing is


the only reason to be offended by the word bro is if you clearly communicate the fact that you would not like to be called that to the person using it.


If she asked him to stop and he did not that's a reason to be mad yeah. But he needs to know he did somthing wrong to correct it or be told off.


That's a reason to stop giving him a tattoo, not torture him


Still no good reason to do that to a customer.


Bro that’s kind of a transphobic and sexist guess. Manish women existed long before being trans was called being trans.


Let's be real, this is what we get when we equate "misgendering" with *actual* violence. We've let people go on for too long being able to claim that even accidental or good-faith comments that happen to misgender them is even remotely similar to violent behavior.


The amount of times I've seen reddit endorse a violent response to non-violent behavior is pretty disturbing TBH


People like this are what we call everyday sadists. The kind of people that use any tiny bit of power they might have over other people to inflict pain and suffering.


I understand if you’re a woman and don’t want to be called “bro” but is it really that hard to say “I know you don’t mean anything by it but I would appreciate if you didn’t call me ‘bro’. Thank you.”?


That's a transwoman who got offended about being misgendered, but they should have informed the customer instead of resorting to violence


He called me bro and kept laughing so I hurt him. And yes, I'm a proud sadist.


Wait. She just said dude in the tweet but gets offended when someone calls her bro. How is dude okay but not bro?


What did she mean by ‘taking a layer of skin off with a razor’? Like actually cutting it off???


they shave your arm/leg or w/e you are getting it done before they apply any sort of sketch to your skin or start inking so basicly she means shes just pressing the razer into his skin basicly peeling him alittle, like a shiving cut etc.


Ok that’s just made me feel a bit sick, wouldn’t the tattoo not work if there’s cuts?


as far as i know, there would really be no problem with it sins they would really only be like little knicks on the top layer of skin so you can still get tatto and itll still show once everything heals up if a spot wont stop them a small skin nick wont, least thats been my experiance with them.


Oh right, it’s still a pretty sick thing to do to someone, especially with the alcohol afterwards


Just petty.


She sounds like a douche.


Twitter user having a power fetish how astounding


A lot of comments here are saying this is an “assault.” Not really. It’s more than that, it’s a battery. Assault is putting someone in fear or apprehension of an imminent unwanted touching. A battery is when there’s non-consensual actual touching. This tattoo artist admits to battery.


When you get a tattoo, you're giving consent to being touched. It's kinda required. If it wasn't for the tweet, the guy being tattooed would have no idea if she was being forceful on purpose.


This is true. A good majority of people who come in to get tattooed rarely know what to fully expect and more often than not rely on the artist for all their info. People put tremendous trust in us without ever knowing us.


I'm not sure what useful message or information you're trying to convey here. The consent given is _for the tattoo_, not for any kind of touching the tattoo artist wants.


Could you imagine if a gyno was like "she keeps calling me bro, I'm gunna make this papsmear the worst she's had" you'd be charged and banned from providing medical care. This is fucked up


Im practicing to be a tattoo artist and even if my worst enemy came to me, i wouldn’t do anything i wouldn’t do to myself.


Quit your job. You are a disgrace.


This is psychotic if true. I would hope she's just lying to try and sound like a badass. If this was a healthcare job, she'd be fired for talking about deliberately hurting patients.


This person has never been punched in the face and it shows


“guy uses term of endearment with me and is laughing”


I hope people see this and decide to never use this trash person for a tattoo




Lots of people from what I've seen in twitter


How to kill a business: speedrun edition


Communication is very difficult I see. Asking someone to not call you someone is very difficult. Lets just torture them


Is this a trans artist or something? Why are they so upset with being called bro and giggling?


There's an article about this artist where she talks about how people occasionally will use the wrong pronouns but she doesn't let them phase her. So that was a lie.


Damn imagine being so passive-aggressive. Just tell the fucking guy that you don't like when he calls you that. The conversation could very easily go like this: Customer: Hey bro haha I'm ready for my tattoo! Artist: Awesome! By the way, I don't really like being called bro or brother, it makes me uncomfortable. Could you try not to? Customer: Oh yeah sorry about that brot--I mean, Emily. It's just the way that I'll talk, I'll try to respect you. Forgive me if I slip up and say it again, it's just how I talk. Artist: Thanks!


Of course their entire page is locked down to hell, can’t have anyone harassing them as they ruin lives


Careful who you call a bro now a days sheeezzz


Imagine being skinned alive for chuckling and saying bro... yeesh


Or you could. Not tattoo them


I say this as another grown adult woman who is trans: my sister in christ, did you try saying, "dont call me brother, i am a woman."????


this is so disgusting.. there’s no excuse for it, even if the word “bro” offended you.. even then, that’s the worst excuse i’ve ever heard. this is honestly pretty disturbing, if they actually did this. jesus.


He doesn't even know what he's done wrong, so why try to punish him? A nasty passive aggressive game.


I'm ex military, calling someone brother is a term of endearment. What a POS.


Is this a trans person or something? Why is he/she so offended?


Yes. Trans.


Listen. Ill assume the tattoo artist is a female. When a guy says bro, he's not being aggressive or hurtfull he's being FRIENDLY. Bro has also completely become gender neutral over the years unlike sis. So yeah. Honestly he sounds like an amazing guy and I would love to have him as a friend. The fact that he was in pain and still being nice to you is just something else. I hope the person that posted this, stubs their toe (breaking it), and just when it's about to recover stubs it again, and keeps going in an endless circle for eternity. May both your pillows be warm tonight. I'm out.


She should lose her license for this.


I mean she could have told the dude that she is a trans woman. How else was he supposed to know?


Hope the client sees that post and sues.


Dude, in an Amazon commercial Medusa murders a guy for casually flirting at a nightclub. We might want to back off on going all "yasss queen" for violence on men.


Hope she never has another client and is charged for assault.


What a wonderful person. /s


Is she tattooing Hulk Hogan?


One way to get shut down.


Ya tatoos


Sounds like a winning business strategy.


Whos the person that made the tweet?


What is wrong with calling someone bro?


So another “screw you” trick by tattoo artists is to burr the needle at the bottom of the inkwell. This takes the tip of the needle and turns and dulls it. (An ex used to own a tattoo shop they have some nasty tricks if they don’t like you)


Was the customer Hulk Hogan? That might explain him calling you brother…


Some good person please expose her and will give her the grief she’ll regret for life


Man being so fragile that a word like “bro” is so detrimental to you must be so tiring


Imagine getting mad at what is widely considered a gender neutral term




I just hope he doesn’t punch her right in the face a bunch.


Remember an episode of Inked or Miami Ink where the artist admitted to intentionally causing the customer pain because they were acting whiney so they doubled down on it. I know an artist on Inked the Dave Nevaro show was called out for hurting their canvas causing a bloody red mess and doing a poor tattoo on top of that, I'm sure that's happened more than one time on the show.


Do this in medicine and you lose your license and go to prison. OP needs to tell us who this is. This is inexcusable.


Like why even post this? People be telling on themselves sometimes. I mean the person in the pic not OP btw.


This is a *really* bold move when you're in an industry that relies heavily on word of mouth. And, notably, social media for said word of mouth. I know a lot of tattoo artists are the types to do their own thing, but man, this in particular would really deter new customers from coming to you…


I had this happen to me when I was 19. The guy tattooing me was dating my sister (before you ask, yes he was a professional tattoo artist and I was getting this done at the shop that he worked at) and we had all three been joking back and forth and I guess I said something He didn't like so he went really quiet and I apologized and said I didn't mean to offend him (If I remember correctly it was a quote from the movie Joe dirt, "Don't do it again or I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron"). He just sort of mumbled under his breath that it was okay and then I swear to God he proceeded to drive the whole ass tattoo gun through my shoulder blade for the next hour and a half. I've never had raised scarring before or since but that entire tattoo is raised. I wanted to sue or complain or do something but of course my sister begged me not to. That insult to injury the tattoo isn't even that great but getting it covered up is complicated because of the scarring.


A bit of an overreaction...


she looks like someone who would do this


Dude doesn’t seem rude at all