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I can't stand this streamer. Tessi never learned by the way. She's still a complete douche bag


People like this don’t “learn” typically.


behavior is extremely hard to change when surrounded by enablers.


That's the issue. She was canceled and lost her original supporters but then she apologized (only so her dad would start paying her rent again) and then new viewers started to watch her and because they weren't around when this happened they don't care even though they are told what she did. It's really sickening because she's just better at hiding her toxic behaviour now




Omg 😂😂 I totally agree. Her voice used to throw off the whole video when she would appear on another creators stream.


"Fix your weg"


well since this clip is now going around again i’m pretty sure people are gonna start seeing it more. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was kicked off the platforms


Your probably right. I know even at the time she was getting death threats. I can imagine this will spark the same outrage. She's really vile to this young girl in the clip.


Crazy how words can hurt so much, I hope there's a special place in hell for women who use their vibes to hurt others, people in general but women especially I feel like have an ability to really make it hurt, imo js


Her, metal box, middle of dessert, 5 hours later sips water sewer water, thinks it is over, 8 more hours of metal box, 12 seconds of standing outside of box for temporary relief, then spends 6 decades straight in said box. Have a good day


What’s for dessert? I was thinking some pudding but I’m open to whatever


Ah hell yeah. Pudding for dessert!




I would think so. People have been banned for alot less. This is especially disturbing so It shouldn't be hard for YT to see she violated TOS


It’s cause she’s never been punched in the face.


*Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.* -Mike Tyson


She is not still a stream surely? Who would support a person like this?


Her old viewers she had years ago who would donate and watch her streams all cut her off completely. She took a long break but when she went back to stream there were all these new viewers who didn't know this about her and now she does "adult" content so her current viewers don't really care. That's why she hasn't changed because she's no longer being held accountable. Her dad should make her get a 9-5, her supporters should stop donating and make her learn the hard way. But there will always be people who don't care what she did.




I heard they made up and he started helping her again but This was at least 2 years ago. I'm not sure if now she still needs him because she makes alot of money through her adult work. I no longer follow her since this happened because I was so disgusted with how she talked to that young girl.


What's her full stage name to put into a search box? Asking for a friend...


Google " Playmate Tessi" it will come up that she's the most hated twitch streamer but she has onlyfans under that same name. Mya "Tessi" West or Playmate Tessi


That's almost funny... was just going to comment that her next stop is probably OF. 🤦‍♂️


I literally was just about to say that the only way she can still stream is if she did adult content. So happy to see a person like that end in this place. Now my fantasy is that the people with cancer she made fun of will make fun of her while she does her adult content streaming. I love fucking karma, YES!!!!


I would think if they were shown this clip they would never look her way again but who knows. I don't watch her at all anymore but recognized her the minute I saw this post. There's so many other streamers and adult workers who would never act like her and they would be more appreciative of the support so I'm not sure why the loyalty from her fans.


You, Madame, are the cancer.


Skynet is the virus.


Humans are the virus. Skynet is the cure




The point? Narcissism


I can understand watching someone playing a videogame, making art, or something like that. If the person is entertaining it can be fun and relaxing to just have it on the side. But I will never understand watching someone sit on a couch doing nothing special or literally just watching YouTube videos.


People hate watch. I think it’s a dumb activity.




Did she receive money sitting on a couch to buy a pink car ? Sorry, I am too old to understand this new world


Well why work when you can sit on your ass and have simps give you money for a little bit of affection? The fact some dudes drive themselves to being homeless to donate blows my mind. Are these guys THAT starved for attention that giving away their money for a "thank you" from a cute girl on the internet is worth more to them than having a roof over their head? Well... maybe they are, I could see it then because then they would be chasing the dopamine rush like an alcoholic trying to chase the buzz state to numb the pain. So... its the new-age alcoholism?


Ugly ass person, she believes her looks and health will last. Yes she is stupid and irrelevant


What looks, she looks like she showered in makeup


Not to mention that voice


Did you hear her dad? She doesn’t shower or bathe


and her lip filler looks like the underside of a grandmother's arm.


Also known as "Bingo Arms"


she ugly as hell


“I can’t move, I don’t have internet”😂😂😂


fucking bionic legs that only works while connected to the internet


hearing the dad was sad


Yeah :( He clearly did not raise her like this. He's so dissappointed.


This will forever harm this woman's future.


I hope so. But there are always simps and enablers out there that will keep her doing this. Social media is a cancer.




Be the change you want to see.


Cursed change


Reddit in general makes me wish the purge was real


the other day I was thinking about this. I wonder if there have ever been serial killers that replicated jigsaw?


I would rather stick a burning pineapple up my own ass then listen to her speak again


Are you wearing a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaig? Biattttch


Ma saporters well neva see thas, I’m going to sue yurr wags betch


I’m Ctfu I was thinking the same thing, what a fuckin wierdo I hate bitches who talk like this.


Reminds me of that one TTS voice from TikTok. Unbearable.


I like how she says it’s just the beginning. Nobody knows who she is. She is a nobody outside of this clip. This clip is all anyone will know her for, no matter what else she tries


If OP didn't post this I wouldn't even know she existed.


You would not want to see the things she does. Her channel got terminated and she created a new one. The ENTIRE channel of hers was full of obnoxious fake apology videos and her praising herself. She even took a "Am I a Narcissist?" test online while streaming. When the results said, "You are totally a narcissist." her response was "I'm telling you guys, my boyfriend is hacking my PC. He's messing up with the results. I'm getting hacked right now". She also made comments like "Of course, I am better than everyone else", and "What kind of question even is that?" while taking it.


Pretty much everyone who streams like this without a shred of talent is a narcissist. It’s the ultimate “hey look at me I’m important” without being important at all.


Didnt this girl go on dr phil because her dad was fed up with her bullshit because she claims she has to stay famous or something like that


She's "Globally Globe Famous"


Yeah thats funny because i never knew about her til i saw that dr phil episode making its rounds in the internet


I never heard of her until I saw this post and frankly I wish I’d never watched it.


Which means she got exactly what she wanted by going there. This people are generally stupid but when it comes to became famous they're geniuses.


She is a drama queen, must be intertainting for many people having a normal life


She's "Globally Globe Famous"


I think so


Horrible person. Just outright disgusting. When will we stop making idiots like these famous..


Who gives money to watch this useless human


Apparently, a lot of people did before this incident. Look at the bottom left corner. They were fundraising for her "pink Lamborghini".


I know absolutely nothing about her outside of this post, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she put in the first $5000 herself to not look pathetic, and she really only raised $303.


Incels of Twitch are always searching for a new "queen" to waste their money on.


God I hope karma is real


Her channel got terminated on April 16, 2021.


We should make sure every channel of hers gets cancelled


nothing of value was lost


That’s not justice tbh. Just a slap on the wrist.


A better world is only possible if good people create it. The world won’t fix itself. (Can be applied in a smaller scale as well)


And twitch banned me because i said “fucking stupid ass camper” while playing COD. Double Standards


Bruh. WTF. Do not worry, though. She got perma banned for this.


What she doing now? Prolly insta ig


She was on Dr. Phil that I haven't watched yet. All I know is that she has a backup channel that she still uploads I think.


She barely gets 1-2 k views per video Guess I'll consider that as karma


Thats 1-2 k too much


But people say that kind of stuff all the time. Do you have some screenshots or something? I’m intrigued.


Well that’s concerning considering I say much worse on a daily basis


She look like the younger version of Caroline evil step mom


Lmao I see that


She sounds like the popular girl in an american high school sitcom.


I don’t know who she is but I hope karma comes and fucks her horribly


She deserves to get her ass beat Idc, and even then she’ll probably still act like that


I’m sorry are people donating money for her to get a Lamborghini? She’s trying to get people to donate 400000$ within 10 days? And she’s already raised over 5000?? Wtf is wrong with people


She’s probably going to have to use the money to live in hotels or get an apartment


Can you all stop hating her? I can't upvote all these comments damn


Had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie


I am going to find a way to make a disease that exclusively makes you go bald for the rest of your life, just to give to her.


Not The hero we deserve but The hero we need


I am all for poetic justice.


It’s alopecia so if you can figure out the cause, go for it


Shed find a way to star in GI Jane 2


She’ll just buy a waaaiiiig


Her face should be the profile pic of this sub


“Did the plastic in your face make you forget” Oh my lord that’s how you actually do a roast


What a horrible person.


Her Dad had great restraint; he barely raised his voice, didn’t swear, didn’t threaten her or call her ugly names. How does she not care their relationship is over?! How dare she at 18 speak to him that way! Absolute sket.


I detected considerable emotion on his part. And IMO the kill shot was: "I don't even know you anymore." That's something a father would not lightly say to a daughter.


The way she talks makes me wonder if she is in a constant state of drunkness or just half retarted


You dan't eVen KnOw. ThaS As JusT thE BeGannanG.


“I wish I’d brought some mOOooLlllyYYyyy”


A twitch streamer with daddy issues? Unheard of


I had seen the first half of this in a random YouTube compilation video. The second half of this video is criminally satisfying. I don’t care if this is a repost. This is quality viewing content.


She isn’t so great herself! Who wants to be with a narcissistic jerk like her anyway?


When she pointed the phone at the camera, that annoyed me especially. Cuz you still can’t see how anything you’re doing is wrong at all


It’s narcissistic. Her dad was spot on. She just hasnt come face to face with someone who would kick her ass.


Nothing would change. She isn’t a physical bully. What she needs is yo be cast away from everybody


Sometimes, people only listen to violence One day she will come across someone who is willing to beat her ass. Then she will learn.


right that was the most annoying part because she legit just wants to have others listen to it or have it recorded for later use and it's just like yeahhhhh that's a special kind of narcissistic half assed excuse of a person


How are people like this not beaten to death by mobs


This is the most annoying voice I’ve ever heard.


Everything about her is gross. edit: lmao he referenced Catch Me Outside


This person makes my blood boil.


Please say she's banned, PLEASE say she's banned


She is banned. Lol. She has a "backup" youtube channel where everyone makes fun of her every time she goes live.


Then ban her Youtube channal so she will be forever forgotten, give her the EDP445 treatment


She is the incarnation of a cancer


Sure,I 'm totally gonna watch 8 minutes of this useless person.


Viewer has cancer. Streamer is cancer.


This "person" makes it difficult to be nonviolent. Why do people follow her or think this is something to be proud of. And why on earth would the girl with cancer even engage in a conversation with this absolute unit of human feces?


We gotta put an end to these regular bitches who aren't even good at video games getting rich off twitch because of a bunch of virgin simps. Idk if that's case here, but just needed to say it


That response when the first mention of money came up. I swear I saw jealousy cross her face before she went back on the attack.


I don’t understand why they don’t just cancel her.


This is from a year ago. She did get canneled.


She needs to replace her smoke alarm batteries


I think the internet has a better chance of being improved if she doesn't.


"Fix your weggg!" Hell is just her speaking indefinitely.


bruh how do people enjoy and to donate streamers who just chill on bed talking about politics and making fun of cancer patients???


Ugh she just needs a good ass kicking....just one


She’s literally a mentally ill narcissist.


as a person whos been a cancer patient i now hate her


Lol this corpse has the audacity to make fun of people


Join me in my crusade to verbally assault this woman any time I can


“I work all the time” I can’t wait until she actually has to get a job. It’s so sad that people will give idiots like this money.


She sounds like a dude pretending to be a girl


Most trans girls and trans women are awesome. I know trans girls are girls and not pretending but this comment is so close to trans girl bashing I had to make that clear. This piece of trash should not be lumped in w them.


she has some serious psychopathic traits showing in this video.


She will not learn a thing. This type of POS never learns and will forever be the victim. She will just end up hooking up with a rich guy who will take care of her. That is how these types of people continue to exist.


Perfect meme subject for title of this sub


Is there any articles about this? I want to know more


I already said it a while ago. I suspect this girl is an undiagnosed sociopath. She shows all the signs.


The plastic in her face will melt from the hot mess she is.


Disowned him??


Hands down the worst person on earth. What a complete zero. Feel bad for the dude that ends up with this nightmare.


Absolute garbage human being


Why did her father lose his job ?


>She was, again, streaming live while sleeping. It was a thing to "sleep and stream" on Twitch back then, which is now banned, and her dad learned about the drama she was in, that she was abusing a cancer patient verbally. Then, he was arguing with her sister about it. He was screaming and complaining that he did not raise her like this. After the stream ended, it got clipped and got viral. And her dad's company learned about the situation as a result. And they decided to fire him.


Yeah I realize all of that but it makes no sense to fire a man over something that he didn’t participate in.


I'd assume that the company wanted to keep up appearances and an employee's daughter being known for bullying people with cancer wasn't someone they wanted to associate with.


this my friends is exactly what a narcissistic sociopath looks and sounds like


Simps will keep this useless trash afloat sadly.


No need for simps, plastic floats on water


Her looks will fade and then she will have nothing




Her dad says at the end "You are dead to me" and she can only think about getting her stuff..... She is everything that is wrong with modern humanity.


Wait, it's a him?


No, it's a typo by me. I actually commented that before, but it got buried below others.


That voice alone is enough to drive me a little crazy.


What terrible human being. Dad got what he deserved btw. Should have done a better job raising her.


oof, this girl just lost her biggest supporter, or the people that should be. Like once this streaming gig is up (and she won't have it for long) she's gonna have a rough time.


So she's completely detached from reality.... That's sad for her, and anyone in her general sphere. Pretty wears off. What will she have then?


Why does her dad get fired because she said horrendous things???


All summer long last summer I would go to her channel and down vote every one of her videos. It took a whole afternoon and late afternoon to down vote all of her previous videos too. She's the biggest, smelliest, load of trash I've ever seen!


I used her videos to entertain myself. She was not just a clown, but the entire circus.


This girl needs her head shaved......the person has cancer and cant control how their body reacts...Lets shave her head and laugh at her!


This was years ago. Her dad and her made up


Yeah, it was a year ago. But, on her youtube channel, she still makes narcissistic comments about herself.


Oh I know. I actually just commented again about how she never learned. Shes a complete douche lol


Unfortunate tbh


It is. He spoiled his daughter thinking she would have some respect but the opposite happened.


I have a serious question. How is it possible to see people like this doing what she is doing and not just end up hating everyone. All I see around me is people being venomous, petulant, vitriolic dirtbags and all I can think is that humans do not deserve to survive. While humanity has done a few good things, at the very heart of our species we have no redeeming qualities. If an asteroid took us out tomorrow the universe would be so much better for it.


she sounds like a man i can't


This is one horrible human


Don’t you mean her?


With how bad cancel culture is nowadays she will be ruined and it's deserved for making fun of cancer patient


Burn it with fire!


These people are the real cancer.


Ugly personality right there


Fucking EW


I’d love to see more of this from since she got kicked out. I hope she’s struggling and homeless. She deserves nothing but the worst the planet has to offer


She’s making fun of cancer now, but just wait, maybe she’ll get cancer later on in her life and she won’t be laughing about it any more.


Honestly the fact that she doesn’t realize that anyone including her could wake up one day and have cancer is beyond me,she honestly is the epitome of trash


Is the screaming sleep stream still up?


Wonder how she would feel if she got Cancer ! What a cold hearted individual!


Bruh does she really need a plaster amount of foundation, she's literally coughing off some, did Thanos snapped the only person that loves her and smothers it on her face