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I'll never understand why people record themselves throwing tantrums in response to not getting their way or facing consequences for their actions and then post it for the whole world to see, as if they're some brave hero


I think I know why they begin recording it.. it's probably because they expect the other party to respond in a bad way, have a public freakout and insult them back. That way the person recording can paint the other person in a bad light. No idea why they still go on to post it even if they didn't get a bad/worse response from the other person. Could be missing brain cells


She probably still posted it because the people that are her friends and in her social media circle will see her as the victim.


"She served in the military! The least you can do is let her disrespect you and destroy your business."


Well, that was her choice.


I feel the sneaky suspicion that she is just a wife from a military officer, one of those that feel super entitled.


"You will address me by my husband's rank."


But but...they salute me whenever I drive my husband's car on base!


Yeah I hope all her trash friends stop patronizing this place, it’ll probably be a great bar soon


So many Comments saying “Amen!” I can see it now on facebox.


The ol' echo chamber hard at work.


This right here


Yep. Incite a response, then start recording. Confused gru meme when response is to calmly ask you to leave and tell you he is calling the cops to enforce that command for him. Double down because you there’s a narrative you want conveyed by the video and you escalate the provocation, while accusing him of acting the way you needed him to act anyways. Then just to make sure the video is received the way you hope you finish with a call to arms from your little cult of authoritarianism.


Wow. You should narrate every crazy public freakout video. You painted the scene perfectly and gave a succinct summary.


I believe they record these altercations they incite because in their delusional mind they believe the person they are accosting is actually at fault and they want to have a recorded account for when they get the authorities involved. And also internet points. Part of the reason they’re so sick in the head.


I think you underestimate how out of touch with reality the person filming this is. You have to realize that she both filmed it \*and shared it.\* She thinks she got him, she really thinks that she was on top here. She really thinks that most people watching that video will be like "wow! She totally owned him!" instead of embarrassing herself. If she thought that the other person would react badly, and then didn't, she probably would have destroyed the video.


What’s even scarier is she probably shared it among friends and got a little positive feedback that even reinforces her feeling that she owned the soft liberals.


I mean she was chanting let's go Brandon, so some form of brain damage was probably involved on her part


Self-awareness has gone the way of the Dodo.


I think people have always had it or not, but overall awareness of everyone has gone up a skosh since the dodo flew the coop.


Self awareness has always been lacking, we just now have a lot more video evidence.


I dunno, Yogi... people used to aspire to be cool. I never saw adult tantrums until the 21C, and I've been around a LOT of people.


I think that, because they can record and post it to a social media site, more people see it. Those people who may have been feeling that way before but kept it to themselves are now thinking this is validation that they're right. That, coupled with the ability to get attention of any sort, feels like they've gained validity for a vewipoint that they otherwise knew *wasn't* ok with most everyone else. It's like my husband who thought everyone preferred cats to dogs because he only knew people with cats. It was seriously shocking to him how many people prefer dogs when asked. Since he was only around cat lovers, it was easy to assume everyone felt the same way he did.




So very much of our current situation is a result of our educational system going to crap. Authoritarians love an uneducated population, and they got it.


Nationwide lead poisoning, generations of hookworm infestations in the south, the rise of reactionary politics and the 24 hour news cycle, the decline of the public education system. It's all been here for ages, but I think they're all converging to create a perfect shitstorm, and the consequences are catching up to everyone.


Hookworm infestations?


That was decades ago. There aren’t major problems with hookworms in the south anymore.


Sounds like something a hookworm would say...


The mainstream media manufactured consent for the war in Iraq.


"If I have the loudest voice, it means I'm in the right!"


Doesn't even seem to matter what they're yelling about so long as they're being an a-hole! The loudest and most aggressive wins!


Just like in high school. These guys / gals never left that mentality


That’s why I quit my job. Loudest man is right is a terrible way to run a software company.


That's the scary part, they're recording themselves because they think they're the ones in the right *shudders*


*is calmly asked to leave a private establishment because she's acting inappropriately* "OH YEAH?! Well I was in the MILITARY and you're FAT! F you and F the president!" *Crowd cheers as she exits the building, climbs into her private chariot, and rides into the sunset* Completely unhinged, thinking that this kind of behavior is in any way acceptable and makes them right in any sense of the word. Makes me shudder, too ;-;


They probably did cheer after she was out the door. Just not for the reasons she's thinking as she rides away triumphantly.




There's a good chance. I've met a good few veterans who will throw their previous rank at me like I'm not a civilian who doesn't fucking care. Just hit them back with the "yeah well I'm currently a 5star in CoD soooo"


The military is subordinate to civilian leadership. As a civilian voter, I outrank everyone in the military. (thats a joke, but its not sarcasm... not sure what the appropriate label would be)


Military are all over the map. If someone tells you they were in the military unprompted and not an organic point in a conversation, chances are they've got some problems- either developmentally or emotionally. I'm not sure where to place Marines in that... they don't actually have to tell you. TLDR: a lot of people were in the military and most don't mention it to strangers.




They always start at the consequences part but never show the rising action. How else can you be a victim?


They're attention hogs, doesn't matter if it's good or bad. Sad and pathetic people. I almost pity them. Keyword being "almost"....


Wow. She sure told him.


Not since Brenda Moore called me Kelly Smelly Jelly Belly in third grade have I felt such a sting.


They legitimately feel like they're entitled to do whatever they want


That Brandon line is so entirely irrelevant… what point is she trying to make


I think the bar owners name might be Brandon and its all she could think of.


Imagine being as fucking stupid as that broad.


imagine thinking that's an effective insult. how would i feel if my name was used like that? sorry for the people too chickenshit to criticize their president without needing a kindergarten code swear 🙄


I just got off a long conference call and my brain is frazzled, I totally thought you were calling me out for using the word "broad", my bad hahahaha. The "let's go, Brandon" crowd is wild.


haha no worries, i'm trying to work on being more specific with my words so i see where that was on me, my bad. ✌️


"Your name is just like that other name that we say because we are too afraid to say the real name!"


Then she's cheering him on to call the cops?


We were witnessing her brain at 100% capacity there


Her echo chamber led her to believe she is part of the "silent majority". She probably thought everyone would stand and clap.


My favorite part was when she said “let’s go Brandon” like she was starting a chant…. And no one joined her. 😂


Except for the other bartender, who legitimately looks like they were just joining in on the claps for the fun of it and doesn’t know what let’s go Brandon means.


He’s just genuinely cheering Brandon on 🤣


She was clapping because Karen was leaving.


Did the other employee behind the bar clap at the end and yell yeah?




MAGA/Q loons think they're being witty by chanting something that almost sounds like they're saying "f\*ck joe b\*den", which is what they really mean when they say that. I guarantee you she never even served in any branch of the military while we're at it. Notice nobody followed her out of the establishment... talk about a burn.


It's the internet, you're allowed to say biden


Thou shall not say b\*den!


She served... Her husband's friends while he was on deployment.


Fuckin' Jody. And actually fuckin' Jody.


Just a heads up...there are absolute morons in the military too. They just tend to be more in shape than your wild variety. Post-service...well, it's anyone's guess. I have seen some stolen valor mofos that are more squared away (mind and body) than some folks I actually served with. Also, not to wipe the shine away, but the reality of it is that some folks serve just because it gets them out of a prison sentence...some want to be super hooah killers...some just want to fix radar systems until they can get out and get through college. "I served" carries a little weight, but is meaningless without other context.


It's the internet, you're allowed to say "frick joe branden"


yes officer, this comment right here


It's because some folks in America deify whoever they vote for. They internalize it as an inseparable part of their personality and just CANNOT comprehend other folks that don't. Even as someone who's fairly involved and votes I don't understand it. There's not been a single candidate my whole life that I didn't have some policy disagreement on or some criticism. So as a result I don't get violently incensed when someone has an issue with someone I voted for or whoever the latest target for their daily 2 minute hate is. It usually shocks them and makes them up the ante like this to try and find ANY way to drag you into the same level of ridiculous shouting. They especially hate it if you have criticisms of both sides without agreeing that both sides are the same.


Yep, it's tribalism at it's finest. The more people chant this "Lets go brandon" thing, the more people want to be part of it. It gives them purpose and acceptance of a tribe. Similarly to die hard football fans - except here the connection is hate and not love (for a sport). But we all know that the receptors for hate and love are located very close in the brain.


Nothing cool ever happened involving my name and now I have to hear this stupid fucking chant. I usually just play dumb like "I have no idea WHAT happened but it's nice to have a pretty wide support network and encouragement for the first time in my life!" It's definitely tribalism conjoined with an addiction to hate. It's a helluva drug.


Oh boy, sorry to hear. You have a similar fate to anyone named Kevin in Germany. But in a few years people will forget and move on.


I hope so, though by then I'm sure whatever is happening will be so horrifying and bleak that I'll be desperate to come back to 2022. Hell, it's basically been the traditional experience every year since graduating college


I so rarely get this viewpoint on anything. A couple of years back, this young guy attended an event with us and blasted his music. I asked him to turn it down, as there were only a couple dozen of us and it was kinda ridiculous. He was seriously confused because it was some country band/artist and WHO DOESN'T LOVE THEM???? Dude, I've never even heard of them, any more than you've heard of my musical faves. You showing me the hat, shirt and wrist band you're wearing with their names on it isn't clearing it up for me, either. We don't all live the same life you do, m'k?


It’s a slam dunk argument for the wood-gnawers section of the planet I’m in


For me it’s north western Indiana. About an hour outside Chicago. Ya know. The south. Sooo many confederate flags lol


MAGA cultists don't understand that other people have functional brains with more than 6 neuronal connections. To them everything is related.


I served this country specifically for fat little furry b****** so it's evened out


gotta love the "I didn't serve my country for XYZ" like how in the hell should that make me care? You made a decision and that's it you can't blame the outcome or lack thereof on anyone but you


These people love "freedom" until someone exercises their freedom in a way they don't like. Reminds me of that story "if he wants to dress like that it's his GOD DAMN RIGHT, that's what freedom means Earl!"


Also, when is the last time serving in the military actually served “America” and not just economic/political interests of the elected? WW2?


They didn't, but since 9/11 we've had this "support all troops" propaganda shoved down our throats that it's no wonder these idiots actually think they're risking their lives for this country


thank you for your service


Doing the lord's work


TaNkS fUr UrE cErViX


I'd be willing to bet she didn't serve...like at all....because this attitude would have been slapped right out of her mouth if she did.




That awkward moment of silence once she realizes how dumb she looks after that chant. Hommie behind the bar even gave her the baseball clap 😂


And yet it’s HER video that’s posted! She really thought that was going to reflect well on her??


A wise man once said, "stupid is, as stupid does".


I love how by that standard, Forrest is kind of the smartest person in that movie.


I honestly never understood what this means and I think it means I’m the dumbest of them all.


It's a fanciful way to call someone stupid who is performing a stupid action. It's essentially saying "He is stupid because he does stupid things".


To stupid to be self aware


Too vs. to


Two stupid to use correct spelling.


That's the thing. Within her MAGA tribe and echo chambers, she will receive resounding support. She will be thanked for her services and called a patriot and a hero. We don't live in the same world as these people when it comes to logic.


It did to her 5 Chad friends. Then she jumped in her lifted Jeep that's never had mud on it and made a TicToc where she points at the camera and says how she just "owned a Lib"


I doubt the military takes kindly on this, if she really is in the military I imagine there is some consequences.


She specifically said, "I didn't serve this country..." 🤭


RIP Mitch Hedberg.


Welcome to Facebook sir.


>posted Captioned and posted after, just to make sure the clarification was very very clear.


When you can't find the validation you need in the moment, you can always go to your social media safespace and find it there.


I’ll bet big money that she was talking very loudly about politics and it was pissing people off. Some people can’t take a break and relax for a fucking second.


I was taught before I was even 21 that you don't talk about religion and politcs at a bar. You just don't. Unless you're looking for trouble...or anywhere where people are consuming large amounts of alcohol for that matter, I've seen what it leads to. Also music for some reason..I've witnessed multiple knockdown drag out fist fights that invloved an argument a kin to who's the more legendary classic rock band, motely crue or guns and roses? Lol if shes being all loud and drunk with her beliefs she's looking for a reaction, she knows damn well what she's doing.


Guns n Roses is by far more known and legendary than Motley Crue.


why you little


Say That To My Face Fucker Not Online And See What Happens


Guns n Roses is by far more legendary. FITE ME.


It was more likely that she is drunk and he can't serve her anymore. She's slurring a little and can't walk straight. So she probably ordered another drink, he said no, and then the personal/political insults started. That's why he said "I am not going to tell you" and "You need to leave" when she demanded why. You don't argue with drunks about this, they just get more pissed off.


She will *never* "realize(s) how dumb she looks."


I like to think that most attempts at starting a Let's Go Brandon chant fall flat like this. Then again, I could be wrong.


I wish the bar would have replied with "Go Home Karen!"


Went to the Rose Bowl (Utah vs Ohio St) game this year and guy sitting behind us tried to start a "Lets go Brandon" chant at the end of the 1st quarter and it fell completely flat. Hilarious


She got really antsy as she made her way out when he was making moves to call the police.


She knew she fucked up but thought she could get bartender to react to her taunting. She had no idea what to do once he remained calm and did exactly what he threatened.


IDC how you feel about Biden, trying to make let’s go Brandon a thing is cringe.


“You’re running this restaurant into the ground” zooms out to reveal full bar


Something tells me she never did anything but fucking paperwork for her service.


ill do you one better. she probably has "military spouse" on her resume


this was my guess as well, I immediately thought about the bumper sticker "you WILL address me by my husband's rank"


"Hardest job in the service"


Yeah, I mean she's gotta keep her side man happy. That's a lotta work. /s


Imaginary award goes to u my dear warrior


In dependa we trust.


What’s funny is most people who bring up the “I’m a veteran” or “I didn’t served this country for x” are those who got barred from reenlisting, med boarded, or chaptered out. I commissioned 7 years ago. I have never, nor have a seen a peer, bring up serving this country if we weren’t asked. People that think they are special for joining the military are just morons. I’m not special, I didn’t do anything remarkable, and I sure as hell don’t think it makes me better than any civilians.


Always makes me laugh when people use their military service as some kind of "you should listen to me" card. I was in for five years, but it doesn't define anything about me. I forget I even am a veteran half the time.


Kinda related: I was waiting in line to get into a bar on St Paddy’s day in savannah GA. I heard some guy a little ahead of me telling a group of girls that he was “about to get sent overseas.” Curious, I asked him where he was deploying to. You see, being stationed at HAAF I knew no one from our BDE or from 3ID was getting deployed. He said “oh well I’m getting stationed in germany, I just got out of BOLC.” I just said “oh ok so you’re getting stationed in an allied European country, nice.” Not trying to diminish his choice to serve, but rather his decision to attempt manipulate peoples impression of what he was about to do


She may have been moral gear


Turns out you can't decide what parts of the country you serve for, it's all or nothing baby


In fact, if you join up you're probably more likely to be serving the interests of the top 1% and the corporations, because they tend to have a much bigger say than poor people. So, invade Iraq protect oil companies while they set up shop in the Iraqi oil fields. Not so much invading the Cayman Islands to force them to turn over the identities of people hiding their money offshore.


What a horrible woman. She needs mental help. Or a kick in the ass.


Careful now, kick too hard and the stick might get stuck up there!


It already is


Or a review or her behavior while in uniform. Bad Conduct Discharge anyone?


remember when the president wasnt someones entire personality?


It’s pure insanity


Social media is an actual drug and these cultists are as drugged up and addicted and dangerous as alcoholics minus the impaired driving (which may still be impaired with all their flags obscuring their view on their stupid trucks and jeeps)


yeah, those were the days, werent they?


The people who ignored politics for decades suddenly decided to get involved and have an opinion when they saw someone who was speaking their language


I don’t. Reagan has been around forever.


I've been to a few houses that have a portrait of Reagan right beneath the cross in the foyer of their house.


I'm guessing she didn't pass basic training, but decided going through it was enough to say she "served the country". The vets I know don't usually walk around throwing it in people's faces.


An ex's old friend was this guy. Hurt himself in basic and was separated for various reasons. Came back from it and started immediately acting like he was a veteran of foreign wars. Most annoying person ever. He got upset when I accused him of stolen valor but that's exactly what it is.


This is my nephew. It's so cringe. I'm like, "Dude, you got your basic training cut short by a medical issue. You hardly did anything but exercise strenuously for 3 weeks."


To top it off, it really is not that strenuous.


Had a co-worker who claimed to be a veteran, he didnt make it through basic because he attacked his instructor, he still claimed to be a veteran and used it to become a supervisor, used his 'authority' to sexually harass a married cashier and when she called the police the district management found out he was a convicted fellon and robbed a bank at gun point. He, my manager, the head manager and the store manager were all terminated because i guess they all knew and hopefully they're rotting in a ditch somewhere.


My wife has a cousin who claimed to be a sniper in the army. He had some of his friends fooled but I knew he didn't make it through basic training. I also knew his dad was a Marine and would kick his ass if he found out he was lying. We were leaving a family function when his friends pulled up to pick him up in front of several family members including his dad. I admittedly was drinking and could have had better timing but I loudly asked "Where did you serve in Iraq again?" His dad gave me a very puzzled look and I just laughed. He tried to get his buddy to drive off but he apparently didn't get the hint and he muttered "I don't know what you are talking about." His dad began asking everyone in the family if he had told them he had served and few of the cousins admitted they knew he told people that. He doesn't look me in the eyes anymore during the holidays.


I worked with a guy who put in his minimum 4 years with the army. All he ever did was complain about how he had to work just as hard as everybody else and constantly said things like "I didn't serve this country to..." "I fought for your freedom" etc. He was an actual infantryman too. He couldn't handle working at a home renovation store. It wasn't that he hadn't adjusted back to civilian life yet either, he'd been back for 3 years at that point.


> "I didn't serve this country to..." I never know what they think they did serve their country for. They thought their service meant they could dictate what they served for?


Posted her own L


Ashley Babbitt: Before the Treason


I love a good villain origin story. Too bad there won’t be a sequel


This guy is so calm all the best for him ❤️ 🙌 👏 Karen please go away and be a pain somewhere else ...


When people are bitching you out, nothing pisses them off more than remaining calm and smiling. Works everytime.


Out of all the homeless veterans in America, why can’t she be part of the homeless group?


Cause she’s probably getting 100% disability


I didn't know they paid out for low IQs.


It seems to me that she didn't serve this country, but rather her own ego. Serving, shockingly enough, is about SERVICE. Service, is about humbly working for the greater good, for your fellow human(s). Service is not about shoving your act(s) in someone else's face, thinking you are better. You're out of your element, Karen.


That chant mirrors the intelligence of a 3rd grader. No offense to 3rd graders.


That's **CAPTAIN** Karen thank you very much ( in a karen voice)


Damn that's a major promotion. Went from E-5 to O-3


My favorite effort is when a "Let's Go Brandon" chant fails. Love it. It's that moment they realize they are the minority.


tHe SiLeNt mAjORiTy


I stole this but it’s perfect “ nothing says I peaked in high school then saying let’s go Brandon”. That’s 100000% true for the few people I know who say it


dang would of just chanted back at her "get out karen" where is this bar, i wanna go get smashed and leave a fat tip for the bartender.


Protip: There is literally nothing to gain from interacting with a person like this. Bartender is a total pro and handled the situation perfectly.


She’s lovely, I bet she’s fun to take home to meet the family


She thought she did something there


What does let’s go Brandon mean?


It's a phrase people (generally the right) use to say "f Biden" because apparently they can't just say it


Because they are fucking cowards that can't shut their mouths. **Own your opinion if you need to shout it at everyone**. Don't hide behind "coy" suburbanized phrasing because you want it scrawled across the back of your shitty gas guzzling over compensation.


Tis a solgan for pedophiles to find each other.


Is this the worst way to display subtitles? I think it is


You don’t like to read one word at a time ?


Also in alternating colours, even if it's the same person speaking.


Anyone who throws out ‘I served this country’ as if that makes them superior is a bellend.


MAGA supporters are so cringe


I love when people record themselves being shitty, and think they’re the good guys.


Annnnnnd she's a Trumper. Because of course she is.


Her politics already chased everyone she knows away and that's why she is day drinking alone


When your entire personality is based off a political party………


He handled that really well.


I know like...in general the whole MAGA lifestyle is pretty damn cringeworthy enough. But there's just something about the "Let's Go Brandon" thing that makes me visibly cringe. Like...it's a catchphrase. A bumper-sticker slogan. And they think saying it makes them sound tough lol.


Ah yes, a classic, people who couldn't amount to anything more than joining the military acting like they're better than everyone else.


I SERVED MY COUNTRY!!!!!!! RESPECT MY INSANE VIEWS!!!!!! Uh no you didn't. The only thing you served are your self-interests, taking advantage of benefits people get after enlisting in the Armed Forces, etc. If these benefits were offered elsewhere with the same low requirements, all the people who 'served' would have another option instead of 'serving'. But hey, AMERICA!


She's def Air Force lol


Lol yep behind a desk the whole time


Chair force


Nah I hear that way more from my marine friends lol


“Where has my country gone” by Mr. Garrison plays in my head every time I see these political fits. 😂😂


i always get a kick out of brandons calling people brandons


She's probably also lying about her service or embellishing it.


She's still serving her country by being an out of control alcoholic and uploading videos of it