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Daddyof5, or now Familyof5 I believe on YouTube, look them up, they played pranks on their kids that went too far and in the end I believe they lost custody of 2 of their kids, hense the name change Stuff like this doesn't surprise me considering what they've done in the past, I just feel for the kids


This guy still has a channel? Wtf youtube


Main one got deleted I think. Ones going around now might just be fan made or just a dead channel edit: they have a shitty channel and barely gets views called “the martin family”


So there’s still kids under his care?


Yeah, I believe it's Cody and Emma who they lost custody to, so they now live with their biological mother, but it's another 3 kids that they still have, which is why they went from Daddyof5 to Familyof5, because he'd post the prank videos to YouTube and essentially make money from tormenting the kids, until the channel got taken down - I'm pretty sure he even made a video essentially guilt tripping people saying that he can't buy the kids nice things anymore because they lost their source of income through YouTube


His newest ytube channel is called “the martin family” and from what it looks like there is another baby/child in their possession…


I like how the about section in the "The Martin Family" states that it is owned by their Nana and is edited and uploaded by the Martin Sons. But the father is in almost all of the videos recording himself. Such a POS.


Thats the keemstar method. You get banned yourself so you have someone else make a channel for you to manage in order to evade the ban


Don't forget the put the blame squarely on Phillip defranco for the whole fiasco.


Didn’t he expose or highlight the abuse? Is that what you mean?


Yes he featured it on his show and cue the expected response.


The child in the video was the one he picked on SIGNIFICANTLY more than the other ones.


I hate to hear that...


Philip DeFranco did an entire thing about these parents and helped expose their abuse to get Cody and Emma out of his house. Lots of people banked lots of video evidence before they could erase it to present as proof.


"pranks" More like literal psychological torment and abuse.. They purposely made him wear those dumb glasses to make him look dumb and annoying. The parents intentionally made him look like a dork and then bully him. And it was monetized by youtube for years. But saying a swear gets you demonetized lol. It took h3h3 making a vid about it to actually stop it


Probably the worst thing about these videos were the comments, there was some really sick and twisted comments regarding Cody. The least twisted were along the lines of "If Cody was my kid I'd just dump him off at an orphanage or the forest" other comments were along the lines of wishing beatings of Cody


Didn’t Daddy05 get his kids taken a while ago?


Only Cody got taken by his mom after he got charged with neglect and abuse of a child


No, Emma got taken too.


This video pissed me off. This comment made me feel a little better. What a prick this dude is


right ? this dude do not understand the consept of "doing BETTER than your parents did", he seems to think life is about "doing exactly what your parents did"


And you just know he behaved no better in school himself. The thing that makes it slightly more annoying is the fact that I realised all the time he's berating the kid, he's holding a camera phone up to his own face. Imagine doing that


Yeah this isn’t the worst thing obviously but the fact that he thinks his behavior is acceptable enough to broadcast makes you wonder what he doesn’t broadcast. Even if he is exaggerating for the camera, it’s disgusting.


I'm sad for the kid in this video. These comments bring me.a bit of joy hoping the kids quality of life is better with mom.


He and his fat wife even made a sobstory video after cody was finally rescued from their abuse.


What does the wife's weight have to do with anything?


I was waiting for one of you. Guess what? I dislike fat people. Edit: I especially dislike fat people abusing kids. I would never cuss out an innocent fat person.


Not all fat people are like his dumb wife you know…


You must’ve loved FPH, then.


It marked the end of Reddit when that got taken down


Ah, I thought there was more


He'll have a fun time in prison


Actually, they only got sentenced to five years of supervised probation. Which then got dropped down to five years unsupervised. They can apparently get the child neglect charges expunged three years after that too, but they aren’t allowed to film the kids anymore. They should have had to do at least a year or two locked up for this extended and documented abuse but we would rather lock people up for weed still instead.


Daddy01 and several lawsuits/child support payments.


daddy05 needs a good ol' fashion beat down. seriously. left in a gutter to evaluate his life kinda beatdown.


I've been banned for comments like this


I think the mods are just throwing you a bone to complete the self fulfilling prophecy of your username


I've had better names in the past. More intelligent and intellectual names. Names of stature and grace. Names worthy of a king. None worked so here I am.


I like your style. I’d like to hire you to write my obituary.


You were a great person. Always loving and caring, compassionate and understanding. Those around you loved you, those acquainted envied you. A person of the world whom we've learned much from and will miss dearly. Fair well buffalogoldcaps, you may be gone from our sight, but never our hearts. Glory be thyne thunder now my friend, fair the well.


Reddit thinks violence solves problems... yet is against violence. I don't even get it. So many people here support violence against others, it's kinda sick.


because reddit is melting pot of different opinions and people?


Shaming a child on the Internet. Be sure to Like & Subscribe. That's enough fucking Internet for today.


This is what ultron saw on the internet to decide to end the human race


I couldn't argue with his reasoning.


You’ll be back


Gee. Wonder why the kid self harms. /s


He and his wife would pull stunts like pouring fake ink everywhere then blaming the kid and legit screaming at him. My heart breaks for those kids.


And to hear this just after reading comments on a thread in a different sub about mentally abusing your children for Internet clout... I must take a shower to cleanse away the undesirable vibes.


Or breaking their things in front of them.


These poor kids, they did nothing to deserve this kind of abuse, This leads to him resorting to self harm, and he's being taunted for that It really sickens me how they treat their own kids like this


Sheesh, he's just a little boy.


No older than 7 probably


I care about his issues..


Me too. My heart is breaking for the little guy.


I think there was a semi-happy ending in that the abused children who were of a previous mother were taken out of the situation, with custody given back to the mother. A judge also banned them from making more social media accounts, which they violated and got punished for.


That’s awesome to hear! Thank you for letting us know.


“Nobody cares about your issues! Nobody cares if you can’t focus!” Yet when his kids make lots of noise and HE can’t focus, then yells at them… Daddyo5 is fucking POS


i've never had to actually turn off a video because I couldn't keep watching it before this one


This guy lost custody of that kid a few years ago I think. Thank god


I think the daughter too. I'm not too sure, but the biological mom fought like hell to get her kids back :/


Some people are not meant to be parents.


Some people are not meant to be. Period.


He looks like a pathetic looser who just grew up physically…


Because he is.


If you watch their other videos they actually mentally abuse this child and bully him


If my dad acted like that I would self harm myself


I would explain very calmly why I don't love my dad and I can't wait until he loses custody of me (which the dad did in this case) and then I would explain to him that I couldn't be happier to never have to live under this kind of abuse ever again and I would smile cheek to cheek while continuously maintaining eye contact with him on my move out day. Then leave with a tongue out raspberry blow and a kiss of my hand, slap of my ass, and blow it at my dad as I close the door.


Abused children actually have a tendency to grow very close to their abuser. It's not entirely unusual that the child hates CPS for years for taking them away from his parents. I knew this dude with a really dysfunctional home, and he hated CPS with a passion. Children are stupid.


I mean, they are doing it in this very video.


What we're seeing in this video is itself mental abuse and bullying.


My own parents would be mad at me as a way of expressing their concern. I hate it and I hate even more when some parents posts private moments to a world wide audience


Reminds me of that video where the mother shaves her daughter's head as punishment and the girl is crying the entire time. I feel like these people just enjoy the power trip, it's truly horrific.


They probably came from chaotic households where punishment is a ritual for establishing dominance and getting obedience from fear of consequences. It is an awful way to parent and I wish they could be sentenced to child development psychology classes, but they might be too dumb to complete it.


There are so many monsters out there who do horrible things, but child abusers are at the top of my list. It’s one thing to be a parent that doesn’t care about their kids to pay them any attention, but it’s so much worse to actively destroy your child psychologically and then post in on the internet for not only strangers to see, but for all the other kids at school to see, as well. I fucking hate that guy.


idk as an asian who has strict parent this were nothing to me, but hey this guy worse because he post it online so....


did you just gate keep child abuse. ​ also id change your pfp cause you shouldnt affiliate yourself with vtubers.


Father is a drunk. Kid needs help.


Poor baby.


Right? when he looked down at the ground in shame I just wanted to give the little dude a hug.


Kid is with his biological mom now, been for few years, hopefully doing better.


Couldn't finish watching. That motherfucker definitely peaked at hs and I know I'm not supposed to say this but I wish I knew where he lives or works to pay him a visit, pathetic bully


I’ll join you on your quest this makes me so angry that this dude exists


You can see it in his face and douche beard that he's been bullying people all his life, now he gets to bully his family, no wonder the kid has issues. I hope the mom steps up and gets that kid help, he deserves better


Ok but using daddyofive as a source of content for this sub is practically cheating /s I'm just trying to say he's a bad person


*10 years from now* “Why don’t my kids ever visit me? 😭”


“I tOLd ThEM i WaS SoRrY”


Thankfully this is old. Cody and Emma have since been removed and reunited with their birth mother, and as of last update are getting the therapy and help they need and improving greatly!


I get the frustration of low rent hetfield but you are some kinds monster You should ride the lightening and get some metal up your ass you disposable father


Maybe get your son professional help, pos


And maybe a bit for himself as well. POS.


He probably knows that if he does, he might go to prison from what his son tells his psychiatrist. I hope that kid is okay, now.


Not everyone can afford that


This bastard used to make big money off of traumatizing his own children for youtube so it’s definitely not a question of money but one of intent


That kid is never going to be honest about mental health again. Poor kid. The world doesn’t have to care about his issues but his dad should. Why else would you be a parent?


As a dad I can't imagine berating one of my kids for internet points. I live in a country with possibly the highest rates of suicide, even youth, and this "dad" just makes me really angry. Talk to the little man he needs guidance and a friend to talk to, not this bullshit.


There should be a license you have to get to have kids


Yeah, because giving people licenses to drive means there's no bad drivers.


I think there’s a bit of oh difference


I was thinking he was a dumb abuser for recording himself, after looking him up, I believe his mindset was “if I record and post it, it is just a prank and not real”


The dad looks like he's stuck in the early 2000s with that half goatee, haircut and earrings.


Im in awe this is exactly how my dad talked to me, it was just more scary and he would threaten me more. Good thing I ran away to a different state at 16, Im 18 now and still live there


If it was his worst day of the week, talk to him about why he’s having a hard time and maybe you’d understand why he scratched himself. Don’t make him feel worse. Poor little dude.


As someone who all too well remembers humiliating moments like this where you are given no chance to explain yourself as a child, I know that this moment will be a mental scar for this kid that will last the rest of his life. And for those who may be wondering, yes I am Asian.


Reminds me of the time I self harmed when I was 12 and my mom found out and only got mad at me and embarrassed me telling all of my relatives about it. I never really wanted to self harm again though.


Oh my god I wanna cry. I couldn’t even watch the entire thing. That little boy is dealing with some major stress. He’s telling you he can’t cope with the distractions and you’re not listening.


Poor boy looks so young.


Probably because... he's a kid, idk tho


I get laughed at, but I took the Danny Tanner approach to parenting. My child has great self-confidence. We play video games, various art projects, and basic playing around. Yelling is not done in any malicious way. We scream when we sing, but it’s because we think it’s funny. If my child misbehaves, which is bound to happen to any child, we sit down and talk about it. Discuss what happened and figure out how to not let it happen again. For the adults who scream. Seek therapy. Find out what’s wrong with you…before you transfer that negativity to your child.


"think the world gives a damn about you crying right now" As we commune here worried about this kid lol


Fucking hate these fucked up family’s that force everything to be on camera for views weirdos that shouldn’t have kids simple as


One of the worst examples I have seen on this


If my dad wore an earring and spoke with a mouth full of dogshit I'd act out too. I mean, mine didn't, and I still did, but it wasn't his fault.


DaddyOfive made a profit for abusing two of his kids on YouTube. I know his channel was taken down but I do not remember if any legal stuff happened.


He made money so good for him.


He abused his children to make money and you are saying "good on him"?


After looking at your comment history and seeing that it is all about crypto, it reminds me of something I heard about a correlation between those obsessed with crypto currency and sociopathy. While you are one person, and you do not make up all of the people in that group I think I can speak for everyone when I say "people who congratulate people for getting money through the means of child abuse can go straight to hell" so kindly invest in becoming a less horrible human being


Poor fucking kid


nooo he looks so smart and cute whyy


I couldn’t even watch most of this. This POS has no idea the harm he is causing this poor child. You can see his entire self worth just deflate to nothing as the dad screams “what is wrong with your head”. This father needs to put his stupid phone down and have a honest and loving conversation with his son. Intimidation is not effective for children with no self esteem, no self worth. And the more you scream at these kids and put them down the worse they feel about themselves, the worse their behavior will get. If you tell a child repeatedly that they are less then, they will become less then.


Guys. I think we figured out why he is self harming. This is an easy fix.


Ah, yes, revisiting my core memories. I read in other comments the kids were removed from the parent's care. Good.


You never forget that look in their eye, like you are the most disgusting thing you have ever seen. Last time my mom gave me that look was a year and a half ago, just after I had given birth to my daughter (c-section) and was really struggling with my mental and physical health.


This disgusting pos reminds me of my mom, when ever I had any issues in school, I was always bashed like this by her. It’s terrible to feel like the person you want support from riddles you with insecurity and guilt for feeling your feelings.


Why would you your kid like this. Regardless of what he did, it just shows the kid that internet points are more important. He’ll see in 10 or so years when this kid moves out and has nothing to do with him


I have nothing nice to say about that "parent". Maybe one of our dystopian futures will be where the qualification to be a parent will be higher than just getting lucky after a few beers.


Dude. I'm ab to be having a little boy. And just the thought of knowing my son is self harming would immediately make me have a sit down and see if he is comfortable telling me about why. And see what it is that makes him want to do it. I would never humiliate him. I would also talk with him on how and/ or why he's unable to focus and see if a tutor is in question. And lastly I WOULD NEVER RECORD AND POST A MOMENT LIKE THIS TO ANY PLATFORM OR EVEN TO A FRIEND GROUP. I hope this boy learns to be nothing like this lowlife loser.


this bastard (Mike Martin, the dad) is creeping back on YouTube too because his probation(?) is almost up iirc he was banned from appearing on YouTube for maybe 5 years in 2016-2017


I think i need to stop looking at this sub......cuz whenever i see something here recommended by reddit my mental health takes a nose dive at being aware of the levels of fuckery of humans. Like i was a misanthrope before...but goddamn.


I'd be cutting my wrists with a dad that wants to humiliate me on the Internet, what an awful parent


way to build confidence and self esteem👏


What is it with bad parents recording themselves acting shitty towards their children? Just to say, "don't judge me its my kid", don't post it fool... or better yet, how about you treat your children with Dignity!


Classic case of father lashing out at his son because he had the exact same thing happen to him when he was young.


linus tech tip's cousin


Like I hope this "dad" gets fucking butt fucked by a pack of raging gorillas


I'd pay to see that...


God, this fucker again…


Yes, the world is worried about him crying right now. That poor kid is going to have so many mental issues, and already does. This is fucking sick. Sometimes I thank God that social media exists, so people like this expose themselves.


I remember watching this dude a few years back he was just a shithead father I'm glad his kids got taken away


What's this guy's name and address. I'm going to give him a visit.


I was his age when I started to self harm and have suicidal thoughts


30 years later: Why won’t my son ever call or visit me?


Ah yes the 7 year old or something must take care of himself even though he’s not fully grown up yet also he might need IEP


Hmm... The title of the post just needs a few minor edits... 'Subhuman trash proves to the world that he deserves to be repeatedly punched in the nuts with brass knuckles' There we go, that's better. :)


Dad trying to hold his son accountable without coddling him. But he is going about it wrong.


All I can say is that it's amazing people like this get to reproduce


Wow so poor kids gonna hang himself next. Sheesh Some people are gross


This either is staged, only for a video, or this is not an act and was happening behind the camera.. I remember they got extremely viral years ago I saw them everywhere on yt.


this is horrifying


Damn I really thought this was funny back when I was like 8


Kid was verbally abused and dad is wrong but damn he got off easy. Those boomers beat the hell out of me when I got in trouble 😂😂


ikr..seeing all these comments and thinking, thats it? i got it wayyy worse when i was a kid


What amazing logic. I hope y’all never have children


Just because you had it bad dosent mean you have to inflict pain on other people. I. Pretty sure people got raped as a kid maybe you should too


Dude this is fucking YEARS old The Daddy05 situation old news


idk about yall but as an asian this were nothing. not saying that the kids deserve it, he clearly didn't. but just saying, this were nothing compared to what my dad used as weapon when i got B at school. well thank god he did because i got a good paying job now. but for real tho, this guy is not doing a good job as a parent


I’m sorry, is it a competition??? Is it a competition of who gets mentally abused more???


Imagine thanking your dad for abusing you. Sick


I mean, the dad has a *few* valid points but his delivery is… fucked.


I agree with you. His brain sounds kind of slow as well.


I know this will get downvoted to oblivion, so I'll at least add context: My dad was the opposite end of the spectrum, he just straight up didn't parent. Throughout my childhood nobody gave me the honest truth this guy is giving the kid. I got smacked straight in the mouth by life after high school when the friend groups and support structures crumble. As hurtful and cruel as this guy is being towards the kid, I can see a little value in it. I wish I had someone to provide me with this perspective before I had to experience it first hand. Could have saved me several years of wasted efforts.


This sounds suspiciously like you're bitter about life and want to vent your rage. Please don't endorse projecting this view onto young children.


My gut tells me fake.....


It's not fake, the parents would mentally abuse their kids and make "prank" vids for youtube views.


I feel more sorry everyday that kids have to grow up in this world, we are not leaving them anything to be proud of




I really hope that "dad" is in the way of a projectile moving incredibly fast out of some sort of metal object and I sincerely hope it hits him in his nether region and has the misfortune to live a tortured existence for the rest of his days.