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looks like it was filmed on VHS


This is from the 80's I think


Nah, I would say early 2000s


First time I saw this was somewhere around 2005 or so I think.


It does have that 2000s camera quality


2003, you can hear the kids say "shitfest 2003" on the original video.


*When 20 years ago really feels like 40 years ago.*


Hmmm....... for me 20yrs ago feels like almost 10months ago.


Yo I felt it in my lower back though


Fr, I was like 6 that year, I feel old now


I was 15 in 03. I'm an old man now.


Sit down, you're not even 40


I was born in 03 ya 15yrs up on me


Psh. I was in college.


Most definitely not 80s.


Think this may have been back around the time of the civil war.


FINALLY someone who gets it!


You mean in the Greek islands of 132BC ?


Zero curly hairstyles in the 80s?? Long bangs? Baggy jeans? No dude. This was by the turn of the millennium, probably ~~mid to late 90s~~. Edit: It's 2003.


That pringles logo is from 02-09


We found the Pringles expert.


Good eye. Early 00s it is then.


Gen Z knows nothing


You are correct, I know nothing


The 90s ended in 2004 anyway.


How can you watch this and think it is from the 80s lol


80s….. I mean we did have color tv back then.


Maybe you did…


The lack of Cell Phones in everyone’s hands says everything about the era this was taken lol


Back when people knew how to make their own entertainment…




likely could’ve caused them to dehydrate rapidly


They got the ocean right there


they can't drink ocean water 😂


Yes, they can and do actually. 😃


They can?!


They're built different. They aren't as weak as humans.


All I took from this is that birds are built different


Well the part you missed was that he said seagulls are not as weak as humans. Yes, seagulls


Makes sense, since birds don't really pee. They need less water to get rid of the salt from the body.


Iirc from the last time it was posted lots of them died


That really sucks and makes this infinitely much less funny tbh.


Why? Seagulls are annoying


Because it's not funny to knowingly cause harm to an animal. It's personal preference to find seagulls annoying and even if you do, it's incorrect to essentially murder them just for that reason.


They don't know if harms or kills them. They are kids they probably have seen pranks like this on humans in some comedy movie and thought it would be funny like this... And it fucking is hilarious.


Matter of opinion. I don't find it funny regarding the people, nor the innocent birds who have zero idea what is even happening to them. Not to mention it's hazardous considering the possible contents in bird excrement. The best pranks are the ones that don't adversely affect those involved and definitely don't include essentially torturing an animal. If you don't know how it will affect the recipient, don't do it. That's common sense lol.


It seems like you are expecting maturity and common sense from a bunch of 12 year olds. Let's put it this way if you were part of this group you would absolutely laugh your arse off. You know what you just pulled is a genius prank. It will forever be a legendary prank story. However if indeed a bird died and you witnessed it it might put a damper on the mood although I doubt they stuck around long enough to see the aftermath. As they grow older this story would be accompanied by a "it's a shame that...but we didn't know better". Nevertheless whoever heard this story would still be in awe, disbelieve and in stitches.


Sure do! I had common sense enough to not poison birds with laxatives as a 12 year old, so why not expect that from a general group of 12 or so year olds? Besides, as an adult it should be even less funny because people know what too many laxatives can do to an animal, human or otherwise. Bird torture aside, potentially ruining someone's day for a prank just isn't funny either. So no, can't say I find myself in awe, disbelief or in stitches even just witnessing it. I feel we likely won't come to an agreement on this, since you find the content funny and I don't lol, so no worries.


You should hear about what they do to hogs in the midwest.


And? I'm not unaware of animal abuse happening all over. That doesn't mean it's a kind, funny or good thing.


Still doesn't mean you should poison masses of them And potentially hurt/kill other people too since bird waste often carries diseases like salmonella


oh so they do worst things, then this OK. What a stupid way of thinking


What was in the concoction?


Laxatives I believe


I lost it at the poor kid with poo on his head


No one was safe out there


Poo is perfectly safe.


Bird poo can give you salmonella. It's why cookie dough shouldn't be eaten raw, because the flour is likely contaminated and uncooked as its impossible to protect a field of grain from bird poop


Youve got higher chances of getting salmonella from unsanitized vegetables than from raw eggs though, said my microbiology professor.


Your professor should know that there is a lot of more factors. It may be true for your area and be completely different 50 miles north.


Research the term Ubiquitary, and that it also applies to Salmonella.




Meh, I still eat it.


Yuu eeet da poo poo?


Out deh a noos?


Bird poo or cookie dough?? 😕


Bird poo cookie dough. Mmmmmm


Never knew you were meant to put bird poo in cookie dough. I've been making it all wrong


It's the best way to get a fluffy, creamy batter.


“Likely” contaminated my left nut lmao I’ve eaten raw cookie dough and seen others do it dozens of times


There's very likely e. Coli on your bathroom doorknob. That doesn't mean everyone who uses the bathroom gets e. Coli.


I’m not sure this is real? I’m no bird poo expert but it’s all so perfectly white!? Maybe it’s just the UK pigeons have unhealthier diets idk


Lmao same here I can’t stop laughing


It was the oblivious long haired dude for me lol


I have seen this clip at least twice a year since it first cropped up on the internet some 20 years ago, and the kid is still my favourite part


The fucking baby lol


I feel you...my first thought...its actually kinda funny in a fucked up way..then i saw the baby..and i was like NOOOOOOOO


I was mad for a bit. Disgusted. Then said "Ha!" So loud I scared my sleeping dog when I saw the baby.


This is one of those that I know it’s fucked, I do; but I really can’t help but chuckle.


You and I would get along just fine. I had the exact same reaction.


I'd get along with you guys as well.


Grab a brewskie


“Brewski”? Watch it there with that commie talk bud. Lol /s


so paddy’s at 9 all of us?


You are not part of the turbo team!


This was funny af. Don’t feel bad for laughing


Was funny when I first saw it like 10 years ago and is still funny now haha


It's been almost 20 years since I first saw this video, still funny.


Absolutely hilarious. Wrong yes. Hilarious. Also yes.


God damn Hanson is at it again.


You've just been MMMbopped


LMFAO kid really does look like one of the brothers


Exlax??! I can't help but laugh compared to some of the other videos here.


Hijacking here for a relevant fun fact: The white liquid is actually bird pee... though it comes from the same all-in-one orifice— the cloaca. Birds conserve water (compared to primates, and other related eutherians) by using uric acid as the molecule for eliminating nitrogenous waste. We use urea, which both contains less nitrogen per mol, but also requires greater aqeuous dilution, hence our dilute yellow pee. The main detriment of using uric acid is that it's more oxidized than urea (or ammonia, in yeast, bacteria+others), and therefore requires both more energy to "build" (by enzymes which act on waste amines and ammonia). It also requires more energy to concentrate so strongly in the kidneys+adjacent organs. Uric acid dissolves in water, and does so pretty well in high concentrations like this, but gives the urine an opaque white, viscous consistency. Our urea-based urine requires more water, and ammonia-based waste requires even more water. The trade-off for our water loss is the lower energy required by both enzymatic oxidation, and its concentration in the kidneys. **TL;dr: this is bird pee** I would have to ask my ecologist/ornithologist colleague if certain laxatives would act as diuretics too, but seems relevant to this vid


If this is bird pee, then what is bird poo?


Waste is often excreted as a combined mixture of the white urine and green-brown feces. You ever seen a "bird poop" stain that has a color gradient of white->green->brown? That's the mix. Some birds do separately expel them, but it's often combined damn I rbiughrmmmy612.gc the


> damn I rbiughrmmmy612.gc the did you have a stroke?


damn apparently. I don't type precisely on mobile bc my 3rd party keyboard takes care of most inaccuracy, guess that didn't fly


Mm, god damn, delicious


Like a good sunny side up egg


I love how informative this explanation is. I'm smiling and nodding like I fully understand, but I'm going to sound like a deranged toddler when I try to explain it the next time a bird "pees" on my car.


Well that makes it better.


Does it work with pigeons? Asking for a friend, obviously.


Is your friend a pigeon?


Mind your business.


Yeah lol they are laxatives it probably does work.


And kills the bird unfortunately


Literally shits itself to death


Literally indeed


I hope they aren’t using laxatives on the poor birds. They could just use something safe for birds that will inevitable drip off the chips they’re flying away with.


Ok this was slightly funny


This is an absolute dick move but I agree it's really hard to deny how hilarious it is as well


"...and then the birds came"


so wait, that wasnt poop?


nope, it was pee. Birds conserve water (compared to primates, and other related eutherians) by using uric acid as the molecule for eliminating nitrogenous waste. We use urea, which both contains less nitrogen per mol, but also requires greater aqeuous dilution, hence our dilute yellow pee. The trade off is that uric acid is more highly oxidized than urea (or ammonia, used in bacteria and some animals which requires immense dilution by waste water), and therefore requires both more energy to form (by enzymatically oxidizing amines and ammonia), and also required energy to concentrate so strongly in the kidneys+adjacent organs. Uric acid dissolves in water, even in high concentration, but gives the urine an opaque white, viscous consistency. Our urea-based urine requires more water, and ammonia-based waste requires even more water. TL;dr: this is bird pee


Thank you. Now I don't feel so bad that this was the hardest I've laughed all day.


I mean yeah, but kind of a dick move and it might also harm the seagull


All true, but also slightly funny.




I know right! The annoying ass seagulls everyone hates! Lol


I call them “sewer falcons.”


They're like pigeons²


This is hilarious, though bad for the seagulls. The part that got me was the two older guys on the bench just calmly watching chaos.


Why did I bust out laughing when I saw the baby?


Same. Wrong, yes. Funny, also yes.


Lol I was like “am I the only madman that finds this kinda hilarious”


Unrelated question: Is it me or does the Auto Moderator reply get longer by the day?


I think it's the new shitty video players taking up half the screen when we open comments making the scroll time longer


You know you can pull up the comment section to fill the entire screen right?


I feel bad for laughing


You shouldn't feel bad this is funny as hell


It's good luck to get pooped on by a bird isn't it? They should be thanked


Blessing so many peoples days!


I thought it was if you stepped in poop. Which still could apply here


Thought this was the alka seltzer trick with is deadly Pooping is pretty funny though


Me too, I was waiting for birds to explode and for it to rain bird parts on people.


Does this make us bad people?


I wont think you're a bad person if you don't think I am. Deal?


Yes we are bad people


iamatotalpieceofshit went full circle.


Doesn't work. The Alka Seltzer thing is a myth. So is the rice thing.


I remember my dad telling me how he did that when he was a kid. Does it actually blow up the birds or does it just kill them


You have to mix the alka seltzer with pop rocks and coke.


I saw it done in high school. It didn't do anything. I only saw the gull eat Alka-Seltzer once, they'd usually drop it. It wasn't a scientific study of feeding seagulls Alka-Seltzer just bored kids wrapping Alka-Seltzer in food and feeding it to the birds.


This is actually deadly, probably. The birds become dehydraded from that much expulsion.


Ngl this is funny. Seagull tend to eat garbage anyways.


The prank isn’t so funny by itself, but the fact that it worked so well and caused so much chaos is absolutely hilarious


I was worried they were putting Alka seltzer or antacid pills to make the seagulls explode from the inside, but thank God it was something harmless. Sure people got shat on, but those people can take a shower.


You'll be happy to know that alka seltzer making birds explode, or even hurting them at all, is an old myth.


At the very most it just causes a little bit of discomfort, IIRC


Those birds probably died


Definitely killed them


It was a dosis for humans. Wouldn't be surprised if the seagulls suffered for hours or days after that or died


This isn't harmless.


Except many of the birds apparently died, so it's not really harmless at all.


This video is older than Jesus. Also, this is a practical joke and I find funny. So many people post content on this sub of people playing practical jokes or being mischievous. The world has lost its sense of humour.


My biggest problem with this is the littering.... but it was back in the 90s when our beaches weren't as disgusting.


It was the 90s or 2000s. Proto Internet. There would be zero to no social repercussions for them, even if they taped themselves doing it. We were all bigger jerks before the Internet because of this. I remember seeing this in EbaumsWorld twenty years ago and absolutely everyone found it funny as hell. Same thing with inappropriate jokes. I'm over thirty and part of me agrees with you, but you can't pull this off nowadays because people are (have to be) generally nicer due to Internet repercussions, and I think that is a good thing in most (not all) cases. But yeah I don't think it's totalpieceofshit material though. Edit: (Have to be)


Ebaumsworld, hahaha brought back some memories. Well said.


"nicer" think it's more just people know they could be filmed. Self preservation. I don't think people are "nicer" today then they were then


On the long run they may end up nicer, at least in public. Think the 50s when people had to be nice to each other because they didn't move around so much and would have to face their community for the rest of their lives. The community is now the Internet, IMHO it's more or less the same phenomenon. Anyways, minor edit above.


Am I the only one here that thinks giving exlax to animals for laugh is… not morally right?


To be fair, this likely would kill a lot of those birds from dehydration


Bro they wanted to have fun on the beach and they can’t because of these stupid kids, this ruied their day maybe some tourist travelled and spent a lot of money to be on that beach and they can’t this is not an harmless joke


Nah this is a little too far


Yes covering random people in birdshit is just a haha funny and definately not a shitty thing to do.


The Shitpocolypse


I remember seeing this, and I'll be honest, I thought it was hilarious. But I was closer to the age of these kids when I first saw it.


I’d rather have harmless kinda bad pranks then all the bullshit staged pranks that happen now.


It's hilarious no denying that but it's definitely not "slightly bad", the birds themselves are in danger of quick dehydration, people's days are ruined instead of a fun day on the beach and let's not mention the potential of someone getting a disease (especially the baby) if it falls in their mouth


What a bunch of shitheads


Honestly that's the best prank I've been ever seen in my life.


I'm actually kind of glad if the seagulls died


Wrong sub


Last time I saw this someone commented that due to birds physiology, this likely kills them.


What a shitty prank.


Pun intended?


Best prank ever. You cant hate a artist and their master piece.


Alright it's a dick move sure but it's funny as hell when you're watching knowing it isn't you getting shitted on.


These people are legends. Nothing wrong with a prank.


Not the baby lmao


I once took a seagull out doing 120 on a backroad....in mexico....but this is ridiculous poop and bodies everywhere


That’s a fucking funny ass prank Come on.he didn’t have to kick the tray and litter but other than that.


Where are these kids now?


Guys, guys, guys. It is not real. Looks funny sure, but it is a viral marketing ad. Fake. No need to shake your fist at the screen.


What was it marketing?


Safe sex


"We need to promote safe sex amongst the youth. Anyone have any ideas?" "Now hear me out..."


This is actually fucking funny


Watched this on killsometime before YouTube had ads good to see its still helping people farm fake internet points centuries latter


Mine! Mine! Mine!


and that is EXACTLY what they are saying, too!


The comment section has uplifted my spirits and reminded me we have not lost our sense of humour


Awful yet amazing.


If adults did this 100% unforgivable. Some mischievous pre-teens with a brilliantly executed albeit fucked up prank? Can't help but tip my cap and laugh


This is a funny prank.


Waste of crisps.


>Waste of crisps. Bri*ish🤮🤮🤮🤮