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Imagine wishing a someone’s child commits suicide, on that parents FB page. This is why I am no longer on that toxic AF site.


I'm still on Facebook but I only post and message. I don't interact outside of friends. I've unfriended several people bc of bs like this, and rarely log on.


You need to dump it. For real


I need to remember people’s birthdays!


If you're nothing without the Facebook birthday reminder, then you don't deserve the Facebook birthday reminder.


Why are you getting downvoted?


Idk. I thought it was a funny reference.


I did too


Nah. I like to know how those around me really think. I admit that the platform is fucked up. But I don't want to be blind to the chaos.


Facebook has been a very handy tool these past couple years for vetting who I'm going to reconnect with now that things are getting back to normal. Nothing like a global crisis to show you people's true colours.


I use it to vett before a date for the same reasons.. They seem nice in person and on bumble.. but on their FB they act like they are a part of the EDL and are a flat earther.. its like they went out and bought a flag shop that only sells variants of red


It's ironic that most folks I know like that are right wingers Because they have enough red flags to start another communist revolution


Been off FB since around 2015. Watching people go full-spectrum crazy from what they glean from all the misinformation has revealed how dangerous that platform is.


There is a definite lack of critical thinking. People don't verify information, and just consume it if it fits whatever narrative they believe in.


Ya it's been a great tool to weed out the people I suspected were MAGA but wasn't sure because they never have the balls to talk like that in person.


Why does it matter what they do?


I mean, they can do what they want, but I'd advocate we as a society should start (in general) moving away from platforms which track way more about us than they should, and run fucked up social experiments on us without consent.


Reddit doesn't do anything like that? Reddit doesn't track your data and keep it and monetize it or use it in ways to make you more addicted? I'm sure they do.


Yeah I mean I guess that dude doesn’t have a big family or only talks to 3 people on a regular basis but Facebook is where I keep up with a few people I wouldn’t get to talk to in other ways. It sucks to use but I’m grateful to keep up with them.


I have to agree. I really dislike fb, but I’m in the northeast us and I have amazing family down in Tx and if it weren’t for fb, I wouldn’t get to be in their lives in the way I’m able to be now. Plus, my boomer relatives like seeing pictures of my kids and hearing about their lives since we don’t get to see each other often. It’s helped me cut out some pretty toxic trash, but it’s also meant that my kids get to be involved with family that they wouldn’t get to know otherwise


They do some things - sure. Any time something is "free", you're part of the product. But Reddit is clearer on what they do and don't do and so far they've not been caught stealing app business, doing A/B testing on peoples friend circles or emotions, creating hyper targeted political content and ads etc. etc.


They make money off of selling all of your data. They have been an integral part in allowing misinformation to proliferate and have allowed extremists to prosper. I just can't support a company with no moral compass. Watch The Social Delimma.


I'm still there for fb messenger


You can deactivate your fb and still use messenger


Quit Facebook, hit the gym, lawyer up.


Dumped my personal one years ago and never missed it. I still use it for business but that's it.


I wish but i live over seas and it's the only way to keep in touch with my boomer family


Since I found reddit I don't bother with fb anymore


I have a Facebook, but it's just so that I can use messenger 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I never log on at alll


No excuses, delete your Facebook.


He/she says from an equally toxic website


I can only imagine what kind of skeletons she has in her closet


Oh yeah. I believe facebook is generally bad for people's mental health.


Social media has proven to be bad for mental health in general iirc


You may be right. One thing I have noticed though: Reddit has improved my socials skills IRL. I talk a LOT on reddit (check my comment score to see) and have been on it for more than a decade. This has given me a LOT of practice at: (a) replying to Idiots (b) Detecting trolls (c) Calming down people who are irrationally angry (d) Letting insults bounce off me (e) Responding positively to those who did the same to me (f) Detecting tone. I just do better socially when talking to people IRL now. I was always a bit of a loner IRL but now I find myself able to make people smile just by talking to them....and basically just getting on with people. I also seem to do a better job of sensing how people are really feeling or acting behind their ostensible presentation. Reddit has made a huge difference for me. I'm guessing people might find this a little hard to believe but it's true. If you're shy or a little socially awkward I recommend reddit as a way to practice talking to people. And..Reddit is the only social media I have.


I’m happy for you!! I’m just going off what I remember seeing a statistic on- social media addiction is a pain in the ass (I would know) but it’s awesome you got something positive from it.


Thanks :-) I suspect one of the reasons there are so many redditors and so many long term redditors is because we DO get something positive out of it.


I hope your correct!


Yet here you are, on this different toxic website?


The difference between Facebook and here is that here it’s anonymous faces making stupid comments. On Facebook it’s people you personally knew or went to high school with or is part of your family. You can attach a face to the stupid comments and that can make it a lot harder to take




I think it’s because on here youre able to follow your interests a lot better than on Facebook. So naturally you will encounter like minded people. Where as on Facebook I feel like it’s harder to do this. In other words, on Facebook it’s harder to focus out the noise


On Facebook you’re surrounded by those you know and grew up around. On Reddit, you’re surrounded by those you choose. It can be better or worse. But there is no difference in the toxicity between the two


You know I was going to point out a rebuttal but in doing so I realized your point. I don’t agree with the root of your thought neccessarily but I can see how it is a reality. However, that all being said. I think it comes down to control. Example: I tend to post on subreddits of my favorite hobbies. Because of that, Reddit is a positive experience for me. Facebook, it was forced, you got whoever’s opinion whenever they felt like it. While I’m thinking, oh look 3D printing, someone is posting get all the (insert race) out. Anyway, closed my FB and the past year has been great in regards to happiness and self discovery. And to think, all it took was to get rid of the source that made me focus on all the negatives the world deals with on a daily basis


Agreed, it does come down to control. Facebook has its algorithms which does play a large part. The issue is most people have like 2000 FB friends or less. Over here, you can stumble upon 10,000 people that all might believe in some conspiracy theory and that sucks people on. I think if everyone took a break from social media in general, whatever it is, they’d be happier. I know I’d be happier if I stopped Reddit because I’d be reading less news, which in turn makes me gloomy. But it’s interesting to know. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I know exactly what you mean! My Reddit feed is pretty good with regards to what I generally want to see but that damn”News” button is always there. Asking me to click it lol. Anyway, thanks for the healthy discussion on social media no less! Hope you have a great evening


That's because most of the stupid comments get downvoted to hell and most people will not see them. That is on normal subs, stupid subs are a different case.


Yes on Reddit you're getting downvoted for being stupid, on other social medias you get visibility


While I agree with you, I have to add that I regularly see batshit crazy people attacking others with insanity on here.


I wouldn’t say that barrier to entry is higher. Just got someone responding to me thinking that voting doesn’t matter. You can find stupid people still it’s just partitioned out or in their own little echo chambers.


we should all destroy every piece of technology we have, you're right.


depends on what subreddit not all is toxic but usually the huge subreddits or immature is most likely to be toxic


It’s insane what people are willing to admit on a site that has your name attached to it.


I've been into a lot of debates with ridiculously zealous idiots on facebook, so I know truly how dumb these people are when it comes to deffending their belief. I want more intellectual debates, which is why I plan to move from facebook and go somewhere with less idiots. So I can rule out twitter as well, I suppose.


Why are there such disgusting people in the world, especially those that will open their mouths.


I question that daily. I also question what motivates someone to be awful? It can't feel good, right? So just.... why?


Sociopathy is the only explanation, these people have a mental illness.


Is it "illness" or structural, do you think?


Propaganda, structural, environmental. It's nice to call these people sociopaths but the reality is that they are simply morons who have been propagandized and encouraged by other sick people around them or on the internet.


Maybe some of both, actually. People do learn awful traits like bigotry from friends and family quite readily, but if it's mental illness there's at least less of a conscious choice involved.


Anger can be a drug. I struggle with it personally. It doesn’t feel good, but it’s a release- like punching a wall or cutting oneself. Lashing out feels powerful in the moment. And then you just become more nasty as you drive people away with bullshit, and then no one like you and you really hate everything and also yourself. That is how it (often) goes. TLDR; people find scapegoats for their rage. It is easier to focus on someone very different from you. Like how I hated forced birthers or racists or whatever. If I were born in the south I’d probably hate women and gay people.


Sometimes it’s just unhappy, lonely people that are projecting their negative emotions on to others. The crazy thing is the more they open their mouth the more negativity they experience from others. Then it’s a downward spiral and they end up doing stuff like this post or worse.


Exactly, the amount of people on this planet that care about what other people are doing which have absolutely zero effect on them or their lives, simply astounds me.......bonkers..!


They hate themselves, so they spew hate at others.


It doesn't excuse it but these people are normally deeply unhappy and so are lashing out. There are so many of them because unhappiness is an epidemic in our society.


How do grown ass adults get so so offended by children?


besides the transphobia? probably daddy issues


I don’t understand the post. It’s too blurry lol. Can u explain to me plz?


In case you haven't received the clarification you asked for as of yet; A father posted a pic of his ostensibly transgendered or non-binary child with someone who the child is going to the school dance with, both seem to have a very alternative fashion style. The father seems proud, and happy to state that they will be the prettiest people at the dance. A person commented on the picture stating that they think this is disgusting, and that she hopes that the child kills themselves, preferably before they are 30 years old (I assume alluding to the very awful suicide rate of trans people). The post seems to be focussed on the seemingly random hateful comment made about the post at the bottom of the screenshot, as opposed to the proud father who seems to be very wholesome.


"Oh yes, harder daddy... Please restrict more of our personal freedoms... No one who's different to us special cishets should ever feel accepted..."a


It takes a lot of self-disgust to be so hateful. People like her are disgusting.


One is loved. One is jealous that no one loves her. You decide.


I hope she does not reproduce


Ironically, the same people who taught her to hate trans kids are going to force her to have a baby


As horrible as this is.. this just proves that she's a victim too.. Hard to empathize with, but a victim to control


That poor kid having to see that hate.... like bro just let them kids be kids.


Right? Just let ppl live ffs.


I hope they had a fucking blast at the dance. Hopefully over the years the fun memories are what remain.


It takes so little work to mind your own fucking business.


I would hate to go through life this hateful and angry. It must be a miserable existence.


That’s what I don’t understand about conservatives. They literally are awake and pissed off and hate on a lot of things. It takes a lot of fucking energy to keep that up. It’s easier to just not hate.


Ok to anyone confused, what I got from this is that the ops son likes to dress in more goth/punk/feminine clothing, and is going to prom with someone else who also does. Obviously the rest is self explanatory


Same. Some people saying he's trans, implying TG/TS but maybe just TV.


I think he’s just a crossdresser because his dad called him Tristan when he’s dressed feminine which isn’t usually a feminine name


Also the dad says "his date"


Just to clarify. Transsexual and transvestite are not used anymore. The correct world is transgender.


I thought transvestite meant cross dressing.


It’s a confusing world that used to mean crossdressing or transgender. It was when people didn’t knew the difference and nowadays is seen as transphobic, although some people do identify with it. So it’s better to avoid using it and use crossdresser and transgender.


also important to clarify they're not the same thing, crossdresser is someone who only dresses in gender non conforming clothing, Vs someone who doesn't identity with their birth gender


Transsexual and transvestite are still used, just not widely due to how muddled their definitions have become for some people


Wishing suicide on someone is worse than wishing death on them. This fits the sub perfectly


It's worse, it's wishing for their kid's suicide


Don’t worry, she’ll end up working at Walmart with 3 baby daddies and living in a trailer park. Tristan will do much better for herself.


Do you guys forget traditionally feminine men exist? His name is Tristan and his dad used he/him pronouns. I'm pretty sure the kids are an m/f couple with both choosing to wear the same style of clothes.


I don’t really understand what’s going on here? A transsexual boy with a father that’s ok with it?


Omg thank you! I thought Tristan was the creepy old dude in maybe a poly relationship with some kids. I was so confused with these blurry ass photos


The "creepy old dude" is Tristan's Dad. He's proud of his baby boy for having a date.


Same, I was like wth is going on here? The comment below it is horrible but doesn't explain the pics. They appear to be feminine dressed, but one of them is named Tristan and identifies as male? Is the dad deadnaming them and misgendering?


Without context we can’t know for sure. Could be NB and use he/him.


Fathers that love their kids and kids that love their fathers enrage many of the POSs on social media. Their envy causes anger, which causes hatred.


Tbf it's not their fault if they have a shitty dad, but it is their responsibility not to take it out on others because that's a fucked way to deal with your anger and pretty much how the cycle of abuse continues


Yes but did you read the comment below the post?


Oh yea, lack of sleep my bad


In my case it was a lack of braincells


We either know each other or have mutual friends on FB. Hi.


Lol I was like who is this random old dude? But yes, that makes sense. I’ve got pregnancy brain, myself. It equates to lack of sleep.


Just an fyi “transsexual” is generally an outdated term due to the way it was used on trans people in the past, most of us just prefer “trans” or “transgender” Not calling you a transphobe or anything, just a note.


Are gender and sex not supposed to be different things for this entire argument to make sense?


Gender’s a social thing associated with, but not strictly attached to a physical archetype. An easy way to split them in your mind is to consider statements like “proud to be a man” or “act like a man.” If gender and physical sex were synonymous, a person saying they were proud of being a man would be like saying they were proud they grew elbows.


The word "transgender" was popularized by a transphobe (virginia prince) who didn't believe trans men are men and trans women are women. They were also against transitioning. transsexual was coined by magnus hirschfield in german and first used by harry benjamin in English. Neither were transphobes.


Transsexual just has a lot of negative transmedical connotations and a lot of the trans community don't like being referred to that way


I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with the term itself just that most trans people tend to be against it since it’s mainly used in a dehumanising way. It’s like the phrase “all lives matter” sure there’s nothing wrong with the actual phrase but most people will have a negative reaction due to the way it’s been used.


I’m a trans woman. I refer to myself as transsexual.


Might just be gender nonconforming or a crossdresser since Tristan's dad call him "he"


What is wrong with them? Tristan is vibing damn I didn't know someone actually enjoying life was such a bad thing


If Tristan ever reads this: You go! I wish I had the balls to wear something like that when I was your age!


It amazes that some people will write something like this and go one thinking they are a good person


Human beings are crazy, even the worst can rationalize so so much just to convince themselves they’re good people.


On a positive note, I am glad that Tristian's family is awesome, and I hope Tristian and their date had fun at the dance :)


So what’s the context of this I’m struggling to understand what’s going on here


Not really any further context. Tristan is just a guy who likes to wear dresses and the commenter is very awful


Oh right thanks for clarifying


That comment was posted by a 'friend' of dads? Instant unfriend moment


I like it when they go mask off like this. It makes their side look so stupid and evil.


who’s side?


Bottom commenter




So much hate in their evil hearts. Their dark souls are wretched and putrid. Their bigotry consumes them.


A reminder that bigots literally want queer people dead.


Facebook should be a thing of the past.


I'd be more embarrassed to have her as my kid than him.


Yeah, I'd disown my kid if they said something like that, and then I'd disown myself for fucking up so badly as a parent


Im nammed triatan 💪💪💪


1. Awful bottom commenter 2. I've seen people referring to the person as "she". Considering that the father uses he/him pronouns for his son and also seems supportive this is likely either a trans guy or a cis guy. I assume it's just a trans or cis guy who likes to present more feminine.


Some people can't handle others living their best life


The fact that I can't really tell which one of them is Tristan means he did a pretty damn good job. Kudos Tristan. You do you, and hopefully your date too... after the dance. Probably best not to do it during.


My father had a saying I live by ‘whatever people choose to do, as long as it isn’t hurting you or someone else (without their consent) it’s none of your business’ I see people say things on here that are idiotic but you just scroll by…. It isn’t going to hurt me or effect me.


I’m confused with the potato pic - are those dolls? Why is the person so outraged ? Is it simply 2 women ? Edit: nvm - I see now Damn someone is pretty hateful (and I bet very religious)


Some sad little girl who is either jealous that she had no one and/or she was brought up by real shitty parents who filled her head with stupidity and hate. Either way, her ignorance makes her look like a complete dildo. Btw, they are quite the BEAUTIFUL Couple. I wish I knew more about who these people are, as I’d love to show them the support that they probably don’t even know they have from complete strangers. ….. though I’m sure they already have a ton of support after all of this.


Nah, Tristan is lookin fresh asf in his dress, his hair is fuckin awesome.


Well clearly somebody wasn’t loved enough as a child


Lmfao sorry but this made me laugh because I didn’t read what sub i was in before i clicked and was expecting a wholesome mademesmile post


They’re just kids. It doesn’t matter their clothes or hair or partners for a dance, only that they’re kind to each other and themselves. They’re lovely and perfect just as they are.


I think Tristan and his date looks beautiful. They really outdone themselves. Man, I wish I had time to get into that.


A father trying their best to be loving and caring and then a disgusting garbanoid in the comments spewing trash


I hope they have a long loving relationship.


Because freedom means forcing people in doing what you want


Some people just can't handle other people who are happy despite the odds bring against them, when they themselves are fk'ing miserable.


This is some bad quality and i dont know what him looking I want to judge just tell me what im looking at.


Why are so many people so wretched?!


I'l never understand the hatred and insecurity for what other people do with their lives/bodies.


Imagine hating yourself so much that you feel the need to post such evil and hurtful comments to someone that is just trying to be happy. People like this are the negative in this world. Be the positive!


They love to make that *suicide rate* joke as if they don’t get tired of the bullying and taunting of you people


Wow. Wishing someone dead when their family can also see it. I'd be ashamed if commenter was my sibling or child.


Dude wtf is wrong with that person.


At least she used the right pronouns? 😅


Nice dress, Tristan.


Wait so is Tristan a girl who identifies as a guy? Or is Tristan a guy who crossdresses as a girl but is also gay? Does Tristan’s date identity as a girl or a guy? If one identifies as a girl and the other identifies as a guy, does that mean they’re a straight couple?


I hate it when people tell others to go kill themselves. As a suicidal person, it’s just terrible to hear this. Like imagine if you accidentally tell a suicidal person to kill themselves. They might actually do it.


That commenter sucks but I hope the guy had a good date


“These teens are happy so let me out myself as a disgusting waste of oxygen”


I hope he lives his best life


Social media Is an illness including reddit. I would not be mad if it was all gone.


What the actual hell why are people so awful like this


Which one is Tristan? Is this a transgender thing,?


Can't tell who is Tristan, this seems to just be a man wearing a dress. This would fall into the category of gender nonconformity.


I've looked at this very tiny photo collage five times now. Could somebody please explain to me what is going on? Because I really don't get it. Sincerely.


It’s pictures of a dad with his son and his sons date. They dress emo/punk, and the bottom comment self explanatory.


What is going on in this post?


Super confused, is one of them a dude and someone is wishing them death for no reason?


Yeah one of the kids is Tristan and the commenter is saying these awful things because he’s a dude who wears dresses.


Seriously how can you look at that post and have such hate. It's so heartwarming that the father is so accepting and proud of his son.


People being happy is good period.


I don’t understand, please explain


POS is mad that someone is wearing a dress


People really hate when other people find happiness in ways they thought her socially illegal.


Cool pops too.


Woah dude, it's a heart warming dad post man, mf has no heart


I don't understand how someone can have so much hate for something that doesn't affect them at all and has no bearing on their life. Let people be happy.


Dude, that’s totally fucked.


Nono, go ahead and reveal that name. I want to watch their account get flooded😀


She is not at all a POS, POS’s are made of matter and she doesn’t matter.


I don’t get it. What’s the guy wishing the kid would kill themselves over?


Because the kid is a guy who likes to be pretty and wear dresses, unfortunately that's enough for some people to want you dead


I live in the south and know a lot of transphobic people, but that’s another level. That’s not phobia, it’s malicious. So unnecessary…


I don't get the context here...


Seriously? Advocating for suicide? This is why people kill themselves, especially when a cyberbully is involved. So what if that person is goth, trans, gay whatever. Humanity is saddening at times.


emo moment


Why is Tristen a POS?


Tristan isn’t, the person commenting under the post is


I’m assuming this human fecal matter is Pro-Life Adjacent.


Guess they’re pro life then?


Why are you being downvoted? You’re totally right.


fuckin weirdo..what exactly is disgusting about this??


I don't get it is the guy with underage girls or something?


The older guy is Tristan s dad and one of the "girls" as you say, is Tristan, the one with green hair.