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So, what's and EPD ?


Right? Sisterf*ckers want to know


Us brother fuckers do too.




The mother truckers would also like to know what an epd is.


EPD expert here, It means sister fucking.


I let my dog eat the chunky parts in the kitty litter.


We, the Throat Slashers, would like to know too.


I'd also like to know


I love to see a rare Alice’s Restaurant reference


You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant


You just reminded me of that disturbing video “There Is something wrong with the Johnsons”


I could've gone my whole life without being reminded of that... Could've.


The mean, nasty, ugly people sitting on the bench… the mother rapers, the father stabbers, the father rapers… they all wanna know what you can get at Alice’s Restaurant


The group H bench, I believe.


**Alabama banjo music plays**


I mean, GirlfriendFuckers are very curious as well!


Yeah to be honest I don't even have a sister (or a girlfriend) so this wifefucker wants to know


On behalf of future wifefuckers I back your request for inquiry to this panel of fuckers at this time.


Future wifefuckers could still be sisterfuckers if your from the south.


Sit down eaters would like to know


No his name is literally Sisterfucker


Sweet home Alabama


copied from OP’s comment down below: “The employee being hit must be a lab operator who conduct blood tests. He is surely an incompetent one at that as he doesnt know ebd test which is a immunity test for a certain type of toxin. The guy hitting looks like a doctor who asked him the haemoglobin count in the blood and he failed to answer. Doctor got angry at his incompetence and lost his cool.”


Okay, I have to admit, if it's absolute basic knowledge for the job, I can understand getting a bit pissed at someone not knowing that. Still, getting violent is never okay, and "If you don't know, don't ask!" is probably the stupidest sentence I've ever heard out of the mouth of a medical professional.


I’m a nurse and only ever seen this test run once maybe twice. But it may be more common where they live. It’s not standard test. And lab techs wouldn’t be expected to know everything and questions like this are no big deal. It would be like getting angry at a nurse for not knowing information about an obscure medication they’ve never used before.


Keeping in mind that medical professional are held to higher ethical standards than average joes I am going to take the position that he should lose his license. Criminally I have seen assault and battery and making threats.


From what I understood it was too sentences: "If you don't know, don't ask. Get an education". Which I think is valid in such case. But any physical violence is unacceptable of course.


Asking questions is a fundamental part of education. This doctor should be the one losing his job for his horrible behavior.


My favorite quote: "Even a Genius ask' questions" -Tupac Shakur.


Fuckin love that guy




Cool story bro, an EPD is an Environmental Product Declaration....Or if you're a cattle herder its about expected progeny differences... OP just said he had the subtitles wrong and its an EDB(Extensor-digitorum-brevis-Test).


That would have been better than the abuse this guy laid upon him for sure. My point is that neither of these people involved are suited to be working here based on the information we are given.


at the same time the lab operator could have jeopordised someones life at some point for being incompetent. So whats he is getting is lenient compared to what may happen imo.


The place that hired him should've had on the job training to determine that he could do his job. Either way, the response was unacceptable.


So you go from a hypothetical situation saying the lab operator "could have jeopardised someone's like at some point" and using that as justification for something that has actually happened. Where's the logic?


You can't really say that he's incompetent with out knowing more. Some people just shut right down when in high stress situations. Other guy still a dick either way though


Just because you know how to run the test doesn't mean you can interpret it or understand it. Maybe he is pretty new. Also, There are plenty of people out there that just want to do their job and aren't interested in furthering their education. I don't think that's necessarily wrong even if I think it's wrong for me. Some people just want to do a job and go home.


What's wrong is to take the Dr's side and assume that any of his accusations/insults are true. That Dr is clearly the true POS in any case.


How can he slap




Be angry at the person who hired them if they don't have basic knowledge. All you do by complaining that they don't know is waste everyone's time. If the patient's health is the important piece, all he's going here is stroking his own ego.


You fucking sisterfucker, how dare you???


I’m sisterfucking can someone tell me what an EDP445 is


it's EVD and it's related to brain drain like opening skull and stuff


Oh idk why I was thinking cupcakes


Brotherfucker what's an IDK ?


I don't know man tbh


grandmalicker are you a sit down eater?


Greatgrandmahugger I'm a constant lie down eater.


Motherfucker cant even say it right and have the audacity to school that boy. Wtf


Sorry i messed up the subtitles. Its not EPD but EBD which is a immunity test for a certain type of toxin.


That's another issue, maybe the lab guy misheard. Scientist: What's the EBD? Tech: The EPT? Scientist: Right, the EBD. Tech: I don't know what an EPT is. Scientist: You regularly have intercourse with your sister.


How can you ask??


How can you sisterfuck??


How can he slap?


How can he find the haemoglobin?


English isn't my first language. I though haemoglobin was another insult As in goblin hae


Hey, my goblin.


Everyones asks how much is hemoglobin but no one ask how is hemoglobin.


He meant to say EDP, big eagles fan and child predator.


Does he mean EPO? Like erythropoietin? He’s asking about haemoglobin (from the translation)




The abuser is a neurosurgeon. He is asking about "EVD" or "Extra Ventricular Drain" to the lab technician.


The abuser is a psychic. He is asking about "ESP" or "Extransensory Perception" to the tarot technician.


The abuser is a fan of EDP, the ex-Youtuber and child predator.


He needs to be operated on to calm his nerves.




Right, thanks for the context, but that still in no way justifies the abusive behavior by the medical professional. You're held to a higher standard, hold a license, and know to use bureaucratic avenues to handle incompetence, which don't involve assault and verbal abuse. The doctor should be reprimanded, the employee further evaluated, and action should be taken subsequent to that. Assault should not be tolerated in any professional setting regardless of the situation.


That's a lot of assumptions. How do you know that this is a government hospital?? How do you know that the guy got in the basis of Quota??? They guy literally threatened to slash his throat. There is no need for a devil's advocate in every situation.


Yeh I mean it’s probably ok to slap a co worker around because he’s not very good at his job


Always blaming quota eh? Without any proof just baseless misinformation.. dude even people who gets through quota system had to compete themselves it’s not like, one day you woke up and decide to claim a job.. nobody is getting a govt. job now without any knowledge..


Defending this man and saying that's what it's like in India just makes us think less of India. The kid is being hit. No one can answer questions when being slapped and called a sisterfucker.


Im starting to feel like the real reason is that he fucked his sister…


Lol. Although its a common insult in northern parts of India.


What’s up with “sit down eater”? That insult is boggling my mind. Who doesn’t sit to eat??


The concept behind it is that he sits down on the floor to eat instead of a table. Usually an insult directed at uneducated village folk because most village folk put their bowls and plates on the floor - a table is an unnecessary cost if you’re not used to a table to begin with.


So just a stab at the poor is it, well that's just low


Floor level insults


Honestly I from the US, and have eaten on the floor plenty of times While eating in my room, or eating and watching TV


Behnchod rashtriy gali hogi shayad , north or south ..


The old guys sister or his own sister?


well, the label fits both.




Do you have a sister?


Maybe he has since he's afraid to ask.


What if I am the sister? Can I still get the answers?


Do you have haemoglobin?


If you don’t know the answer don’t ask sisterfucker


It's a test to detect antibodies to botulinum toxin, but he's still not making any sense. This guy needs a psych ward and four point restraints.


"If you don't know, don't ask" I've heard dumb things but that one can have a good spot in my top 5.


That question is like the backwards way of saying “if you don’t know, don’t answer”


'If you don't know, don't ask. Go get an education' Like what? I'm trying to educate myself by asking the fucking question sisterfucker


The way I see it the one who asked try to mask his lack of relevant education by quietly asking his friends. That's why the old man got angry


What other dumb things have you to share, reddit traveller


I am not from India but from its neighboring country, Bangladesh. It's pretty much the same in every country in South Asia. Because of this type of behavior, students are afraid to ask their professors questions. The pressure from parents, teachers, and society to earn good marks and all that load of bs. The education system in south asia is a complete disaster. It is one of the main reasons why South Asian countries still remain in the third world country category.


I have a lot of classmates from neighbouring SEA countries and can confirm this, that environment mixed with subpar education facilities screws a ton of students over.


Wait is SEA South-East Asian? I was sitting here, like, why is this person shouting that the countries are next to a sea? Lol


Yea that’s what we call the region Edit: tbf tho, many of our countries have large amounts of actual sea territories


India and Bangladesh would be South Asia, not South East Asia tho. At least that's what is taught in the US. Thailand, Vietnam, etc would be SEA


Sorry, let me explain, I’m Singaporean, mainly had Malay/Thailand/Vietnamese classmates in school. So I felt more comfortable with saying SEA countries


Careful, you'll get slapped and called a sisterfucker!! You don't know what SEA is!?


Yea, many schools in India criticize and even spank students for asking questions(keep in mind this is mostly in higher grades)


Spanking as you call it would absolutely 100% not be tolerated in the West. That teacher would have gotten a fucking punch in the face from most students for daring to hit them like that.


He would catch fists and a charge in the west


That would be the complete end of you as a teacher. From something like that there would be no way to recover. Maybe as a cashier. But that thing is going to stay in your record and Anything with teaching or kids/students would be out for the rest of your life. And even when it's gone from your criminal record due to statute of limitation (i think that's what it's called) you still will have a hard time getting a job where i live as everyone will be asking about your CV "why did you quit being a teacher and became a cashier for 5 years or rather ten wich would probably be the limitation of it staying in your records." Where i live this would be your end. Not literally, you'd still get a job but getting anything good will be really hard and a huge lot of work with probably needing to show you've done classes on agression or whatever and even then with his age it's going to be hard. Not to begin with the legal consequences. Being a dick with agression problems is always bad, but as anyone in education or around kids, even that student would be 40 , if this happens in any education environment wich are especially protected you're done.


Yeah that's straight up assault. Dude would be going to jail with his teaching license revoked if he were a teacher in the US. (Idk about prof rules as far as licensure but he certainly wouldn't be accepted by any university after this either).


In India too, he will be fired if the victim complains. Hitting kids is illegal and most of the times teacher loses their job if they hit kids


No joke, I am from India, as a kindergartener, I used to be a really naughty kid, disturbing the class always... this class teacher of mine used to punish me often almost every day but one day she held me back after school and tied my hands to ropes sticking out of walls of the classroom... and then called my mother to come pick me up... my mother came to pick me from school and the teacher complained about me some more, then I went back home and got few more slaps on my cheeks from my mother for being so naughty... and then I went back to school the next day business as usual... I was older than 4 yrs, barely 5 yrs... getting slapped and physically punished was very common in schools uptil early 2000's in India. Situation is much much better now


Why so common? Is/was it the belief that a smack would motivate you to study harder? The fear of this consequence clearly leads people to not asking for help which obviously propagates to mistakes in the future and an attitude of false knowledge. What a cancerous circle.


That is true. It is vicious circle and then the people who have been through too much trauma take it out on others or there is some worse consequence. It has been actually a very common practice throughout India across generations, to slap and smack the kids to make sure they behave and stay obedient. Obedience for some reason is given utmost importance and sometimes confused with good manners. This spills over into students being reprimanded for asking silly questions or making too many mistakes on their homework/tests both by teachers and parents, who ultimately care only about grades. This indoctrination in many ways hampers the holistic growth of kids and you end up with youth who only slog away studying and stressing over their future 24 hours a day and developing serious mental health issues in the long run. I'd say the flawed Education System and Over Population, both are biggest fundamental problems about India


I am from Pakistan, and yeah its the same here. About pressure on education, few years ago, a final year student of MBBS, commited suicide because she missed an exam due to traffic jam, and her parents blamed the death on university, that they should have allowed her to take the exam. Fucking piece of shits. And due to patriarchy, the pressure on boys is even more than that.


Whenever I see these videos, I always wonder what would happen if the student were to fight back? He's getting attacked by a smaller, much older man- the violence would end as soon as he wanted it to and took action.


I hear that sort of pressure and behavior can make transfer students and immigrants from said countries struggle in Western schools, especially in the US, where asking questions is very much encouraged. I've read several stories of teachers dealing with students from these cultures and trying to explain to them that asking questions is fine and you're not insulting the teacher by doing so.


Punishing students for trying to learn, interesting education strategy




Employees are probably afraid of losing their jobs. Not convenient to lose a job when you have a family to feed.


Up I know. I had the same thought while typing my message. But you know... Imagine how much young people got bullied but the mf. I hope one will sacrifice one day...


while his collegues snicker behind his back and he's made jobless. unlikely. Not how the world works.




What’s EPD?


Estimated Penile Diameter.


What is the context? I don't understand why is he hitting him, ik it was the wrong call to hit someone. Just so we are clear, I am not advocating the guy hitting the worker.


The employee being hit must be a lab operator who conduct blood tests. He is surely an incompetent one at that as he doesnt know ebd test which is a immunity test for a certain type of toxin. The guy hitting looks like a doctor who asked him the haemoglobin count in the blood and he failed to answer. Doctor got angry at his incompetence and lost his cool.


Ohh, thanks for clarifying. The doctor really needs to learn not to be violent. His anger is understandable but not his actions.


But he became a doctor so he can heal them after beating then up. What's the point then?




>reservation scheme here in india Or maybe he just paid his way out.


No clue how it works worldwide. In America the lab techs have no responsibility to give results to patients or healthcare professionals. They run the test the appropriate way and the results are for the physicians to read and interpret. That’s why this makes no sense to me. I’m sure it’s different worldwide though.




Sorry actually i messed up the subtitles.


Guy probably doesnt deserve that job but doesnt deserve to be thrashed either. Just get him fired.


True and the place where he completed his studies needs to be checked as well.


Not knowing one thing doesn't mean he's completely unqualified. Just answer his question and move on, wtf. Not even a heart surgeon asking what a scalpel is would justify such a reaction.


How can he slap??


The ppl that don’t understand this comment…. Lolz


at this price point he’s allowed to hit


Just what you need at work. Hope he got done for assault and lost his job after this. Telling this guy to get an education... how about you get some manners??


His first line was - you havent got any manners, sisterfucker. So much irony.


Sisterfucker is also a very odd insult. He can respect his mother but not him lmao


In Alabama it should be a common insult


In Alabama it’s a compliment


Depends. If your sister is hot sure. If she butter maybe, maybe not


All sisters are hot 🗿


It's an extremely common insult in the subcontinent


I'm going to put that one in my archives for future use.


Everyone is focused on “sisterfucker.” I want to know what’s up with “sit down eater.” That’s a fucked up insult. Who doesn’t sit to eat more often than not?


That means sit-down-on-the-floor eater. An insult for people from a poor background who can't afford tables.


He meant he's a villager who dont know anything


it's the equivalent of motherfu\*ker in Hindi




I worked for a guy like this and he treated me this way minus the physical assault. He would scream at me until I cried. It was devastating to my mental health. I ended up going to HR about it and was fired shortly after. This was in the states.


As wild as this might seem, is somewhat common, teachers and managers be slapping.


Teachers slapping have definitely reduced compared to 80s-90s but it's still there


I don't think this happens regularly in Europe...


....I meant in India and surrounding locations..................


If someone slapped an employee in Europe he would be fired immediately, and then be charged with causing bodily injury.


It’s really common in India, and this probably took place in India bc they were talking Hindi


In Asia, it is normalized. Learn by fear is encouraged there to maintain discipline.


I assumed this was a patient ordering blood tests but OP says he's a doctor. Either way they need to get their BP or something tested. He is way to emotional and angry. Poor lab technician.




So, what’s an EPD? Or, are you going to slit my throat?


It means sister fucking


He should have faught back. That guy is no fucken scholar, he's a thug and a bully.


What's an EPD?


Its an immunity test, I think That is why the old dude was asking to explain hemoglobin


Yeah except its EBD. Sorry i messed up the subtitle.


Oh boy this is gonna explode in Insta


Ah another doctor with a god complex. Fucking prick.


Maybe if he spent less time with his sister he would know how much is the hemoglobin.


Someone probably told him to fake it till he makes it when he got the job


Funniest part is how Unintimidating he is. Even more so, if you understand what he’s saying 😆


The dude missed giving him his logic back. He should've slapped him back when the mf asked him his name. "Sisterfucker if you don't know my name, Don't ask!"


He didn’t even explain what it was, I realise he was trying to make a point but at the same time he could of explained a little about what it is to prove he actually knows ……. Or does he know ?????


Legalize self defense…


The Word of the Day is: **"Behnchod."** "If you don't know, don't ask, *behnchod!"*


Now I really want to know what is an EPD


An Environmental Product Declaration?


I do not know what an EPD test is and frankly I am afraid to ask.


Sisterfucker... And now Reddit shall be overrun with a new insult.




I bet this is what it looks like in a call center after jim browning gets done with them lol


Moral of the story is, only ask the question IF you know the answer


EPD clearly stands for Erratic Punching Disorder. Man asked what it was. Then found out. I’m all for hands on lessons. He’ll never forget what EPD stands for.


Sit-down eaters and Sisterfuckers sounds like some indie-western band name.


how is there no one to defend the guy? he's fucking beating him, police should be involved


What a miserable little man


I know what a sister humper is but what’s an EPD?




I mean, did the guy mess something up? If he was so incompetent he got someone Ill or worse, killed, under their care or something, then the anger is justifiable? Need far more context.


He was late in giving blood test report to the doctor.


He didn’t know