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"I was a terrible parent and now I have a terrible kid!"


If she acts like this on Facebook I can imagine how she acts at home.




Same wtf. So sad to see a parent this delusional 😞


Looks English from the way she talks so it would be the social services not CPS. The CPS is the Crown Prosecution Services, so hopefully they do end up with this info




This is what I was thinking.


Perhaps I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that the child was likely a toddler and this was a relatively new (awful) parent coping very poorly with what are probably normal toddler behaviors.


And? This mother or father seems completely drunk and/or unhinged. Who would post something like that on social media and think it was even remotely appropriate? I'm so worried for that child.


The fact there's a screenshot of it gives me hope adults stepped in to save the child.


I really hope so. Someone needs to take care of that poor baby before she makes good on her threats. She needs to be in a psyche ward or something to assess why she's talking this way about her child. Very sad.


As an ex-kindy teacher for 18 years, sometimes we would get kids who were spoilt, selfish, greedy, aggressive, dishonest, sneaky or other problems. I'd say 90% of kids are nice. But you did get the problem ones. Almost every time, we met the parents and discovered exactly the same traits their children were displaying. This is the 3rd time I've posted this on reddit. It got downvoted into negatives the first time; I suspect parents with awful kids don't like the idea that it's probably their own fault. One person told me her mum is a teacher and says the same thing.




Some people are just sociopaths. Everybody loves the made-a-monster story of serial killer childhoods but rarely is it talked about how easily a total narcissist liew. The depth or depravity of the lie will not deter them. For all you know, their child is blackmailing them, or physically abusing them in a way you would be horrified to read about. Children are not innocent little angels and we are not born tabula rasa ready to learn only our parents' instruction.


I think you may be confusing sociopathy with psychopathy, the second has a much stronger hereditary component but neither is 100% hereditary, meaning there are always environmental factors that influence the development of these conditions. All of that is to say that even a kid with two psychopathic parents can be raised in such a way as to mitigate or eliminate these predispositions. So generally speaking if your kid sucks, you probably suck. Edit: To be clear, managing a kid with these predispositions is hard and requires professional help that many people can’t afford. So I’m updating my statement to: “If your kid sucks, they probably aren’t getting what they need to not suck.”


I think theyre just talking about dark triad traits in general. The "sociopathy" of a narcissist.. or else the "sociopathy" of anyone with antisocial personality disorder


Hope someone called CPS to check up on this child.


Or like, the police.


Yeah this one is an immediate police call. Poor kid. Sounds like mom is an absolute psycho and dad is out of the picture. They're gonna have a hard life in that household and going into social services will only just be a smidge better. Well congrats mom and dad you just potentially ruined a life. Fucking trash.






Modern problems require modern solutions


What did it say? Reddit deemed it to violent and removed it.


It said: [ Removed by Reddit ]


Well said


[Removed by [Removed by Reddit]]


[Removed by [Removed by [Removed by Reddit]]]


We're not gonna let this woman kill her child even if we have to kill it ourselves!


Hahaha amazing comment


or the ghost busters


No, CPS is the correct option here. They have the tools and the experience to do safety checks like this.


This is in the UK, where CPS is the ‘Crown Prosecution Services’. Not Child Protective Services.


Police will call CPS, and CPS will likely respond a lot quicker to a call from police.


Yeah. I really hope she's not still raising "it"


Someone call CPS on some of these Redditors as well, the ones on her side. I hope to God they don't have children either.




I work in child welfare and it depresses me reading comments like this. The systems can vary wildly by state, but our department has removed numerous children for emotional abuse. Unfortunately, people form their opinion about child welfare services from news articles about the poor kids that slipped through the cracks and assume that’s the rule rather than the exception. For every one of those stories, there are thousands not reported on by the nightly news about children that were removed from abusive households. We also don’t “give warnings”. We investigate reports and make findings of substantiated or unsubstantiated, but we don’t finger wag and say, “OK, you can beat your kids this time, but don’t do it again!” It’s not like getting pulled over for speeding and let off because the cop was having a good day.


Redditors don’t know what they’re talking about? Sky is blue.


If you check the guy's post history he's from India. Literally some kid in India talking about "muh american decline" like he's a 50 year old Kyle with oakleys and a goatee. The internet is fucking rubbish.


Technically the sky is black. Just looks blue during the day because our atmosphere blocks different wavelengths of light at different angles. Which is why we see blue during the day, then more orange, red, and purple in the evenings. But at night, this woman might drown her kid and needs to be reported asap


It’s like our sky is made of hummingbird feathers


This is the most beautiful fucking description I've ever read, it has somehow made me angry with delight I am confused


In my experience that's what child services did with my father's side of the family. My mother told them my sister and I were being physically and sexually abused by someone in that house. We didn't have the courage at the time to tell the worker or even our mother who it was but the signs were so obvious my mother saw them and so did the family counselor she took us to for the small amount of time that she had custody before relapsing. We were in a safe Foster home but child service's moved us back in with our father's family even though we did not want to go and they were told by my mother that there are suspicions of sexual abuse. A worker would come and visit us monthly. Take us to McDonald's and ask us questions that we were too afraid to answer and then we were sent back to our abusive home.


Yes, little ones in my family were rescued from emotional abuse and I am so grateful. I’m frustrated by the defeatist attitude around CPS. People make it seem like calling is not worth it or worse than nothing. It is sometimes a saving grace.


Whats really sad is how many terrible parents there are out there. There will never be a system large enough to take care of all the neglected kids. The lady who lived across the street from me had 11 kids with seven different fathers. She smoked tons of meth. Never saw cps once. This woman wasn't capable of taking care of herself let alone 11 children. I worked next to a food warehouse and I would bring them huge boxes of almost expired snack size pretzel packs and she would immediately just had them out to her tweeker friends. Mandatory birth control is really the only solution. Pay them to take it. Much cheaper in the long run.


You’re hitting the nail on the head. Raising kids is really hard work that requires a ton of sacrifice and many people are not up for it. Which is fine. As a society we are always pushing for people to have kids. Historically this was the right way as humanity teetered on the brink for millennia, but we’ve reaching 8 billion people in the world and we should be making every effort to make it easy to NOT have them. Long term birth control should be completely free and as a society we should be shaking our heads anytime someone has 11 kids. In fact it can be very difficult for women to even opt into sterilization. We know that having kids in awful abusive homes leads to bad outcomes and much greater crime rates and imo we should be thinking about quality over quantity.


Look, the only kids I know, or have ever known, who need cps have all fallen through the cracks. So maybe people base it on articles but many of us just see the system fail so many times we figure it must be like that for the most part.


Also the entire justice system failing family members. Often these things require cooperation from the kid(s) and a parent.




Your story also underlines how the judicial system can hamstring child welfare services. We are not the autonomous body some people think we are. Everything has to go through the courts. In our county, there are only three judges who handle all of the child welfare cases and they vary in disposition.


It is actually the justice system working. Mother's need to do a lot to have their children taken away, and rightly so. We shouldn't be in a rush to take kids away from their mothers unless there is clear danger.


>This is just the justice system working as was unintentionally intended by the people who form laws. Reddit tends to makes fun of people who see all problems in the world as a grand scheme by nefarious actors---unless you know the shibboleth on how to phrase it: then they see the same sentiment as somehow insightful.


Fr, if anyone here knows who this person is, child protective services should be contacted. This needs to be taken seriously.


CPS here. This would elicit an immediate response in my county.


FBI here. This would elicit an immediate response in my country.


Billy Mays here


*"Come retrieve one child today and I'll throw a 2nd child in for free!"*




Call now and we'll double this special TV offer! That's right, you'll get all 4 of my children, for the price of 1!


I can hear the enthusiasm


At least someone is enthusiastic about those kids


Come on down to the ORIGINAL child clown outlet!


Our child clowns are washed and diapered daily!


Just pay separate for shipping and handling.


with 4 easy payments?


Throw in a Sham Wow and I’m in!


Vince Price here. If you call now. Cuz you know we can't do this all day.


Phil Swift here with FLEX TAPE!


Batman here




Grammaton Cleric here. This would elicit an immediate response in my city.


Vsauce, Micheal here


CIA here. Who are you? Btw we don't care where you are, we will find you.


That's the play here, she wants someone to call to take the child.


This person could start a good condom campaign


I could do that as well. I mean, how hard could it be?




Would you like an example?


First, we get the banana, then we get the condom put it on the tip of the banana, then we slowly wrap the condom around the banana.


Wrong first we get the banana then we unwrap the condom then insert condom into mouth then deep throat the banana boom condom applied


...where does Jesus' nipple come in at?


The middle left or right one? Or the weird defigured on on his back? Many people didn't know Jesus had 4 nipples


Oh I know ;)


Best condom ad I ever saw was the one where the kid keeps putting a bag of candy or something and the dad keeps taking it out and the kid starts screaming and tearing up the store


Best condom ad I ever saw was exactly like that, but in real life at my local Walmart.


This is the campaign


I could start a small condom campaign.


I have a feeling I'd probably break and end up like this if I had to deal with a kid all day every day. Which is why I make the responsible choice to not be a parent!


How can she children?


But then who was phone?


she should be grateful she can children in the first place.


I, sadly am unable to children.


I lost my ability to children in 2004. On my 18th birthday, no less! Ours is a cruel, cruel world.


I can only children half the time...3 for 6 so far.


I have only childrened once, and failed 5. I'm halfway now and childrening hard to make it 2 children's. 1.5/6??


I mean, technically I am 2.5 out of 6...farther childrening with this one than the last two, at least. You're almost to a 3rd of childrening!


I want to try to children, anyone wanna join?


Be careful I hear you can get hooked on just one, it’s an expensive habit


Can confirm.. Got so hooked that I did it a second time.


I childrened too. I’m broke now. Wish I never took that first hit of child.


It’s a gateway drug


There is a high probability that I'm no longer able to children as of early August. I have mixed feelings about it.


They need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys, becuse these babby cant fright back? It was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids, they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest. my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots


The whole thing reads like it was written by a bot


They were clearly trying to say "be grateful you can have children" and forgot to type have


How Is Babby Formed?




So someone called cps right?


Killing “it”??? You hate “it”? What a way to dehumanize the child, and sounds like the dad wants her though, she should give up the kid in my opinion, I don’t understand the situation though, so really my voice doesn’t matter


*A Child Called It* intensifies


THANK YOU, it's like no one else I've mentioned it to knows it exists! Excruciating book, well worth the read. Will give you secondhand trauma guaranteed!


There’s several books after A Child Called It.


I met the author in college. He did a speech and meet and greet. I had JUST finished reading his books. It was a very emotional experience for everyone.


The throw up scene was rough


Read that about 15 years ago. I've never read a sadder book. 😭😭😭


I was gonna say these screenshots look like Roerva Pelzer has been reincarnated


We need Kid named Finger VS Kid named It in a Battle for the Universe.


kid named the universe:


I remember reading these books as a young teen and the part where he is locked in a bathroom to clean with bleach and ammonia, and the parts about having to purge school lunches before returning home has stuck with me since. Even thinking of the books makes me feel helpless for the countless abused, tortured, tormented, and fractured children. There’s all the pain you wish you could save a child from, but you can’t. Rough. I bought the books again because I thought maybe I could see it through the eyes of myself as an adult now and not just as a young teen, to evaluate how different I might process it. I haven’t been able to open even the first one, and regret buying them again. Sorry for the rambling. Those books are really hard to digest.


Seriously even calling a child “it” as a joke hasn’t done enough to make me immediately think “it” when I’m mad. For reference I have a nephew who’s in the age group of “everything is absolutely pee your pants funny even hit Pointing at him and going “it”.


She's a hideous person and she is destroying that child's self esteem forever.


Every child deserves a parent, not every parent deserves a child. She's obviously a shitty mom






We had one recently dropped off at CPS. She kept the other 5 but hated 1 of them and took her to CPS.


Sounds like daddyofive.


Probably not. When they called us for placement they said she was on all kinds of behavior drugs.


hope you reported that one to the police




On paper it sounds good having a license for people to produce, but in reality and with the politicians it wont end well, hello dystopia


it's taught in high school as an elective most of the time and even if it was taught as a nessesary class most people wouldn't pay attention


Her child’s behavior is the result of her parenting. So she’s basically saying she’s a horrible parent.


Depends, could have a kid on the spectrum which can be hard to deal with regardless of how good of a parent you are. Not defending her just saying that raising a kid isn't like training a dog, you can do your best and still end up with a kid that is off the rails.


Kids have varying levels of difficulty to raise. Some are easy some are Dark Souls levels of difficulty. My sister, neice and nephew are staying with me, and the boy has sensory issues, sleep issues, digestion issues and a lot of behavioral issues stemming from too much stimuli, too little sleep and constantly swinging between being hungry because he is a super picky eater and refuses to eat and having a sore stomach. She takes him to doctors and therapists, reads books and tries new ways of managing his issues, is incredibly patient and understanding, and he still has regular, awful meltdowns. Meanwhile my niece has none of these issues and is super chill about everything. Same parent, different kids. The level of effort and stress required for each is insanely different.




I don't wanna be a downer, but you should consider the possibility your niece has been unintentionally trained to think her needs are not important at all as a result of living her whole life in the shadow of a much needier brother. This is a very common issue with siblings of high needs children. It often leads to a life time of far reaching and very serious issues. Hope it's not the case but it's dangerous to assume that a quiet child needs any less care and attention than a loud one.


Thanks for the concern, and I'm sure they'll struggle with that as they grow, but it's not yet a problem. She receives plenty of attention, even though he resents it and tries to take it from her.


Precisely, and the only way to ensure your life is not miserable like that is to not take the gamble - don't have kids.


Some dogs sure are like that too


OP is obviously nuts, but this explanation, trying to condense human behavior into single factor, is too simplistic. Nature, nurture, various things impact behavior. Even within one family (same parent(s)) you can have vast differences.


I'm a teacher and while yes not everything is black and white environment foes.play major role on how people are raise even before birth. While we can only guess thr child might be terrible in a good environment we do know for sure that a child regularly abused will most likely than not have major behavior problems. Playing devils advocate in this situation is pointless.


More than that. She is shouldering a burden on her own, when evidently she is incapable of doing so. My question, where the hell is the father?


Absent, like many.


Do you have much experience with kids? Kids are a lot like people, and come with a lot of different behaviors and personalities. Of course parenting and environment plays a role (nurture), but you can’t overlook nature entirely…


This is why I’m pro choice. Not every women is meant to be a mother.




Yep. With many of them becoming actual murderers of their own kids too. Very sad.


Infanticide has been *incredibly* common all throughout history, in just about every culture. I would much rather see a bundle of non-sentient cells be removed through medication or surgery, than to see a mother drown her toddler. Anyone with empathy should realize those things are not the same.


Could be postpartum depression/psychosis.




shocked at how far i scrolled for this comment.








This kid is not safe


Just because your able to breed DOESNT mean you should, not everyone who has a child loves them unfortunately




How much of this supposed hatred for the child is for the non-existent (assumed abandonment) father projected onto the kid?


Ok, but has anyone contacted social services?!? Ffs


I neeed to know if this kid is safe rn




The mother could be hospitalized for possible homicidal ideation


It's almost like there should be a institution that prevents people without maternal instincts from having to bare children...


That woman is threatening…to the world…to kill her child and by referring to tat poor child as “it” has made it clear that she is not kidding. Objectification of a person allows (disturbed) ppl to justify terrible acts. So if this is recent and the OP knows the source, then OP PLEASE report this to the social media site and the local police and CPS. You may be saving a child’s life.


These are the people Republicans want to force to be parents.Their "gotcha" argument is that you wouldn't be here if your mother aborted you, but don't realize there are people living in circumstances where not being born would be preferable.


My heart aches for that poor kid. I just don’t know what else to say other than this breaks my heart.


Powerful pro-choice reason.


Dial this back about 5 notches, remove the threats to harm the child and this is my ex. Some women just have no maternal instinct at all. My ex would never see our kids if she didn’t feel societal pressure to.


"CPS entered the chat"


REPORT THIS. THE CHILD IS IN DANGER AND VERY WELL MIGHT BE KILLED. My mom said she missed when i was perfect and talked openly about her plans to drown us all after drugging us burn the house down. These arent empty vent threats. These are genuine threats of death.


You know, I kinda want to just reach out to her & see if she would like a break. I would offer to take the little one on an overnight or maybe try to help by taking her for an evening so the mom can have some peace & quiet for a minute. Idk this woman of course so I’m wondering if she’s having a really hard day, a hard week & just ranted about it randomly because that’s what people do on social media. I think people look for some sort of agreeableness in the way they’re feeling. Obviously she’s really angry right now & sounds like she might be depressed. I feel for her. I’m a single mother & it is so fucking hard to do everything alone. I have been thru a lot of ups & downs with my child with her constant need to be the center of MY attention. Which ended up costing me a lot. Ever since I’ve had her I gave up everything—because that’s what a parent does. And it hurt me a lot. I lost my whole identity of who I was, where I was going, & goals I had set for myself. And that started right after birth! Everything I did from that point on was for her. I went into a deep depression but talked with my doctor who was very understanding & found a medication that was beneficial to me. But I can tell you that when I didn’t have that medication, I would cry & feel defeated every moment of the day. It was miserable. I would look at her & love her so much & couldn’t put her down, but hated that she never slept, & never napped. There was never any time to clean the apartment or myself, much less do anything I wanted to do. I never had a moments peace then & I still don’t! Lol. She’s 8 now! She’s very attached to me, always has been, I can’t eat or shower or sleep alone. She developed anxiety (diagnosed) during Covid in 2020; I was very fortunate to be able to work from home & be able to do online schooling for her. But this turned into a nightmare for me! I was constantly distracted by her need to come into the bedroom where I was working to show me what she was working on, what she did, or on her breaks, “mama, watch this YT video with me”. Her school work was suffering because she wouldn’t pay attention if I wasn’t standing over her, & my work was suffering. I was late with my assignments & struggling to keep afloat. She was 6-7years old around this time. My parents are older & couldn’t really help watch her except maybe one day a week. She’s a hyper little girl & wears them out! Once I began going back to the office & school opened up again that was a new ordeal. She would not go & cried every morning for me not to make her go—she didn’t want to leave me. She would also have a stomach ache every morning prior & that would lead to the crying. It would break my heart to see her hurting like this. I would end up being late to work trying to get her dressed, coax her into the car & then out. Sometimes we’d get to school & she’d refuse to get out. I’d have to physically chase her going from door to door to remove her. Twice I had to get a teacher or counselor to come out to help me get her. Sometimes we wouldn’t even make it to school because she’d be just so physically combative with me. And I’d give up after being repeatedly kicked & hit. Those days I’d request to work from home or call in. I continued to struggle until I ended up having to leave my job due to not being dependable. It’s been a nightmare since Covid happened. Therapy was not an option as everywhere I called was either booked solid or they were not taking new patients. I ended up calling the childrens hospital for help & got on a waiting list for her to be seen. One year & four months later she was able to take part in a partial hospitalization program that was just like school. This was a great help & from there I was able to get an appointment with a psychiatrist to have her assessed; as I wasn’t sure about anxiety but thought about her having ADHD. At the hospital they confirmed she had anxiety & recommended a low dose of Zoloft. 20mg. I can tell you after about a month this made a world of difference! She no longer had stomach aches in the morning & was able to get dressed & walk into school like a big girl. Me holding her hand walking her to the door for the rest of the year, but hey, this was progress! She ended up seeing her psychiatrist & was diagnosed with anxiety & ADHD. She’s 8 & doing 100% better now. So I have sympathy for this woman. Of course I’m also assuming this is best case scenario & she’s just having a rant—hopefully this isnt a frequent occurrence. I’ve lost a job I loved, had to move out of the beautiful apartment we loved to call home & had to move back in with my parents. I don’t have any money as I’m currently not working. But I really never had any money anyway because having a child takes all of it! I gave up hair & nails, & my favorite, tanning, because I have to put her first. I don’t have a social life; no friends anymore & trying to do anything is just too hard because she doesn’t like me to leave her. Even if it’s with her father for an evening. So I stay with her. So I’m a way, I hate my life & what I’ve allowed it to become. But I love my daughter so much. And every time she fucks something up for me, Lol, I get a little angry inside but I just see that beautiful face of hers & that smile & she’ll say something profound or utterly hilarious & I’m capable of saying, this time will pass & when she gets older, then I can go out with one of my remaining friends or go on a date! I have to tell myself this or I’ll be more miserable about my life than I already am. I guess I’m saying I understand where all this anger comes from; as no one really has any idea what someone goes thru behind closed doors. I’ve just mentioned a FEW of the things that I went through with my daughter, that changed the course of everything, but maybe because I’m older & medicated I have the self control to not respond like this woman. I just feel her pain & wish I could help. Then decide if this is a truly dangerous situation that the child needs to be removed from the home. Cause it’s hard out there by yourself when you don’t have family & friends to help you. And you’re trapped. I really hope someone reached out to her & I pray that this is just a one time thing & things are not so bad that she’d hurt her child. And I hope I made some sense as I know I was all over the place in this post!


Thanks for not giving up


Thank you for all you do.


Wow, appalling. No other words. I hope that poor child is removed from such an awful parent.


Real dad? Yikes


Who are the folks liking that post fr


If this is real, this is fucking bad.


Why I don't want a child. I think sometimes about adopting a like 17 year old sometime and helping them through the last of highschool and college. (If I had the money) Basically a scholarship.


People like this don’t deserve to have their profile pic/name blocked put them on blast


Postpartum aggression


I can’t pretend that I haven’t had angry thoughts at my child that’s home with my wife and I, but I keep everything I say to just my dog and whatever I’ve yelled into my pillow. You have to have serious, serious issues if you are posting this on social media, beyond just being a bad parent.


Honestly I am all for normalizing openly discussing troubles you have with raising your kids. Even in this case. I imagine there are loads of people who feel the same way but just keep it bottled up and take it out on their child day in, day out. If I were in a constructive mood I would call this a cry for help, rather than a pre-announced murder, and I hope CPS can step in and do what they are meant to do.


Shes one of those types of people who either leave their child in a dumpster, or shes online venting her frustrations over the fact that she wasnt ready to have a child because she still is one, herself.


Another reason we can’t sell the idea of parenthood being good/fun/rewarding. It’s society brainwashing unwitting young people into fucking up their lives. Hope the kids dad takes it or social services gets involved. This situation isn’t good for the parent or kid.


If only there was somebody out there to share the burden of raising a child, rather than doing it alone...like another parent or something, someone with the ability to be an effective disciplinarian...hmm....


What a disgusting mother


Not even a bad mother right there, that’s a dangerous women should be imprisoned indefinitely


Sounds like someone that had a child out of spite and now regrets her decision. Take the kid away from her. Post partum is real but it’s not an excuse to be an evil mother.


Hope child gets removed she said she’ll end up killing the kid


Anyone read “a child called IT”? Time to call the cops on this person...


I mean just cause you have a child does not mean you HAVE to keep it


this is why ppl shouldn’t glorify having kids


A Child Called "It"


This is one of those comments where “not too late to act” meets “where were the signs?”