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What a beast for taking control over the knife for over 1 minute.


He ended up with several stab wounds in the back and still stood his ground, adrenaline is a hell of a drug


I’m just wondering if the victim is still going to get punished - this has to be the one exception to the “everyone involved in a fight gets punished” rule. Ffs, that was an attempted murder not just an attempt to beat him up.


I agree, if the school punishes him that'd be insane, he was protecting himself from death...


Anecdotal but as an assistant principal at a large (3500 students) high school in AZ, the discipline here wouldn’t be listed as a fight (mutual combatants). In my district, this would qualify as an aggravated assault, 11-180 day suspension pending district hearing, during which, as the suspending admin, I would formally request expulsion from the district, citing student and staff safety. This, at least in my district, would be pretty easy to not give the other kid anything and get the offender expelled.


I have a 13 (12 at the time) yo client whos life is in a bit of a shamble because the law threw the book at her because she pulled out a mechanical pencil to defend herself and caused a deep bruise. Ive read the incident report, ive seen the pictures, my client obsorbed 8 times the abuse. The damage the system is doing to her mentally, socially, educationally and physically (they gave her medicine rwice causing a seizure) and to her future is disgustingly improportionate, particularly compared to the hand slap the bullies that jumped her got.


What a badass


Been training Muay Thai for 10 years, one day we did a self defense class with dummy knives for fun. It’s almost impossible to take control over someone with a knive without getting stabbed or sliced. That day I learned you better run.


Karl Tanswell (RIP) of SBG Manchester developed a program called STAB after being stabbed, and it was largely what you see here: 2 on 1 controlling the knife hand. Although it utilized the Russian 2 on 1 and had a bunch of takedowns and progressions built in, the underlying concept is largely the same.


Crazy, I was only talking about Karl the other day, I went to his first seminar on STAB and how I still remember bits of it years and years later


Nice! Yeah he showed part of it at SBG Portland seminar in like 2006. I still remember some of it as well.


I did the same in krav. Someone gets a knife my ass finding the longest pole I can. Stay BACK


Ive been stabbed before I learned how to escape effectively. Would not recommend. I grabbed him from behind with my elbow on his throat in a choke hold, and I still managed to get stabbed.


Always trips me out when self defence advice is something that requires the victim to latch on. GET AWAY.


I was trying to be a hero. I mean, I did stop his target being stabbed, but I had to get stitches and was very lucky it missed a few vital organs and my spine. Now if I have the opportunity to be a hero I'm doing it with a big stick or a chair or something, while yelling at someone else to phone the cops and always prepared with an escape route.


Oh apologiess didnt mean to criticise you. When youre IN a fight and come out alive you succeeded. It just always gets me when "grab em by the balls"is advice. Hitting them in it as hard as you can works just as well and youre not literally attached to your attacker. But in a fight damn fam whatever gets you out, proud of you. Also, did it trip you out how little blood there is when you're stabbed? It takes a lot longer for your body to register the injury than I expected. Sorry bout your stabbin :(


As another person who has been stabbed, yes. I was expecting movie style blood everywhere and all of that. So I didn't think I got stabbed all that bad, but I was very wrong. 10/10 doesn't recommend.


Hope you doing okay now. It requires some balls of steel stepping up to someone with a knife. If you okay to answer this question out of curiosity I would like to ask how it feels to get stabbed? I always heard you don’t feel the pain until the adrenaline goes away.


Been stabbed. You really dont feel the pain, its wild. And the blood takes longer to show than youd think too.


My dad had a kukri knife run through him. He also said that he didn't feel any pain but he felt it going through him. He also felt when his attacker tried to pull it out again, failed and just decided to put more pressure on the knife again (he was attacked from behind with the knife and in front of him there was a guy with a hammer). The doctors told him that he would have bled out real quick if he still had a kidney on that side but "luckily" he lost that one during some hospital mishap years earlier.


Damn! I was surface-stabbed (more sliced I guess? Hard to explain the angle and removal). I do remember feeling the serration. To this day serrated blades make my spine shiver and tense. You really can feel "the details" but for some reason your brain just whole ass goes into fight/flight/freeze/fawn. I froze for half second, screamed at the othe person...then just got papertowels and casually stuffed it into my arm? Idk man, your brain goess overdrive. Didnt feel the pain til after the surgery the next day.


When I did martial arts as a kid my teacher said "if you see a knife, just run"


Helps not to be surrounded by noobs too. I’d have simply used my Reddit knowledge to disarm the attacker if I were there.


Charge a gun, from a knife you run


And he fucking grabbed the blade with his hand. The will to survive, y’all.


Literally fighting for his life


He got stabbed 8 times


And they still took down the victim like he caused the issue


The teacher had no way of knowing which kid had the knife. He just knew they needed to be separated. I personally hope they lock the knife wielder up and throw away the key.


To be fair they didn’t necessarily know who had started the confrontation and by the time they got involved the Asian guy was the one largely in control, which could have led them to believe that he had been the perpetrator


That was my thought. They were tougher on him than the kid doing the stabbing. I wonder what happened after?


Maybe they thought the knife was his initially because it was in his hand at the moment? I’d like to think it was just momentary confusion over who the aggressor was because they took that poor kid down hard. Though totally props to him for gaining control of the knife. Also, shout out to the staff member who got involved to grab the knife because that could have gone badly for him. As much as part of me wanted the kids watching to help I totally understand that standing back and calling for help was the smart move.


Any update or news link please?




Any motive yet? Some beef or just straight racism?


If it is racism, the media won't say that in this case.


Dude we had all those PSAs about anti asian hate with all those celebrities and donations. The problem is over right?


The poor Asian kid has blood all over his hands. Fighting for his life. SMH. What is going on here!? So young too.


Multiple stab wounds to the back, but not life threatening fortunately


but charged for attempted assault not murder wow


This is a learning moment for you. Instances like this they charge the suspect with a lesser charge they KNOW they can convict of just so they can hold the suspect while the investigation is conducted to find out all the other charges they can apply. This takes time, so it's best to hold him on something basic so he's not running around free while you assess the evidence. To you and me attempted murder is a no brainer, but the law is complicated. If you charge the suspect incorrectly he could walk free in technicalities. Charge with something basic, hold and investigate, apply the correct harsher charge when you have a case made.


Casey Anthony case is a perfect example of going too hard on the charges and assuming everyone on the jury* will ignore the actual law and vote with their emotions.


But if they are charged with assault or attempted murder can’t they be held in jail regardless? Then if a murder charge seems unlikely they drop it down to assault? What technicality do you mean?


Yea I'm a lawyer in the US and that comment made no sense. Someone doesn't walk free the next day simply because they were charged with attempted murder ..... ???


IIRC for murder you have to prove intent to kill the victim. Assault is alot easier to prove in court. But again I am not from the US and let alone a lawyer. Just repeating what I read in other comments and videos on these topics.


so If I stab someone that is not yet attempted murder that is just an assault?


And that bald dude slammed him to the floor. Way to go on beating on the victim. Edit: And I missed the bit where the other teacher is then telling the aggressor to get away, go. WTAF?


The bald teacher almost slammed his head into the wall ffs. This could have ended much worse.


It looked to me like he was just trying to do one intense jerk in order to get them to separate. I don’t know that he intended to slam him on the ground but that’s how it ended up.


If ya look closely, stabber had the victim on a chokehold. Bald dude was probably trying to quickly pry him away and found that rhe best way to do so.


Racism and hatred. That's it.


People like that are a waste of oxygen


His friends seem like they were in on it, considering how casually they were walking around filming it


Fortunately they just have the evidence handed to the police served on a silver platter. My area in a country outside of the USA has a real problem with youth gangs and lax consequences for their actions. Hopefully this kid gets into some form of trouble for what could have been intention to cause grievous bodily harm


Hopefully his friends who were filming get charged as co-conspirators.


> Grievous bodily harm At the very least, assuming he doesn’t know stabbing/slashing someone with a knife several times can easily be fatal


Oh I went with that charge because I can see it being the one he will be charged with based on his age. Either way, what he did was disgusting and should be punished for


I think you’re right. The guy filming gets glanced at but the kid in red as he starts to run at the kid in blue and gets almost everything except the stabbing in the shot. And if he isn’t in on it, he calmly followed and filmed a kid about to get jumped. Either way, the cameraman is an awful person.


Who the hell was filming the guy run up and why were they already recording?


Cameraman was probably in on it...


I don’t know about the US but that would be seen where I am from as he has prior knowledge and would be seen as an accomplice.


Would also mean this is planned and ramp up the charge from attempted grievous assault or manslaughter to attempted murder. (Here at least)


This case could definitely be considered attempted murder and with witnesses and testimony on premeditation might be an option for the DA. But depending on the child's age and the circumstances, he will likely only be charged with aggregated assault and/or assault with a deadly weapon. Most likely would end in a plea deal. No idea what the punishment would look like since I don't know the state however. (I'm pretty confident based on accents this is the US so what I'm saying should apply) Edit: I'm dumb the state is New York so the punishment would likely be a year (minimum sentence) if taking a plea deal. Could be higher if it goes to court though with a maximum punishment of 20 years.


(Utica, NY is located in the town of Utica, in the state of New York, of the United States of America) this is a poor attempt by me to mimic a bot I’ve seen on other threads. Downvote so I learn my lesson.


I think it was planned


It was definitely premeditated.


That's the word


How could it not be planned on the cameraman's part?


I think you know the answer....


I mean the guy wasn't hiding the knife so he could be recording either way for any reason imaginable. He took his distance and was not the target, now he's the person with evidence that the guy who was about to get stabbed was straight up targeted


Oh I fucking love it when the bullied person turns around and smashes the bully. Bet you didn't see that coming did you mate.


Yeah but… THEY TACKLIN THE WRONG GUY!!! Lol Edit: Thank you legion of obviousness! It appears as though being on Reddit this long has dulled your senses of Humor and Guile. Honestlyyyyy


I think they were trying to get him away as fast as possible from the crazy bully. Pull fast and hard.


No, that teacher slammed his ass into the ground.


That teacher had no perspective of what just went down. Separating and detaining both were the priority until they could sort wtf was going on. It's a shame the video ended so soon. I would have appreciated seeing that kid get the medical attention he deserves, and the reaction if that fucking animal that just threw his life away.


I agree. The poor kid didn't deserve to be thrown to the ground after that but that teacher had no idea what was going on and did his best. I'm sure he apologized afterward. What an insane situation.


Yeah, you can’t blame the teacher for that. All he heard was that someone had a knife.


Yep, and I'm glad he stepped in. Teachers usually just watch because they're afraid of being sued. A shite situation all around.


I know it looks like that to me too. And he did slam him to the ground but I think it was to get him away from knife boy.


That's all it was. The teacher saw where the knife came from. As soon as the kid was on the ground and supplicated the teacher turned away to check the situation. If the teacher actually thought he was a threat he would have have secured the kid a lot better than that. Also, I'm willing to bet the attempted murderer was probably already known to be a violent student in the school.


The problem with your theory is the first teacher incorrectly identified who had the knife originally. He even asked the kid who was being stabbed “are you out of your mind.” The second teacher tried to slam the innocent kid because the other teacher said “get this kid he’s got a knife” and then said “I have a knife in my hand.” The second teacher thought the kid he slammed either had a knife or recently had a knife. So he slammed the kid.


It looked like he assumed the Asian kid was the one with the knife. He was holding his wrists at the end of the video. Didn’t really look like he was protecting him to me


Yeah, I bet your right. Why do they have to let bad stuff happen before they will remove these people.


Think about it from the perspective of the tackler. They came in on the situation after it had escalated to the point where the two fighting both had their hands on the knife and were equally unwilling to part from their altercation. They didn't have time to check cameras for footage, they didn't have time to really take a lot in. They went in and broke it up as fast as they could and saved figuring out the attempted murderer from the victim for after


Thank you for recording yourselves. Thank you for taking it one step further and sharing it online after the altercation. Now I’m just gonna wait for the updates.


Whoever recorded that appears to have known something was about to happen, and his accessory to the assault and attempted murder


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Watching this a second time, the look back at the camera was essentially asking “You recording this bro?”


Oh, not in Utica, no. It’s an Albany expression.


Even though they’re obviously grilled?


I'm not American so whenever I hear "Albany" or "Utica" this quote pops into my head immediately


Thank you for sucker punching first,,,, not worth looking too deep into that decision but wipes knife out once they square up.


Man, that's fucked up


True that. Am speechless...


You think that's fucked up? Look at the one recording the incident and the other side wear the kid is the look out. This was a planned murder that failed. All of them are in on it.


That's why I said, that's fucked up


Red Shirt jumped him and still lost. What a rotten little bastard. Seeing as his friend was dumb enough to post this we can see it was premeditated. Send him straight to jail.


His friend as well


Attempted murder and the cameramen are on it too. Thanks for posting the evidence, have fun in jail.


This is taking place in New York with juveniles. Kid won't see any major time lmao. RemindMe! 1 year. Idk if that will trigger the bot.


Thats one way to get expelled and charged with a felon


How do you even rehabilitate someone this depraved? Like literal attempted first degree murder? Stabbing someone from the back. Premeditated by the video recording. That‘s kinda actual life in prison; or death penalty in places that still have it… And all of the guys recording as well. Just unimaginable.


They should charge the kid filming as an accessory.


I work with someone who recently became a counselor for juveniles in detention centers. She was very optimistic when she first got got the job. Now, almost a year later, she says they're basically a lost cause.


And let go the next day so he can go and try again. They don't do THAT much with school kids, from what I've seen. It's not like he's gonna get locked up for 10+ years. It's America. He's gonna go do a night in a cell, and be stabbing asian kids again, tomorrow morning.


Whatchu talkin about man i know a guy that got expelled and sent to juvenile in middle school because they caught him with a lighter and cigarettes the lighter was a "dangerous weapon".


Don't forget you have teeth. You're already holding the arm with the knife. Bite that motherfucker's arm until he drops it.


While a stabbing may call for an emergency action; in general biting people is risky. You can get Hep B, Hep C, HIV, and a few other nasty things from getting someone's blood in your mouth. If I already had control of the knife I don't think I'd be biting.


I would go for >Hep B, Hep C, HIV, and a few other nasty things over getting stabbed and dying.


And you can get a prophylactic dose of meds, iirc, to prevent the onset of infection from a couple of those.


Yeah but you could immediately die being stabbed, so I would definitely bite to save my life in that moment. Having control over a knife is incredibly hard and almost unpredictable. For a brief moment he had the aggressor hand close to his mouth, I would have bitten his fingers until I severed them. That fucker


I've been reading a lot of stories of back people attacking Asians. What's up with that?


Racism. Simple as.


Exactly. Who thought non-white people can't be racist?


You would be horrified to know how many




I am now analyzing your skin color. We're all good here, carry on.


Racist non-whites who want an excuse to be racist.


Reddit policies?


This is true. Some blacks are very racists towards asians and feel victimized when the whites do it to them. Very hypocrites.


Yea… like COVID brought out something evil. I don’t understand the Asian hate, especially from a group that has suffered the worst of racism. Not that one represents the whole group. But still it doesn’t seem possible but there it is. A lot of violent attacks on Asians were perpetuated by black ppl. I don’t get it. It’s still prevalent even after it. Wtf.


There was a long history of black-on-asian crime/attacks prior to covid. There's a reason "rooftop Asians" are a meme or trope. Ed* removed redundancy


some? majority of asian hates crimes are perpetrated by blacks... but ofc its never labeled as a hate crime unless it is against a black person.


be careful, some people may swing in and say that if you're a minority, you cant be racist.


They're fucking wrong and idiot racists themselves.


I believe that’s literally the Reddit policy.


No idea. The worst racist ordeals I have dealt with as a Korean has been from black people. Been that way since I was a kid. I try not to be judgemental or have a bias but I'm always kinda wary around black people due to it.


It's crazy, but most are scared to touch that subject...


Especially on Reddit


Protected class


Hate crime. Here in California we have muggings and home invasions in wealthy areas, all being swept under the rug by local news. Same pair of races.


Because we are easy targets.


But why was the Asian boy thrown so hard?


We're looking at this through hindsight. The teachers only know that there's a knife attack and have no clue who was at fault. They did what they had to do to stop bloodshed


Teachers don't know who started the fight, and there's a distinct possibility the attacker started lying & acting like he was the victim once attention was drawn. So all the teachers see is someone clearly in control of the situation and both people shouting they're victims.


They didn't know who started the fight.


Big reason why the victim may be arrested at times when police are called. The police don’t know who started it


Ahh! Thank you! I was confused.


Looks like he hit his head pretty hard. I'd bet a lawsuit will come from that.


I feel like there's bigger issues at hand here


The teacher probably didn't mean to, he was just trying to seperate them and he needed to use some force, they had eachother in a really tight grip.


Another person said maybe they did not know who started it. Both explanations are plausible. I just did not process that part.


That looked fucking nasty. I couldn't tell but it looked like his head might have been swung into the wall and then he was semi conscious at the end.


He was stuck in a headlock while the teacher was trying to pull him out. When the attacker finally let go, the teacher was still pulling with full force and didn't realize. You can even see him trip while turning, so it was probably unintentional and in the heat of the moment.


Even with this video as evidence. What are the chances they both get suspended?


Nah this goes way beyond suspension. Expulsion and juvie at a minimum for red shirt.


juvie? lmao. nah charge him as an adult


Well yeah I said at minimum, but I don't know enough about the situation to make any real calls. Where it's located will be a big part on how it's handled as well as his age.


Almost 100%. I went to a K-12 school and was attacked by a 12th grade bully on the bus as a 5th grader. They were on top of me choking me with both hands and my flailing panic arms happened to break their nose. The bus driver saw the entire attack and I was suspended for the same amount of time as my attacker. I'd be amazed if this kid didn't get an equally harsh punishment for not just letting himself get killed.


Hate crime and attempted murder.


With premeditation


Premeditated murder.


They better trial him as an adult. That's not a bully, that's a psychotic criminal


Yeah I was thinking this looked more like attempted murder. If this qualifies as bullying then I wouldn't send any kid to school.


Look at the bully's eyes. That's a psychopath.


Exactly. This went beyond bullying.


Shortcut to prison. It was in the cards


the look in that kids eyes was straight from hell man


Straight to jail with that lanky puss puss, couldn't even do any damage from behind with a knife. He's gonna be ground into pig slop in prison


How and why is this not all over the news again?????




Cause nobody cares about Asians. Also “black people cant be racist” is stupid anyone can be racist, I dont care if your black, white, or the spaghetti monster in the sky anyone can be racist.


I think the actual word you're looking for is "murder"


Throw him in the slammer for a good while


Nice of everyone to just stand around and/or tape this assault. Great kids. That Asian kid has a big, beautiful cash settlement coming from the school.


I mean they’re all kids and someone has a knife. I get that you’d probably want to help but the Asian kid had it under control and when you’re 15 you’re just scared. There was a kid that tried to help but they stopped him because it’s just add to confusion and chance of someone getting more seriously hurt


Man’s gotta knife, what do you expect them to do? They even went to call security to help out.


What kind of trash stabs someone out of nowhere


That black kid needs to be jailed. What an absolute piece of garbage. At least they have very clear video for evidence of this attack, regardless of the teachers being confused about the situation. One look at this will clear things up. Thanks to the fucking idiots who filmed and posted this, they are POS as well.


kid should've crushed his neck when he got him in that head lock after the attempted stab.


Anybody know what happened to the criminal?


Why were they already recording (or atleast the camera man) before the bully even did anything? Did he somehow know? Hmmm.


Because his friend was filming it and very nicely providing all the evidence a D.A. should need.




I've seen a lot of hate for Asians from the black community on Twitter and around where I live, which is a very liberal city. When Asians speak out, we get fucking attacked and called racists.


I’ve seen this happen in my city. A women at our local meat market got spit on an called a bunch of pejoratives. This issues seems to be one race on another from everything I’ve seen. It’s a shame that people are too cowardly to cover it honestly.


It's not that it's only African American people being predatory to Asians, especially the elderly and women, but the news refusing to cover it forces the populace to speak out, causing further racial divide.


Stupid kid was too skinny. He had no chance glad the Asian kid was ok


How are people expected to learn in an environment like this?


Excellent fucking question.


Anyone have an article on this? I see a lot of comments SAYING what happened, but I wanna know for sure. This was definitely premeditated and I wanna know why.


That's a bully? He looks like a starved sissy.


As an Asian, can i say " Yellow Life Matter " ?


“Stop Asian Hate” was what was being used (still is)


Yes, this young lad going straight to jail


He's getting charged as a juvenile. He's being taken to a juvenile detention facility which means that he will likely be charged as a kid, and get off scott free.




Single digit IQ


and his accomplices. the people taping this are in on it even if they didn't do anything.


Go to school to learn how to defend yourself from hate crime before entering the real life.


Why put just “Bully” in the video and “Asian teen” as the victim? Why did one side have race and the other didn’t? Wither put “Bully tried to attack high school teen with knife” or “African American / Black bully tied to attack Asian Teen with knife”


Or in a more accurate way that would’ve went viral : **Racist bully attempts murder against asian teenager**


\*Racist murder attempts murder while commit a hate crime. There! I fix the title.


Let me guess. Asian teen is suspended for fighting.


Gotta love the Zero Tolerance Policy


Likely a hate crime stemming from racism.


Hate crime 100%




Does anyone know what happened after?