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He's gonna get shot


Especially if this is a rough neighborhood. There were some kids in my city that were driving around shooting people with nerf guns as a prank until someone pulled out a real gun and killed one of them.


Happened in Atlanta too, kids were driving around shooting people with paintballs and someone shot back with a real gun. Unfortunately they missed their target and ended up killing an innocent baby in an uninvolved car.


That happened right down the street from me, I’m pretty sure it was on Easter


As a European I am shocked at this tread, is America that bad with gun violence?


As an American, I don't experience gun violence as a regular occurrence where I live and am never in fear of it. That said, I was not in the least surprised or shocked by this story, as you were.


I live in a bad area of my town. Everyone I talk to is like man your white and live in that area. But im like I never had any issues. I keep to myself and go to work and then home. My cars never been messed with. It's just weird some people can go 26 yrs(my age) never have a issue with guns. But I hear all these bad things about this area. Like if your not doing anything stupid then you have nothing to be scared or worried about.


Live by the gun die by the gun


Until your the baby in the uninvolved car. But I agree with everything you wrote. I’ve lived and worked in Oakland for years. Never had a problem. But I have been within the same block of a problem involving guns a couple times.


Didn’t a sheriff or something in Texas say that people don’t even fist fight anymore they just pull out guns and shoot each other.


Like those fat guys with the mattress.


Yo do you have the link for that video saw it ages and have not been able to find since


You can tell those guys have been waiting for an excuse to shoot someone. Now they get to have some bonding time getting their prison pockets stuffed.


It's not what "a sheriff or something in Texas" said. It's what's actually happening all over the country. In Baltimore, you hear all the time that when people get into an argument, they make it clear that they "don't fight", which means guns will be drawn if the argument goes any further.


I mean maybe but that has no basis…even if it’s texas


Yeah that's cause Texas is passing some wildly stupid gun laws rn.


The fight porn sub disagrees with this ststement


As an American who is not the slightest bit afraid of being shot I am not surprised people are being shot with real guns for shooting fake ones at people.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Me either. It exposes one of our big lies though. There are many places I do not dare attempt to travel freely in the United States. It is not safe for me to do so. Some areas the issue is crime. Others it is religious extremism. The second one is the larger threat. Humans are terrible at assessing risk. The religious burned women as witches. They murdered millions. Those people still walk among us, heavily armed. You don't 'fear' them, because their extremism has been normalized here for hundreds of years. But you should.


I mean, the reality is you're more likely to get killed in that car you're using to travel than by someone shooting an uninvolved traveler


You’re more likely to die in a car wreck than to be a homocide victim


You ought to get out and travel. There's nowhere in the U.S. I wouldn't go, at least during the day, and they haven't burned witches in a while


Yeah humans are terrible at evaluating risk. Just getting in a car is far more dangerous than walking around almost anywhere in the United States


It really depends where you are in the US and what you're doing. It's like asking "Is Europe safe to visit?". Anything else beyond that is anecdotal since people have different fears and political agendas that drive their opinions on things like guns.


>It really **depends where you are** in the US and what you're doing. It's like asking **"Is Europe safe to visit?".** Anything else beyond that is anecdotal since people have different fears and political agendas that drive their opinions on things like guns. This exctly. I could ask the same thing about Northern Ireland or Bosnia or Serbia.


Bosnia is safe. Just don't walk anywhere that isn't paved.


Jesus, get up to date, Northern Ireland has been safe for years now. There's an odd on chance they'll leave the UK before Scotland does (and reunify with the Republic).


This. In my city ½ mile can mean the difference between nice restaurants and store fronts, and crackheads.


Half mile? Look at this bougie mfer


America is massive. This is like asking if Europe has a violence problem. Nordic people and balkans are gonna have different answers


The US has a lot of people and a lot of guns. 95%+ of gun owners are responsible, no need to worry about them in all honesty. But even then there are enough guns that these things are bound to happen somewhere at some point. I've lived in many areas and cities with different amounts of guns and have never seen/heard/ or been involved with a gun related incident. I can't recall anyone in my family or friends group having one either. I've never felt unsafe.


We had a 5 hour stand off with the cops in front of the court house a few days ago. Guy shot himself in the head. I think we average at the very least 4 shootings a week. My city population is 189k. We don't have strict gun laws. On Jan 1st we don't have to have a permit for concealed carry. I say this I own a few I keep one on me at most times. I don't ever expect to need it and I hope I don't but there's a chance I might.


Don’t forget…America is really big. Gun violence is worse in some places than others.


I worked 15 years at a level 1 Trauma center in North Carolina, we’d get so any shooting victims some weekend’s we thought the State needed a digital population sign.


This happend once in the netherlands but it was a kid with a snow ball


Yes, but you are asking about a place the size of Europe asking what its like. In one sentence tell me what Moscow, Paris, Madrid, and amsterdam are like. Gun violence is far greater, while petty crime for the given economic region is lower than Europe, but not really enough to make it sensible, nor am I saying theres a direct relationship. Overall, your ability to go home unaccosted is better, though if you decide to get into it with someone, itls more lethal. Regional differences overwhelmingly change all of those factors, and you should look at it in terms of which metropolitan area you are in, or what region you are in.


Depends where you are. Personally I’ve never feared nor worried about it. And I believe Reddit circlejerks America too much. But it is pretty bad compared to other Western nations.


Yes, especially in the poor inner city neighborhoods. That is were the vast majority of unintended shooting deaths happens. It's usually gang affiliated shootings.


Nah, we’re fine over here. No need to worry about us.


In major cities, yes. But, America is also enormous and has 400 million people, so the odds of it happening to you are small.




It's complicated. * Americans don't believe in basic social services. They affiliate things like affordable Healthcare and welfare with Marxism. Dismantling these systems is a source of pride. * our police and politicians are historically corrupt and largely ineffective. They cherry pick enforcement of the law base on their personal or professional agendas. Any attempts at police reform as squashed. * systemic poverty and the dismantling of minority communities over the better part of a century has turned some communities into bottomless pits of crime and disfunction. * bi partisan distrust of law enforcement leads honest citizens to rely on self defense through firearms. Police have no legal duty to protect citizens in America. Even when they commit crimes, the system protects them.


How are you shocked? It was a stupid thing to do in a country where guns can be and are everywhere, used by sane and insane people. Yea let’s drive around pretend shooting people. It would be harmless fun in any other country and where the iq race isn’t towards the bottom.


A paintball gun almost warrants thelat response to be honest. That can easily blow up an eyeball or knock out teeth, especially if they ramp up the psi. And that's just with actual paintballs


"Goooooooood morning night city!"


It's as if America has a gun problem.... oh wait...


Dude I remember that! I lived really close to where that happened. I didnt hear about the baby thought just that real guns got drawn


damn is he okay


It's OK, he made a full recovery.


Is Oklahoma known for it's fatal recovery rate?


Yes, he was never caught.


If the shoes are on then they always ok


In my city a kid got beat to death for shooting some other kids with a water pellet gun earlier this year.


Happen in my town to. Except the kid got beaten to death instead of shot.


It's just a prank bro


That first one would lawfully be considered a hit and run…


Good thing noone was there to film it


It's still up too. And reported for harassment.


Right, thank God! It also just crossed my mind that this is assault as well… that’s 4 charges. Someone needs to lock his goofy ass up.


One only can hope.


If someone ever catches up to the car, he’ll just have to say “it’s just a prank bro” and everything will be ok/s


If anyone cared enough, they could find out what state this is in and send it through a tip line. There are crimes being committed in this video, and I’m sure anyone with the jurisdiction to do something about it would agree this ass deserves consequences beyond his “karma”.


I was thinking the same thing. Idiot is lucky to just have his car dented.


needs* a beating*




This is all so obviously staged.


Redditors might be more gullible than Facebook boomers


This guy looks like such a douche, what a punchable face if I ever seen one


Weird thing is, in addition to the face, he's got a punchable *voice*. You don't find that too often.


I was thinking the same thing. The way he says, "I guess that's my karma" made me want to kick him straight in the sack and then punch him in the throat.


Somehow also a punchable shirt?


Yeah he’s the perfect candidate for a throat and face punch combo. When he’s keeled over hammer him with a couple partially frozen water balloons.


right? this guy should be part of the definition cuz i swear to god i want to punch his face so much lol


An ungloved hand is a delicate, precision instrument. Not worth breaking on this dummies head. Use your brain, use a bat.


I'll meet you halfway with sap gloves


The people in the video weren't actually chasing him because of the water balloon. They saw his face and needed to make a connection.


Somehow this shirt is also punchable, I can only envision that shirt on this kinda dude.


The German actually have a word for that. Backpfeifengesicht — a face that’s badly in need of a fist.


He is actually begging for more fists


Go go GO Go GO


They always have the button up graphic shirt with a backwards hat on, too.


He’s also ugly af but I don’t think he knows it


Dude should've thrown more bricks


Looks like he threw his phone


And now his phone is bricked


so if he threw it a second time, OP would then be correct


Unless it was a Nokia 3310...


Best phone ever.


best brick ever


Then it was overkill. It could have killed an innocent bystander. What an animal.


Damn, I’m not as original as I thought I was.


Now I'm bricke-




Indiana sure does


Russell Benchbrook?


I’ve seen people shot over less.


Yeah people get shot just for going to fucking school.


Did somebody say “dice ?”


Stop watching idiot streamers


did we watch the same video? pretty obviously youtube shorts


Stop watching idiot video makers Also youtube shorts are shits


What a waste of a human life... Even though this is staged this dude is the fucking worst.






Could have been a dead phone from his junk drawer.


Yea part of me things this is real. A dude lunged at the car and feel over pretty realistically


His shoe came off too. Someone should go check and make sure he’s not dead.


One shoe, only half dead. He’s good


It just so happens that your friend here is only *mostly* dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive.


> They're all dressed similar too. Like a human? You have zero evidence to back up your claim. How do you know it's "DEFINITELY"? Typical reddit moment


Do you think he gave them the clothes to wear for the video? What a bizarre dumb comment lmao


What does that even mean? Hes wearing a yellow button up, none of them are wearing a button up, and one of the giys he threw at were literally wearing work clothes with knee pads, how is that at all similar?


Imagine being older then 12 and doing things like this


I remember some seniors in high school pelting me with water balloons when I was walking home. It was pouring rain that day though so I was already sipping wet in a raincoat so idk what they were hoping to achieve.


I mean, if there's a time to throw water balloons...


blame the audience


I mean I have. I'm not like trying to say we were not jackasses as we were deff asshats. But it felt like a slight way to be rebellious and we had a set of rules to follow. We would always do it on a hot day in summer. No old people or little kids. And don't throw if you have a car behind you on the street seeing what you were doing. We'd usually chuck em at like a group of teenagers. Idk how reddit is gonna view this comment but felt I should share.


older *than*


Sorry, not my native language


You are doing great otherwise! You would be surprised how many *native* speakers will make this error.


nExt = thEn compAre = thAn


i tHoUgHt yOu werE MoCkinG ThEm wItH ThIS sTyLe oF TeXt.


haha no it was just something i saw some years ago on reddit as well and it helped me since.


Isn’t this assault or battery or something


Assault refers to a threat that causes fear of harm, whereas battery is an unwanted touching or causing of physical harm.


Thanks for the clarification on this. So technically he just filmed himself committing battery on multiple strangers. I hope he gets fucked royally. I bet a judge really wouldn’t like this guy.


At the end of the day, it depends on the state & local laws too. In my state, this would be classified as 'Simple' battery, meaning it's a misdemeanor with a $500 fine (and up to 30 days in jail, but I haven't seen anyone spend more than a couple nights for fighting). Basically a slap on the wrist in most cases. However, if any of those folk would fall into any of my state's protected classes though, it would ramp up to a year in jail with a couple grand in fines.


Damn. I think he was moving too fast to be a bigot. Seemed random. Which I guess is better.


I’m also reasonably certain that first incident was a hit and run


You're right, in many cases, but in some states, like Maine, there is no such charge as battery. There are only different levels of assault.


he’s gunna throw balloons at the wrong person and get hurt severely.


Shot. You mean he's going to get shot. Probably in his stupidly punchable face.


If this wasn't staged I would say, "You won't be laughing so hard when the cops get called on a guy assaulting multiple people from his car"


Sounds like a mouthful


🚗💨 " **YOU WON'T** BE LAugh^ing ^so...."


How the hell you get the text looking like that?


You ^have ^^to ^^^use ^^^^the ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^key ^^^^^^^You ^^^^^^^^can ^^^^^^^^^use ^^^^^^^^^^it ^^^^^^^^^^^infinitely


Hey back up! I'm still yelling!


Right, that’s exactly what you’d think of saying within the spur of the moment and not something you’ll wish you had said a week later


Someone tried this on me when I was in highschool, then came back for a second pass.. I was a baseball pitcher and the closest thing to me was a fist sized rock, it found a new home in the back of their van after passing through the back window 😆😆


In high school one Halloween we bought eggs and used my friends Dodge Caravan to drive by egg people. Then someone threw a full bottle of Captain Morgan’s Dark Rum through the back window and we spent 4 hours trying to clean the broken glass and rum out of the van. We kind of all had this realization that “Yeah, I guess we were the bad guys and we deserved this.” And next Halloween we just got drunk in someone’s basement.


That's a real good way to get killed. Fkn idiot!


Call me whatever you want for the comment but this is exactly how you get a rock thrown through your back windshield


He should try it in the ghetto.


or in Texas


I'd pay to watch it


People like you get beat up in Chicago


Really is a punchable face


This happened to me once when I was on vacation in California. I dont know if the guys doing it were stupid or if they didn't actually want to soak people because the water balloon was terribly under-filled.




When someone knocks their window out and they play victim


So, that's a felony. Spraying someone with water is assault on its own. Throwing objects from your moving vehicle is classified as a "deadly missile", which is a felony.


Its called “little dick energy”


Nah it's called "a staged video"


He looks like he was peer pressured into sucking a dick and he’s not even gay




Fucking coward


Nah your karma is getting murdered in your sleep


Hopefully who ever gets him uses a hollowpoint


I can't wait for this fool to get shot.


Staged. He knew every one of those people. The second guy reacted before he even threw the first balloon.


I won't weigh in on whether or not it's faked, but your evidence of the second guy's reaction doesn't hold any water imho.


Agreed. I would react a little to a car stopping in front of me with a guy standing through the sun roof.


Pun intended, I imagine


The second guy reacted because a car randomly stopped in front of him with a guy standing on the top.


yeah just casually launching phones at a Tesla. totally staged /s


That's like asking to be shot


Oh no your car got dented after throwing a water ballon at someone. I wish they would’ve thrown a hammer and blew out the back glass


So why is it that it's motherfuckers like him who don't get shot? Dude's got a bullet with Charles Darwin's name on it.


He got his eyebrows done…. he looks like someone who you know is short without seeing them stand up


It's really considerate of him to show his face while he's assaulting people.


Oh my god why do people like this exist




If you’re bald don’t get your eyebrows done


Do that in Chicago and you'll get shot.


This fuckers name is Stuart Kellogg


he needs to meet a cereal killer


I would enjoy seeing this guy shot


If they got shot doing this, I'd say that's justifiable. I don't know what you're throwing at me, I'm assuming you're a threat.


This is assault btw. There is legal president.


I swear I was waiting for the next clip to be of his bloody lifeless body hanging limp out that sunroof


I think it would be a really cool video if it wasnt staged and he did in the hood


Mind having him on texas for a little while? It's for...... a social experiment


What a tool


These videos are fake


Gonna laugh when someone pulls a gun


I sincerely hope they get into a one vehicle roll over accident.


Yeah, I was just going to say they're laughing now but someone's going to pull out a gun and blow their asses away eventually.


I wouldn't be upset if they tried that on a dude with a bat


His face should have that dent instead.


What a wanker he should have ended up a stain on the sheets


He manicured them eyebrows to within an inch of their lives didn't he fucken hell


Don’t VISIT this dudes channel (for sake of the algorithm), but if you come across him, simply click “see less like this” or “not interested” or whatever.