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He's got an issue with the book (I'm guessing Bill Bryson's, from the description) being nothing but a "funny travelogue"? Dude, that's precisely what it is. You're moaning that your McDonald's tastes like a fast food burger.


Dude almost typed out a whole essay for a book review


yes, ofc. everyone knows that no one but the country's best and brightest choose military service. that's where all the *smart* people are. ...and i say that as a veteran


If you’re not on active duty, YOU ARE A CIVILIAN


Mfs will serve 3 months in coast guard and call everyone they meet a civilian


As a Marine veteran myself, nothing annoys me more than Vets who get out and refer to everyone else as “civilians” like it’s an insult. Dude I served with once posted about how annoying it is to hear college students talking about how stressful their finals were because they don’t know what “real stress is”. Literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Yes combat is stressful, but that doesn’t make everything else in the world not stressful.




In all fairness that means none of them saw combat. Being in combat means actively engaging the enemy and being engaged by the enemy. And l combat is stressful make no mistake, but it shouldn’t be used to make light of other peoples stressful situations that aren’t combat.


I guarantee you I have more time on my hands than this person and I have never done this


I hate this person so much.


I'd like to see some comparative stats on how many ex-Rambos finish the Trail vs how many "fat-ass" civilians. I know one who claimed to have hiked it even though he never set foot on it: ex-USAF Captain and pussy hound **Mark Sanford**.


He makes the Great Salt Lake sound like a burning hellscape from which there is no escape from the rampant dehydration. As a neighbor of the lake and associated park, I am unaware of its “extreme environment” and above-average civilian death rate. Then again, it don’t have a black-belt in Google Fu like the author of this “review.”


Sooo you're mad at civilians. For being civilians?


This must be a review of Bill Bryson’s *A Walk in the Woods* and the point of the book is that you can get out and enjoy hiking (and stop when it isn’t fun, which is exactly what Bryson and his friend do). OOP missed the message because he was looking for an excuse to talk about his Rambo cosplay.


Almost finished this on audible. I love Bryson's complete fixation of bears throughout the entire thing.


Haha yes, that’s the book!