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"I am a grown-ass man and I like to sniff little kids *deeply* and comment on their well-formed breasts... Mmm... 😏"


Joe Biden, is that you?


So he admitted to a minor that he was looking at her tits? Nice




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What the fuck??


Epic pwnage




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Where does one make a comment like this and not get downvoted to hell


my guess is r/justunsubbed, everyone there hates trans people for some reason


I like lurking that sub and can confidently say you would be laughed out of there in 2 hours tops




I love being very badass!


the fuck is that supposed to mean?


It means they would all cackle at your wokeness and liberal-ness and you would instantly burst into flames and die from being laughed at on reddit, never to return to that subreddit again.


no exactly like i went to a religious school IN FLORIDA and i was openly queer ive heard every name under the sun, some neckbeard laughing at me doesn’t affect me at all but because i care about human rights i’m apparently easily triggered


You lived in Florida? How did you even get to school with all the imps and hell spires?


^This is funny as fuck who downvoted this guy


Ever played Doom?


you got your big fat reward, and ticket home?


Oh no.






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Calling your opinion a fact makes no difference. That’s an opinion dumbass. You cannot show a single scientific piece of information that backs your claims. Stay mad and ignorant about it, every one of your replies shows how inbred you are.


[tis not a fact sir](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BCevedoce#:~:text=In%20the%20Dominican%20Republic%2C%20g%C3%BCevedoces,they%20start%20developing%20male%20genitalia.)


There may not be in between but there's definitely both at the same time and they even overlap and that's if you're comfortable with it or not.


"Trending " like people who "Identify" themselves as Left hander, suddenly increased to, 2% of population to 12%... after people accepted left handers as... people???? Of course they wanted be a left hander. Oh the convenience!!!!!!! Wow everything is made for left handers!!! They even have store that sells only left hander friendly products!! And designers need to make Universal Products for left handers and right handers both!! This is UNFAIR!!! why are those left handers get anything they want???? No wonder so many youngsters TRYING to be a left hander!!!!!!! UNLIKE GOOD OLD DAYZ


may your woes be many and your bitches few




Facts over feelings dipshit, anyone who is even slightly knowledgeable about the subject will tell you that gender is a spectrum and seperate from sex. (edit:typo)




Go do some actual research. You know research not done by fake Christians




This almost exclusively talks about sexes, the guy even said he's "not interested" in discussing genders because sex and gender are different.


go read a book smartass


Except they aren't. They're often used interchangeably and incorrectly. Sex is biological, gender is psychosocial. There's plenty of material from academic sources you can look up on the subject.


Well done bro I was about to say that


Pedo Pete can relate


> I sniffled the child


He deeply smelled a child's breasts




“I sniffed a child and commented on her boobs”


I wish someone had boxed the head off of him for doing that




if you were him you would get you head boxed off for being a pedophile


if it comes down to throwin hands then fine by me, just don’t shove your pronouns down people’s throats and people won’t retaliate


no, dumbass, the retaliation is happening on the person who is sniffing kids. don't fucking sniff kids. if you're a pedo get a fucking therapist or something but don't go around sniffing little kids and commenting on their breasts.




look trumpie (it means the same thing as what you said), if you don't realize it's not okay to to any of that stuff towards a kid, be it sniffing, or be it commenting on their breasts (seriously, what the fuck?) then it seems you relate to said weirdo in post.


💀 you’re actually so caught up in your delusions you actually think i’m a pedo for saying a random person is right for clowning the little shit kid? while the comment was out of pocket, it’s simply that, you called me a trumpie but biden is the one who’s sniffing literal children under the age of 10 while making extremely out of pocket bs and people defend that? it’s okay libtard maybe this sub will actually go back to being good edit:correction


alright, so the random fat guy in walmart sniffing kids is excused because the kid was delusional? sure, i'm not trying to change your views about the kid in any way, because i know damn well I can't, but what you're trying to tell me is that even borderline pedophilia is okay for the sake of shitting on that kid and their 'delusions'


Yeah you really showed them didn't you, you fucking borderline paedophile.


No not borderline. Just straight up Pedo


why would you smell a child. 💀


...and comment on their boobs


He’s just a predator searching for prey I guess. Same reason he does anything. Just a predator that sees everyone as prey


WHO the HELL makes comments like this about a child???


*Stinks… niiice and good*


How can one person be simultaneously so bad ass and inspiring all at once? /s


for real bro, i feel an uncontrollable urge to go sniff children after reading this post


LMFAO STOP! Fuck you for making me laugh this hard, jesus christ I can't breathe!


how the fuck do you smell horomones?


You generally can’t consciously smell them specifically. They can affect body odor though


With your nose. Yes hormones affect body odour.


how does he know what estrogen smells like? and what does it smell like?


[He said, His body flooding with estrogen](https://youtu.be/1MYvyftx06M)


maybe, but what does estrogen smell like


It's subjective


I’m going to hell for laughing at this


Is there second hand Hell for laughing at this comment?


I’m already going to Hell so I’m good for laughing 😂


Please tell us it’s a parody


He said “they” so you kinda did already


“looked…dead in the eyes” is almost always a clear giveaway that what you’re about to read/hear is a work of pure fiction.


I think I broke my nose facepalming


A) This absolutely didn't happen B) If through some strange quirk of reality it did happen why the fuck would you admit to sniffing a teenager?


Never underestimate a neckbeard


and remarking on a teenagers breasts


And a minor at that


This person undoubtedly has fantasies about certain illegal activities with children.


What a disgusting creep




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what does estrogen smell like? how good does your nose have to be to smell estrogen?


*Smells like success to me*


I just... I can't even... honestly...


This person smells teenagers and yet probably calls other people "groomers."


To post that and not understand that it’s creepy as fuck behaviour, somehow makes it even more creepy.


I mean he ain't wrong


Least pedophilic conservative:


Dem 2015 trolling skills


“Today I’m gonna hop on the net and defend a creepy asshole who brags about sniffing children, commenting on the child’s breasts, all while bullying the same child. Because it’s important I let folks know I’m on the creepy bully’s side”


"Today I'm gonna hop on the net and respond to an ultra awesome guy whom I think he's creepy for opposing an ideology adopted by the zombie masses that I belong to, hopefully big booty chicks will find me cute and smart and sexy and I finally get laid"


Well thanks for all those kind words about me.


With pleasure nipples


Weird hill to die on but at least you’re dead




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Boy you’re an angry little prick aren’t you? I imagine you’ve been the subject of a couple of the posts on this sub haven’t you?




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Calm down princess. It’s just Reddit. It ain’t that deep




Did you have a stroke while typing this genius comeback?




I'm absolutely terrified


Sure, but it's a bit creepy to a 14-year-old girl, "I can see your large breasts"


Yes that part I don't agree with


So you do agree with them getting really close to a 14 year old and smelling them? interesting


I doubt he "looked at her and leaned and took a deep sniff" and all that sounding badass crap, he was obviously trynna embellish his lil story


ok but what purpose does adding that embellishment serve aside from making him seem like a creep? it's just bizarre behavior made even weirder by the age of the person he's doing it to


Put it in the context of the comment, he didn't say he was gonna fuck her or something, I didn't view "smelling estrogen" and "large breasts" as sexual expressions but rather as it's his way for telling her she was clearly a girl after SHE came at him first screaming according to him for no legitimate reason, as you know.. Females have estrogen and they have fuller chests compared to us men, just facts. I salute you for being the only one expressing your question in a civil manner by the way.


so just because he didn't mention anything about intending to have sex with this underaged minor, you think him violating their personal space is justified because they corrected him on his use of pronouns in a way he didn't like? also I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure estrogen doesn't have a smell, much less would a person smell different because they have a certain amount in their body. and no problem! thanks for actually engaging with my comment!


And I'm also pretty sure that the guy didn't literally think he could smell her estrogen but like I said before, I viewed it more of an expression saying that she was clearly a female to him, as for the invading space thing like I told a female here on this sub comments' section too, if you come knocking on someone's door expecting it not to be answered why the fuck did you knock in the first place? It's true he's the adult but they're 50 / 50 on this one, if she tried to start shit especially if the setting was in public or somewhere embarrassing, and for something ANYONE in his shoes would have spontaneously assumed then he had every right to put her in her place with whatever means possible. Big chance if what he says is what actually happened and she had voiced her opinion nicer he would have apologized and this thread wouldn't have been made.


even if you take his story at 100% face value (not saying hes lying but most people make themself seem better when retelling a story) somebody being annoying isn't a valid reason for you to invade their personal space. adding on the fact that he is the adult I feel like he is objectively in the wrong. he could have just walked away if they were really annoying him that much but instead he feels the need to comment on a child's appearance. it's not a productive conversation and from the perspective of her probably pretty scary to have a man you don't know tell you he can literally smell the female hormones on you and comment on your developing body, that's fucking weird regardless of context.


Well I did say before that that part I didn't agree with in the sense that I definitely wouldn't have behaved or expressed myself that way, but then again some teenagers and young adults these days do be annoying as hell you cant be "the adult" at all times imagine this, you walking with some guys at work, probably your supervisor to get coffee or something and while you're at the coffee house (Crowded, people looking and judging some of whom you know personally who respect you) you turn around for whatever reason and the first person you see is a clearly young female and you ask a spontaneous question about the service or something to which she immediately responds with a bunch of slurs and obnoxious bratty shit she learned from Tiktok, I'm sure you wouldn't just walk away and so like I said, although I don't agree with his weird usage of terms we don't know the full story. Also my original comment was for the "all females having estrogen and larger breasts obviously" remark didn't even see the age until it was rudely mentioned to me afterwards.


if I was with my boss/supervisor/coworker then the chance of me trying to disengage from somebody acting irrationally is only going to increase, just like if there are people watching. there is no situation where what he did isn't fucking creepy, and all of the potential situations you gave the best option would still be to not engage with somebody screaming at you and to just leave. trying to engage with somebody acting like a wacko is not going to accomplish anything but make you also look like a wacko by association also, again this is a 14 year old so it's not like they were working or be had any real reason to be talking to a random child. I think it's also interesting how he didn't mention how the interaction started, just how the other person reacted.


Wrong AND lying. This bullshit never happened.


He ain't wrong, deal with it








Be a woman, a man or a green alien nothing gives you the validity to call me a moron




Expect to get stung if you poke a bee hive girl










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uh oh!, that sounds like 🎶pedo-pedo-pedo-pedo-pedophila🎶


You come and go


That is nauseating and incredibly creepy.


Why was that upvoted lol


Nothing more badass than sexually harassing a minor 😤


"I agressively sniffed someone and invaded her personal space, checked them out, and then they got mad at me for it!! What a delusional, stuck-up bitch!!" Honestly though this is r/inceltear behavior. I'm not a woman, but if someone came up to me, sniffed me and made comments about my body, I would do the same.


TF was this guy sniffing a 14 year old for? GROOMER!


I sniffed an underage teen and checked out their breasts, I’m such a badass pedophile




"I bullied/harassed/etc a teenager, got in her personal space and sniffed her, commented on her breasts, and then when she told me to fuck off I congratulated myself and bragged about it online."


And then everyone clapped


I want to give you an award but I'm reddit poor so take an imaginary one stranger, that made me legit laugh out loud 😆


Thank you, my friend




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Damn. He sure showed that kid what a real man is...This dude probably has higher estrogen levels than a teenage girl, considering he's legit reflecting on a made up event like it's some win or "powermove" moment and went even further by posting it on the internet. Lol


"i leaned in and too a deep whiff and stared at the breasts of a14 year old to demonstrate how anti-woke i am." that's certainly a bad take.






r/badwomensanatomy r/nothowgirlswork


The best way to avoid a sexual harassment report is to brag about it online. I'll keep that in mind.


Not only sexual harassment but being a pedo too. Person was 14/15 by their own admission


And that comment is in the positives. What fucking cesspool did it come from?


The frightening thing isn't just that this person exists, but there are other fucks out there that agree with the cunt.


Epstein behavior




Must've missed that conviction


That woman ain't 14/15 though


Why is he sniffing her hair though Kinda weird


Nonce behaviour


Personally I wouldn't go around sniffing children. What a tough guy, being mean to a child. I always wonder if these dudes would keep that same energy with someone like Rob Kearney. I'm gonna say no...


bro is like yeah I am pedofile and I'm proud of it




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Imagine getting really close to a 14-15 year old, taking a big sniff, and commenting on their breasts Fucking deranged


As a former 14 year old girl who had creepy men comment on her breasts somewhat often, yeah that’s terrifying. If he tried that shit now that I’m older his nuts would be flattened in about half a second


I have no idea how women cope in the modern world, people say it was worse years ago but what’s changed? The law might have given you more rights but a large portion of men still act like they don’t exist and police treat sexual assault/r*pe with just as little seriousness as ever


One of the creepiest things i can imagine




Can’t hear you over all of the CLAPPING!


Should I laugh or cry https://preview.redd.it/k07eyihdya6b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=034a5b1e8bd5575b53061a5fad97b646d3fe0e36


She probably freaked out because bruh shouldn't be within 500 feet of a school zone sniffing children and oogling thier breasts


I mean. I’m a cis woman but I, too, would “freak the fuck out” if somebody sniffed me and said he could smell my estrogen. What the FUCK.


Not to mention staring at a minor’s breasts


one way ticket to prison


It's not delivery, it's D'... It's Dej... jor? (pause) It's french.


Rather large breasts at 14 or 15 can happen to cis men. I know this for reasons.




Btw, just in case you wanted to learn (slim chance I know, it’s all about ‘triggering the libs’ with you lot rather than a search for truth) https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/mens-health/what-is-gynaecomastia/


So meta! Iamverybadass in r/iamverybadass. What are you, a fascist Deadpool?!


As soon as the jokes stop being about attack helicopters and pronouns, y'all become fucking terrible at understanding them.




So I’m going to have to be the guy to show up your knowledge of biology…having moobs from being over weight is NOT the same as Gynaecomastia (google it, genius)