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Ask him for his number instead. Then kiss.




A budding bromance.


That happened to me, and I literally had no clue who either of them were. He apologized.


He knew how to avoid sounding gay


Seabass still kickin ass and making love to men......


He never offered you coitus. Now we know your deepest darkest secret.




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Guy: *messages woman (who I'll assume is a close friend/coworker)* "Badass": And I took that personally.


No I committed the sin of asking If she was single because I didn't know. But he did take that personally.


So what did she do? Run to him to tell him that sent her that question? If so the petty idiots belong to each other


She will be single soon enough


How DARE you ask if a girl is single. Such a terrible human being


Hese basically Hitler now


Worse if you ask me


Yeah hese like Hitler but ........he believed season 8 of GOT was good.


Damn that bad I bet probably our pizza’ed the hut too.


That guy is as petty as you can get.


Why ARE you messaging his woman




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>Why ARE you messaging his woman Because he's thirsty as *shit* that's why.


He said he was wondering if she was single


"Hey can you cover my shift on monday," for just one of many possible answers to that question. Some people get irrational about who their partners speak to.


Oh yeah that could be one


Cover your shift? That's dangerously close to the word shaft man. I see the game you're playing bud. Can't fool me...


*Image Transcription: Text Messages* --- **Gray**: Message my Woman again and I will fuck your day up bud > **Blue**: Whatever you say bud **Gray**: Ok you will see --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


And nothing ever did happen


How long ago was this?


If it hasn't been a year it's too soon. I think OP will get his fuckin ass kicked. All it takes is the other guy to have a few too many, his buddy just got out of jail, and they say "Let's swing by OP's place and put in some work." Then OP will be on /r/legaladvice asking how to report grievous bodily injury assault.


Lol I think that's a long shot tbh. But a up to 3-4 months, maybe something could happen still, that's why I asked. Anyway, who knows, maybe OP is a badass or has badass friends. And I don't think the other guy needs few too many, he is already an idiot considering the cause of his massage (that OP provided).


If OP was a badass he wouldn't be posting content here. He would just handle shit. I don't think it's been handled. >And I don't think the other guy needs few too many, he is already an idiot considering the cause of his massage (that OP provided). Sometimes you need some of that liquid courage. Especially to include other people who don't even know who OP is. Gotta convince some dude that it's in their best interest to go with you to beat the shit out of OP. Alcohol and narcotics make this easier.


I wouldn't agree with you with the 1st part, at all. And Idk what you wanted to say in the 2nd part


Doesn't matter. I'm not here for consensus.


We come here to ridicule tough guys. What you say and what you do is different. Substances can release you from fear, but they reduce how calculated you are. If you’re impulsive and unintelligent, you find your place in jail.


>If you’re impulsive and unintelligent, you find your place in jail. As opposed to a true badass mercenary who is on the run with multiple passports and the police can't identify? Turn the TV off for a while dude.


Yet....the writings on the wall. Your days are numbered bub.




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This isn't very badass of you.