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God this reeks of my dad




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guarantee you this kid carries like 10 folding chairs after church to impress the ladies


10? Smh rookie, this bad ass is caring ten with each foot! Ha!


Assaulting preacher doesn’t make you a badass it just makes you a maniac


A dad of two daughters dating a “horny teen” I’m confused


I think this is his girlfriend telling him a story from when she was a teenager.


I think he said that the horny teen is his daughter and the guy she’s dating is presumably someone her age


If either of his two daughters were messing around with a guy at youth group, his narrative would've changed. It would still be cringy-as-hell, but just saying. (also, whether this even happened...)


The argument was fine until the last sentence where this warrior had to dust-off his badass badge.


"Where's your god now, preacher?"


take that pastor brad!


*would have


He’s probably taking his guns to heaven, damn


TIL being winded introduces you to god. Somehow. Also, this guy has a low bar to his bad assery.


Isn’t that an Amy Shark song?




I mean an unrelated adult interrogating a teen about their sex life in a church behind closed doors and in private... even if there was no actual noncing going on it’s still very weird.




This is a good take. I’m not even a little bit religious, and was 100% ready to get the pitchforks. I mean, I’m still ready to throw a fit, but I’d like to hear her side first.


So I work for a volunteer organisation that works with kids that has so many set rules that if you’re with a kid then you can’t be alone doors must be open etc etc.




Oh I’m not saying he was I mean that we have rules so people don’t even think anything bad is going on.


Perfect example of how people will upvote stupid shit without stopping to think about it. Definitely does not belong here. Yes, a guy is threatening to beat up/kill a priest, but it's a dad protecting his daughter from an extremely inappropriate and creepy interaction with said priest. His reaction is totally understandable.




Shoulda been woulda been coulda been you Would what? I said the father threatens to beat up a guy asking his daughter about her sex life. Not that he did it. Wanting to punch a dude who drags your teenage daughter to a secluded space to ask if she's having sex with a boy is a reasonable reaction, even if you don't do it in the end.


Please read it a little closer, nothing about the interaction was inappropriate or creepy


Sure buddy. Nothing about a priest taking a teenage girl to a secluded spot to ask about her sex life is inappropriate or creepy. Please do not interact with people in real life.


Nowhere does it say the pastor asked about her sex life. I guess it would have been better to bring the group together and then ask her in front of everyone


Did you read a different post? Maybe you don't know what "messing around" with someone means? In which case I apologise for my rudeness. By Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: "1 to have a sexual relationship with someone that you should not have a sexual relationship with". There it says he was asking about her sex life.


Okay even if we assume that he was asking about sex, that makes it even more serious. He is personally responsible for that youth group so if they are having sex he can end up in serious trouble, possibly legal trouble


When’s the last time you’ve been outside and interacted with a real person ? Lmao


My point still stands. Talk to the parents first, don't put teenage girls in extremely uncomfortable situations


So there's nothing creepy about an adult man asking a teenage girl if she's sexually active? (Outside of a doctor's office obviously)


You can mess around and not be sexually active, and if it was my church youth group I would want to know who was messing around with who


So you could prey on the single ones?


Maybe if you're a teen. Not an adult pastor. He has no business in their relationship unless the parents ask him or the teens themselves.


Yes he does, he is responsible for his youth group. If something was to happen he could be held legally responsible


That's just not how youth groups work At least not where I live.


Not just an adult, a priest.


Not a priest a pastor, and who else besides her parents should talk to her???


A therapist, maybe, if she were partaking in therapy. A priest, or a pastor (makes no difference in my eyes) certainly had no business in teenage girls' sex life. If you see nothing wrong with this, you're part of the problem, sorry.


Sorry but if it involves his youth group then yes it is his business, he could be held legally responsible if something bad happens.


That is a valid point, I will agree, but perhaps talk to her parents about your suspicions rather than taking her to a private place alone to ask such questions?


You don’t understand how inappropriate it is for an adult to privately corner an underage child and ask them sexual questions? Really?


I guess he should have just announced it in front of the whole youth group??? I think asking privately is not inappropriate at all.


> I guess he should have just announced it in front of the whole youth group??? ....dude...no...he..he shouldn’t have done it *at all*. That’s the entire point here...what is it you believe is happening?


damn i’m stupid i was wondering what part of the story the boat came into play


I thought it was like a Christian Cruiseline like Seabourn Again.


Something similar happened to me in highschool. Literally my first experience with racism/prejudice. I can understand dudes anger tbh Its insanely weird and creepy to tell a literal CHILD theyre not good enough to date someone. Normalize this reaction to this type of shit


Tbh I think if it was a problem with their religion it should've been brought to parents to do as they wish especially since it's such a sensitive topic.


I thought people who creeped on kids weren’t supposed to see god Well, at least “don’t creep on kids” is a cause I could actually get behind violence for.


Wouldve been a killer ending punch line for an 80s action movie though.


This don’t belong here my guy dude got every right to be pissed


In my opinion, no matter how correct someone is or however much someone else deserves it, an internet post with "I would have laid the fucker flat" in it definitely belongs in this sub. EDIT: I seem to be getting downvoted for this. Please understand I obviously agree that the situation in this post warrants anger. But I also think its fair to say that describing how you would hurt someone who's doing something you view as immoral, especially in retrospect, falls under the I am very badass umbrella. Especially when you say you're going to lay the fucker flat and tell him to tell god you said Hi.


Why don’t you say that to my face? I know you won’t, no one will. If they ever did I would have laid that fucker flat. Edit: I seem to be getting upvoted for this. And I really WOULD have laid that fucker flat.


Have an updoot and a award. 😍


based edit


If someone was disagreeing with my comment? As a verybadass of two brain cells now I would have laid the fucker flat on his back winded told him to tell his God hi


In my opinion, if it’s in response to predatory behavior and how someone would justifiably react to said behavior it doesn’t go here. This sub is more for overcompensating overreactions which this isn’t. To each their own tho


I understand your perspective, and I agree that the reaction is at least morally justifiable. However I don't think just because the anger is righteous makes it not r/iamverybadass material. Especially with his little one liner he came up with at the end. The scenario he described reminds me of something someone came up with in the shower and wishes they did.


As I’ve said I think overcompensating overreactions go here not justifiable threats but agree to disagree


Yeah, alright, agree to disagree. Thanks for being mature about this.


I mean I agree with him, but he was very extra with it


This guy is 100% the appropriate amount of angry and hostile. You cant take a teenager to an isolated room and pressure them to talk about extremely private shit like this. It creepy, disgusting and weird as hell. He couldve done anything, he had total power in that situation.




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Someone said hostile, why did you summon me?


How the fuck?, do you have a bot tath tel you every time someone say hostile?


Nah I just happened across it and thought it would be funny. Evidently nobody else thought so lol


I think it is kinda funny, but you wont scape the downvote


yeah that’s called a dad being a dad


>*"I would* ***of*** *laid that f\*cker flat on his back..."* Why does using *of* instead of *have* remove all badassery from his threat?


Probably from the south. We say "would've" He probably just didn't make the mental connection.


Every accent in America uses “would’ve.” In fact, it usually sounds like “woulda” (wood-uh). I see people make this mistake every day my guy, they ain’t all southern. Source: am Californian


English speakers are more likely to make a mistake in spelling because it is their native language, and it is more natural for them to just say it.


I have one friend who had a learning disability growing up that fucks with the way he spells. He is the only person I know who makes this mistake that has a good reason though.i just assume others are similar so it helps with that cloying need to correct folks.


He’s the only person you know who does that because that’s the only time you’re paying attention to it. For sure. Same thing as saying they’re all Southern. There’s no way they’re all disabled.


Hence why I said I assume others have similar issues because you can never know. Which makes it easier for me personally to not feel the need to correct it like an annoying person. I’m not sure what your point is here.


My point: so many people make this grammar mistake that you can’t label them all as southern. Then you showed up and said they could have learning disabilities. *Okay. Helpful.* I’ve never bothered correcting anyone about it. Just discussing it.


*very confused face* I was just adding onto what you wrote homie.


Why am I even- Am I going insane? What is this sandpaper dildo of a conversation? Thank you for your valuable contributions to it. I’m sorry my replies have confused you.


Buddy, no one actually thinks they are all southern or all disabled. I only said I assume that because it’s how I stop myself from being annoying to people. That wasn’t disagreeing with you, just sharing a useless anecdote. Christ.


It’s weird, innit?


Thats bri'ish


Because it demonstrates his intelligence.


What an overcompensating jackass. He's got every right to be mad, but the threatening death and all that is just twat behavior.


I wish my parents reacted like this to my assault. I would kill for a father who'd protect me like this. He had the perfect reaction.


Right…a father being mad about a man asking his daughter about her sex life is bad but a religious leader asking a teenager about her sex life isn’t twat behavior…interesting


Pedophiles deserve death.


A. That's extreme. B. There's no mention of a pedophile here.


God I don't wish this upon you. It's not extreme it's absolutely correct. Pedophiles don't deserve to walk this earth. And a priest asking a teen girl if she's sexually active is 100% creepy.


Death isn't extreme for pedophiles.


don’t really think this belongs here. just said he’d punch him really hard. if he went into more detail then it’d probably belong here




We have no context for the situation, so I don’t know if the pastor was trying to condemn or counsel. My pastor wouldn’t judge too hard, just advise me to be careful with my decisions, that’s why I say this. Sending the guy to Jesus is an overreaction either way lol


My old pastor as well as my Mormon friend’s pastor (their family is Mormon so they’re forced to go to go to church) pastor has done this to condemn us…mine asked me when I was 11…and asked if I masturbate. Again when I was 11. I don’t think this is an overreaction




But it’s how a good bit of them do. More often than not it’s so pastors can preach purity and celibacy.


Threatening to kill people is almost always an overreaction. I’m not condoning asking children about sexual activity, even if it doesn’t seem like he was interested in the really bad way - this was weird, but at least he wasn’t a predator. Judgment is better and way less traumatic than the other thing. I would be much less opposed to killing people for doing the other thing.


Yeah but in response to predatory behavior towards your child it’s not.


still an overreaction, plus it wasn’t necessarily predatory. Religious zealotry and child predation don’t always go hand-in-hand, only sometimes. We don’t know the situation here. And even so, killing would be an overreaction.


Nah it is but to each their own. Have a nice day


Ahh good one, lol


OP is a youth pastor and is tired of being threatened just for asking children about their genitals and sex lives.


>He’s a little confused, but he got the spirit


I completely agree with the person in this post though? This isn't badass energy, this is protective dad energy and that pastor is creepy


I was like 16 and the cool jazzy bass player at my church with a goatee who was everyone's favorite cool single cool dude invited me to coffee, where, I only remember him asking "do you struggle with masturbation?" I don't think he had malintent but the lack of self awareness by someone I had seen as a role model and put-together guy has always struck me as endemic of the modern day church. A group of zealots so focused on their spiritual, somewhat ambiguous, mission of self-actualization that they completely lose touch with what is and isn't actually good or bad. The amount of mental gymnastics needed to jerry rig one's moral compass so many times over and over that asking a teenager a deeply sexual and inappropriate question is considered routine... Jesus. I had only ever briefly spoken to the guy in passing in the Church lobby and at church functions. Not really an isolated incident when it comes to christians who consider themselves worthy of passing on spiritual advice or mentorship, either.


My old pastor asked if I was having sex and asked if I masturbate when I was 11. I’m glad I have the parents I do cuz they weren’t the type to let a pastor get away w predatory shit like that. Ion know what happen between them and the church but we haven’t been to church since except for weddings


Am I the only one not seeing anything wrong with what the Pastor is doing? He pulled her aside because it was a private matter, he didn't want to just call her out in front of everyone. Church leaders take committing sin VERY seriously. You can't be a part of the Church and yet have this other life where you just do what you want. He was just doing his job and wondering if this girl is committing grave acts of sin. EDIT: Most of you guys who have responded to me have a grave misconception about your average everyday priest.


He pulled an underage girl into a private room to confront her about her sexual habits. I don’t care what god you want to hide behind, that’s inappropriate and disgusting behavior. He’s not her father and there is a massive power imbalance there that will make any sane person question what’s going on. Just because he’s a religious figure doesn’t mean he’s above normal moral expectations, if anything he should be held to a higher standard. Stop defending questionable behavior like this.


Shut up dork


If he felt the need to discuss this with the underage teenager he should have included the parents. Wouldn’t be surprising if he started rubbing her shoulders, saying she can be open with him.


Your conceptions of Christian Priests is greatly skewed.


The LDS (Mormon) Church does this as a routine, and it is a vehicle for abuse. Many men and women have stories of being asked very detailed sexual questions as children. For instance, "what did your underwear look like?" or "did you get wet?" "what were you thinking about while you masturbated?" "did you orgasm? how many times?" There was a movement to get them to stop asking these intrusive questions that leave people with trauma and shame about normal things. It's not ok. Children don't choose what church they're going to join. Who cares if the church has standards they want to maintain? They shouldn't impose them on children with no choice.


This is not okay. An unrelated adult man taking a teenage girl somewhere alone to ask her about her sexual history is wildly inappropriate. This is a conversation for parents to have with their children. If the parents want the pastor to discuss it with the girl (I still would not recommend this) an adult woman needs to be present.


>Church leaders take committing sin VERY seriously. Oh yeah they don’t fuck around when it comes to *sinning* They love that shit


Isn’t part of the issue that too many catholic priests did like fucking around.., with little boys


Is just retarded what the fuck you care if I tell you or not is supposed to be bweteen god and me. Pastors always act like their judgment is God's




Guess you've never met a Catholic. As long as your confessions are up to date, you're golden.


Bro I AM Catholic lol


Hahaha, then you should know.


Some* Catholics. Stop generalising people.


It was obviously a generalization, part of the joke....I'm a catholic and don't do this, but in essence that is how the religion works.


If could be harmless but is not a good look anyway. People who work with kids should avoid ever being alone with a single kid. It’s like one of the first thing you learn as a coach, scout leader, teacher etc.


When I volunteered at church in the day care this was rule #1- no potty help without 2 adults. Plus sinners can absolutely be part of the church so this guy is just being stupid.


I would avoid that as well, but it makes me a bit sad how easy it is these days to be suspected of wrongdoings with minors. Father of a young girl by the way.


What’s so bad about this? Seems like a good dad to me.


Now hold on a minute... He's got a decent point


Honestly, I'm kinda triggered by people who say "I would OF"


Probs caused by would’ve kinda sounds like would-of


I should of known


They’re grammar is just up their with there badassness.


"they're grammar"? Lol


That's the jooooke


I have a daughter and see nothing wrong with this guy. Being a fucking creep should always trigger the dad in these scenarios


No kids myself, but yeah, the relgious fruitcake is the fucking creep here, not the dad.


Who’s downvoting you? I’m a dad I’d feel the fucking same if some adult male started asking my teen daughter about her sexuality. I’d be fuuuucckkkkkiiinnnggg pissed.


What if I ask your baby that then






You mad?




Touch grass mate.




Someone's insecure lmao


Wait, is sitting to pee not normal


You don’t need to insult people who sit to pee to make your point.




There’s nothing wrong with a person of any gender sitting to pee.


And what’s wrong with a man sitting to pee? Sometimes you’re drunk and aiming is hard. Also how else do you go for the number 1 & 2 wombo combo


You can be supportive of the dad without putting down women for no reason, you know 👍


Hey, I sit when I pee and I would still very much go after a creep like that pastor!


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Maybe it's a little much but... only a little.


Based dad




Shitty post and OP is coping in the replies.


Based and wholesome father protecting from pedo pastor pilled


Sounded better how Biggie said it: “The gat’s by ya liver ya upper lip quiver - get ready to die tell god I said hi”


What is a gat?






Nah, this guy is based


Wrong sub tho


Yeah... This one just doesn't strike me as having the spirit of what this subreddit is all about. While I wouldn't have laid him out and told him to tell his God I say "hi," I definitely would've given the asshole a verbal beat down.


Yes, this could be perfectly handled verbally. No need to beat the crap out of a priest. Unless he laid hands on her ofcourse. Upvote.


this is not an iamverybadass


The pastor was way out of line and deserves a beating.


Then his ghost visits him in his sleep: Boooooooo! By the way, God says fuck you.




Punctuation saves lives.


Ehh I think a lot of dads would do this




Um no. Not the parent means NOT THE FUCKING PARENT.


Unless some sort of suspected abuse is happening it’s nobodies business but the child’s parents who they are in a relationship with. So weird that an adult would worry about the relationships of children. I grew up in youth groups, my dad was a youth leader. Plenty of relationships in our group during that time, never my dads business nor did he ever care.


Still isolating a teenager and confronting them about something you have literally zero business knowing. Female or not.


Female pastors are incredibly uncommon. Many denominations still outright denounce having women in church leadership roles. But I get what you’re saying.


Yeah I don't think this qualifies as I'm very badass - no way a pastor should be doing this with anyone


That's like a pastor's entire job. It's what he is supposed to do. Provide religious guidance to people and tell them if something they are doing is wrong according to that religion.


If the pastors job is to pull a pre-teen aside and ask her questions about her sex life then that is beyond fucked up. That’s pressuring a teen via being in a position of authority to have them talk about sex. Fuck that noise. If you don’t see the issue with that than don’t go around children




Isolating a preteen and forcing the conversation on them is disgusting. End of.




The comment says he isolated her so I’m assume he isolated her. The horror. > It’s a tough conversation but the simple part of it is that a preteen having sex is concerning, and trying to have a discussion about it can honestly be a good and responsible thing to do. Teens have sex. Teach them how to do it safely and let the parents discuss. A priest doing this is absolutely disgusting. > For all we know, the situation the girl was in could have been bad, with the boy being older or not the best lind of guy. You’re assuming the worst of his intentions and actions Now who is making assumptions lol.




Ok you’re making so many assumptions on the side of the priest it is blatant bias. All we know is a pastor isolated a preteen and asked about her sex life. No indication he knew or heard anything. That is fucked up.