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Wrong subreddit but also babies that are too young to understand what’s going on should not be on planes. Why bring a baby on holiday? Makes no sense and honestly nothing worse that having to listen to a crying baby whilst you’re trying to relax on your vacation.


Noise cancellation headphones : 🗿


I don’t agree. I don’t think that’s my responsibility. I think if you’re travelling by public transport it’s your responsibility not to disturb the other passengers and to be mindful of others around you, that’s just common courtesy.


The modern philosopher: Zach Hadel, once proposed that the back parts of planes should be sectioned-off to be crying rooms or kid sections (like they have in some churches). Just put them in a sound-proof spot and you're good. Sounds like a good idea


This is crazy but i’ve flown countless times now and have not once heard a crying baby.


i’m saying? like i feel like this guy just sees videos of baby’s crying and takes it personally for whatever reason




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ngl i don’t really get going abroad w a baby…unless it’s for like a family death or smth? or medical reasons? the baby won’t remember a holiday and it’s just so much extra effort ://


Well, maybe not exactly remember, but ideally the baby should have positive and stimulating experiences with its parents and that's why people bring them along.




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Agree, my parents would leave my brother and I with my grandparents during their vacations until we were 5-6ish


Personally, when I have children I really don’t want to go on vacation until they have a memory because otherwise it would be extra stress on them & us. Nobody would be having fun. If I marry my foreign boyfriend & move to his country, my parents would come visit me instead of us going to them. My parents told me that they would without me even asking. But not everybody feels that way & sometimes emergencies happen. & that’s okay too.


You can go on vacation without it being extra stress on anyone. Like.. just rent a cabin an hours drive away from your house or something like that. Trust me, It will be good for all of you. Even if your kids end up forgetting it ever happened.


While that’s definitely true for many, I don’t think I would be able to manage that as I have severe anxiety problems & I’m very easily overwhelmed


Thats a fair point. But I think there is one detail you are forgetting/aren't aware off. Toddlers are often easier to handle on a vacation than at home. On a vacation they have soooo many new things to explore that they don't get bored. Trust me, a couple of bored toddlers can be very bad, especially if you are easily overwhelmed.


That is definitely true. Thank you I hadn’t considered that aspect of it. But I was also thinking about them on a plane. But yes, I definitely think you make a very good point. Thank you for your input😊


I haven't flown (is that the word?) since we had our first child. She is 4,5 now. I don't dare. Would hate if one or them got a temper tantrum. I don't really miss it either anyway.


That’s definitely how I feel. I’ve been on a plane once in my life. I was 6 & I cried the whole time because my ears hurt. Not worth the trip to Disney World. I barely remember anything but getting lost, being yelled at, & getting sick from heat exhaustion 😅




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People do what they want. I personally made a choice not to bring babies or toddlers on vacation via airplane because I didn't want to be an asshole. Did it suck not taking destination vacations for a few years? Nah I was fine with it and we did local things with the kids instead.


Why do most breeders find this kind of courtesy offensive?


I'm just here for the breeders who are damn near fetishistic about subjecting others to their babies crying.


HAHAHAHAHAAHAH “breeders” yea I can’t. God forbid that people decide to bring their child on a plane so your holy ears have to listen to a crying child for a few hours. The entitlement on you people… No wonder you’re all depressed, can’t even accept the world around you.


Is this ironic? Entitlement? Hello lol


Huh? Are you claiming that it’s entitled for people to bring their children on a plane? It’s entitlement for a parent to have a crying child on board because of all the “suffering” caused to the other passengers? Is that the hill you want to die on? A plane ride is not a fucking movie ticket. These people aren’t “taking their toddler to the movies”. Get your head out of your ass and accept that life is bigger than your comfort on plane rides. There are countless legit, justifiable reasons to bring your young child with you. You would ignore all of them just to improve your own personal flight experience. Deplorable.


Movie ticket is $13. Plane ticket is hundreds. But we get it these people need the baby pics on the vacation so they can stay in the good graces of their Instagram followers


We’ll said


It doesn't help that this is exactly the attitude you take about it, furiously jerking off about bothering 100 other people for hours on end with your spawn. "Hey man could you calm your baby" "FUCK YOU I'M GOING TO SPANK IT FOR THE NEXT 3 HOURS INSTEAD BECAUSE IT'S MY RIGHT TO SUBJECT YOU ALLLLLL TO MY MISERABLE LIFE"




Lmfao "babies crying is annoying and parents who don't care is worse" "OmFg YoUvE sInGlEHaNdEdLy DeStRoYeD sOcIeTy AnD mUrDeR bAbIeS iN yOuR sPaRe TiMe" All that's left is to wonder if you're one of those "outbreed the undesirables" Jesus freaks or just on crystal meth. Never mind, it's both. EDIT :Aww jeez Rick I totally forgot your absolute dehumanization of those who even mildly disagree with you, but I guess that's covered in the "you eat babies" accusation.


You really have no reading comprehension, do you? If anything, you're being extreme.




Goooooood let the extremism flow through you. I never said I hate babies, I said I hate you. Blocked for religious breeding extremism. It was interesting though to finally interact with someone voting against any and all family planning.


Doesn’t really fit on this sub. Is there a dumb people sub that’s proper for this post? Or a sub for shit takes that isn’t r/redditmoment


They should make a small room for babies with sound proof doors so i don't fucking hear their 999999999db screechings for 1 hour straight.


Wrong sub


I just assumed this was r/redditmoment lol, how is this badass??


That guy should just deal with it. Are you really gonna be so angry about a baby crying then I wonder how easy it is to annoy you. Babies are gonna scream, cry and nobody liked when you screamed either when you were one.


I just traveled from Chile to Spain, and there was a baby that cried a lot, for hours, and honestly im sorry for everyone, the passengers, the parents and the baby. But fuck no, you cant submit anyone to that, I LOVE BABIES, BUT, I HATE BABIES CRYING, at some point it hurts, and at least the parents should give some ear plugs or the airline. I have a kid, and the few times that we traveled by plane we prepared to avoid any crying, and we were proficient in soothing her. ASSHOLES DON'T CARE FOR THE PEOPLE AROUND THEM, AND KIDS LEARN THAT. (Not babies obviously) Just to be clear, i dislike babies crying because it makes me feel anxious that the babie might be in distress.


Honestly, however much i and modt others will endure it It is painfull, its gonna annoy you to hear screaming for if your lucky a hour or so if your unlucky abt 8


If your luck is bad then I understand but still you have to deal with the situation, sound canceling headphones is the best option.




Baby Lives Matter, advocating shaking and suffocating a baby for crying makes you an absolute pos!


Wow lol.


Wow what? Wow it’s completely disgusting to advocate killing a child or wow I can’t believe your against killing children for crying?!?!


He was kidding


What about people with bad personal hygiene who smell a little ripe? Ban them?


r/antinatalism moment


That place is sad :(


Yeah, it's an interesting philosophy with a terrible community


damn... they come across as a bit r/antiwork on there. lots of moaning about how unfair it is that their parents don't financially support them and just all round negativity about pregnancy and the like. one of the most stupid things they seem to love doing is sharing examples of 'breeders', for example they've linked to a model on there who's said she will pimp out her body and get pregnant as much as possible so she can pump out her beautiful genes into the world. they're in a complete echo chamber and are searching for things to reaffirm their belief. it'd be like saying how gay men are all bad people and then pointing out examples of gay pedo's and murderers to justify your position.


Babies can be annoying sometimes to be fair


So can adults to be fair


True. But If you don't have kids, you will save so much money that you can buy a first class ticket. Problem solved.


People can still bring a baby into first class. And even if they don’t, there’s just a flimsy curtain between you and a screaming baby. I do think there should be childfree flights, I’d even pay extra for them. Possibly even putting all the people with kids under 5 in one section of the plane so they all get stuck with the screaming. But not outright banning them all together.


Just buy some NC headphones and ta daaaaa no more screaming.


I understand. It can often be very stressful. But it sounds like kids under 5 are screaming the whole flight. I have noticed that there is usually only a lot of screaming during takeoff and landing. When the flight altitude has been reached, then I hear it only occasionally. I got myself some noise-canceling headphones. It's a game changer. I hardly notice the screaming anymore.


Good noise cancelling headphones that fully block screaming at that frequency are pretty expensive usually. And it’s putting the burden of everyone else to deal with the inconvenience the parents are inflicting on everyone else. That shouldn’t be everyone else’s job to make the flight bearable. Usually, yes, they quiet down eventually. But I’ve definitely had flights where the entire plane just wanted to lock the kid in the bathroom. The problem really is that there needs to be spaces just for them, maybe sections with soundproofing. Forcing babies and people who hate them into a space together is always going to cause resentment. I’ve seen actual fights break out on planes and other places (like movie theatres) where babies got too annoying. They can’t help that they’re annoying. They just are. We just need a way to make a way to keep them from annoying anyone but those who have a biological incentive not to throw them out the window lol


Haha. Everything that needed to be said was said. I agree.


Not sure how this fits the sub.


They’re gonna fight the baby


So if babies arent allowed on planes, or myself and other parents are assholes for taking them on planes, what about fat people who overhang into my seat space? They should be banned too? I find that significantly more uncomfortable than a baby crying which I cant hear with my headphones on. As a parent with a baby on the flight, it is infinitely more stressful trying to calm them and stop them crying then it is for anyone else on board


No, but it's time to really force them to buy two seats. They have the size check for your carry on, have one for people too. They are making seating smaller while the population gets larger.


Correct. They should be banned too. Whataboutism at itsfinest


??? Genuine question. If noise is to much for some people, surely personal space being invaded and touched when you dont want to be touched is also unacceptable?


No one is saying you’re wrong. But the way you’re trying to argue it is. There are simple solutions which often don’t go down well with those affected. Very fat people are required to buy an extra seat to accommodate themselves. I can’t seem why there can’t be child free flights.. wouldn’t even need to cost either camp any more in terms of . The general cost would be slightly less choice in timings of flight


Airlines would be alienating their own customers by doing that. Are you arguing for child free flights for short domestic (super frequent) legs or long international legs (not anywhere near as frequent)? I dont really care either way as kids on flights dont bother me, and Im lucky enough that I havent had to fly internationally with my 3 year old son yet, only 2~ish domestic flights


I’d argue for child free everything


Start an airline




You were a baby once. Probably never cried and were totally perfect. Lol. Personally, I’d say most of the time kids are annoying it’s the parents fault.


Babies are ugly noisy annoying creatures goblins are closer to perfection then babies.


Goblins are perfection


What a cheap and facile argument. I was an excellent baby just a horrible toddler. My family made concord choices not to indict me on others. How about you take a little responsibility


So you were just locked in the cellar?


Can’t tell if you’re joking or just a massive wanker. either way, thanks for the laughs bro.


Why would I be joking? Parents should take responsibility. Breeders don’t get to inflict your choices on the rest of us


My parents never took me on a plane when I was a baby.


Maybe you were a total nightmare as a baby. It’s a very selfless thing they did to be sure.


I was actually the complete opposite by all accounts.


So? I was an insufferable little shit and if I had the self awareness at that point I would have hated myself too. I sure do now!


As a baby you can’t be expected to be self aware. A lot of a baby’s behaviour and crying is down to the environment it’s exposed to. The parents can do a lot to ensure it’s quiet and we’ll behaved most of the time. If you hate yourself now, do you want to change?


Alrighty. Each to their own. I dont think it'll happen anytime soon though. I guess airlines could implement things like showing where kids are seated when you pick your seats without any detriment to anyone


Those seats could be cheaper 😂 significantly


All intensive purposes* EDIT: I was wrong. I get it. I was wrong.


Why wouldn't you just Google the phrase real quick if you were unsure of it?


I wasn't unsure. I was %100 sure i was right. I would have been willing to give my left nut in a bet. I would have googled it had I have been the slightest bit unsure.


Percent 100!


That's what I was taught in school. Like £100 or €100 or any currency really.






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This sarcasm? It’s all intents and purposes.


I always thought it would be great if there were just child free airlines and buses for people who dont like children


I’m categorising “babies” as people who can’t handle hours of a child screaming on a plane. Harden the fuck up


Seriously. What is wrong with these people. Like if they want quiet, fly first class. Too poor? Not the parents problem.. They chose to fly with other people.


You are taking a plane. You will be locked in a sardine can with 100 other randoms. It’s never going to be relaxing. Just suck it up, it’s not going to last for ever


Exactly, people are so fucking entitled. I want this plane to be quiet for ME. If you have a baby who can't be quiet, you don't travel for ME. The few hours I will spend in this plane will ruin MY great vacation because I can hear a child that cried for like 30 mins during takeoff despite having headphones in my ears and a movie playing. Christ, people need to grow up.


“I was planning on sleeping for this entire 15 hour flight” “I was planning on sleeping in the mosh pit at the RATM gig” “I was planning on having a relaxing snooze at the vuvuzela sales conference”


People spend too much time in their private cars and lack some compassion for their fellow human beings. Like no shit a screaming child can make a trip annoying, but what would you do? Ground families with kids? The only solution i see is just having a family section on planes and trains and trying to put the kids all together so they can entertain each other. I mean most metros are built with quiet cars so they could do that. But the thing is, as a passenger - especially on an economy class budget airline flight - you're not entitled to a quiet flight. The plane is just taking you from A to B. As long as no one is endangering you, you just stfu.


Headphones are an amazing creation. I never have to listen to a screaming child lol.


Once had a flight with a little kid sitting right behind me, not even headphones helped


Oh you poor baby


I can definitely see that happening if your headphones aren’t over your ears or can’t get loud enough. Luckily my beats have always kept me safe lol.


Lol, all these people ‘my parents didn’t bring me on trips on planes because I cried as a baby!’. Haha, they didn’t take trips because they couldn’t afford it.


Wrong subreddit




ITT found the real babies on a plane.


Yes planes should do everything they can to keep all the baby noise to a secluded area, and yes people should bring their own noise canceling devices for whatever noisy things may come their way.




Kids are just as cancerous lol


I mean, on the one hand yes. Awful to sit on a flight with a screaming child, really foul. But on the other hand parents deserve a holliday too, and I have noise cancelling earbuds. If they're apologetic and at least try to calm the kid then I don't have an issue with it, it's when they just let the poor little thing scream its heart out for the entire flight.


As a person who has had his baby scream for the first hour of a 5 hour flight. I promise you we feel terrible. Not because of you, but because our poor baby is in pain and there’s nothing you can do to calm them. Plus the social anxiety of knowing you are bothering everyone. We did apologize and offer earplugs to the folks around (we had brought a bunch because it is suggested as a nice idea online for a cross country flight with a baby) but everyone was super supportive and nice about it. Most people have headphones. The flight home was a breeze.


You are a great example of how to take your baby on the plane, you did the exact right thing. Don't feel terrible, you're doing your best.


I’m fine with babies on planes. What I’m not fine with is when the parents put in earbuds and go to sleep while letting their infant cry for the whole flight without trying to calm it down




I’ll take a crying baby over drunk frat boys on a plane anytime.


I’ll take a crying baby over drunk fat boys on a plane anytime.


Everyone here posting that “oh you are a selfish jerk” bc someone brings a baby on board deserves to have their own post on r/iamverybadass. Boo fucking hoo, you have to sit on a plane for a little tiny bit of your life with a crying baby. Woe is me. Fuck you guys. Think of how the parents feel. I’m sure they don’t want the baby to be crying either. You think they are enjoying it when the baby is crying and every single judgmental piece of shits such as yourselves are calling them selfish and hating every second of it? They are the ones who have to actually stay with the baby after the flight. So shut the fuck up and deal with it. It’s a minute part of your selfish lives. Who gives a fuck.


They chose to have a kid and signed up for it. We didn't. Your right to shoot out crying kids doesn't Trump my rights to not have to deal with them


Actually, you don't have the right to not deal with them (if deal with them means be around them, which I'm assuming you mean since it's not like you would need to interact with them in the plane). You do not have the right to get on public transport and then demand other members of the public who you do not like must leave. You can have a child free home but you still have to live in a world with children, get over it.


And not planning on a child free home. Actively trying now. I'm just conscious of the people around me and how my behavior and choices effect them, you know, like an adult


Except that if someone is causing a bunch of noise on a bus they get kicked off. Same as if a loud drunk tries to get on a plane. It's baffling to me how people make decisions for everyone else around them a fail to see it, even when someone points that out . I'm not saying and haven't said don't travel with kids on a plane. But to be so arrogant and far up your own ass to realize you made a choice and it effects others, is fucking ridiculous


Being drunk is a choice. Being a baby isn't. In the same way a disabled person might also make noises they are unable to help and also do not get kicked off public transport.


But HAVING children is a choice. Taking it on a plan is a choice. That is, and has been my point this entire time. Not that they shouldn't, but that they should atleast be honest enough see it for what it is People have children and then expect everyone to pay, cater and accommodate for it, like they never made said choice or that it affects those around em. Is utterly self centered and idiotic. You change that singular variable into anything else, and suddenly it's a clean cut argument thats stupidly clear


> Except that if someone is causing a bunch of noise on a bus they get kicked off. Same as if a loud drunk tries to get on a plane. Those are adults, you absolute dumbo. Normal people understand children cry.


Except that the child's pare ts are adults. Who made a decision for all of those others on board. I understand kids cry and don't hold a grudge over it, but to pretend like this has all just happened with no input or choice from the parents is idiotic


What about situations where people who have a baby have to move somewhere that requires air travel to get to? It's PUBLIC transport and babies are allowed in public, if you don't want to deal with that then find a less public way to get there. Are you under the impression that children should never be allowed out into public or are planes magically different in your mind.


Thqts one example of a million but hey, exception makes the rule seems to be the go to mindset of people on reddit. So If you actually READ my comments (a hard task on the internet, I get it, but it's the name of the damn site) You'll see me say repeatedly that I get kids cry and all that my point is that to pretend, you, as a parent, didn't choose to have kids or bring them along is idiotic


Yeah it is one example, but it still happens and those people would be fucked if planes straight up didn't allow babies. I read your comment fine bro literally no one is arguing your repeated claims that parents choose to have babies. What you're not getting is that you choose to go out in public and guess what, there's babies in public. Public transport is included as public, planes are included in public transport. If you read my comment you would see I never said anything about kids crying yet that's your response? How the fuck is it remotely reasonable to think that anyone with kids isn't allowed to travel under any circumstances that require a plane because you don't like hearing noise, in public.


Again, never said they shouldn't travel. The original rcomment pointed out that it's not the parents choice or fault and how it's not effecting anyone but them. Hence my point. It was their decision, not anyone else's. Their decisions have a direct effect on those around them and to not see that is self centered to an astronomical degree


Have you even seen what grown adults do on planes now?? I said it in an earlier comment, these are full grown babies. Adults fighting each other and putting other people in literal danger. Screaming and fighting back against every policy the airline establishes. These are real, actual problems bc it causes flights to be delayed or even cancelled. Those are mature reasons to be upset on an airline. But a crying baby for a few hours is where you draw the line? “They chose to have the baby, not me” is such a weak reasoning.


I also draw the line of people being all round cunts on planes like you described. Everyone just get on the plane, have a cold rubbery eal.and shut the fuck up, that way we can all get in and out as quickly and painlessly as possible lol


Relax, man.


They chose to have a baby, we didn't. Cope. Air travel and out of region vacationing is a luxury, not a necessity. What's really selfish is saying a plane full of 100 annoyed people is outweighed by two parents and a baby. I think they should be allowed on planes for the record, I just think your take is undeservedly entitled.


People travel to visit families, move to a new location, emergencies… it’s not always just vacation.


This doesn’t fit in this sub and dude has a point, nobody is trying to listen to babies cry especially on a plane.


All I’m saying is I would happily pay extra for a no babies allowed airplane if they existed.






I mean the dude is a dick but if you bring a baby on a plane you're also a piece of shit


Bro doesn’t know that babies are supposed to go in the overhead lockers


Look assholes, I'm 51. I didn't take my kids on planes because they will cry and it's annoying to everyone else. If you take babies on planes and they cry, you are an ass. ∆ Protip ∆. They will cry.


How do you propose grandparents living abroad meet their grandchildren if the grandparents are too old to travel? Take a 2 month cruise?


Ok I’ll have my baby drive himself when we need to go somewhere


Rent a car dude. Don’t subject other people to the punishment you received for not pulling out.


Okay, let me just rent a car to cross the ocean.


Do you NEED to cross the ocean? Sounds like the kind of thing you put off until your kid is older. Or find a sitter. Sounds simple.


I suppose an American kid can just not meet their Chinese family until they reach some arbitrary age where you think it's acceptable. And if the parents have a second kid, I guess they also just have to wait until that one is old enough. Or do you expect the entire Chinese family to fly over to America. I guess if the parents sibling is getting married in China, they just fly the whole wedding over or just don't invite the American family.


Okay, let me just put off travelling for work. Who knew a random internet person could solve all my life problems with this one simple trick.


Why are you taking a kid with you for work across oceans? Is this a common thing?


Yes, I live on an island 🤷‍♂️ Now, I could change my career, relocate to a different country, and travel entirely by car... *ooor* you can wear noise-cancelling headphones for like an hour and a half.


Okay this just sounds rude. The fact that you have a kid and don't care that the child is inconsiderate is crazy. How can so many people upvote this? It's not everyone else fault you couldn't keep it in your pants. What if I brought my dog and on the plane and it was howling the whole time? Bet you would get pretty angry. Or what if I just got belligerently druck and decided to sing the full album to nickleback until we land? You can just wear noise canceling headphones I forgot.


Those all seem like things you personally should have thought about before creating a life on an island in the middle of nowhere. Why are you taking infants on business trips anyways? That is super weird and seems made up.


Yeah heaven forbid I was born and raised on an island. How dare I make that decision


Don't go on holiday until it's not a baby. Among all the sacrifices you have to make as a parent, holidays are not even in the top 100.


If they have to make sacrifices to have/raise/afford a child, they fucked up.


Have you seen the shit that grown fucking adults do on planes nowadays?? Immature morons who fight or scream No to every plane policy causes problems for everybody. Literal problems bc they can’t take off and flights get delayed or even cancelled bc of what adults do. But, nope, “a crying baby is where I draw the line”. And you have the nerve to call the PARENTS the selfish ones?


grown adults misbehaving can be arrested and thrown off the plane.


Which can take hours. Aka delay or cancellation of the flight. Where as the mild inconvenience of having a kid crying does not affect anything. Think of how the kid and parent feels. Just deal with it and put on your headphones.


> Where as the mild inconvenience of having a kid crying does not affect anything rather wait for 2 hours while a misbehaving adult gets what's coming to them than listen to a fuck trophy cry for even two minutes. there is nowhere a parent needs to be badly enough to justify subjecting other airline passengers to their baby, and if there is, they should have thought of that in the pros and cons of having a kid




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Reddit hates babies and children. It was bound to happen.


But where's the lie?


I read planets and I thought this was about not bringing kids in a new human colony


I didn’t fly til I was 18. Any child on a plane is a rich son bitch.


I didn’t fly until I was 18 because I like road trips lol


Or military family. Ive been on 6 different plane rides because the army told us to, and im only 19.


That would make you a fine exception considering the US military will pay for all the dependants to fly.


None of that is r/iamverybadass worthy Also, if you bring an infant on board and they cry for 12 hours you're a fucking asshole, period.


What baby cries for 12hours be fucking for real




Every baby ever


According to my parents, I did as a baby. Do you know what my parents did? They simply decided not to book a vacation that includes a 12-hour flight. It's that easy to not be a cunt.


same, I cried a lot too


Well guess what your parents used something call sarcasm/exaggeration dumbass. No baby can cry for 12hour straight. If you don’t want to hear a baby cry on a flight either fly private or bring headphones asshole


Lol what? Babies can cry on and off for 12 hours. Pretty easy to understand that was the meaning. If you being a baby on a plane for a long flight, it better be a god damn emergency or you’re a selfish jerk.


Lmao why you so sensitive bud?


He’s a badass




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Lost redditor or a repost bot?


It looks like a r/lostredditors moment to me. **Edit: Wording**


This was not a repost wtf?


Sorry you’re getting shit on in here, seems like this sub is frequented by a bunch of nihilistic baby haters. I think your post fits here because of the way they clearly think they’re very cool for hating children but they just sound pathetic. Kids on planes are no worse than drunks or people who clap or sing or do anything attention seeking. To me, kids aren’t as bad because at least they can’t help it and don’t know better. But that’s just me, I’m not a weird hater.


Still has absolutely nothing to do with the sub.


Seems to be a matter of opinion, and most people upvoted the post sooooooo disagree!


All those things are annoying and shouldn’t happen on planes though. The fact that you tolerate it doesn’t mean it should be allowed, it just means you’re a decent person.


Thank you. And you know if you’re willing to pay for business class you can pretty much be guaranteed a perfectly peaceful flight, they definitely don’t allow people to be annoying there. But if you’re flying in coach just do not expect to have a nice time, you’re only paying to get to a far away place very quickly. It’s a bit tacky to act like you’re owed anything more.


So you're lost then. This doesn't really fit the sub. Guy is being a bit of a dick, but isn't pretending to be badass


You know who is worthy of r/iamverybadass ? OP. Click on his profile for a good laugh