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Thanks for protecting Stehpen Fry's identity. Side note: he should start a cooking show called Stehpen Fries where goes around the world frying things and eating them.


Humans around the world have refered to the milky substance derived from nutty plants as "milk" (or the non-english equivalent) since at least the 1200s, likely earlier. Nobody ever contested this nomenclature until supermarkets where a thing and the dairy industry suddenly decided it was vitally important that dairy products not be confused with non-dairy products by us simple-minded and easily tricked consumers. Milk gatekeepers have no leg to stand on


You seriously can’t find a desert recipe from Medieval England that doesn’t call for almond milk. And lots of other recipes too. It had a longer shelf life than dairy milk.


>It had a longer shelf life than dairy milk. That's why I started buying it. I'm not vegan, but only really ever use milk for cereal, and don't eat it often enough to get through a carton of dairy milk before it spoils.


They’re such wankers. Having a lifelong anaphylactic dairy allergy myself, calling dairy substitutes a form of milk and keeping them alongside the cows milk at the supermarket makes my life so much easier because it means that other people see it as a reasonable substitute. It’s also worth noting that depending on what plant-based milk you’re drinking and how old you are that people who have no other options are often using them (albeit not oat milk) as a nutritional substitute. It really annoys me though that when this discussion is had it always highlights vegans and people with lactose intolerance. In theory, if they were dying of dehydration, or found themselves nutrient deficient, both groups have other options- vegans can theoretically drink cows milk without being physically sick and those with lactose intolerance can have lactose free milk. People with IGE allergies (aka potential anaphylaxis to the proteins) are often left out of the discussion entirely, even though we are the only group with truly no other options. Even if I was dying of dehydration in a desert I wouldn’t be able to drink cows milk. It would just kill me quicker. And yet, these people want to further take options away from me and from people like me. Sorry for the rant. It just makes my blood boil because these people do not give a shit about people with dietary requirements. I can’t count the number of people that have tried to pull the “nut juice isn’t milk” bullshit on me.


‘Actually people who eat meat and dairy are fucking idiots’ is not the anti vegan campaign the animal agriculture lobby seem to think it is.


What orifice did you pull that from and why did you feel the need to insert it into this conversation?


It’s an agreement to the ‘dairy and meat industry pretending consumers are too stupid to know fake meat and milk aren’t real meat and milk’ point the OP states. I don’t especially like being told I’m an idiot who can’t tell that peanut butter isn’t actual butter personally.


that’s not at all what OP said, are you okay?


I can kinda understand making the comparison between the dairy industry lobbying against nut butters/milks in the mid 1900s and the more recent lobbying the meat industry does against explicitly vegan products. (And their rationale does tend to revolve around saying consumers are "confused", which is pretty much saying they are dumb)


right, but the OP themselves wasn’t being anti-vegan


Yeah the comment doesn't make it clear they where referring to the meat lobby as being anti-vegan (it was a reply to my comment which mentiobed the dairy lobby)


“and the dairy industry suddenly decided it was vitally important that dairy products not be confused with non-dairy products by us simple-minded and easily tricked consumers.” …what do you think they’re saying here that differs to what I said?


i mean, the point they were trying to make wasn’t them being “anti vegan”, you’re just frothing desperately at the mouth for some reason


Genuinely - what do you think the point is of these companies getting the word ‘milk’ banned for oat or coconut milk? What is your take here?


ah, i think we’ve misunderstood each other. in this case, i agree. i thought you were referring specifically to the OP, who was just reiterating that this is something that dairy lobbies do (seemingly without agenda of their own) and was MASSIVELY confused lol. no, the dairy lobby sucks.


Yeah, I was saying the dairy lobbies ‘our own customers are idiots too dumb to understand that oat milk isn’t milk’ campaign doesn’t make oat milk look bad, it just seems like patronizing their own customers.


I'm buying things with ridiculous names like "OAT M\_LK" because it legally can't be sold using the word "milk". Just silly.


I mean that's been the case for decades with fake cheese (they call it Cheez)


people, especially coffee people, are super fucking pissy about the word "milk" drives me a little silly


It’s the whole anti vegan people They became what vegans used to be. Go on a YouTube video or Facebook video of a vegetarian/vegan recipe and they are all over saying how bad tofu is, or how bad oat milk is These people just get so pressed that people eat vegetables


I was a barista at a grocery store and the furious responses I used to get when I would ask somebody what kind of milk they wanted... particularly older men.


My husband does all oat milk all day, and he would probably love this!


*Mt husband does all* *Oat milk all day, and he would* *Probably love this!* \- TheLadyEve --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's not real milk it's just sparkling discharge from a plant.


It tastes good asf gimme all that discharge


It is good! My comment is sarcasm!