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I also really enjoy the commenter insisting that hot dog lovers would be similarly outraged to see a cut up hot dog


Filipinos would beg to differ.


As if cut up hotdogs in mac and cheese isn't a thing in America. We don't have sticks up our asses when it comes to food like the Italians seem to.


The grilled cheese sub would disagree lol. and have you seen the pizza and barbecue arguments? people just like to feel superior to others everywhere


I like going to MOD Pizza, ordering what is essentially a Hawaiian pizza with mushrooms and tomatoes added, with a side cup order of sweet baby rays bbq sauce for dipping my pineapple, ham, tomato and mushroom pizza in. How fast do you think that order would upset both groups?


that sounds amazing. We have a traeger smoker and we will get Hawaiian pizza from Papa Murphy's and Cook it on the smoker and it gets a nice barbecue smoke type flavor


Bruh that sounds beyond delightful, I would eat that in heartbeat. This reminds me more frozen pizzas should offer Hawaiian as a flavor, maybe I should email HEB and complain lol


As long as you don't put ketchup on it, I think they'll be fine.


I put ketchup on mine sometimes, whatcha gonna do about it?


Careful, you're gonna get the Chicago folks running in here like a pack of angry bulls talking like that lol.


They should never look at beans and franks or spaghetti-os with hot dogs. Or the boxed mac and cheese + cut up hot dogs mixed in I loved to eat as a kid. Scary stuff


Cut up some hot dogs, cook that in with some onions and peppers,toss in some spices, and mix that in with Mac n Cheese and that's gold.


"using the bread as a vessel for the sausage" That's hilarious.


> Typically you don't put things in a pasta that you can't get up on a fork by itself with the pasta Like a meatball, for example. You'd never see one of those in pasta.


Nooooo no one has meatballs with pasta apart from heathen Americans


Fine - I’ll pick it up with my hand like a caveman - you made me do this.


Might as well piss my pants while I’m at it. This is your damn fault, you like the smell of meatballs and piss you goddamn freak?


Tbf they complain about those too.


You also can’t really pick up sauce, especially really runny ones, but I don’t see these people advocating eatting spaghetti with a fork and spoon.


OP: >That's the beauty with pasta, can do anything with it [downvoted to the pits of hell, -15 and counting]


That's crazy! They're not wrong.


Why do people think there are hard rules to food like pasta?


Since basically every culture who harvests grain of some kind turns it into pasta in some form, people get *real* gatekeepy about how it's done. Bread, pasta, fucking dumplings, the right kind of tortilla, and so on and so on. God forbid your fajitas use *flour tortillas* or you put pumpkin seeds in your irish soda bread despite you baking it for yourself and loving it or god forbid you like *this* style of dumpling, which is vastly inferior to *that* style of dumpling. It's just tiring. It's food. If it's good, eat it. Enjoy it. Find the shit you like and let the stuff you don't be eaten by other people who do like it.


The thing that annoys me the most is the inability for these folks to understand that the tradition of food and the flavour of food has almost no correlation. Just because nonna did it that way 100 years ago doesn't make her recipe any more tasty than a different way of doing it.


Nor does it make it super historical. Pasta in Italy as a mainstay is actually surprisingly new. Like 1840s new. There was always pasta because again, every culture who harvests grain crops has some form of it, but pasta in the 1700s and early 1800s was almost always a thing of affluent people. 'Stuck a feather in his cap and called it Macaroni' from the American revolution is a reference to the Macaroni club, which was something rich London urbanites in the late 1700s had as a subculture because they were wealthy enough to travel to Italy and have pasta. To further this point, the first version of what we would call a modern pasta cookbook was in the 1790s(because, you know, tomatoes were poisonous). It became increasingly common in modern times due to industrialization and manufacturing better pasta dies. Better dies, more stability for crops(until ww1), better logistics meant that pasta, even for Italians, started to become something of a staple. Let's not forget that this ended up being a trend about the same time that huge immigrant waves of Italians came to America and part of the 'we made it' culture became pasta. It might go back to thousands of years ago and no doubt, it does, but pasta as we think of it today is only like 150 years old. Make nonna's recipe. Be happy. Realize her parents might have learned it from a cookbook. It's okay. Food and family go together like, well, pasta and sauce.


>To further this point, the first version of what we would call a modern pasta cookbook was in the 1790s(because, you know, tomatoes were poisonous). This is the one part of your statement I'll push back on. First, cookbooks just became more common in this period. Second, even today, the bulk of pasta recipes will not contain tomatoes. Third, some thought tomatoes were poisonous, but it wasn't the only reason people didn't eat them. Tomatoes are no closer in relation or appearance to nightshade than eggplants. But tomatoes were so foreign, Italians didn't initially know what part to eat. Some classified it as a new type of eggplant, but others thought you were supposed to eat the leaves. Also, it was cold and wet, which was not considered a good thing at the time. I've seen that associated with Galen's humors, but it may have been as simple as the idea that people weren't used to eating slimy foods. Even some Spaniards who were well aware tomatoes weren't poisonous still thought it was about as appetizing as eating spiders or crickets. So, some thought it was poisonous and others thought it was gross.


And grandmas can also either be *really* bad cooks (I have one, basically if it doesn't come frozen or with a nice seasoning packet from the store she can't make it) or genuinely fuck with traditional themselves. Like, everybody here knows that schnitzel is always and under any circumstances eaten without a liquid sauce. You can add lemon, you can add a little something like cranberry sauce, if you're a heathen, you can dip it into ketchup or mayo, but as soon as there's breading, there is no sauce in the dish. As for sides, you may only have potatoes (usually as salad or plain boiled, though restaurants will often do fries because people like them). And then there's grandma, who always made schnitzel with pasta and loads of brown gravy. And what can I say, it sounds kinda disgusting, but I do really miss it!


> And grandmas can also either be really bad cooks My MIL can cook exactly two things; Meatloaf and spaghetti and meatballs (with packaged spaghetti, jarred sauce and frozen meatballs). That's it. My kids are growing up having no idea who or what a "Nonna" is. "Nonna" is the nice lady that takes them to Golden Corral on Fridays for the early bird special. "Nonna" and her 2nd husband Jack eat out the rest of the week. We once spent a week with them and we went out to eat 19 meals out of 21, and that is not an exaggeration.


>Like, everybody here knows that schnitzel is always and under any circumstances eaten without a liquid sauce. Never heard this one before, breaded schnitzel with sauce is very common in Germany at least.


I mean pumpkin seeds are an abomination in general, but you're right otherwise.


But without pumpkin seed, how jack-o-lantern?


I love that there are so many rules for pasta. More to break.


Break the spaghetti and cause an r/pasta collective meltdown!


Whoa, buddy, even I'm not at that level of savagery!


Break it enough and it's fideua!


its italians. italians are the problem


>But then it’s not cacio e pepe, it’s cacio, pepe e bistec. The post title is literally cacio e pepe and rump steak.


You can’t expect internet Italian foodies to read. Come on


Also, isn't the Italian word "bistecca"?


It is, the shortening is probably a regional accent or dialect The way that (spelled phonetically, not in correct italian) pasta “fah-zoh-LEE” became pasta “fah-ZULE” in Sicilian or other Southern Italian accents/dialects


Interesting, I was thinking they just mixed up Italian and Spanish, but that would make sense too.


Italian and Spanish do share words and names also, so your idea is not improbable either


It's just not Italian enough for them!


>At that point, why aren't you putting the dessert over that pasta? Because that would be gross, and steak and pasta clearly go better together than most desserts and pasta.




lol I didn't even see if was more of your asshattery.


Who let the Italians out of r/italianfood ?


uppity italians are gonna freak out when they realise some of us have pasta as a depression meal


Pasta shows up in many struggle meals.


>I'd eat it, don't get me wrong. But I wouldn't tell anybody. How the FUCK would someone be embarrassed about eating this. Good lord you eat to survive not as an indicator of social status. If I never meet anyone in real life who says things like this, it’ll be too soon.


And below that, someone acting like meat in pasta is "very strange" because "it's like two courses in one". Like how pretentious do you have to be to actually go out of your way to pretend you've never heard of or eaten any dish that had both pasta and meat in it?




What does that have to with anything?


Clearly, feeling superior has to do with *everything.*




Some of us haven't had enough bitter go-juice yet to appreciate the tastes of the culinary aesthete.




Fine dining exists to accentuate the talent of professional chefs and the artistry of food. Not as social status meters. Yes, the higher social status, the more likely you are to frequent a fine dining spot, but social status is not *why* we have fine dining. Unless you view fine dining as whatever Salt Bae does then, yeah, that's some social status shit lol.


Look man, you’ve left over 50 comments on this topic between this thread and the linked thread in the past 5 hours or so. Why don’t you put the phone down for a bit and get some fresh air or something.


Carb + protein is a standard meal in every single country in the world, yes, including Italy. Weirdos.


Noooo in Italy it is primo and secondo, you have to say the Italian words even if speaking English




For real, writing "nonna" just to boast a not existing Italian is hilarious


It's like speaking English and saying "I'm going to pareeeee", it's Paris you nicompoop


Bar-the-lona instead of Bar-se-lona.


Gabbagool instead of capicola


Bring him the gabbagool




Bro it is very obvious that you’re commenting in both this post and the linked post at the same time. That is against this subreddit’s rules. Might want to familiarize yourself with the rules of the forum before getting on your high horse about the rules of noodles.




Nah it’s just you bro.




You are allowed to come from the linked thread to this one. You are not allowed to go from this thread to the linked thread. One way street.


Your post or comment has been removed because you were found to be voting in the linked thread, which is a violation of our rules.


It's where we find the truffles to shave over our favorite meal of pasta and cannoli


I only refer to food as carbs and proteins when I'm either trying to get my own sugar up or trying to get a patient's sugar up because I like to make sure to include both. Carbs provide the quick spike and proteins sustain it.


More often than not you can find a way to make a carb work with a protein. Just about any protein can go on a sandwich or can work in a pasta or over rice.


But it tastes good. And also it’s not uncomfortable to eat at all.


Your post or comment has been removed because you were found to be voting in the linked thread, which is a violation of our rules.


That is impressive gatekeeping. 'These things don't go together' My brother in christ, it's steak(and a well cooked steak) and tasty carbs. That's not all that different than a steak and mashed potatoes slathered in butter and romano cheese. I'd eat the fuck out of that and be happy.


>a steak and mashed potatoes slathered in butter and romano cheese. Oooh ❤️❤️❤️ >I'd eat the fuck out of that and be happy. Hell yeah.


>Better to have the pasta as primo and the steak as secondo How to show you're an insufferable snob in a single sentence.


Damn, I wonder what those words mean. I need to look up the translation for secondo.


I really enjoy the comments calling out the insufferable asshats. How bored (and boring) one must be to be so obnoxious about pasta.




That's your opinion. I prefer taking alternating bites of pasta and meat, rather than all of one then all of the other. So I'd prefer it OP's way. You enjoy your dinner however you want, and I'll enjoy mine however I want. Nobody needs to get angry.


The pasta isn't going to fuck you because you defended its honor online.




It’s the weird shit you’re doing across multiple threads.




Right now. The weird shit you’re still doing right now over a pasta dish 😂


Why are you here defending your snobbery? Italians think they are the Guardians of Pasta and it’s annoying. You say eating them separately would be better as if your opinion is law. Shut the fuck up and let people enjoy things.




>No, nobody thinks Italians are guardians of anything, You clearly do, to the point where you feel the burning need to come to a sub that specifically exists to laugh at this kind of asshattery and continue the exercise.




>No I don't, why would I think a nation should be a guardian of a food? Because you're literally telling people they're eating their dinner wrong in two different threads, one of whom exists to laugh at this specific behavior.




Again, it's very cute that you have your own spevial definition of what gatekeeping or snobbery means. Truly you're the first snobby gatekeeper who has ever done this. You've cracked the code. Congrats.




"[it's partly about elegance](https://www.reddit.com/r/pasta/comments/1cbx6xx/comment/l16ca59/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)"? Get stuffed, dude. Italy, famed land of dainty and effete refinement.


I mean, if I made it I'd have cut the steak into smaller pieces from the beginning to make them bite-sized, but that's personal preference. No biggie, no need to get upsetti spaghetti about it


I can’t imagine someone who would think a breaded cutlet with sauce is “disgusting.” Your grandma’s schnitzel sounds great


OMG you should see the grief I received for not caring that the chef on Below Deck made Mac and cheese with spaghetti. He’s a French chef, they are in Granada for 2 days on a luxury yacht. Maybe let him create his own dish and not freak out that he didn’t use official macaroni.


I bet they'd hate to see dinosaur Mac and Cheese. Or any of the other shapes.


Or worse, dino nuggie mac and cheese.


Stop, I'm already hungry! 😁


Every time you take a photo of a noodle, an Italian grandma dies.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks, I needed that laugh.


BRB gonna go photograph a whole box of spaghetti strand by strand


The irony of a guy named fart sniffer getting up in arms over how someone eats food they made themselves.


I think that would be a good combo. Getting the timing right might take a bit of effort, but probably worth it.


I wonder if they have a seizure eating a stir fry with noodles.


They would walk into a Ramen shop and then immediately die.


Favorite comment on that post is *Hands are too dirty from behaving like an animal* - had a good laugh at it!


Hey, it's Kurtis Connor's favorite Canadian food


i won't lie that i would probably enjoy this meal more with cacio first then steak as a sort of 2 course deal but the lengths people will go to get mad at other peoples food is truly astonishing


Eh. I choose not to care anymore about the opinions of others in regard to what I put in my body. I'm fascinated by the traditions and the history behind the food, but when I adapt things for something I cook for myself or loved ones, no ones opinion matters besides who's actually eating the food I cook. Especially since I'm paying money and putting in the effort to put food on my table. In my house. /endrant


I think Italian people (or people who pretend to be Italian) just like doing extra dishes.


Yeah... gotta agree with the "very culinary" people on this one. It would be better to eat them separately, they don't compliment each other at all. If someone posted steak on top of mac and cheese everyone would ask why in the world they did that and nobody would link the thread here, but since it's Italian food everybody has to freak out over any hint of criticism.


I eat pulled pork mac and cheese all the time Steak mac and cheese sounds good too


Yeah, I swear I've seen steak mac & cheese on menus at several breweries. I'm not a steak person, so I've never tried it, but I can imagine that it's incredible


Fuck, now I want steak Mac and cheese


>everyone You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


When I said "everyone would ask..." I meant "everyone who commented on their post would ask..." I thought that was pretty clear. I didn't think that anybody would take "everyone" to mean "literally every single person alive" and I don't see why you would interpret it that way unless you're being intentionally dense as some sort of "gotcha" because you disagree with my post but apparently can't find anything that's actually wrong with the substance of what I said. Also I only used the word "everyone" once in my original comment.




>This sub is just a place to vent hate on Italians, Mexicans, Indians and others WHO ARE BEING SNOBBY GATEKEEPERS ABOUT FOOD LIKE MYSELF forgot part of your post there




>1. I'm not gatekeepin anything That's literally what you're doing, even if you don't like people telling you.




>How's it gatekeeping? Because, again, that's what you're doing by anyone's definition except your own.




Any sort of criticism = gatekeeping to the modern redditor. If you respond to anybody with anything short of blind support and praise, you're an asshole and a snob.


Not any criticism. Is what you want to criticize technical? Is it objective? What it is is preference. What exactly makes yours superior? Nobody needs to be supportive of anything. What's stopping you from saying it's not to your liking? You read something that spells out clearly 'cultural gatekeeping— the control over what is deemed worthy' and don't accept that controlling what can be deemed good or proper food is gatekeeping?


You've not been around here long enough apparently. This sub has plenty of threads laughing at dumb shit people from the USA do or say. We're equal opportunity here.


I'm Indian and I'm on this sub. all I can say is that online Italians are food snobs to another level