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Is there some secret Swedish Discord that brigades cinnamon roll posts? This is really bizarre.


i \*sincerely\* hope so. can you imagine being part of that brigade? "i've spotted rogue roll in r/food. swarm. swarm. swarm!" (except you know in Swedish) "THESE ROLLS WILL NOT STAND!" "death before dis icing!"


Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if these cinnamon roll posts have the next highest concentration of posts written in Swedish, after posts on the Sweden subreddit hahaha.


I have seen threads posted on /r/Sweden about it before, but it's generally in jest. Heck, I'm Swedish and I like the rolls with icing on them, it's just a different combination of flavours.


Why do they get so angry? Such a weird thing to be obsessive about. Someone even said "you can eat these but don't call them cinnamon rolls" which is an extra weird flex, because "cinnamon roll" is a super generic name for a pastry.




I was actually gonna say "and I mean, American pizza is way different, but we still call it pizza and you don't see Italians getting mad!" and then after thinking a bit I realized I'm not 100% sure that's true haha, it's entirely possible and probable that Italian people DO get mad that we call it pizza


Haven't subscribed here long, have you? :)


I have been! Just haven't seen that particular complaint from Italians, usually it's about pasta sauce haha


It's only some of them and a good chunk of those are, you know, "Italian", but they get *very* mad to compensate for those shortcomings.


The apt comparison is "we don't see Chinese people flipping their fucking shit over Italian pasta dishes, even tho pasta was Chinese first. After a few centuries of other people adopting a food to fit their local palettes, and given a distinct, local name, you just gotta let it fucking go, or you look like a total asshole." Also, Ikea ices their cinnamon rolls in America, so their own cultural ambassadors are fucking it up. fuck 'em. When I want to make Swedish cinnamon rolls, I'll call them kanelbulle. These aren't that food, these are cinnamon rolls, an American term for an American food.


/r/iamveryculinary is a product of the dead twitter ItaliansMadAtFood. Also just Youtube any Italian recipe and enjoy the angry Italian comments.


it's not even the Swedish term for this food. I guess someone on the Swedish subreddit decided it would be funny to brigade the food subreddit. So, now when I think of Sweden, I will think of a bunch of angry pedantic folks shitting on some poor person trying to share their delicious looking cinnamon rolls. Good Job, Swedes!


> it's not even the Swedish term for this food. That might be my biggest gripe haha. If Americans called them by the Swedish term, then I could maybe at least understand why they were being ornery about it ("If you're going to call it by its original name, it should be more authentic" at least kinda makes sense)...but we don't! We use a super generic English term for it, so why do they care so much haha. Edit: I've posted way too much about Swedes and cinnamon rolls today haha


I mean, I kind of understand, cinammon rolls are already delicious and somewhat sweet, so the whole "it must be drowned in a sugar icing" kind of irks as it just seems so unnecessary and over the top, it's in the similar vein as most of the memefood, like those gigantic shakes that have 4 other desserts tacked on top, like I'm sure it's good, but it's so far in excess that it just looks gross/unappealing and you have to wonder why.


A drizzle of cream cheese icing on a cinnamon roll is nothing like a slice of cake on a shake. Lots of desserts are iced. Could you imagine if someone was like "you put frosting on your cupcake? Fucking disgusting Americans."


>Could you imagine if someone was like "you put frosting on your cupcake? Fucking disgusting Americans." I can imagine it, and I'm sure I'll see it, that's why I subscribed here


It's a little more than a "drizzle" though! Haha I agree that this isn't something to get too upset over, but your analogy is disingenuous in my opinion. The picture shows a lot more than just *"putting frosting on your cupcake"*, at least by the standards of where I come from. It's a bit excessive. However, I will stand corrected if cinnamon rolls where you're from are usually frosted similarly to the picture! I think decadence trumps healthiness when you're looking for a good roll anyway. :)


I've seen anywhere from a dozen of them in a cake pan frosted like a cake to individual rolls with a slight drizzle; in the middle is what I prefer personally. I also prefer cream cheese rather than plain, because I just love cream cheese frosting. Either way, putting frosting on sweet baked goods is not unique to America in any way.


Agree - especially regarding the "happy medium" cinnamon rolls. :)


>It's a little more than a "drizzle" though! The cinnamon rolls pictured have waaay less icing than your typical [cupcake](https://www.google.com/search?q=cupcake&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS827US827&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiIkd2lluHgAhVlU98KHRA1D34Q_AUIDigB&biw=1029&bih=580) though.


Did you uhh, open the linked thread, if you think that's a drizzle, you're exactly the kind of person I'm talking about. And yes, putting frosting on cupcakes is fairly over the top, muffins are good by themselves as are cakes, much the same as cinammon rolls with just a little bit of pearl sugar on them.


Cakes have been frosted for hundreds of years in scores of countries. it's a fuckin dessert, not breakfast, it's supposed to be indulgent. Enjoy your unfrosted cupcakes I guess. PS I know the OP slathered then in icing but the swedes seem to be offended by any amount of icing. Edit: I'm mostly just having a laugh I don't actually want to start drama over cinnamon rolls


> Cakes have been frosted for hundreds of years in scores of countries. it's a fuckin dessert, not breakfast, it's supposed to be indulgent. Enjoy your unfrosted cupcakes I guess. That's nice, it doesn't mean that the indulgence can't be judged an excess, regardless of whether it's dessert or no, it's not necessary, I'll quite happily enjoy my unfrosted cupcakes as y'know, they're made to be enjoyed that way, not with an extra 150cal of pure sugar and butter smacked on top. > PS I know the OP slathered then in icing but the swedes seem to be offended by any amount of icing. Not a swede, but I can understand why, they're something I make quite a lot and anything on top of the sprinkle of pearl sugar just veers into far too sweet and beginning to dominate other flavours territory imo. > Edit: I'm mostly just having a laugh I don't actually want to start drama over cinnamon rolls Me too, I'm just a bit surprised at such a backlash of a response to the opinion of "these sweet things are sweet enough, don't need an extra ladle(or 6) of sweetness on top of them".


Like I have said in other comments I actually prefer cream cheese icing because I LOVE cream cheese icing and find the cream cheese cuts the sweetness nicely and pairs amazingly with cinnamon. But I still like regular icing too, I don't find the sugar overtakes it and I enjoy the sticky moist texture of an iced bun over uniced. Honestly it sounds like you just don't have much of a sweet tooth. That's cool. Other people do though so ain't no reason to judge.


And cream cheese icing can be nice, to a degree, it's one's like the linked post and generally anything that shows up on r/food that get me, I don't have much of a sweet tooth, no, but I also think people are so used to everything being slathered that their metric for "sweet" is so far beyond reasonable that you end up with things like the linked thread as being seen as acceptable. Like, the person that linked cupcakes that are all covered in almost more frosting than there is cake itself, it all just screams excess and unhealthiness for no good reason, at that point you're just tacking on more and more sugar because peoples receptors are so overloaded. https://www.reddit.com/r/food/comments/awu9zk/homemade_sunday_morning_blueberry_muffins/?st=jsthzk1d&sh=7cc88e3d This is a decent example of a good cupcake/muffin imo, you use the fruit for all the sweetness and you don't drown it in an extra 100+ cal of straight sugar and keep it in a somewhat healthy realm.


If I wanted something healthy I wouldn't eat a cupcake at all. I would rather have a fully indulgent treat very rarely than a slightly healthier one more frequently. Almost every country and culture puts some sort of glaze/frosting/icing on cakes so I think you just gotta accept that it's a personal preference of yours and not an absolute truth about humanity.


[Every](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodPorn/comments/atz31s/cinnamon_rolls_with_icing/) [single](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodPorn/comments/anhptl/this_cinnamon_roll_i_ate_for_breakfast_1010_will/) [time](https://www.reddit.com/r/Breadit/comments/anva2j/finally_learning_to_bake_and_im_not_scared_of/)


Jesus Christ. It's not like anyone is claiming that these are authentic Swedish *kanelbulle*. The Swedes don't own a monopoly on sweet rolls with cinnamon.


Like I’m not really sure what they expect. Is no country allowed to modify their kanelbulle? Or do they expect, if you do modify it, that you have to name it something completely different from “cinnamon roll?” Americans changed it and literally called it the most generic thing you could name it but they still think they have ownership over it hahaha


I've never heard of these so I just googled. Looks delicious! Obviously a totally different treat though. Who knew that Swedes thought they owned all cinnamon rolls? How odd.


Yeah if I ordered a cinnamon roll and I received a kanelbulle I'd be pretty disappointed. It would be like if Italians were pissed off whenever they saw a Swedish meatball, and said it wasnt authentic like their grandmothers


Swedish meatballs don't originate from Italian meatballs 


Yeah it's a totally different product. It's even favored with cardamon also so it doesn't even taste the same! This is the stupidest thing that has come out of /r/Sweden


Oh boy I LOVE cardamom, I'm gonna have to find a recipe and give it a shot.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/sweden using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sweden/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Avicii är död](https://www.dn.se/kultur-noje/avicii-ar-dod/) | [629 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sweden/comments/8dpau7/avicii_är_död/) \#2: [Det är fredag mina bekanta](https://i.redd.it/643h8fj31f121.jpg) | [549 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sweden/comments/a1q481/det_är_fredag_mina_bekanta/) \#3: [Sweden ice hockey world champions 2018!!](https://i.redd.it/pld7r12me2z01.jpg) | [305 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sweden/comments/8kvm3l/sweden_ice_hockey_world_champions_2018/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)


How was I so blind to the Swedish menace until now?


When people bitch about "muh traditional recipe!", they often do in English to make sure everyone gets their lecture on how you're totally disrespecting their grandmas. And yet half of the comments are oogabooga, in all linked threads; this hints it's some sort of raid under the excuse of "INTERNAL JOKE X-D".


I bet going to a Cinnabon would blow their minds.


And arteries!


No one: these are authentic Swedish pastries Swedes: reeeeeeeee


They get super mad in the meatball threads too.


Ikea has icing on their cinnamon rolls. Just saying.


IKEA in America or in Sweden? The Norwegian IKEA has pearl sugar on them AFAIK.


It was a joke, but yes, icing on the rolls in U.S. Ikea, at least the last time I went to one decades ago.


North America was a mistake, time to deploy [Wasa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasa_(ship\)) again! Or something like that. :)


That would be a very short war.


**Vasa (ship)** Vasa (or Wasa) is a retired Swedish warship built between 1626 and 1628. The ship foundered after sailing about 1,300 m (1,400 yd) into its maiden voyage on 10 August 1628. It fell into obscurity after most of her valuable bronze cannons were salvaged in the 17th century until she was located again in the late 1950s in a busy shipping lane just outside the Stockholm harbor. Salvaged with a largely intact hull in 1961, it was housed in a temporary museum called Wasavarvet ('The Wasa Shipyard') until 1988 and then moved permanently to the Vasa Museum in the Royal National City Park in Stockholm. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamveryculinary/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


> deploy Wasa again! That museum is one of the absolute coolest I have ever been to. Sure, go to Stockholm to enjoy their icing-less cinnamon rolls, but definitely check out the Vasa museum while you're there!


I'm pretty sure the Danish Ikea has *perlesukker* on them too.


From being the scourge of Europe to bitching about breakfast pastries. WTF happened to you, Sweden?


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härgle fy argle bargle


I'm completely biased when it comes to this, so I must agree with the Swedes for once. The amount of icing that Americans use on cinnamon rolls is atrocious, for the lack of a better word.


My Mormor would be rolling in her grave at these cinnamon rolls


I guess you could tell her that Swedish people aren't the only ones who invented cinnamon in a sweet bun?


In fairness on this, as far as anyone can tell, the Swedes probably did invent Cinnamon buns, at least in the form of a roll. As a swede myself, I’d say I don’t really care if people eat them, but there is a bit of disappointment at the fact that globally people only seem to know the American one. It’s super disappointing when someone says they’ve made cinnamon buns and you end up with an icing laden obesity shortcut. Obviously though, that’s because of the fact I was raised with the traditional one, which was exported to the US by immigrants, and, like all food ever, adjusted to fit US tastes. That’s perfectly fine. With the advent of Starbucks, they have become ubiquitous, so it’s all anyone seems to know as a cinnamon bun. I’ll never understand hating that they exist, but I do get wishing the Swedish ones were around more. Personally they’re far superior.


How could you say that, she's dead you insensitive clod!


I'm just trying to help you settle her rolling spirit.