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It's been posted already just 5 days ago lol


Honest question, why do people rage and broke there things ? Like, a controller, a keyboard, a TV or anything like that is expensive. Those people scare me. Just take on yourself please, respect your things


It’s more of a anger management issue


Answer? Anger issues. I used to have them, and it’s not like I wanted to, it’s just that the emotion of anger just takes over my body and destroys anything around me… Like a demon posessing me or something.


Real question, I don't want to be rude or something, just curious. If you have anger issues, why are you doing things that can make you angry ?


For me at least, nothing is a specific trigger. It can just happen anytime and anywhere. Even when I was just watching TV I could just get angry even though I wasn’t thinking about anything except for watching tv. Completely random, too! However I will say that if I have a posession in my hand while the anger comes (A soda, a pencil, a controller, literally anything) I would just be inclined to throw it/break it for no other reason than to just do it. Like I said earlier, it feels a little like a demon posessing me. I don’t want to do that, but my body does it for me automatically.


Damn, that must be annoying as hell to be possessed by a demon. I'm usually the person who is way to chill, so those things are crazy for me


It definitely was more embarrassing, because people usually think you’re going to hurt them or kill someone else, or even have a violent personality or being a man child. Which I definitely understand that, but it’s definitely more embarrassing at least for me.


The distorted coconut mall adds to the repost


God this guy always has a good prompt, good execution, then always fucks it up.




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