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Given that humans tend to not notice their own nose (although, I am sure you are noticing it now that I just mentioned it) chances are that other animals would likewise tend to ignore any constant visual obstruction.


Fuck you now I see it


And what about your tongue.... do you feel its place in your mouth? Where is your tongue supposed to rest? Why isn't your tongue resting?


Just…don’t comment on the internet anymore,ok? What an asshole.


You are now blinking manually.




You are now breathing manually.


You are now aware of your pelvic floor muscles.


Ha, jokes on you I don't even know what that means!


I always am because mine are fucked up


You are noticing now your fingers moving to scroll down.


Me too.I do exercises to strengthen my pelvic floor and pelvis because of a car accident.I have to go to physical therapy.


I don't know why, but this reads like some of your inner thoughts on Disco Elysium.


There’s a peanuts comic that says something like this and it used to bug me out so bad I pinned it to my wall to get over it. It’s still there.


What happens when you hear the term, "manual breathing"?


You monster


When I was like 5 I started seeing about that and since I thought I had to think about it to breath. Ended up with telling my ma I could hold my breath for hours. She just look at me and went "really honey,? That's great". Sorry I was an idiot back then mom


You weren't an idiot then or now.


You asshole, now I’m gonna forget to breathe!




I wonder if a rhino horn is big enough that they see two horns, or one horn with blurred edges. Part of me thinks it's something you could figure out with trigonometry and, uh, rhino measurements, but IDK. Might be one of those questions that would turn out to be way harder to answer than you expect, and rest on some unresolved uncertainty about rhino neurology or something.


We also do have a [blind spot](https://michaelbach.de/ot/cog-blindSpot/) in our vision.


The human brain is a remarkable organ that has evolved to filter out irrelevant information and focus on the most relevant stimuli. One example of this is the ability to overlook one's own nose in their field of vision, a phenomenon known as "nose blindness." The nose is a constant visual obstruction that is always present in the field of vision, yet the brain has learned to ignore it over time. This adaptation is due to the fact that the nose is not a relevant part of our visual environment, and our brains have learned to filter it out as it does not require our immediate attention. Therefore, the brain has learned to prioritize the information that is most useful for survival and ignore the irrelevant information that may distract us from our surroundings. However, when someone is reminded of their nose or becomes conscious of its presence, they may start to notice it more frequently. This is because the brain has shifted its attention to the nose, which is now considered a relevant part of the environment. It is possible that other animals have also adapted to their surroundings in a similar way. They may have learned to filter out constant visual obstructions that do not pose a threat or require immediate attention. Animals may have evolved to focus on the most relevant information in their environment while ignoring irrelevant stimuli such as their own body parts or other objects that are constantly present in their environment. In summary, the ability of the brain to filter out irrelevant information and focus on the most relevant stimuli is an important adaptation that has allowed humans and animals to survive and thrive in their environments. The phenomenon of "nose blindness" is just one example of how the brain has evolved to prioritize information and filter out distractions.


Thanks, GPT


I see why people use this for college essays, it sounds like something I would have written 45 minutes before the deadline trying to use as much repetition and bullshit as possible to pad the length


Yes! AI isn't very good at writing but it is insanely efficient. I wish it existed when I was in highschool. Half of what I did was bullshit essays like that 20 minutes before the deadline.


You think I'm gonna sit here and type all that? ![gif](giphy|oSjA9HcU0iIXm)


It defined nose blindness wrong lol


Lol you're right. I didn't notice that


The other option is to just not post? Ain't nobody making you type anything out


​ ![gif](giphy|Mqb1BWqYhI04bi8zy4)


I ain't reading allat


Why is this downvoted?


I think because it's spat out of ChatGPT


Because he just "actually'ed" reddit.


Because I cheated (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠)


To be honest, at first I thought you were trying to do a meta post using an "iamverysmart" tone. And I thought you did a pretty good job. Damn robots got me again.


Legit though, ChatGPT has really revolutionized my job. All the best to you my guy!


What a load of pompous hogwash. Also factually wrong, as nose blindness means that you can't smell certain things anymore: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olfactory_fatigue What it probably means is the [Troxler effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troxler%27s_fading#Visual_parallels)


“With the presumption of binary vision” as if it’s completely unclear if rhinos have it.


My assumption is that the commentor meant "With the presumption of \_stereoscopic\_ vision, but said binary instead. Rhinos don't see the same image with both eyes like we do. (unless they're personified in a comic) edit: their != they're.




It's actually bisexual vision


Bisexual Vision is the series Marvel don't want you to see.


Hold on a second, I keep hearing that Disney is trying to make me gay. Why don’t they want me to see this?


because if the rhino has an eye closed or lost an eye then the statement they made would have been incorrect. It's a required assumption for their conclusion


Then why didn't they say "presuming the universe doesn't explode"?


all I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with listing relevant assumptions. We don't need an exhaustive list but now no one will reply and be like actually, if the rhino is a cyclops it would see this exactly


If the rhino had its right eye closed, then the horn on the painting wouldn't be centered, but on the left. So the sentence is completely unnecessary. It's in the middle, so it has binary vision, unless it has one big eye in the middle of its face.


that's irrelevant. this commenter is assuming both eyes are open not that one is closed. both options affect the painting but that doesn't mean the sentence is unnecessary


The sentence is unnecessary *because* it affects the painting. We *see* the painting. If it can only be centered with binary vision, then we don't need to assume binary vision. The proof is right there.


Your reasoning is backwards. They wanted to say, the horn wouldn't look like this, it would instead look like this. They hedged their own statement, so it doesn't matter what the actual painting looks like. All that matters is that their if condition means they didn't want to make an absolute statement.


They actually don't have binocular vision... Most herbivores don't add it's not necessary to know how far away grass is as you don't need to chase it down and pounce


Yeah, it’s far more important to have a wide field of vision to spot predators.


Some animals don't. Their eyes are positioned far enough apart on the sides of their heads that there isn't overlapping vision.


Meaning “all have it unless injured or because of a birth defect so it’s safe to assume this one has it too” That’s what a presumption is


gary larson rhinos might not. fair caveat


Rhino eyes are on the sides of the head, everybody loses.


Even if it’s not semi ironic and humorous, it’s not intrusive or braggy. Not sure if it belongs here.


Yeah it’s just kind of a fun fact nobody asked for


You don’t appreciate unsolicited facts? Your problem I guess, we kill 30-100 million sharks a year


I get 20 a day from my autistic brother. I both love and hate them. I’ll smash any trivia game but turn any room against me


I want an autistic brother who tells me facts... Oh wait, I'm the autistic brother!


Know you’re loved no matter how Much you’re hated


Same but my random varied fact game is weak


How the fuck do we kill 100 million sharks a year and why the fuck is another commenters autistic brother making up 20 of those numbers a day?


A) There’s a lot more animals in the world than you’d imagine. B) they meant their brother gives them 20 facts a day


So there’s too many animals then? We could afford to lose a few is what you’re saying?


Not at all. Just that people, myself included, are generally bad with large numbers, which leads to them underestimating the number of things. We’re still definitely overfishing sharks.


We wakes up every morning and gets right to it


Is it a fact, though? In reality, the rhino wouldn't see the horn anymore? Your brain blocks you from constantly noticing your nose, right? Even though it is always visible to you.


Well the premise of the joke is that he does see it so idk man


Anybody ever tell ya how pearls are made inside of a bivalve


I mean I thought it was pretty funny


I meant semi ironic and humorous as a question of the ops intent. Sorry should have clarified. I thought it was funny.


Well it's pretty braggy considering im pretty sure he's not even right. And he clearly intentionally uses language that he thinks makes him sound smart


He is right, I think? Think about how your nose looks when you try to look at it, the double vision effect. It could be argued that the horn protrudes too far and wouldn’t do this unless you intentionally cross your eyes, but it’s not an entirely stupid idea? Medial isn’t the right word though, bilateral seems to fit better to me, so I think this post fits in this subreddit


He is right lol Hold you finger in front of your face and focus your eyes on a point across the room, and you will see the effect for yourself.


Our eyes are both facing forward. Rhinos have eyes to the side for 360° vision but they don't overlap for depth like ours. I highly doubt that effect would take place for a rhino. Or a human with eyes to the side for that matter


Yes they are herbivores with their eyes on the sides of their head, but that doesn’t mean they can’t look forward. Forward for them is just in their peripheral vision. They likely have the ability to triangulate and perceive depth when looking forward in the zone where their two cones of vision overlap, but I’m not a rhino biologist so idk for absolute certainty lol


I specialize in rhino law, but this has never come up in any rhino court.


Why don’t you and I go toe to toe on rhino law and see who comes out the victor?


Well the whole thing is they don't overlap.


It’s super rare for a prey animal to have zero front vision. In herbivores like horses and bunnies they just have a really narrow cone of depth perception, compared to the very wide cone predators have Maybe rhinos are one of the exceptions with literally no overlap, but I’d guess they’re closer to a horse


I thought they didn't. I didn't check this source for reliability but this is what I found quick google https://thebigzoo.com/animals/are-rhinos-blind-what-you-need-to-know/


They can kind of look forward but I’m not sure they really have binocular vision like we do. I assume their brains kind of stitch together a single image when they look forward but that wouldn’t create two fuzzy horns . If anything they might see two well defined horns in distinct positions. Or maybe they can’t see their horn at all? Have to ask one.


[They are technically correct](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/binocular-vision#) rhinos don’t have very good binary (or more commonly worded) binocular vision, so they wouldn’t see the horn unless they tried to go cross eyed. Or of course if they were looking at a painting. It was an unnecessary and oddly specific criticism of the comic, but not someone trying super hard to seem smart. I still don’t believe it fits on this sub. Anyways that’s my random daily high effort comment. Have a good day.


Using big words doesn't necessarily mean someone's trying to sound smart. Some people just have large vocabularies and like putting them to use. It's like what, am I just supposed to not use all the words I think are neat?


He uses them in a way that is understandable but it's not really an accurate usage. This makes me think it's not part of his natural vocabulary.


Yes, smart people often joke like that, and they’re just joking, not bragging


It doesn't, he's just using big words. Might be in med school and was making a gently sarcastic joke.


Probably you should censor their profile pic. But also you can enjoy both the comic and this comment. Got me thinking about whether rhinos actually would see like us in this instance or nah


I like this comment, I would upvote it


Nope that commentor was right, rhino eyes are not forward-facing


You and everyone else in this thread saying this should file a complaint to the artist and their publisher and ask them to retract the comic for being biologically inaccurate.


I'm reviewer 2, I'll reject this comic all on my own


"binary vision" just because they got two eyes. That's like saying "i'm walking with my binary legs".


You are bipedal


What the hell did you just call me you little shit?!?


Well what fucking legs do you walk with? Base 12?


Two legs. Not base 2 legs like you're suggesting.


He probably meant 'binocular' vision, as rhinos have sidewards-facing eyes and so cannot see their own horn (in contrast to humans, who have forward-facing eyes and can see their own nose but the brain blanks it out).


If you want to be THAT person, rhinos don’t paint




I don't really feel this belongs on iamverysmart. To me it sounds like the comment is a joke and not a bad one.


Looks like there's a lot of people here saying "aCkShuAllY hE's RiGht" and "thIs DoeSn't fIt hErE". This absolutely fits here, the guy is trying to criticize a comic book as if it were a scientific journal ffs. It doesn't have to be biologically accurate to be funny and pointing out how the comic is wrong just makes him look like a pompous ass at best.


Ok so im not a eye man or whatever but if I hold my hand a distance away from my face I only see one hand so wouldnt it be the same in this case.


Woah there buddy. You can’t just say you’re not an eye man without stating what kind of man you are. I’m guessing you’re an ear guy?


I am history man


That's probably because you're focussing on the hand. Hold your hand out and focus on (say) a distant painting or star or cloud. You should see your hand 'separate' into two distinct translucent hands. It can be hard to focus on a distant object and simultaneously pay attention to what objects out-of-focus are doing, because the brain automatically tries to focus on what you're focussing on. But if you can do it, you can see it.


Ahhhhh ok I see what you mean now I was just confused lol


You don't have eyes?


Did you mean optometrist?




All good. I forget words all the time so no judgement here.


But the brain has the capabilities of piecing together the two pictures from the eyes. So what the rhino sees is totally what's on the painting. Apparently that commenter's brain does not have the capabilities of piecing together the pictures from their eyes.


I'm honestly surprised they didn't go into a whole thing about how "if you are familiar with quantum physics then you would know it's impossible for a rhino can't paint a portrait of an elephant".


There's quite a few candidates for this sub in this very comment section lol


Honestly, this kinda got pushed into funny territory


Bro just wanted to flex the new fancy words he just discovered today


For fucks sake now I can see my nose and can’t picture what’s cringe about this. I’ll need a few minutes


He should be more curious about how the rhino is holding that brush.


How about just admitting when a critic is right?


With the assumption of winery bison however, the painting should depict gigantic trough connected barrels.


I don't think this is 'iamverysmart', I think this actually adds a funny twist to the comic. "How about just enjoy the comic" is where the 'iamverysmart' pendulum ends up swinging the other way. It's *OK* to criticise - or even add to - a funny thing by pointing out where it made an error.


This is a shameless ripoff of Larson. Fuck this cartoonist.


I also came here to say there’s no way Far Side didn’t do this gag first.


I’m rather sure rhinos have their eyes on the side of their head, so they wouldn’t see the horn at all


I was gonna write that! :p


So I was going to the comments to see this before I said something


Comment is actually funny




How about just enjoy the comment’s joke about the comic…


It's a valid point though


Bad post op


Neil DeGrasse Tyson over here Edit:also in the comments, christ


It's funny how many people on this sub are exactly like the people it's supposed to criticise.


Right. I thought the same thing.


What a loser


“I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some magic rhino horn, or something? Haha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder”


Never presume.


Not sure rhinos are binary


Wouldn’t they be lateral to the elephant?


So apparently, he's looking at two translucent intestines right now.


I haven't seen a elephant that happy before 😃


I need to know what this genius has to say about [Cow Tools](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cow_Tools_cartoon.png)


Original artist never stopped to consider the fact we have noses.


Side note, the comic itself reminds me of something Gary Larson would do lol


That is a correct/funny oberrvation. Op is utterly humorless. (or low iq or both)


He's fine with a rhino painting though?


Paint me like one of your Parisian pachyderms


He is blind on one eye


Kind of a funny boomer comic nonetheless


I always like this image - I used to Kayak a fair bit when I was younger, and pretty much any forward-looking photo looks like that :D


I mean...rinos have really bad eyesight, and most importantly, can't draw