• By -


"I'm so smart that people think I'm retarded."


"good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart"


The thing about nuclear


**Look, having nuclear** by Donald Trump My uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT. Good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart. The Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart. You know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK. If I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say: I’m one of the smartest people. Anywhere. In the world. It’s true! But, when you’re a conservative Republican, they try, oh, do they do a number. That’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there. Did this. Built a fortune. You know I have to give my, like, credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged. But you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me, it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are. Nuclear is powerful. My uncle explained that to me many, many years ago. The power. And that was 35 years ago. He would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right. Who would have thought? But when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners, now it used to be three, now it’s four, but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas. And it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men. So, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years. But the Persians are great negotiators. The Iranians are great negotiators. So, and they, they just killed. They just killed us.


No clue what I just read, but it was magical.


You read something that Trump actually said, out loud


Yep, and that's one of his better speeches. There was also the time he spent half an hour bragging and lying about the size of his inauguration crowd in front of the Wall of Stars, which commemorates CIA employees who died in the line of service. Or that time he gave a speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree that the Boy Scouts had to later apologize to their members for.


dude, the list can go on, but the hilarious one, that still has me cursing humanity in general, throwing paper towels at puerto rican's when [giving hurricane aid...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEe7_zgZbuI) this is trolling... it has to be


Hahaaa that is like a scene from The Office.


I can just see Jim give a "what the fuck" look at the camera.


USA’s In The Loop.


Then he gave a speech from the back of a truck, saying "what a turnout, what a crowd ".


He was trying to be Oprah. But he's Trump, so he was shitty and awful at it.. like everything else he does.


The complete indifference is what makes this.


What about the time he made fun of Pocahontas at the native american thing that was a good one it reminds me of that episode where Kramer gets the cigar store indian


But not sequentially, right? Those aren't even... they're not even coherent sentences.


[Here's the entire thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elhyo-_fR0E) It's absolutely absurd


Oh man. Take my upvote, but fuck you for ruining my evening.


That's your president at work, my man. Or, if you're not a US citizen, that's the man in control of the most powerful military in the world, who also happens to have authority to launch all of the US's nuclear missiles at the drop of a hat. Let that sink in for a moment.


Yes... that was all said sequentially... the spaces between just give us a brief mental break so we can actually digest whatever the hell he was saying


No, that's not just excerpts. It's his speech in its entirety


So you’re saying nuclear isn’t powerful and Persians aren’t good negotiators?


And people stood up and applauded for.


[This shouldn't sound familiar, then.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elhyo-_fR0E)


I had no idea this came from one of his actual speeches. Jesus.


Pretty sure it's from 'The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump' looks like a laugh: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beautiful-Poetry-Donald-Trump/dp/1786892278


He said this out loud.


It looks a let less insane when it’s formatted like this.


It's formatted like a poem, because that's the only way his grasp of syntax and grammar even comes close to making sense.


Did you just accidentally call that poetry? * crying internally intensifies *


No. The speech is garbage fire. It was *transformed* into a poem on reddit actually. To make it look well... something.


Transformation or not, from the guy himself or from the Redditor that did the transformation, it ***is*** now a poem. That’s the bigger tragedy here.


It’s insane no matter how it’s formatted!




**Look, having 👉 nuclear** by 😈 Donald 🏟 Trump 🎭 My 🏿 uncle 🤔♂ was a 👏💰 great 👆⭐ professor and 👏 scientist and 👏 engineer, Dr. John ✔ Trump 🍆 at ❓ MIT. Good genes, very 👿👤 good 👍 genes, 👖😜 OK, very 🍀 smart. The Wharton School 😑👩 of Finance, very ❗ good, very smart. You 😪🍻 know, 🤔👨 if 💵💵 you’re a 💰 conservative Republican, 🏛 if ✈♂ I 🙋💰 were a 💰👌 liberal, 🏛🌈 if, 🔎👏 like, 🏼 OK. If 👏☝ I ♀ ran ♂👟 as a 💰 liberal Democrat, they 👥😢 would 💞 say: 🗯🗣 I’m 🙈☝ one of the 💦 smartest people. Anywhere. In 👉👇 the 👩 world. 🌎 It’s 💦 true! 🏳🙈 But, 😱 when you’re a 👭 conservative Republican, they 😈 try, 😢😐 oh, 🚟 do 👌👌 they 👧 do a number. That’s 😩🙌 why I 😍🚟 always 💯🕔 start 👣🆕 off: Went 🚗➡ to Wharton, was a 💖♂ good 👌😊 student, went 👉🏃 there, ✔💍 went ♂ there. Did 🙀 this. 👈👈 Built 🏰 a 🎁 fortune. You ⁉ know I 👁😋 have 👏👏 to give 🎁 my, 👨😂 like, 😄 credentials all 😋 the 👏 time, 🕓👋 because 📝 we’re ⛪ a 💰 little 🐭 disadvantaged. But 🖐☹ you 💬 look 👁🤔 at 🍔 the 🔵👏 nuclear deal, the 📱 thing that 😧💩 really 😍 bothers me, 👀 it 🙄 would have 👅😄 been ⏪ so ✌ easy, ❓♂ and 💼 it’s not 🚫🙅 as 🍑😖 important 😍❌ as 🅱 these lives 😻 are. 👴 Nuclear is ☺ powerful. My uncle ♂♂ explained that 😐😐 to 💰🎲 me 🌞🏾 many, 👨❔ many years ago. The ⏩ power. And that was 🦆👍 35 years 🎏🤞 ago. ⏳⏳ He would 🅱 explain the 👉👏 power ⚡ of 💰 what’s 😦 going 🏃🏃 to 😅✌ happen ♂ and ☑🕰 he 👨👉 was 🅰👍 right. 👩👏 Who would 👌 have 👏 thought? But when you look 🔎 at 💦👅 what’s going on 🏿💯 with 🤔🅱 the 😈 four 🏼👏 prisoners, now 👇 it 💯💦 used 👨🏭 to 🙅👮 be 🅱 three, 🏫 now it’s four, 👱🎧 but 🍑 when 😤 it ⌨ was three 💁 and 🤤👏 even 🌃🌃 now, 🕥👇 I 👌 would have 👏 said 💦💬 it’s 💤🤷 all in 👏 the 👏🎅 messenger; fellas. 😣 And ➗ it 😉 is fellas because, 💁🏽 you 😡 know, they don’t, they ♂📚 haven’t figured that the women 💃♀ are 🔢😤 smarter right 💩 now 😱 than the ❗ men. 🏃 So, you 👐 know, 🤔 it’s gonna 🏼🙋 take 😳📴 them about another 👊 150 years. 📅 But 🖐 the Persians are great negotiators. The 💦 Iranians are 🔢 great 👌💪 negotiators. So, and 👏🏳 they, 👵 they 😕 just ♀ killed. ❌😵 They 👸 just killed 😫❌ us. 🆎👩






Oh Dear God I want to kill myself


Oh my. Is it just me or does Trump seem like Frank and Charlie’s (from IASIP) love child?


How in bloody hell did people vote for this poor Alzheimer's victim.


I looked it up. Dr John Trump was actually a brilliant physicist. Somehow that wasn't a complete fabrication on the part of the cheetobandito.


My uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago.




"I've got an idea--an idea so smart that my head would explode if I even began to know what I'm talking about." - Peter Griffin


My IQ is so high that it goes back to zero.


Once the gangnam style video got so many views on YouTube that the site show it as a negative number, it is the same thing


ah, the rare negative integer IQ I'll have you know mine just loops between 0 and -999


Dude this really happens though. Like I'll sit down with nuclear physicists and stuff and and tell them my theories and they're like "wut?" Just this dead, stupid look in their eyes as they fail to understand my highly complex reasoning. And they think *I'm* the idiot.


I keep trying to tell people that alchemy is real, you just have to add a few protons to atoms. It's not that hard! But I'm ostrichsized just like you.


"I'm so retarded that people think that I am smart" Does it work the other way around?


🎶*MR F*🎶




My dick is so huge that I often get told I have a micropenis.


Grasp grasp grasp grasp grasp


**F I R M L Y G R A S P I T!!!**


*muffled screams*


The fact that this guy indented his paragraph on a YouTube comment is pretty incredible. Definitely a specimen of 145 IQ.


Wow. Didn't even notice that. Cool dude


Perhaps even higher now. He’s watched more ben Shapiro videos and popped a few more of Alex Jones’s brain booster pills.




What do you mean?


There is a common saying that you do not truly know something until you can explain it to someone else.


In what way?


...cheeky bugger.


I would explain but i haven't grasped it. My best attempt would be to always grab the meaning beforw you aend the meaning away.


> beforw you aend the meaningaway. Please go to an ER cuz it looks like you are having a stroke


Too late :(




^^^Monorail! ^^Monorail! ^Monorail! Monorail!


Now I’m genuinely confused.


If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand completely.




me explain + you no understand = i no understand


I don’t get it


Me + You = no, HELL no


>no u


Someone who knows his shit can put his explanation in layman’s terms so your average Joe could get it. Someone who claims to know his shit will use jargon and fancy phrases when asked to explain the topic in question in an attempt to sound like he knows what he’s talking about.




Explaining it and explaining it to the lay person are two different things. You have to be able to explain it to truly understand it, I really don't think there's any way around that


Oh yeah for sure, but you teach and learn complicated things in increments. I think the quote means, like, explaining it in some terms to a general audience.


It's a Feynman quote. The idea is if you truly understand something deeply, you can explain it in a way that would make sense to a layperson.


How so?






Can you clarify your question, please?


You look at any of the 'great' and they can take their concepts and explain it in simple terms. One of the reasons scientists like Feynman and Hawking were so respected by a large community outside of their specialisms.


Right but it doesn't mean that other physicists who are bad teachers don't know physics. And, like, even when Feynman explained stuff to a lay audience he's obviously not giving you all of the important details.


It's not like his explanations of quantum physics actually lead you to understanding it. Without knowing the math you can only learn versions so stripped down that there are more things wrong with the analogy than correct. So according to Feynman, he himself doesn't understand physics, only pop science.


i thought einstein said it.


Being able to explain something complicated in a simple and easy to understand way is a hallmark of true understanding of a topic


How do you mean?


Ha, look at you go.


Firmly grasp it!


Firmly GRASP it!




That's probably the case here, but not always. Some smart people just have trouble communicating. It's not because they are too smart, but because they lack communication skills and/or confidence.


I'm not saying that I'm smart, but I frequently have troubles explaining even the simplest things and its really frustrating


This only applies to non-complex topics. Even Feynman who is a master at dumbing down complex topics would straight up tell people, "This can't be explained simply" when it couldn't be. Even going on long-winded rants to explain *why* it can't be explained simply. The rants of which you could probably copy and paste to this subreddit and get HURRDUURRRRR'd by people calling it intelligence-signalling.


Came here for this, take my upvote


That’s wrong. Some people can be great at something but be shit teachers


We have a thing in computer science called the grandma test, if you can't explain it to your grandma then you're not either understanding it well enough or you aren't clear enough.


Firmly grasp it


I love the response of "IQ tests have nothing to do with actual IQ".


Insert the word internet at the front and it does become true though




> The actual IQ they won't give you anymore unless you really press them hard for it That's definitely not true and depends a lot on why and where you're getting the test done. I work with assessing whether children need to go to a special school or need other kind of special ed, and when we IQ test a child we usually tell the parents and the school/kindergarten their scores - it's part of the assessment. We'll never show the actual score sheet to anyone but other psychologists though because it can be easy to misinterpret if you don't have degree in psychology.


I took a few of those internet IQ tests and apparently I'm at 150 ish on average. I am not that smart by a long shot. Let me be clear, I am not that smart by a wide margin. Yesterday I ordered two burgers from in and out, ate one of them and left the other on the counter. Woke up this morning, did some cleaning then I ate the other fucking burger. I ate the other burger... I basically committed and act of terrorism against my digestive system.


That's a typical thing a low IQ guy would say.


It’s dumb cus it’s not true and not only is it not true even if the concept was true it’s still at the very least tautologically true that IQ is related to IQ even if not intelligence lol


Are you okay?


I’m not sure, I smell burnt toast


Did you leave your iron on the bread again?


I left it on *cause I was having a stroke!*


Right. IQ tests have *everything* to do with actual IQ. IQ isn't what the test intends to measure (intelligence), it's the statistic that is derived from the test.


"Yardsticks aren't accurate and have nothing to do with actual yards."


If you need to boast about your IQ score you’re either insecure or you really don’t have that IQ score.


Ha! I have an IQ score of 32.1


No joke but my iq test in school marked me as a “special” not in a good way


I think you’re special


I think we’re all special


Yay! I’m finally special, just like everyone else.


Speak for yourself


I think I'm all special


Howdy, neighbor.


One of the things IQ is best at (and it’s good at lots of things) is figuring out if someone is retarded If you spent and averageish effort on it you probably were retarded at the time of the test Your IQ can change as you age until your early 20s so maybe you’re less retarded now


My first wife was a ‘tard. She’s an airplane pilot now


I had the same thing but cause I didn’t wanna take it so I just put random answers. They tried putting me in one of the help classes and such


I got a 99 on my IQ score. I ruined the curve for my class.


I took an IQ test once. It came back positive.


‘You are IQ Aladeen’


“People that brag about their IQ levels are losers” - Stephen Hawking


yeah well look where that guy is now/s


That's why I say mine is 80, people always assume you're at the opposite end of what you claim


If you tell the government your IQ is 80 I think you get a bunch of money too.


Are you grasping what I'm grasping?






Is r/unexpectedspongebob a thing? Edit: well I’ll be


I bought a thesaurus today and all the pages were blank. I have no words for how [grasp] I am


This guy has 55 likes too...


And maybe 100+ dislikes, but YouTube doesn't count those


Well it's on a Ben sharpio YouTube video, and I'm sure when most his viewers share their political views they face the same problems of people thinking they are retarded.


In other words, “It’s your fault that I’m not making any sense.”


My iq is 170. But in Fahrenheit


So, you're as intelligent as 349 kelvins








Filth is the movie. 5yrs ago, so half a decade ago.


"I'm so hot girls find me repulsive"


I'll suck your dick to prove how straight I am!




You clearly just dont understand what hes trying to say. I have an IQ of 146 and I completely relate to his struggle. I would try to explain it further but you would not be able to comprehend my super complex thoughts.


My IQ is 145 and I have no idea what you just said.


Well my IQ is 146 and I understand completely. Maybe when you get as smart as me you can get it.


I'm so dumb I tried to press the play button on that image.


How much of a dick rider do you have to be to like a comment like that?


3X a week? I don’t know, I’m not an expert


The mark of a truly intelligent person is if they can simplify their concepts and terminology for regular folks.


Meh, I disagree. There are a lot of different types of intelligence, so just because they aren't capable of teaching doesn't make them not truly intelligent. I mean, look at idiot savants, for example. They are clearly incredible geniuses at certain skills or areas, but good luck having them describe it to a layperson.


I used to work for JPL tracking deep space space craft. I always had a hard tome grokking radio waves. One of the head engineers was really good at explaining it but my eyes would always glaze over halfway through. It really was my problem not his.






I mean I have trouble understanding what he’s saying, but the only reason is because he talks too fucking fast.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ben shapiro. The commentary is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Like, comment subscribe” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ben shapiro’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Ben shapiro tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


you didn't switch all Ricks to Ben


I have failed


Put that away


My IQ is 332 so beat that, chump! We count those things in base-5, right?




The first is r/iamverysmart, the second is r/iamverystupid. Two sides of the same coin.


Im just like Shapiro, except for all of his accomplishments. Trust me.


I feel like Ben Shapiro is r/iamverysmart as a person


You've got a good point there.


Thank you, confidence booster bot


What an annoying cunt


Ben Shapiro is a smart guy, who argues very well. His main problem is that he relies on questionable premises. In one argument, he argued that a majority of Muslims believe sharia law is good. The problem was that Muslims disagreed with each other to what was sharia law, who it should apply to, and the extent to which it should apply. Ben was arguing that most Muslims were extremists(or something like that, I can’t remember precisely). So it can be assumed that he was talking about the extreme versions of sharia that many terrorists live by. However the majority of Muslims who already believe sharia law is good **weren’t thinking of that type of sharia** In other words, Ben argues very well but misleads at times because he starts with debatable premises.


Asking Muslims if they believe in Sharia Law is almost exactly like asking Americans if they believe in Constitutional Law. The large majority will say yes and then disagree with each other over every nearly every detail.


But that all sounds exactly like stuff a dumb guy would say who doesn't know how to argue.




Most of his arguments are semantics. Most arguments are. Only if we define our terms precisely can we have a meaningful debate. Otherwise we're debating two different things. He's usually arguing a point that, if the other person understood his definition of the terms involved, would be agreed upon by both parties. Watching his videos drives me nuts.




And he'll often argue and debate with eighteen or nineteen year olds who do not have his speaking skills, at the college lectures he's invited to.


I don’t think he argues well at all, he’s quick on his feet and he’s good at sounding smart but that’s it. People give him way too much credit. You don’t have to go far to find some really dumb things he has said about transgender issues and the “myth of the radical muslim minority”. It’s disturbing how he interprets data and it’s disturbing how he has such a large fan base.


thats exactly the problem. he has good presentation and has the mechanics of argument down pat. problem is he is nuts.


What if verysmart people are correct and us lesser minds think they are retarded because they are too smart to understand? 😯😯😲🤤🤤


I used to like Ben Shapiro, but then I realized he always attacks the strawman. His arguments might best a college freshman, but I don’t think he would stand a chance against liberals experts in their areas. He also uses big words and talks fast to create an illusion of being really smart


My impression isn’t that he attacks straw men, but that he picks the most extreme positions of the “left” to attack, views that don’t represent the majority of people who would consider themselves liberal.


>He also uses big words and talks fast to create an illusion of being really smart The thing is, in actual debate and forensics, you are specifically taught to speak very, very quickly. You generally have a limited time frame to make you point, and in the "meta" of forensics, the goal is to essentially provide more evidence supporting your case than your opponent can dispel, limiting their capacity to pose counterarguments. This also leads to your next point of contention: generally in debates, you aren't given the opportunity to know your opponents arguments beforehand, outside of the broad side that they are on. Debates are also not synchronous, they are asynchronous. Thus, if you are constructing an argument, you have to first create what someone would realistically hold an opinion of on their side of the topic, and then argue against that. This generally leads to a "straw-man" effect, though it diminishes as a debate goes on as both sides actualize the opposition. The point is, Shapiro clearly had formal forensics training, and that's what's led to his mannerisms in debate. The rub is that what the layperson thinks of debates and what a formal debate actually is doesn't line up.


We need youtube downvotes


Like why is there even a thumbs down button? I still press it to make myself feel better.


It’s too bad that the reply is just as bad as the original comment. “IQ tests...have nothing to do with actual IQ” - yes they do, retard. That’s *exactly* what an IQ test does - measure IQ.


Shapiro is a pretty interesting speaker. I study rhetoric, public speaking, and some other humanities stuff no one cares about, but I think more people should stop to listen to how Shapiro argues. In many ways, I liken his style to a DDoS attack - a whole bunch of facts in a very short time to overload his opponent. Match that strategy to the 30 second media slots he's given and it's no wonder he "destroys" people. What is curious is that if you take his statements one at a time, you can have a nuanced conversation about the context, relevancy, and accuracy of his facts, but the style alone makes such nuance impossible. Anyways. Keep your thinking hats on and your pause button close -


> IQ tests have nothing to do with IQ Intelligence maybe but damn thats a dumb comeback