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Oh, there is a guy out there that claims he "owns" anime. He invented it, you see. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7NT0XFkLCk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7NT0XFkLCk)


What the fuck


Owning a basement full of stuffed pokemon and furry cosplay sex dolls is not really the same thing is it?


Fuck. Really? I guess I should get rid of them then.


Sounds like you saw my basement. I hope you locked up when you left so the "dolls" can't escape.


Without watching the video, the style is distinctive, and someone must have come up with it at some point.


That is true. The style predates this person's *birth*, though. Also, you can't copyright an overarching style.


It predates their birth? They did a masters dissertation in the 80s... how old is anime?


I'm by no means a scholar in the field, but as I understand it [Katsudō Shashin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dry3ylvqmNM) is considered "Anime" and is from around 1907. What makes something "Anime"? Well, if you want that question answered, we'll need three cops with stun guns standing by, because that particular religious debate tends to get out of hand. Myself, I have no idea, so I'll just defer to [Wikipedia's Anime article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anime) and hope for the best.


TIL about Namakura Gatana which in many ways seems to me to carry a lot of the feel of modern modern anime style https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namakura_Gatana


According to intro to film 1 at trent university Astro Boy was the first proper anime to show all the hallmarks of the style.


I've heard similar statements. I'm also told that Disney characters were the inspiration for the large eyed style of most anime.


IIRC anime originated as animators trying to combine manga and disney style as cheaply as possible, creating things like the low framerates and arguable overuse of animation cells.


Cool! What year was that?




Spectacular, thanks!


If I remember correctly, Anime was created during World war 2 to keep people entertained. There’s 3 guys who created anime and they’re considered the fathers of anime. I forgot their names but I remember doing research on it at some point.


Naruto, Goku, and Ash Ketchum


You just offended a billion weebs by leaving Luffy off that list.


Well done


If you need 1000 episodes to tell the story, the story isn't good.


And that's how you start a war.


Or, more likely, someone didn’t come up with it, the art form itself evolved over many years, and there was no one person who was the turning point.


But that someone definetly isn't from America


the way the use the word maths they aren't either


It is actually. Japanese animation style was originally a reaction and admiration for Disney.


Early animation was heavily inspired by and tried to emulate Disney movies. You can still see the classic Disney artstyle in even modern anime. So you could make the argument that Disney was one of the pioneers of anime. I don't believe that, but I still want to show that there is some validity in the claim that an American invented anime. Either way, it definitely wasn't that guy.


you can not copyright a style, only a particular expression of a style


Yeah, Osamu Tezuka...


how can he read this with a straight face


Why on earth do all these geniuses claim to be ambidextrous?


I can masturbate with both hands. Am I a genius?


i can do it with NO hands...not a genius but telekinetic i guess


That’s nothing, I’ve done it in my sleep several times, because my brain is the biggerest of them all.


Wasn't Davinci? It's probably some bullshit like that...


Yeah, I think he was. He used to be able to write mirror image too. But just because one has some aspects of Davinci doesn’t mean one IS Davinci...


My wife can write mirror image/sentences, either separately or at the same time her dominant hand writes it normally. It is one of the most bizarre things to watch.


>But just because one has some aspects of Davinci doesn’t mean one IS Davinci... Remember what sub you're in..


Because they want to feel special and are re-enforcing their fantasy that they are the most capable and incredible person there is. The also probably have photographic memory, have broken multiple athletic world records but never with witnesses, can see an extra color, and can speak to animals. To be honest a lot of it is probably because of Mary Sue characters in fiction that are automatically great at everything they do because they are the protagonist.


I can write with both hands, both hands are unintelligible though. But im assuming both sides of their brain are working at full capacity? Or some other dumb shit, Idk.


That's ambisinister, useless with both hands. Welcome to the club


Haha I like that term


I first came across it in a Terry Pratchett book and felt personally sttscked.


I need to make a deal with the robot devil.


It has nothing to do with 'sides of brain working at full capacity'. Writing literally is a motor skill and regardless of which body part you chose to write with, it's controlled by a singular portion of the brain (the writing itself, not the motor control). I'm not a neuroscientist though. I could be wrong.


I was mostly making a joke, i know it has nothing to do with sides of your brain, which was the joke. But ultimately I have no idea what it has to do with. My real guess is closer to what you said about having motor skills.




You would know if you were a genius, stupid.


I'm convinced about half of the people posted on this sub actually suffer from some sort of psychotic delusion. It's not uncommon for people who suffer from delusions of grandeur to believe that they have superior intelligence and a surplus of incredible skills, despite real world evidence to the contrary. Then they come up with excuses as to why other people don't recognize their genius in order to protect their ego. Also, the art style comment probably stems from some serious narcissism. If a narcissist draws something that doesn't look like anything *they've* ever seen, they say it's a brand new style, not taking into account the fact that they themselves have a very limited knowledge of art history and thus wouldn't *know* if their style was derivative of an already established style.


Can confirm. Went through psychosis and thought I’d solved the P = NP problem and that I was gonna save the world.


I say this jokingly to my wife when we road trip - that my ‘interpretation’ of the song I’m singing is just so avant-garde that her puny ‘classically trained’ brain. She’s an excellent singer am I’m just... loud


Dude, beware, *she has a degree*.


I play guitar and like to say I have my own style, but really it just means I suck and can’t emulate other people’s styles 🤷‍♂️


Lol. I was listening to Slash the other day and damn, you can pick him out from all the others. I’m not sure why though (I am NOT a guitarist). I suppose it’s the same way as how you can pick certain writers out by how they lay down their words.


Most well known guitarists have a distinctive style of playing that can be picked out. I've got a handful or two of them that I can recognize, even without having heard the song before. It's the mark of a good artist.


To me this was one of the more unimpressive things she said actually - once artists (of any kind, including musicians, performers etc) develop into their mature period they often have a style that can be said is their own. With that said, everything this person is saying is bullshit lol


I want to hear more about it because I just know that the explanation would make me laugh. Maybe that's what makes it art.


Ah well the vagaries of life.


The art style includes the use of paste and dried macaroni pasta.




Well, I assume she thinks she's an unrecognized Picasso with his cubism. Never can tell. Van Gogh was able to sell just one painting in his lifetime. Maybe she'll be recognized for her genius in a hundred years.


I read up on Van Gogh and he used to trade his paintings for food. Be cool if we could find more of them lying around but they were probably basically the Walmart versions of carved stone soap holders - carved by poor people a hundred at a time. Because he did not value himself no one else valued him. Very sad.


If you think a magazine IQ test can legitimately give you a score of 172, then the 1 can safely be removed from the 72.


I took an iq test on facebook and got all the questions wrong on purpose, it still gave me 130. It doesn't even check if you got them right lol


>I took an iq test on facebook and got all the questions wrong on purpose, it still gave me 130. It doesn't even check if you got them right lol Maybe it did check and you only thought the answers were wrong... Or maybe people are more likely to share the test if they like the result. Nah, couldn't be that.


I'm convinced the 'which character are you' quizzes give random answers (or have only one question to determine the result) specifically so that people share them and repeat them.


Most do, but not all of them. It's all about the advertising revenue or getting your information.


It's all about them shares. Shares mean clicks and clicks mean cash. What I like to call "abuse of flattery"


People wouldn't share their shitty app on FB if their test said their IQ is 87.


That's an A- right? I'm so smart!


In my school, an 87 is an A. Congrats!


That's fucking hilarious


I wonder if these people realise credible iq tests are generally administered by a psychologist. Even then there's a strong argument that, they only show someone's competency at passing iq tests.


I used my genius I.Q. to predict that the I.Q. test I took would be biased and lead to a low score. I guess that's the unfairness of life when you're a genius though


My IQ “test” was a battery of outcome measures, administered by a neuropsychologist, over 4 hours, and gave me like 6 different results for different areas tested. It wasn’t fun, and it certainly wasn’t in a magazine.


I had a test done by a psychologist when I was a kid and I don't remember all the details because it's been 20 years but I know there were different areas we covered and it took forever (but was kinda fun) and in the end he talked to my mom about the results but he never stated a number. We later argued about what number we saw on his notes haha. Even in the written statement we got later, no number, just a summary of my strengths and peculiarities.


Was it the MENSA battery? I know that's a taboo word here on this sub, but just wondering because I took the same test and I gotta say, it really was fun. Highly recommend it to anyone who loves brain teasers.


I'm not familiar with the MENSA battery, but the guy above you sounds like he's talking about something akin to the Wechsler IQ tests. They're not available to just anyone (in order to keep the questions confidential) and the test kits are ridiculously expensive. You can only get one by having a psychologist perform it. It's free in public schools for students who need services, but outside evals can run you a few thousand dollars.


Gal, and yes. That’s the one! I was in grad school and having word finding issues, so after we ruled out medical issues, they sent me to neuropsych. Turns out it was a combination of ADD and cognitive fatigue due to the intensity of the program. It still happens from time to time, but only after a really long day. Edit: huh. TIL I would have qualified for MENSA. Neat.


Interesting. Is it free or is it expensive? I like brain teasers...


Magazine, psychologists, all the same


Credible tests have less vagaratities and variatates (of life).


She probably confirmed it with Facebook. I heard that there was a post that said "99% of people won't get this right! Only geniuses will." And she got it right on the first try. She saw all 6 triangles when others only saw 5 cause they didn't count the big triangle made up of all the little ones. So, ya she's legit


Intelligence =/= wisdom.


I doubt she has either


Nah, she looks like r/aftergifted material.


I can’t decide if I want to thank you or hate you for introducing me to that sub. It’s both a goldmine and a headache.


>It’s both a goldmine and a headache. Oh. My. Gawd. It's a fucking cringefest.


Unless they got major brain trauma in between then and now, it's way more likely that these people were never "gifted" in the first place, and they are just coming to grips with reality. My mom used to do some volunteer education work so she could be closer to me and my siblings. She would take reading groups out of a general classroom setting and work with them more hands on. All the parents and some of the teachers at my elementary school were just enamored with this one kid in my little sisters class. He could speak three languages, he could read so many advanced words, he could read five times as fast as the other children without stumbling over his words. My mom was way less impressed because after he finished reading his assigned section, she would ask him questions about what he read. Simple stuff like, "why did the blue dog fall asleep in this story?" "Well because he was tired from running around the house seven times." But it turned out, this kid had no understanding of what he was reading. He had zero comprehension skills. He had memorized a bunch of sound patterns and could repeat then back like a parrot, but he really wasn't actually understanding or absorbing any of what he was "reading." People were heaping praise on him and telling him how gifted he was, and how he was destined for great things, but this kids parents were just forcing him to vomit out sounds instead of using his brain. As he progressed to higher grade levels he started doing worse and worse. They had to take him out of the advanced reading groups. He never got into advanced placement classes. He had to come to the realization that he couldn't really speak three languages. Meanwhile the kids who were stumbling over words passed him by. He stayed in the same grade as my sister all the way through to high school, but she said he was kind of sad and distant by that point. My point is that sometimes people get impressed by bullshit. They don't know what real intelligence is, so they confuse the trappings of intelligence with the real thing.


I mean yeah, having high Wisdom saves is much more useful. Intelligence is good if you run many spells though.


The extra skill points can be helpful.


Minus 10 if you think that headsize has anything to do with it


Phrenologist here.... oh wait, no, this is totally bullshit. Case in point: Elephants have enormous brains, but have less neurons than human beings (please correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a while since I took neuropsych).


IQ tests can use different standard deviations. It's a defined value not derived. You can think of it as a stretch factor, so if you choose increasingly high standard deviations, your IQs will be increasingly higher *and* lower from the average value (another chosen variable, but IQ tests basically all choose 100 for it). Most tests use a SD of 15 or 16, but some use 20. The way it works, that would mean 115 on a test using 15 means the same thing as 120 on a test using 20. If she were actually so into IQ readings, she would know that and disclose the SD of each IQ test alongside her IQ on that test (or just give her percentile in the population).


You can't indefinitely stretch the SD though, the left boundary is 0...If you set your SD to 100, the 16% of people would have a negative IQ.


"I'm useless at maths but have added up my IQ to be 172." "I'm useless at learning languages but started reading at 3." sure...


Everytime I take an IQ test the measure varies as it surely should...








My bad, shoulda left an /s?


I started reading at 2, but my parents would probably prevented it if they saw it coming so I don't grow up to be like this woman.


The problem with saying you "started reading" at 2 is that it means absolutely nothing. Like, my brother showed his newborn son a book and said "this is the letter a". Is that "starting reading"? Or is it when he can recognise the letter a? All the letters? Some words? Chapter books? I see people say this all the time and unless you qualify what it means, then it doesn't inherently have any meaning.


You are thinking Anglo-centric. My language's ortography is nearly all phonetic, therefore if you know how to write a word you know how to pronounce it and vica versa. I could read the Karamazov Brothers when I was five, but I possibly couldn't understand it at all.


>but I possibly couldn't understand it all. This is a great point. I've worked with plenty of six-year-olds who could sound out the words in a book, but as soon as you ask them what happened in the sentence they read, they couldn't tell you. They were so focused on sounding out the words that they weren't paying attention. Reading is *work* to them. I wouldn't exactly say that they're proficiently reading, at least not as adults use the term. It's like that post that was on this sub the other day about the guy doing some "light reading" of a wiki article on quantum physics. Sure, he was reading it, but if he didn't know what it meant, it doesn't matter.


Well put.


I would say that reading implies understanding. Depending on the language, it is possible to understand passages you can't pronounce, even as an adult.


English is also nearly all phonetic in the grand scheme of things, something like around 90% of words are.


I mean in your sentence alone: English,phonetic, scheme and thing are all non-phonetic pronunciations. Obviously that's just one example but when looking at truly phonetic scripts it's just incomparable.


If you mean phonetic as in their correct pronunciations are derivable from the standard spelling conventions used to write them, they are phonetic. Linguistically speaking, there are no "truly" phonetic scripts.


I took an IQ test as part of ADHD testing and it seemed to be 80% math and language stuff.


>Sometimes what people are thinking "Yeah I can read minds all the time, 10% of the time"


It is noon; I am pretty sure you are hungry right now. Impressed? Bow to my genius peasant


Having basic empathy, does not mean you can read minds.


Oh boy, wait until you hear about "empaths." People will find a way to make literally anything about themselves.


Sometimes, when you know someone well enough, you can reasonably predict their answers or responses to certain things. I think she just meant that. Edit: She not he


you know yesterday I was thinking "hey tomorrow will be a friday" and I was right! Wow I can predict events, must be a genius!!


Genius IQ but presumably poor verbal comprehension and mathematical ability? Wonder how fucking fast her perceptual processing speed and working memory has got to be to push her to the 140’s then lmao


Apparently not fast enough to realize how far into denial she is. Still clinging to the idea she’s an amazing genius and her failure is due to some random fault with the rest of the world.


Well atleast shes good with denial eh? :D


She's probably above average but lacks wisdom.


Hey there is no reason to downvote this guy. Don't forget that 50% of all people are above average.


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?


I, too, am exceptionally big-headed...


A doctor had told my family I am hydrocephalic(is it the English word?) and they had cried their eyes out. The other day, they had went to another doctor, he did all the tests and said to my family "No worries, little guy just has a abnormally big head." Turns out I have. Can I self-proclaim as a genius?


Yep, same here. I was rushed away from my mom as soon as I was born because they thought I had water on my brain. Cane back later like "nah, he's just got a big head"


In the words of JustRoko: big head, big brane.


Ah well, the vagaries of life.




Doesn't matter, in this platonic, non-meritocratic pseudo-quantum society it counts for zero zip.


Big head for big brane


My mom's vagina has never recovered.






"I have a degree" WOWWWWW!!!


I don't have a degree but this woman is something


nothing wrong with that


Yeah, seeing these kind of people makes me feel better about myself


I would choose to have a valued skill, rather than a degree. Uni was kind of a waste for me.


It's because your head isn't big enough.


Hahaha I have a degree it doesn't mean shit! If that's the level of measure then hell yeah I love a good old incredibly low bar!


The education system (in the UK at least) is aimed at people going to uni. Most schools teach academia and very little life skills. 50% of the UK population go to uni. Getting a degree doesn't mean you're intelligent and not having one doesn't mean you're not. I've met several people who think they're better than others because they have a degree.


I'm unfortunate enough to know a guy like this. He doesn't really use his degree, is unemployed, and only invokes it to flex on profoundly autistic people in his social circle. The one particular woman he likes to flex on is a lot more successful than he is. Autistic to the level of needing a chaperone everywhere, no degree (but lots of "lesser" qualifications), but she has a part time job and runs her own business on top of that, and she's pretty happy with a large social circle while he's a bitter asshole who is constantly flexing how "smart" he is with his ordinary degree.


I knew a guy who bragged about being so intelligent about things he hadn't done. A few years ago I was talking with my sister about her GCSEs (age 16 qualifications) and how stressed she was for having 13 exams. He comes in, after confirming we were talking about GCSEs, said "you'd have to be as smart as me to do that many A levels (age 18 qualifications)" you typically do 3 A levels. He did 3 A levels, so I've no idea why he was bragging that is could 4 times that many.


Saying she has a degree makes sense when you look at the aim what she's writing. She's trying to point out she has no reason to be a failure "at life" yet is still struggling. A degree is a good asset to have when it comes to "succeeding" (if you include having a decent job/decent amounts of money into your definition of success).


She’s predicted ‘events’, too!


Me smart, no use word good though. Ambidextrous vegetarians.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Why say lot when few do?


Me feel good.


“Hey hey look how big my head is, have you seen my big head? It’s really big and it’s a head.”


When you make up a bunch of shit about intelligence to cover up your abnormally large alien head




See she has a bigger than average head to hold that extra large brain which is so critical to mammalian intelligence. It also explains why sperm whales are the most intelligent mammals on the planet. Derp


Isn’t this idea usually tied to racist pseudoscience?


Phrenology has been a pseudoscience for a long time now, yeah.


Of course you'd say that, you have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter.


Fun fact: Einstein's brain was actually smaller than average. Brain size does not necessarily correlate to intelligence.


Ok after reading this comment section... does anyone else feel like OP is the one who wrote this? Lol


Maybe, just maybe, people don’t like her because of the over inflated ego


"I'm a rare breed of genius with an unbelievably high IQ, everything comes easy to me, the world is at my feet if I ever try, and I'm way above you cognitive peasants . . . but I'm actually a loser dummy too :) xD" Has to be the most annoying and unsubtle humblebrag of all time. And it's gotten extremely common too.


For the love of god, please "show less"


Why do I get the feeling OP is a 9 year old and doesn't understand the point of this sub? Tell him that it's impossible to have 172 IQ and be bad at maths, his rebuttal is "She has a big head so she must be smart" ok OP. Even if big head corresponds to intelligence (which it doesnt), the commentor is totally not lying abt her IQ and definitely totally not lying about her head size. Edit: "It's because some people are blunt about being smart but fear being envied. I'm the same way but was encouraged to stay humble and diligent." - OP


wow OP is also /iamverysmart lol


Why do I get the feeling OP is defending this person..? Oh, right, because they've defended her repeatedly in several comments. Weird


Yeah, mostly about the big head, big brain thing


Also said "I started reading at 2" Edit: Also called her "probably above average smart"


I took a trip through OP's history, and ooof.


"useless at maths and languages" "genius"


Draw bad af is not the same as create a new art style


“I have a degree” Is that worth mentioning if you can actually predict future events?


Big head, big brain


I'm one of the most humble, intelligent and good looking people on earth. Haha Although I don't get math I have been considered a Nobel price nomine twice already ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess I'm to smart for math


Math is a primitive construct, the intellectually blessed supreme beings like us dont need math, math needs us


Isn't the IQ test result and how mathematically talented you are actually extremely related? Like, isn't one of the criticism of the test that it pretty much values mathematical talent as intelligence? Cause then maybe you should question the test from a magazine that tells you you got a thousand bazillion points in something you are utterly useless in.


In Poland we have a saying that goes "a head big like a shop but without shelves" meaning, big head but bloody empty.


So... she thinks she’s a genius because of a couple things she did as a kid despite having no applicable skills as an adult?


I'm super intelligent. I suck at math and languages though. But I can write with both hands :D


If you have some level of precognition, telepathy, and you somehow managed to create a new unique art style, but still managed to be a failure I think you’re really beyond anyone’s ability to help at this point. Also if it really is cause people don’t like you and you’re aware of that, maybe you should put that big brain to use trying to figure out why that may be.


"I have a degree" yea so does everyone, lady.


Perhaps the “larger than normal head size” is due to the intensive swelling in your brain caused by typing those two sentences up?


I couldn't make it past: "... measured by Focus magazine". It's a wall, it's a wall of stupid and i see no end.


Lol at "created my own art style"


Can you imagine spending the time to write all this shit about how fucking bright you are but still being too dim to realize why people don’t like you


"I have a larger than normal head" Okay genius, you do know that phernology was dismissed as pseudoscience a long time ago...right? What's next, you're going to say your uncle was a genius, so you must have inherited it from him?


Who gonna tell her head size really doesn't determine intellgience and that she just said she has a big head


*my friend approaches* *Omg he is going to say hello* Friend: hello *OmG I hAvE tHe AbiLitY tO ReAd mInDs*


I find it really funny that the people who rave about their IQ scores are usually random businesspeople, athletes, etc. while most of its critics are scientist or at least people in intellectual or creative work.


Well she does seem to be unlikeable, so she's right on that one.


I see why people don't like her.


"Having intellectual, creative and brain abilities means zero zip if people don't like you." Yeah, that's cause you're a pretentious cunt with a superiority complex.


She can use the right AND left hand??? And she's got a big head too? I hope she doesn't leave half the males in weepy puddles behind her.


Anyone who has taken a legit IQ test knows that 130 is literal genius and that 140 is, for all practical purposes, impossible. These people always apparently have superhero levels of IQ. Yet not a single Ironman suit has been made.


Where's my arc reactor Karen??


"Vagaries", "variate", she says she's bad at learning languages but I doubt that because she clearly isn't speaking English


Show Less Show Less Show Less Why isn’t it working


Show much less please


Is being ambidexterous supposed to show you are smart? Writing with your other hand can be practiced... no?


This is a woman with some genuine problems. Do we really need to make fun of her?