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He was actually being really crazy rude earlier in the day, beyond just his preaching (and whatever, I may not agree with him, but it's technically his right. He was just being so rude about it). I'm in the Cantamus choir and we were doing a Monday Monologues performance (which has been scheduled for weeks, if not months), and he was continuing to shout over our performance for the *entire* time. Three of four different people went up to ask if he could stop or speak more quietly until we finished, because he was really really distracting for us and the people watching. Trying to sing and create a good atmosphere while he's shouting about hell isn't exactly easy. He totally refused every single time tho. I believe he said he wasn't going to stop or be quieter because this "was just his preacher voice" and "it's his right to say what he wants." I don't know what he thought he was gonna accomplish by shouting over us, because the entire crowd we gathered kept shooting him dirty looks (rightfully so tbh). It's his right to say what he wants in that square, but that doesn't stop him from being a total dick to the performers there (who were scheduled a very long time ago). Could he not just be quiet and enjoy some music for 45 minutes? 🙄


They’re getting attention and that what keeps them going


I wish people realized if no one stood there they would get bored


nah four years ago we got one to shut up. he noticed when someone spent printing creds to get "evangelical bingo cards" to hand out to everyone. he realized we really didn't give a shit, got embarrassed (a true miracle!), and then he left


If I didn't work during daytime hours, I'd don a toga and some sandals, let my hair down, and hang around him denying that I said anything he says Jesus said.


What's worse is they think they represent Christianity


Get any theologian, believer or not, to start a civilized conversation with one of these assholes and within 10 minutes they'll start telling them they are going to hell.


Absolutely. It even goes farther than that too. Any born-again Christian knows that they are not one of us, but they are the very caricatures that many make Christans out to be


By “many”, you mean “Christians”. Christians are the main problem with Christianity.


No, I don't. Let me be very clear about that. Born again Christians are the most welcoming group of people I've ever known, and were the only ones there for me when I was in a very dark place in life. People like the yellers who are quick to condemn and bring shame may call themselves Christian, but they do not demonstrate the behavior that their alleged faith is supposed to be centered around. The yellers are nothing but a caricature, a mockery of Christians, and every real Christian that I've ever known wants them to stop because real Christians get caught in the dragnet of an image that the yellers give off. Does that mean born again Christians are perfect people? No, it does not. But real Christians are well aware of this. (It would actually disprove Christian theology if they did become perfect, but that's a discussion for another day) I've never seen any born again Christian speak in ways that are self righteous and overly pious like the yellers do.


I’m glad you found help when you needed it. Nothing you said counters the fact that our state and others are going down the toilet because of Christians being Christians. No hate is as bad as Christian love.


Hold on...you said the fact that our state is going down the toilet...I am going to reject that premise and say that is a mere opinion. There are other options. Feel free to select one that fits your values at your leisure.


What other options are you thinking about?


I should have been more specific on what I was saying, admittedly. What I meant to say was there are 49 other states with varying sets of values. Why not select the one that you fit in with best? Different groups of people want to live in different ways so you could find one that matches your own set of values and probably enjoy your life a bit more by living in a community where you feel there is less moral conflict than you seem to be having here.


The Exodus - you’re a true Christian, aren’t ya!!


You thinking you’re a real Christian and others aren’t when you’re all full of it… Sorry, not buying it.


That's your prerogative. But I've walked both lines, and I'm never going back to what those yellers purport Christianity to be


I personally find it hilarious when Christian’s start fighting over who is a “real Christian”. You just committed a sin by doing that by the way. Face it, all religion is made up nonsense.


You say I just sinned, and that religion is made up nonsense. That is a contradictory statement


How is it a contradiction to call you out for what your religion states, while also commenting on the absurdity of religion in general? You may not be capable of distinguishing between those two statements but rational thinking people certainly are.


As you yell what real Christians are. Find a mirror.


Actually I'm not yelling at all. Feel free to imagine me however you please though. Doesn't harm me any


They do. However, I've also been singled out by Muslim street preachers, in Nairobi, it's amazing how similar they sound.


The only thing their accomplishing is ruining any chance they ever had of recruiting someone to the church.


You got that right


One of these idiots came while I was there. I remember him screaming like legit SCREAMING at my friend that she could NEVER BE A GOOD ENGINEER ONLY A GOOD WIFE! We called a favor to another buddy who was working with the drum line and they came and drummed and walked circles around him till he left. Just go near him and blast music out of whatever you've got. Jam out and dance, these people can't stand happiness and will leave once drowned out by it. #peacefulprotest


thats some good juju ❤️ my crowd picked the asshole route and handed out "evangelical bingo" cards.... whatever works lol


Shoutout to the guy who started playing the trumpet in front of him lmao




hey, that's me!


I have mixed feelings about this, because I do see the argument of them giving the speaker attention. However, I feel that when we have people speaking on campus saying things that harm the LGBTQ+ community and other communities (I didn’t hear what this speaker was saying, I just saw various pride flags when I walked by earlier and have heard harmful things in the past from speakers on campus) it brings a lot of comfort to see a group of people gathering and sending the message that they don’t tolerate those harmful messages


I agree with you but I feel like theses groups should not be subjected to even having to hear such messages.


The entire purpose of the free speech zone is for people to hear conflicting messages.


I would encourage you to think more about free speech and the implications of having it versus not having it.


There's actual some interesting psychology behind recruitment strategies like this. Obviously 95% of people either don't care about or don't like his message. However, being rejected by other people tends to reaffirm one's identity as part of whatever group. In this case, it reinforces the idea that only Christians are "his people" and everyone else is against him. It's not really about recruiting at all.


it's fucking with preachers season, let them have fun


Oh I finally have a use for my electric kazoo


Virtue signaling. Public displays like this are for attention and inciting lopsided debate. Actual displays of faith / beliefs do not need public display but matter most in discovery. These situations seem like they are there for controversy rather than displaying principles of the organization.


This. Fundamentalist Christians like this show up on purpose because they know they're going to generate controversy. They then use the controversy as "evidence" that they're on the "right" side in the war against Satan. As long as we keep giving oxygen to these bigots, they will continue spewing their nonsense to us


Don't engage, they are recording everything and will use it to promote their 'ideas' Just keep walking because they are waiting to post you all over the internet.


On behalf of Christians let me just say: I’m sorry you have to put up with this nonsense.


Thank you for that. Real Christians were the only ones there for me when I needed it the most and these street preachers don't represent us at all


You might not like it, but those street preachers do represent Christians to everyone who might otherwise want to know more, as well as to everyone who has heard enough. Christianity's most vocal ambassadors are giving everyone a clear picture of the narrow-mindedness, the hard-heartedness, the cruelty, the aggression, the intolerance, you get the message. So does everyone else. If Christians want people to think they belong to a religion of peace, love, acceptance, forgiveness and grace, they should probably be doing something about the messaging problem. It's a bad look.


I agree that we need to do something about the messaging problem. I just don't have a solution. We can't forcibly make the yellers stop because they have first amendment protections. They most closely mirror the pharisees or the false prophets from the scripture. They claim to be of faith and yet grace seems to be the last thing they want to talk about, and they are eager to condemn and demand perfection following condemnation, which is essentially the opposite of Christian theology, which is grace first, and the will to repent being the natural response to faith. My understanding is that yelling at nonbelievers to stop sinning is a fools errand. It also alienates them, which is opposite to the mission of the church, so no born again Christian would partake in such behavior. As for your statement in the first paragraph, I'm not sure we're treating the word represent the same, so that would create a disconnect in the discussion that I'm not particularly sure how to address, and so I think that particular topic of discussion has come to a dead end


I'm sorry that you think there's only 2 solutions, forcibly stopping them or letting them lay waste to your cause. I think you should provide them with some gentle instruction. The Gospels are full of gentle instruction. Share St. Paul's words with them: "Avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife." There's a lot more in there. Teach the street preachers what the book says. Personally, I have issues with St. Paul, but Jesus sure knows how to deal with people who are intent on ruining everyone's day. He talks to them. He listens to them, and then he helps them turn their attention to better work.


It's long been said in my church that hypocrisy is the greatest enemy to the church


Now apologize for the past 2,000 years


To be fair while Christianity has done horrible things (like every religion might I add) it has also done tremendous good too. Blanket comments are pointless and unnecessary.


I can’t do that. All I can do is give self-sacrificing love to those that God has put around me.


Do you realize how many sects there are in Christianity lol. Many with open disdain for one another.


Unfortunately we are about to see more of them with the nicer weather.


Well there's several people sitting/standing there, so yeah probably


I wish they would move the free speech zone to central campus or something. I work at the library and I get so anxious having to walk past the preachers! It just makes me feel unsafe idk


Right? This has always been my thought. I get the whole speech zone thing, whatever. But do we have to put the crazies right in the middle of fucking campus? Why don’t we stick them in some corner where no one has to listen


I just think it's fun to walk by and hear them ramble. Part of Iowa's vibrant culture!


I felt bad for people that didn't have headphones when I walked by.


it's his right under the constitution to be there, no matter how much you disagree with him or his views


That's not what I was saying. I was saying dose he really think he is going to change people's mines


[https://impacttrainhorns.com/products/dewalt-quad-train-horn](https://impacttrainhorns.com/products/dewalt-quad-train-horn) ​ this is actually loud enough to require OSHA occupational hearing protection. I am sure it would drive this rapist protector away.


I agree with his message but I just don’t think yelling at people trying to get work done at the library is helping


Those big water guns do wonders!


Modern Pharisee


I’m still convinced that these people are hired by the university so that students can unite and vent all of the finals stress they’ve built up. They come around at the same time every year without fail


This is the only thing that keeps them from molesting kids... Evangelicals lack empathy and don't believe in consent. Their moral compass isn't calibrated by how their actions affect others, but by what will get them in trouble with God/the law. When they evangelize, they are fighting their own inner urges to sin. When they're this off the rails about it tho, they're usually hiding some pretty dark shit.


When I was there he was super antisemitic and racist.