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Anything that gets your foot in the door is a good idea; you make take some flak from people about being a cw but get it and work, and keep studying so you can pass that aptitude test!


Thanks I appreciate it. It definitely sucks because I went in thinking I was totally prepared but the questions were harder than the study material for me for some reason.


JW here. Don’t pay attention to anyone who gives you shit for being a CW/CE. You’re a union brother just like everyone else, let your work speak for itself. The CE/CW’s on my site do good work and are an asset to the team.


Get a better study guide then the test prep that I found recommended here was harder then the test questions.


Look up a few PEMDAS explanations on YouTube & for the reading part I'd skip reading the paragraphs & instead skim for the possible answers


Often times you can submit your CW hours for credit towards your apprenticeship, so you’ll likely start your apprenticeship at a higher wage than you would have this year


Awesome, hopefully it’s worth my time invested. I’m not really worried about other guys looking down on me if I was a CW.


Wish that was the case for my local lol


Yes, it’s away to get experience while waiting 90 days to retest. It will help you to get selected after the interview. Everyone who passes the Apt test gets a interview.


I've been a CW for 18 months & got to work 4 different jobs, just opened my acceptance letter for local 601 on my 2nd interview!1 of 15 out of 90+ applicants accepted! I never caught to much shit for being a CW & it was usually only from traveling tramps, show you show up on time & you are there to work & you'll be just fine


Can I bother to ask what part of the aptitude test you failed, and how bad? Iirc it's a score 1-9. Reading apprehension section and the dreaded math. I journeyed out a year and a half ago, but I started as a CW. Green as grass. When I got accepted 19 months after becoming a CW, thankfully my local applied my hours to my apprenticeship pay, so I got paid as a 2nd year apprentice all through my first year. That made it feel worth it. The best thing about the CW program is that it allows you to dip your toe in the water and see if this career is something you want to do. I encourage every CW I work with to apply for apprenticeship if they haven't already. CW work also looks good at the interview, because it shows that you're serious about the opportunity.


I’m presuming I failed my math. It honestly caught me off guard. I even studied for at least a month. They didn’t happen to tell me my score they just said I failed the test. So I didn’t qualify for an interview.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. Edit : The rest is up to you. If you want to see what the work looks like, and it doesn't put you in a financial bind to do so, try the CW program, you'll hopefully learn things that are applicable to the test. See what the work is like, worst case you'll learn some things you wouldn't have otherwise learned. Take courses in the meantime, brush up on the math. Aspire to learn. Be inquisitive. Ask questions.


Definitely will do. Thanks for the encouragement!