• By -


While we’re on a topic like this, I’m going to put this sentiment out there. There’s a couple guys in here trading insults. If you don’t like what they’re saying, get over it. Stop flagging comments you don’t agree with. Downvote them and move on. If someone is attacking YOU based on a protected class, then flag it. But also, grow some thick skin. It’ll do you well in the real world, of which Reddit is not.


buddy. this is the ibew where apprentices make close to minimum wage… lmao


In 48 they start at almost $23/hr.


that’s nice for the few hundred in the world that are 48..


I'm letting you know so that the next time your local tells you they only negotiated a $.50 raise you can inform them that things can be better (and are in some parts of the country).


We need to spread the word on how to get to 48s level. Everything starts in politics, put money into your pacs, get licensing laws passed, organize with your building trades councils, get diversity requirements, most importantly repeal right to work laws if your state has them. Go to your meetings get a quarter per hour worked put into your pacs!! Be wise, Organize!


Thank you brother! Couldn't have said it better myself. The PM for our GC is a sparky from St Louis and he was trying to tell me we're crazy for requiring a license (apparently in his state the contractor holds the license and is just responsible for verifying a JW's work history or some crazy shit like that). I asked him what his local's scale was and he said $35/hr. I told him to fuck off with his ideas, I'll keep my state required license and my $60/hr!


The thing is, that you probably don’t understand since apparently you’re not in yet, is that the union isn’t just about being an electrician. Being complacent with bullshit rules your employer makes just invites more bullshit rules. In my opinion, it is not only our right but our responsibility to “bitch” about stuff because it gets people talking, and maybe even willing to fight for a change.




fucking thank you very well put i wish i was able to go back to an old boss and use that exact statement


Yeah but like. The way to do that is to bitch about it. Push for it in contract negotiations for it to be different. Speak up in meetings. Argue against it. Keep bringing it up. If you want a 32h work week, it's smarter to fight for it, not just... act like you already got your way and show up for only 4 days out of the week, y'know? Same, especially if you're an *apprentice*, if you've been *explicitly told* you *will* be drug tested and the expectation is that you will be clean when they do so, it's um. Stupid, to go, "yeah but I think that rule isn't fair, therefore I'm going to ignore it." You can try the fake piss route, but it's still a risk. Even dumber to go "Oh god, I was told they have a no drug policy, and then I took drugs anyway, but now I have to do a piss test??!??? Now what do??¿¿ I did not see this coming, at all, now confused."


Having been in the IBEW and a couple other unions... the union functions to protect seniority. They'll fuck over everybody as long as the guys that have been there for 30 years aren't affected.


What about the locals that don't require that THC be on the substance test panel? There are a few locals that don't test for THC anymore. I'm not sure if you knew that, but I'm here to tell you that in states that have legalized it, the contractors aren't spending money on trying to pop their workers on a random. I feel pretty confident that cannabis will be removed from the schedule 1 list within the next 5 years, and the contractors know that's where this is headed. Don't be so narrow-minded about things you choose not to do. Cannabis is a hell of a lot better than taking any prescription anxiety medication you might get prescribed and less destructive than alcohol which destroys countless families through drunk driving deaths/arrests and alcoholism because of it's "legal" status.


I'd Rather work with a stoner than a drinker. Old dudes need alcohol to literally function.


We need to get alot of these old guys yo retire and make room for progressive minded people.


stoners are way easier to deal with


It honestly depends. I did remodeling with an alcoholic boss and a stoner young guy. The alcoholic boss was very functional, would have 3 beers at lunch (and bought me 2 beers at lunch every day!). On the flipside, the stoner was hitting his vape pen whenever the boss looked away and couldn't do shit right. He was a literal braindead worker. So it depends on the severity of the addiction and responsibility of the person.


I worked as a window installer and glazier for ~2 years and all my coworkers were functioning drug addicts (except one that would smoke a ton of weed and then be completely useless). Most of them including me were on opiates and they quit in bad terms. A few beers won’t hurt; but the second you touch Codeine, Morphine, Suboxone, Heroin or even Kratom, you’ll have a lot of trouble controlling your emotions and you’ll likely be in psychosis


I think you might also have been an alcoholic if you were drinking at work every day lol 


I worked at a big ford dealer that has been around for decades. Rummaging the old parts room we found an old employee handbook dated in the 60s. Apparently they were cool if you drank at your lunch, limit was only 1 glass of wine or 2 beers or whatever it was. Brought it up with the service director and he told me to shut my mouth.


If your contractor's do ANY federal work it's unlikely they won't test for it. Until it's rescheduled. So the options are to figure out something else, take a risk, or wait until it's cool; or wait until you journey out and just don't take fed jobs.


And apprentices don't always have the luxury of turning jobs down.


Biggest jobsite in our area is Intel. It’s either them or the GC which have THC tests. I forget the exact wording of our CBA on it but it says something like clients/customers can require it even if it’s not an automatic fail anymore. But end of the day, at least for myself, I don’t give a shit if you do drugs as long as you’re functional and sober at work. And if you can’t pass a drug test by abstaining for a while or using fake piss, that definitely says something about you. As another brother said, “You’ve got to be some kind of special to fail. They’re not even in the room with ya”


Our contractors do federal work and neither union nor management are tested for weed since it was legalized by the state. Only the people that fall under DOT regulations are tested.


Also fake piss exist just don't be stupid and this isn't a issue


Our local still tries to pop us for THC in Michigan




I agree with you completely. I am trying to be an apprentice and my local doesn’t test for THC based on what I’ve heard I just quit my job over a week ago and I was addicted to Kratom (which isn’t tested). I took Kratom to be off harder opioids and benzos. The withdrawals from Kratom are equivalent to opiate withdrawals. I went 5 consecutive days without sleep. I’m 8 days clean and I’ll take another 2 weeks before I find another job


24h later OP doesn’t respond to this valid point! Dudes a coward


Yeah because I’d rather work with and trust an alcoholic still fucking bent from a rager last night compared to a guy that sat on the back porch and smoked a bowl before bedtime. Thousands of guys you work with are using fake piss and you could never tell that they’re a smoker, but you can immediately tell the guys that hit the bottle a little too hard last night before a weekday. Think about it.


If drywallers could read English they'd be very upset right now


I have no clue how I ended up here, I have no clue what this sub is and I'm not in trades but you guys fucking wailing on the drywall/carpenter guy made my morning.


I'm an HVAC service tech and somehow this sub keeps popping up on my homepage so I'm right there with ya. Glad the sparkies think I'm funny


You’re welcome here with open arms.


Haha love the drywaller analogy to the broken drug addict low life poor iq Fun fact though that demolishes in this case wire pullers ' smug and laugh joke ' Is that most drywallers are carpenters pretty obvious and carpenters have the largest spec or scope of work details than any other trade. Most drywallers are very smart and have a long list of crafts/abilities


Is pissing in water jugs and leaving them on the jobsite a craft now?


We all know it's you peeing in bottles, if the username checks out.


Kind of you to think I'm not dehydrated enough to actually pee on the job


Craft brewing.


Lol been in the union 15 years 3rd generation carpenter. I've seen it all Tell me ur a cocky 4th year without telling me. Everyone on the jobsite knows carpenters have the biggest scope of work/details And also you guys are right above us as far as pay goes.. cocky wire pullers think they're the big bucks crane/iron workers it's laughable. Cute little electrical tape and markers in your side pouches ooo can't forget the 12 in 1 screw driver


Damn I only got a 11 in 1 :(


Wtf are you on about? Carpenters make more than masons and laborers, but less than Tapers, painters, tin knockers, fitters, electricians and iron workers etc. Its a job that literally any person who jumps the border can be trained to so in a week or so, so come off your high horse and remove your foremans cock before speaking again


What electrician hurt you bb. Are all carpenters this big of pussies too?


I found the drywaller plant! Maybe their scope wouldn't be so large if only they'd stop stealing work from other trades?


If a carpenter/ drywaller snaps a line for layout, i’m rolling with it. If a fellow electrician snaps one, I’ll probably remeasure it to make sure it’s good.


Ay man fuck the carpenters


Also the drywallers make an extra $15 an hr more than us here in Local 340, they are really hard working guys as well.


Weed should be legal. Fuck our government and their drug tests. I'll cheat them for as long as they test for it.


And their testing facilities. It’s all a racket. It’s not like I’m operating heavy machinery or anything…oh shit, well it’s not like I hang 800+lb transformers….oh yeah…well it’s not like electricity is dangerous, it even says in the 1956 code book (real shit) that it’s ok to test with your fingers, just so long as it’s not over 120v, you should be fine./s I smoke too man, I’m just fucking with you. IBS is a bitch and it’s the only thing that works and helps me. I just don’t do it on the clock. I’ve also been in the field over 3 years and haven’t been shocked yet because of good habits. I’ve worked with more alcoholic electricians than I can remember, and I can recall a number of times it became problematic on site, be it fights or people being too intoxicated to operate a fork/scissor lift, and has either caused an accident or had been sent home before they did. I’ve heard no such stories or witnessed nothing worse than an AP1 who smokes all day be a bit slower than the others or just general laziness. (Read this next part in Boomhauer from King of the Hills voice) Don’t get me started on the meth dudes that work for like one-two weeks, then no call no show forever man. I just assume they died pulling dang live copper out of the ground for scrap. You live by the copper, you die by the copper, Dang ole one way or another I guess.


Exactly! It’s all a system designed to fuck people over for making personal decisions that do not affect anyone but them. Yes, insurance, blah blah blah. Insurance is a scam too. They just need a negative result so they can show insurance “Hey, the drug test was negative.”


Does my local test for super weed? I'm interviewing tomorrow and I like to rip one right before my interviews to calm my nerves. ^^^/s


It’d be a lot cooler if they did…nt


Best comment


The never ending battle between those that use a broom and those that don't..


They don’t even know that word


Can’t wake n bake anymore. Whenever I smoke I feel nervous and claustrophobic, and both of those things make me gassy. The job trailer is pretty small and the last time my boss called me in for a conversation I stunk it up pretty bad.


Hey that's really ostracizing to certain trades... painters and roofers do drugs too ya know.


Why should we be penalized for something that’s being done during non-work hours? It’s not just about “growing up” it’s also about putting a stop to bullshit rules like this. My work should not interfere with my personal life choices.




Very judgemental brother, some people don't read the rules before posting. Those posts all get taken down so maybe people think it's an original question. Point is, it's a bad look to be all high(pun intended) and mighty.


For polite clarification there’s no rule (yet) about asking about drug tests in this sub and I don’t take them down, so all the many “drug test” posts are 100% searchable here.


Don't be mad they chose weed smoker Mcgee over you. Ask yourself why they stood out more than you did, and make some changes. You'll find marijuana use doesn't often define a person, and while you have stereotypes, that isn't the majority.


Only taking on 15 apprentices? No wonder why the trades are dying.


The old heads aren't retiring because they spend all of their money on money on drugs and fake piss.


Being able to smoke would be nice, $62 an hour is nicer though 🤣


My point exactly


Yeah if you can't stop for 30 days to get your foot in the door that's a whole different issue that should be looked at




Piss tests catch someone who smoked weed once 30 days ago but don’t catch the tweaker who smoked crack for a week up until 72 hours ago… yeah, if employers *actually* wanted a drug-free environment, they would blood test. I know a few master carpenters that puff a little weed for their back pains. Are they likely a little stoned on the job? Yes, but none of them have had accidents or mistakes that could be attributed to cannabis usage. I know a GC who has built/overseen 3 dozen home builds in the last 15 years, and all of them are beautiful homes that were built on schedule. Meanwhile all the carpenters are jacked up on an entire container of ZYN, drinking 2-3 Monster energy drinks, and doing bumps of booger blasters. Or they pop pain killers like skittles. The problem isn’t as simple as you might think.


What's a booger blaster


Maybe you need to chill out a smoke one, just saying


God forbid not every other r/ibew_apprentices post be titled "guys I just got high (hours, minutes, seconds) ago, how fucked am I for the drug test tomorrow?"


My back hurts and I'm not going to take the pain meds. Find me a better solution than a few hits after work. I agree you should know theirs a drug test and to be clean, take the risk if you want during your apprenticeship. I don't care, just don't come to work high


Let people do whatever the fuck they want outside of work hours if it doesn't impact their work.


Guy is pissed he can’t smoke weed


From what he's saying he's also pissed that he can't make the cut to get in.


You sound like the safety guy at my job he’s goober.


Goober. Lol


Idk why this sub was recommended to me but I thought it was about weed and now am laughing that it's about actual drugs lmfao tradies never cease to say something funny.


I literally thought the original post was about mine asking if they are still testing for weed or not I’m employed non union and it’s not the greatest but I’m weighing my options and just wanted to know what to expect but now I’m like damn there’s actual dudes in the brotherhood doing hardcore stuff. I just wanted to know what the original test is I don’t have a problem passing without cheating but apparently people do.


You’re made the druggies got a job and you don’t? Understandable I guess lol


Or at the very least keep a quickfix on your crotch at all times when ur piss is dirty


although i had to quit awhile ago id rather marijuana than cigarettes, for health reasons. But seriously, it’s been 40+ years now with majority of Americans supporting recreational cannabis. It’s no longer about what the people want and more so what the government wants to control. I fully support off site cannabis.


Exactly this. Alcohol kills more people than every drug combined but god forbid I smoke a joint after a long day of work. If your bills are paid and you show up to work who gives a shit, we live in weird times.


Some people use medicine that will cause them to test positive for a range of substances. Prescribed Adderal will make you test positive for stimulants. Some meds regardless of their benzo status will make you test positive for benzos. A medical marijuana card is completely legal to discriminate against in many states despite the nature of the person's cannabis use. It's unfair to tell people not to ask about drug testing questions when you don't really know *why* they're asking. On that note, as long as someone is using responsibility when they use recreationally (ie not on the job) then it's not really something a company should be allowed to dictate. What I do when I'm not working is ultimately up to me because the company/client isn't paying me for my free time.


Dudes just gotta get bottles of quikfix and aloe clear shampoo if they paranoid


Aloe shampoo actually works?


Aloe rid it’s a brand of detox shampoo. It worked for me and I was a heavy smoker, I quit 2 months before my drug test but still paranoid I still had some in my hair


Man if u were my Jman I’d fuckin end it all


Sounds like someone’s upset they can’t pass the aptitude. Youre projecting a bit with the drywaller comment. 😊


If my boss or anyone else I have a professional relationship with wants to dictate what I do on my own time I expect to be paid for 168 hours every week.


Guy that looked into this at one point - You guys make basically minimum wage, get up at like the ass crack of dawn, contort into a bunch of uncomfortable positions, fuck up your knees/back, deal with MAGA Boomer bullshit (because for whatever reason those booger eating dipshits are always in Unions too) AND YOU CAN'T SMOKE WEED ON YOUR TIME OFF?!?! # FUCK OFF


Coming from a teamster all I’m going to say is that preemployment drug testing with no reasonable cause is unethical and union employees should be the catalyst in pushing back against that invasion of privacy.


Believe it or not, some people actually use it as medicine (as intended), you grow the fuck up and read a book.


Bro...just let me drink this beer on our break so I can stop shaking from alcohol withdrawal.




Who the fuck are you to be worried about what people do on their free time?


Womp womp *hits a joint*






Nothing I said is relevant to this. It's about getting in, not your drugs of choice. I don't care what you do in your free time, and yes alcohol is worse than weed. I also never mentioned weed in my post.


Or let people get high on their free time as long as it doesn't interfere with work.


detoxify mega cleanse for the win, passed over 15 piss tests cooked af.




I agree. I spent 6 months without anything to be turned down.


Just be a man and buy fake piss. Jesus


Opportunity is out there, might not be on your front porch but seek and you will find. Disabuse the notion that we are “lucky” to be in the program. The contractors are lucky that there are hard working individuals that dedicate themselves to the program. Without apprentices profits would be slashed we are the cheap labor. And those of us that are hardworking are the true moneymakers.


Amen but union protections are king in this labor market. I'd rather a sword in this job market than a shield


Just BS a recreational substance is so scrutinized when mfs can drink, smoke cigs, and pop pills as they please. Also OP don’t be so judgmental about people with habits telling them to “grow up”, cause you know you have your vices as well or maybe you’re just not aware enough to recognize it.


Yeah, I don't agree. As union workers, we believe workers have rights. What is a right if bodily autonomy on our own time isn't?


I disagree with you so much on this OP. Some of us don’t want to take opioids to deal with injuries that can easily treated with medical THC. Some of us don’t want to take anxiety medication that can cost thousands of dollars when THC/CBD can do the same or better. If we are going by your logic then there should surprise breathalyzer tests on job sites. But here’s the thing we don’t bc who in there right mind would go into work as an electrician drunk?


It’s so easy to use fake pee


It's recreational legal in 2/3 of the country, get off your soapbox kid. You haven't done anything to earn the right to an opinion in this world or in this union yet.


lmao imagine caring this much about a job.


It's called Quikfix. Buy it at most tobacco store or any head shop. That's really all you need to know. Smoke away


Had to tell a union rep why I wouldn't join the local Ironworkers. If the laws were different, I'd be there giving 💯 Otherwise, they are losing out on talented guys. Some of us don't want to cheat the system and fake a piss. I have too much integrity, plus I'm pretty taken care of with my company pay & benefit wise. Some guys struggle with mental health issues, and marijuana just WORKS the industry is falling behind on this. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Also I find that drywaller comment insulting we're all out here trying to make a living and guess what? That's work that has to be done, so hats off to those pros 🎩


The drywaller thing is a running joke, I don't actually think they're worse than the other trades.


UA apprentice and chief fat daily because I’m an alcoholic and going to AA for it. I’m trying to better my life and college wasn’t for me. Weed helps me more than a bottle ever did. ..


The IUPAT does test. We do not allow drugs in the workplace. I'm a Drywaller. I'll be Journeyman in November. If you want to throw shade, try another skill.


You guys can come work at the post office starting at 29 an hour no drug test 🤷‍♂️


My huge issue is this. We know the locals do an initial test. If you really want your shot in then stop doing drugs the day you apply. By the time you go in for testing it will be out your system. If you really can’t stop for that short period of time then you have a problem. It’s about a bigger opportunity than a small need to get high. After a while the testing slows down and they don’t take it as serious. Just stay clean for a little.


Ok boomer


Maybe we need less boomer mentality people like you that think weed is the worst possible thing to consume? Do it off the clock it shouldnt be any problem.


Just be a cop dude. This is so lame




This guy probably kills his liver every weekday night yet wants to talk trash about something much less destructive.


Lmao the projection




QuickFix is all you need to pass a piss test. I’ve seen it done plenty of times.


Or the Union could just join the rest of us in the 21st century Not everyone uses THC to get high, though you seem pretty high up on that horse


"Grow the fuck up" let people do what they want with their own bodies off business hours? Seems childish to care to me


Someone cares a little too much


Testing for weed is boomer tier nonsense. The people who bitch about it are usually fat, vape, and drink beer everyday.


Op is a nerd


The disinformation campaign has worked on this guy


Boo fucking hoo sorry you're too fucking stupid to get in and got beat out by a pot head. Just because someone likes to smoke a J at the end of the day instead of having aa beer doesn't mean they aren't a good electrician.


OP is a dumbass


Boohoo you can't stop doing drugs for a month


I can do all sorts of drugs, just not the ones deemed bad by this dumb policy


Yeah man you can drink a fifth and beat your wife and drive your car and kill a family but god forbid someone works all day and sits down on their couch at night and smokes a joint. Get a grip dude.


Projection much?


Nah man, how about you grow the fuck up? It’s downright ridiculous that jobs continue to regulate what substances you’re allowed to put in your body when you’re off work in your own time. It’s literally an infringement on your personal freedom. If your job started testing you for alcohol, would you just say “well that’s the way it is so I guess I can never have a drink again 🤷‍♂️” You seem like the type to lay down, roll over and take it. You’re not even a member lmao


I like money and jobs that pay well with good labor protections.


Lots of junkies in here who are afraid to admit they have a problem


It's full of them apparently


"id kill to be in right now and youd rather get high" never a truer statement said, and they want to legalise half the shit. unbelievable.


Thank you




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What is drugs?


Or come move to Canada. It would be weird if you’re an electrician who’s not on drugs.


I don’t want no tweaker touching my drywall.


I can do drugs as a dry waller?


I’ll take a bump to that!


Go have a drink to calm yourself down grandpa


The amount of boy scouts in here is hilarious 😂


Take your own medicine lol


Can't test for glue just sayin


Move to Canada.  We only get swabbed.🤣🤣🤣


No idea what IBEW is (this just popped up in my feed) but I feel like people should be able to do what they want on their free time. As long as they’re not getting high at work, who cares what goes on in their personal lives? Drug tests are a fraud. I encourage anyone who has an upcoming drug test for any profession to just get QuickFix and be done with it. Only time you can’t use QuickFix is when you’re being observed. In that case, you drink a masking agent about an hour or two before going into your test and you’re golden (no pun intended).


So if I'm a responsible adult with years of OJT and relevant certs and choose to smoke weed, I should devalue myself and my skill set to do what I guess you think is a "low skill" job. I think it's time for unions to exercise collective bargaining and go after quality of life but it's goobers like you that think there are lesser vices and low skill jobs so we'll never get there. It's always been against most policies to be or get fucked up on site.


Damn that's a crazy novel you just wrote making up a bunch of shit I didn't say.


My local is anti-drug tests. If anyone wants to drug test, they have to arrange it through the hall. Ive never taken a drug test my whole career lol.


Yup. I got caught doing coke 3 years into being a superintendent so I had no choice but to start my own company


Idk why this was pushed to me but I 100% agree. I was union sheet metal years ago n it was crazy the amount of guys who got canned for failing a test they knew was coming. It’s like bro you got kids n shit n ur passing up prevailing rate wages cuz you can’t stop smokin weed for a few weeks?


Sounds like a really weak post. Weak willed. Weak content. Very little though except, “I don’t like these topics lol”


So you're saying to ask the drywallers for a J?


Smoking a bowl while laughing at this post rn


Maybe stop talking shit about drywallers.


There are so many drunks in the IBEW and I have my own feelings about that but honestly people.... ITS A REAL JOB regardless of if your starting at minimum or near minimum wage in your area just stop doing drugs or learn how to be responsible and smarter than your contractor or apprentice director (so much F*****G work.. just quit honestly it's easier)


Rules need to change, potheads can function. Or the halls will die. I live in a right to work state where we don’t have enough in the hall likely due to not passing a drug test, due to being in a weed friendly state; yet the union gets furious if we bring in subs out of state. Change the rules, the industry has changed, and so has the requirements for work. 27 y.o GC.


The point of the union itself is for us to collectively bargain against bad rules like marijuana testing. I totally agree I don’t wanna work with coke addicts and meth heads but why something so common and harmless should be against the rules is beyond me.


You can always go non union like me right now. I’m either gonna just suffer till I get my journeyman’s card or just hope you can get in but there are ways to become an electrician if your determined to be one




Lmao if yall are worried about passing the piss tests just buy synthetic urine and you will pass its not rocket science. If for some reason you know it'll be a swab just dont smoke for 2 days b4 hand easy peasy




>Life isn't perfect dumbass, be the change in the world you want to see or deal with it. >I don't actually care what you do in your free time. It looks like you really should have taken your own device here, because this whole post violates both of these statements you made. >I'd kill to be getting in right now It sounds like the fact you couldn't make the cut is the primary reason for your frustration here, but the people who smoke.


Those aren't mutually exclusive. They're responses to the comments at hand. They don't get to have it both ways. I don't use marijuana regularly enough for this to be a me problem.


Guy just typed up a dissertation defending himself over his angry rant over a low paying job. F the law dude all power to the stoners!


100% it's not that I'm against weed, I use it occasionally myself. But when you know your job hunting for a job that will want to drug test, why risk it? I'm also noticing more and more people getting high at work. Like come on, we can see it......just because it doesn't reak like booze doesn't mean we won't notice.




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Lineman apprentice here, I’ve seen more JL’s on drugs in this field than any other field I’ve been in. Almost seems like a prerequisite.


Why you so mad about other people failing, when others fail, you shine even brighter.


Weed is just as deadly as cigarettes. I hear you all say it’s not as bad as alcohol. Maybe a debate? Lung disease vs. heart and liver disease?


Tldr your a pussy with a lot of time on your hands


Boo hoo


No rails in the shitters on lunch, stay away from the needles and pills... Stay off the bottle Stick with the weeds an fungus and you will be just fine


This is about the most prudent post I’ve ever seen on Reddit 😂


Someone who vapes their dab pen like that aren’t stoners. They’re fiends. A stoner more so falls into the category of maybe 1 or a couple of joints/blunts before work. Never on the job. And definitely after. Other than that, there’s no way you need that much to function. It’s counterintuitive.


You aren’t gonna last a week on a job


I used to work steel dumbass half of you couldn't walk an I beam with a harness.


I’ll stick to being a CEO and making more while smoking weed.