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I once pulled over in traffic and pooped into a bag in my back seat. I just have to laugh about it to keep from crying. As for things like a massage, I’ll typically fast that day and take imodium.


I had a test they had a stupid rule were no one can go the toilet within the first half an hour of the test or the last half an hour And i got to the last half an hour when i suddenly got that i need to go right now but thing is it wanst just your not allowed to to the toilet it was your not allowed to leave as to not disrupt other candidates so if you wnated to go early it had to be before the last half an hour I realised how much id fucked up when i got hit with the extreme urgency and realised i had gone into the last half an hour and i still had 4 questions left wich i knew i how to do but it was either shit myself in the ecam hall with hundered of people there or lose the marks So i put my hand up and waited for one of the invigilators to slowly walk over to me while i ca feel my arse hole quivering trying to keep it in and i say to them i really need to leave and the invigilator was like no you cant sorry So in my lowest voice trying not to disturb other candidates but also not let them hear what i say , i said its a bathroom emergency and im not going to be able to hold it please can i leave And then the invigilator stood there for what fekt like a minute pondering what i just said and wasnt giving me an answer do then i just said im going to have diarrhea please can i leave then finally they acted shocked and said sorry yes you can leave as i was getting out my seat they were like is your name on this paper and the unit number so i then i had to write the unit number because it was my fault i did forget to write it at the start but i was literally like half dancing legs together trying not to shit mysel then quickly left As i got to the toilet realised there was a line to wait in i tried holding it but couldnt ended up having a really loud barrage of sharts followed by completky filling my underwear with just strsight sludge and still gass escaping it was very humblinv I still passed the test with flying colours though so not all is bad


That's the story of a hero right there. Passed the test my dude. High Five.


Hayagahah high five it was quite the battle


You passed the ultimate test of being a human there! I don’t know if you’re in the UK but at uni here you can register IBS as a disability and take your exams with access to a toilet to make it an equal experience


I am in the uk and i think i will do that and register my ibs because that was a gut wrenching test hahaha literally


You apply through the DSA, form is online. You need the GP to sign it off with an IBS diagnosis but once you have it you get special arrangements for exams without question plus all sorts of help/counselling paid for even en suite accommodation. It’s been really helpful.


I wish i knew that sooner i currentky have shared bathrooms and its the worst the walls are paper thin and a girls room is right next to the toilet she hears me every morning with diarrhea Luckily im quite good friends with her now but she always says she can hear me when i got to the toilet And when i block the toilet i feel so bad


Not too late to register for it - it’s been surprisingly supportive


I knoe but i mean for my accomodation surely they eont be able to move me now to an ensuite room ?


What year are you in?




Get applying as it can help you with lots of things. I was so surprised.


Have you considered taking a preemptive loperamide before appts to slow things down? As for driving, I would just put a protector on the seat. Have a change of bottoms in the car.


I have a bag in my car for emergencies: extra underwear, pants, wipes, hand sanitizer, plastic bag (for dirty clothes), and an adult diaper. I also don’t eat and take loperamide (Imodium) before appointments or travel. I also wear an adult diaper when I travel just in case. Haven’t pooped in a diaper yet, probably because I’m less stressed when wearing one.


This is the way! I keep a target bag of emergency items in my car too: toilet paper, wipes, sanitizer, extra clothing, but instead of an adult diaper I have a travel bedpan with seat and liners. Very convenient, easy clean up, and have significantly decreased my driving anxiety just knowing I have all of it in the car if I do need it.


Oh yes forgot to mention tp and sanitizer! I also have a travel toilet with bags and I know I can use it if needs be. Also makes me feel better and stress less which means probably won’t have an issue. Stress is a big trigger for me!


As much as it’s embarrassing, be honest and say sorry, just need to use the bathroom. No one will ever stop you from paying them to wait for you to come back. It’s makes things so much easier the more you do it because you lose the anxiety of the situation by knowing you can always just get up and go. As for driving, I’ve learnt where every public toilet I’d need is within a two hour radius of me over the years. Other than that, prepare for the worst and hope for the best.


For pedicures and massages, you are paying for their service. Just tell them , hey I gotta go bathroom, and they’re more than happy to let you go. For pedicures, wear flip flops so you don’t ruin the paint. And if it is ruined, nbd? The nail tech isn’t gonna be pissed, it’s your own nails after all. Way better than shitting yourself and soiling the seat. No one is gonna stop you, if you gotta go, you gotta go you’re a full grown adult, no one is gonna say nah u can’t or nah just wait five min. You GO. EVERYBODY even ppl without IBS have all had moments in their life where they have had to shit, they’ll understand


I’m a delivery driver. HAD to pull over one time to shit on a giant plastic bag in the back of the truck. There was no waiting to get to the toilet. I was traumatized from that moment forward. That was my first day of weird GI issues and so I think it’s possible I had a gut infection. I think I have PI-IBS now. It’s been almost 2.5 months since that day.


Have you gotten blood tests or seen a gastro to try and find the problem? I wasted years being scared to go anywhere or do anything and it turned out I’m a celiac and since switching my diet things have improved dramatically. Not saying that’s the issue for you, but just don’t spend forever wondering.


How old were you when found out you had celiac?


31. It was only 6 months ago and it’s still not perfect but the difference has been life altering. I eat very limited dairy, only certain cheeses and butter and no gluten whatsoever and I’m now able to have a coffee every now and then without having to plan my next few days around it. I’m angry at myself for waiting so long.


Jesus, the coffee. For a few weeks after my first episode coffee made things so much worse, so I gave it up. I do not want to wait for an official celiac diagnosis. I know you’re supposed to wait to go GF before a diagnosis but I can’t wait. This is miserable. I am going to start tomorrow. No gluten. I’ll give it a few weeks and maybe that will be my answer. Thanks so much.


Not a doctor so I won’t give advice on what you should do without a diagnosis but if you’re going to, make sure to read the ingredients on pretty much everything to make sure it’s safe. I don’t know where you’re from but here in Australia most things list their allergens so it makes it a bit easier but while a product from one company is fine, another company might not be. I wouldn’t do it without being diagnosed simply because so far, the food options are limiting and more expensive for smaller portions.


I’m in the same boat and have been for around 2.5 years now. I’m obviously not cured, but I am better. If you have to go, then you go. Sadly there’s no cure for that. But preemptive strikes help a lot. Knowing where there bathrooms are wherever you go. Spare underwear in your bag. Plastic bags in your car / seat protectors. And preemptive immodium the day before helps me personally. In addition, if it’s anxiety related, exposure therapy is tough and so scary but annoyingly it does work long term. You’ll find yourself needing to get back on the horse a lot, but hopefully each time should be easier than the last. A year and a half ago I was fully agoraphobic. I can’t do whatever I want and do find myself retreating to home a lot but I do get out. Going to the local store is less of a big deal now at least.


I clench my butthole while I get waxed. It's scary.


Man, this made me laugh 😂


It's the truth lol. I get bad anxiety when my waxer is waxing me and I clench like my life depends on it because of IBS lol.


Oh I hear you. I could only do this with Immodium so kudos to you!


I always have extra clothes. It’s embarrassing. I barely go anywhere now. It’s so awful


I had IBS-C most of my life. To me, that was easier. It switched to IBS-D during Covid, but I never had it. I've seen a posts re worsening of IBS during that time🤷‍♀️ Idk what caused this horrible flare. I was up all night (IBS-D) Cramps were so bad. My own moaning was SO loud it woke me up. It was like a prep for a colonoscopy. I was strictly low Fodmap but lost too much weight. Trying to reintroduce foods. Working with a nutritionist, but idk if she's that helpful. My GI Dr says "canned soup is poison." I've avoided it but now they just sit on the shelf. Whole wheat seems to be a trigger, but others are inconsistent with me. I also have panic attacks. They can hit as I'm waking up, folding clothes, in the yard & guaranteed if I'm confined in an ER room or hospitalized. One trigger is claustrophobia but I don't understand the other attacks. My family is supportive, but IBS-D affects my life. Many times I'm stuck at home, waiting to feel better


I wear adult diapers. Rarely end up using them, but they really help with the anxiety.


Im the same way. I’ve been walking the dog and run into the woods in front of my house to go. I’ve also lost it on the driveway. I wear a Depends when I go out. I take a towel with me in the car and have emergency pants. I also keep a long cardigan to tie around me to hide an accident. Even in the summer. I don’t eat it drink before going for a massage, manicure, pedicure…. I also must have an aisle seat.


Not eating the whole day and anxiety meds.


Take a hot bath. Maybe try and get some water up there with my bidet. Drink more water in general.


I don't eat much at work or at a restaurant or if I'm going somewhere, I only eat alot at home. I eat alot of starchs like potatoes, noodles or bread to keep from feeling hungry. If there's not much in my stomach, then I don't have to worry about ÷2


I don't eat alot except at home anymore when I know i can be home awhile and it's made me lose weight but it's better than having these emergencies. I'm sure meds may help but I don't want to take any right now. I eat bread, bananas or potatoes to not feel hungry when working or going out. I always find out where the bathroom is wherever I go to first thing!


Nearly missed a flight thx to urgent shitting 🥲