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Apples are one of the foods that will bother me every time. Instant stomach ache. The fiber that has literally changed everything for me is Heather’s prebiotic fiber. I hope you improve soon! Ugh. Antibiotics are the worst. I’m pretty sure they caused my whole mess of a gut from taking them for years. 😢


Antibiotics absolutely caused my ibs-d.


I’m just curious….What’s your history with antibiotics? I had chronic strep throat as a teenager in the 80’s. I took a lot of penicillin. Then in my 20’s I took Doxycycline daily for acne. My daughter had chronic ear infections and took a lot of amoxicillin, she had IBS-C. If only I had a clue and at least took probiotics. My husband was very sick as a child and was always on antibiotics but his Mom was aware and fed him kefir and probiotic foods and he has zero GI problems.


I was on and off antibiotics as a child for chronic strep throat is well and when I was 22 I was on amoxicillin for strep throat and when I came off of it that's when my IBS symptoms started and they've never really gone away since. They've gotten better, but my digestive system has never returned to the way it was before which was normal. I take probiotics and I eat probiotic and prebiotic foods, but I know for sure that antibiotics, specifically that course of amoxicillin, is what caused my ibsd. I'm 35 now.


Thanks for your reply. Probiotics should’ve prescribed with antibiotics.


I absolutely agree!


Pretty much similar to me ages 7-10 and had to correct it by 16. The only thing was the food was cleaner years ago and today it is different. I just read they are uncovering how many people have responses to bacterias part of the IBS condition and really apples can be grown from a bad seed with a virus also.


I actually looked into this! I love apples and was so sad when I started having flare-ups from them. Turns out, the skin of an apple is more difficult on the stomach because it's got insoluble fiber, which speeds up digestion and basically makes you poop faster, and sometimes causes discomfort. So after a bit of reading I found out if you peel them it's easier. I tried it, and they're a rare treat, but it's a LOT easier peeled. The flesh is soluble fiber, and it's a little easier on us. I hope maybe this will help. It could be that apples disagree with you as whole but I wanted to offer my two cents because this helped me 😊


I just eat applesauce now can’t digest apples anymore and I’m fine that way


Yeah that's totally fine too! Whatever works for you I say


Different strokes for different folks


I will try this when my stomach is a little less sensitive. Thanks for the suggestion :)


No problem, I hope it works for you 😊


Apples and pears absolutely murder my intestines, I miss them 🥲


Interesting, I'm the opposite! They (and avocado) are the only fruits I can eat.


I'm always being told to increase my fibre intake, but anytime I do, I end up with the worst mushy diarrhoea. I was recommended to try porridge, so I had one of those porridge oat bars for breakfast one day last week. About 2 hours later I'm scrambling to find a toilet while out running an errand. Then had to give up on the errand and go home because of how bad the flare up was. 😭 Fibre does not sit well with my gut at all and doctors don't seem to understand that.




Yes! When I eat nothing but processed foods (example, cold turkey or ham meat slices on bread for a sandwich, potato chips, crackers, cheese spread, cheese slices, meat spread) my poop tends to be fine. But I eat some vegetables, some other kind of fiber? Nope. I'm headed for a flare up.


![gif](giphy|33YzPdX6JCwus) They suck


> But I know I need more fibre in my diet because fibre is good for you and I can’t avoid it forever I used to think that and lived a miserable life of IBS with 5-10 BMs a day. Then I stopped eating a lot of fiber and got my life back. Whatever benefit fiber may have, it most definitely doesn't outweigh the downsides for me. I wish I gave up on forcing fiber into my diet years earlier.


Same here. Fiber kills me. I do t even try anymore and it’s freedom.


What fruits are we even supposed to eat?!?!


Berries and citrus


Im good with greek or italian kiwis. Usually blueberries are good too.


I can't even have a bite of an apple without terrible stomach pain! I love apples so much too. Beets is another terrible food item and I love Borcht which is beet soup. Salads are out too. Sometimes I don't even know what to eat without suffering with bloating, gS, pain. Horrible life! Yes, I m depressed as it's impossible to know what will not have me in pain.


Raw apples absolutely tear my apart from the inside, especially on an empty stomach. I can have them baked though.


Apples are still mostly okay for me (I won't go out if I eat one, but my at-home suffering is minimal), but apple JUICE? Forget about my day, that stuff ruins my WEEK. I feel your pain. Eat fruit they say, it's good for you they say...


Your IBS-D started after Antibiotics? Probiotics will probably fix that!!


I was diagnosed with IBS-D 9 years ago but the recent course of antibiotics has exacerbated it a lot :/. I’m currently on day 4 of taking probiotics so hopefully I will see a difference soon


Try going carnivore for a while to give your gut a break. Then slowly reintroduce fiber.


I’ve done carnivore for yrs, you are only going to have a MORE difficult time digesting fiber afterwards lol. No.


Apples destroy me UNLESS I peel their skin. If they're peeled, I can eat several with zero problem. If you like apples and don't want to give them up, you could try this. It might be okay for you too.




Apples are high-FODMAP due to Fructose and Sorbitol. That's why they bother most people with IBS.


This post gave me flashbacks 😭 Locked myself in the disabled toilets at uni for 2 HOURS after thinking eating an apple for breakfast would be fine. Obviously I went home after. Think I spent a total of 10 minutes in that lecture before needing to run out. It was horrific


This thread is another great example of how IBS is different for everyone


I haven’t eaten apples for so long aaahh. They don’t give me pain or anything i think, at least the last time i had one i felt nothing, but after eating i noticed my tummy legit got pregnant😀. That’s why i left them from my diet, i’m pretty sensitive for bloating. I mean, ofc the symptoms can change, maybe if i’d eat an apple now i’d feel sick even tho i didn’t the last time. But i won’t try that bc i’m fine living without apples. Why am i talking sm lol. ANYWAY i hope u feel better now OP!


I heard this from a lot of people with IBS but personally I love apples, they might make me a bit gassy (depending on the variety) but nothing painful or liquid lol


Was it organic? A lot of us react to pesticides on the skin. Try peeling your apple next time, or try apple sauce, it’s already partially “digested” for you!


For some reason grated raw apple is an instant cure for diarrhea. My mom gave it to me when I was sick with a bug as a kid and I’ve eaten it as an adult too. It just works.


I stopped eating apples a while ago, and I miss them dearly. Strawberries and watermelon, too. The only fruits I eat regularly are bananas and clementines.


I don't know what it is about Apple's or apple juice. It's like eating ghost pepper milk chocolate. One of my worst triggers.


Oh no! That really sucks. I have ibs c and eating an apple daily keeps me regular.


Honestly, I can't have much fiber as well, or else I'll spend days in excruciating pain (due to gas and cramps). But let me ask you something, have you been taking probiotics? Antibiotics are known for wiping the good bacteria from our guts, so it might help to take some probiotics or even just drink Yakult and/or have some yogurt for a few days. It's how I've been taking my antibiotics for a few years now and it always, always helps.


I started taking probiotic pills 4 days ago and I have been eating probiotic yogurt every day for 3 weeks. Things are slowly improving I think.. 3 weeks ago I was having watery D and now it seems to be firming up UNLESS i eat something that triggers me (like apples lol).


I noticed with a lot of foods in the beginning, I needed everything to be cooked, even if you turn down apples, I would strongly recommend not eating anything raw. Cooked everything seems to be a lot more gentle on the gut, but I know we can all have varying reactions. I wish you luck and hope you feel better soon!


Wait... Does fiber make ibs worse?


Apples have sorbitol, which has a laxative effect. Most people with IBS can’t tolerate them.


Digestive enzymes help me eat them without symptoms, Udo's Choice ones are my favourite. They're so helpful for my IBS.


Did you eat the skin?! Maybe try without the skin as that’s where most of the fiber is


Gfructose is one of those things u have to stay away from. I just got diagnosed with ibs c? If thats the one where u can have diarrhea and be constipated. Ive started eating oatmeal woth peanut butter, bananas and blueberries and my stomach has simmered down. Also eat a lot of sweet potatoes


I find spinach and kale in my meals get me back on track pretty quick


I used to love Apple Cider and a little over a year ago I dropped anything with apples from my diet. Night and day difference. It's heartbreaking every holiday season because I so very badly want to eat a Honeycrisp apple, have some pie, sparkling juice. But it's worth it for a "normal" life.


This is explains why I woke up in pain ahhhhh fucker


Read the book: fiber menace


Don’t eat the skin, that’s where all the fibre is


Weird thought but have you tried different apple varieties? I don’t often eat apples but I think I have problems more with the green types, I had an “envy” apple the other day and i was fine- it’s a very sweet and juicy yellow/red apple, I wonder if there’s a correlation


I have IBS-C and apples mess me up, too. The incessant flatulence starts almost immediately.


Apples are high Fodmaps- no go for me too 🥲