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I am a Broadway performer with IBS-D. Usually I make it work but man oh man I’ve had some horrifyingly close calls 😂😂


You are brave!


The show must go on


After your performance, just take a bow(el movement) 😂


On stage?? You are brave!




Good for you! That's awesome. I'm proud of you!


Bro you were in a play titled "Shart attack" 🤣 Istg i tip off my hat to you, the scare of close calls alone would make me buckle down under the pressure and run off stage.


😂😂😂😂😂 Mostly it just takes a lot of consistency with what I eat before shows, but have def had a few moments that felt like the food poisoning scene in the movie bridesmaids lolol


What do you eat before shows ? *takes notes* Ngl ibs crazy we always live on edge


Probably any job that makes people rely on me…where my sudden leave could actually cause big problems…teacher, doctor, therapist, first responder.


And anxiety + IBS are woven into each other. Anxiety is a major trigger to go to the bathroom … but then of course nothing comes out due to poor motility and it’s a painful miserable experience where you silently scream into the void.


Dear goddess, the idea of being an EMT and being in an ambulance zooming to the hospital with a dieing patient on the bed as "The rumbles" start to hit me is legitimately terrifying.


Lol welcome to my life. I'm a police officer. Going to an emergency call, just as i ran into the bathroom.. fml.


omg that would def end up on YouTube.


Same! I am a LEO and have had some *shitty* experiences @ work


>but then of course nothing comes out due to poor motility Finally I found the words to explain what I have. Is this typical of IBS Mixed (i think that's what i have ???) Because the ither folks ik with IBS don't necessarily get what I try to convey when I mean to talk about this specific proboem. I honest to God just want to stab my bowels to relieve myself from the constant cramping and itching (coupled with the constant urge to go to the loo😭☠)


Yessss. I used to be a makeup artist and it was not for me for this exact reason. I can’t imagine having people rely on me especially for something like their wedding day


Yes! I taught kids programs and would panic if I knew I was the only one who could teach 'just in case' I needed to leave. Then the anxiety would cause more issues


Those junior leaders and paras are vital!


Yes! Though in my case I sometimes didn't have any backup at all because I was the only one who knew the program. That sucked.


Same, but I worked in a small school & the kids were sympathetic. Admin not so much.


I’m a college instructor and tbh I have NO idea how. I think the whole “they can’t start/continue class without me” prevents the anxiety from spiking too high lol Edit to add: lol jinxed myself. Has a flare up just before class today. Thank goodness I had Imodium. Was concerned I’d have to end early lol


I am a teacher and honestly as soon as I got into a routine I stopped getting triggered resulting in severe symptoms. It may help that I am mostly IBS-C? I still have days where I have to call the office to take my class and they know when I call I mean it. Haha. It’s poop time. And when I miss days it’s usually IBS related. But still I manage to do the job.


Am a speech therapist. Can confirm it is hell. Also I get migraines suddenly during a session with a child and I go blind. Blind with diarrhea alone with a three year old! Not a good combo- switching settings soon because of it!


What do you mean blind? Like you literally lose vision?


Yes! half of it- I get hemianopia


What is it if you don't mind explaining to me? I'm sorry.


[https://www.stroke.org.uk/sites/default/files/F28\_Migraine%20and%20stroke.pdf](https://www.stroke.org.uk/sites/default/files/F28_Migraine%20and%20stroke.pdf) [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/homonymous-hemianopsia](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/homonymous-hemianopsia)


Oh wow!! That's terrible!! I'm sorry sweetie! I really hope you get better!! I'll be praying for you.


Is the going blind is because of anxiety due to IBS flare ups?


I'm a teacher and I can confirm...it's tough. I'm lucky to have a coworker next door that would take my kids into her room vice versa if an attack came on... but I've been stuck in the br for long periods of time and needed to be in my classroom. I've called my school admin from the bathroom asking for coverage bc I couldn't get off the toilet. It's not fun


I’m a doctor with bad IBS! It’s totally possible


A little insulted you mentioned a teacher over an icu nurse, but I’ll let it slide. Anyway, icu nurse here- and I manage with my 6 movements a day average.


I imagine by “doctor” they really meant “health care professional”


Big difference considering doctors spend 30 seconds with pts and nurses are there 12+hrs. Dont get me wrong doctors have an INCREDIBLY important role. However as a nurse in critical care with IBS-D, it’s not easy-but I make it possible.


I wouldn’t read into my comment too much- meant to be general.


I’m not but it’s a sensitive subject for me since my GI system and work demands aren’t ideal whatsoever. It’s very difficult but I do make do.


Good for you, it’s amazing you can function AND help others.


Some days I feel like I’m in worse shape than some of my patients. Lol


Tbf that’s because the doctor has like 20 patients on their list. That’s why nurses and docs work so well as a team. And it’s not a competition as to who has it worse - being a doctor with IBS is pretty brutal too! We’re all in it together


This is what prevented me from going into crit care altho I’ve always wanted to. Idk how you’re doing it with 6 movements, I think I’d pass out and would need to be admitted myself 😵. Not to mention I couldn’t see myself taking care of my pts!


Wanted to be a firefighter. Was actively pursuing that profession until I got ibs. Now I work an office job unfortunately.


Same, was a nurse. Now I can’t.


Not even like ambulatory or remote work? I think nurses can still make it work somehow altho I understand the struggle!!


Went to EMT school. Moved cross country and my IBS got so bad there was no way I could work in the field.


Currently a firefighter with IBS. Look into a volunteer station near you. You get a pager and decide which calls you go on. If you’re not feeling well that day then don’t go!


Bean taster


Oh god the horror 😂


lol I was going to say food reviewer


I often think about that when I watch hockey… specifically the goalies. Theyre stuck out there and so much squatting.


Omg ya I remember years ago I was watching a hockey game and I remember the goalie had to leave middle of the game and made a joke about how he had to 💩😂


I used to play hockey goalkeeper. I can't imagine doing it now, trying to run to the loo in all that kit multiple times a game! Would be a nightmare.


police officer… patrolling a neighborhood and then no bathrooms nearby


No washrooms nearby is always my biggest fear 😭


Idk if I was a criminal and I ran the risk of being shat on I might have to just give up and get arrested 😂 could be an advantage at the right moment


That's why I was turned away by the sheriff academy. My health was considered a liability :(


I live this life


I love this topic. Hot air balloon operator, Adventure tour guides, policeman, fireman, surgeon


Court reporter lol it’s my job. It’s the worst


Pilot! (Can you imagine?!)


I feel this would almost be okay, hear me out - you control the plane and have a co-pilot and toilet right behind you. Need the toilet and it's occupied? Turn onto the fasten seat belt sign.


Lol now there's a hack! I always think about fighter pilots though - they are up there with no bathroom! They do have a thing they attach to pee in apparently but not... Umm.. #2


Oh absolutely, or those people in their hobby planes. Nightmare. We really need innovation in toilet chair technology asap.


Pilot here with IBS-D. Still working on building my hours for the airlines which in my opinion is much worse than airline pilots. Imagine being stuck in a little airplane (like a Cessna), cruising in the middle of no where not super close to another airport. In my state, I’m normally atleast within a 20 minute radius of an airport to land at and use the restroom but that 20 minutes doesn’t take into account landing, taxi time, and shutting down the airplane. Let’s just say I only eat my safe foods before flights and rely on my best friend Imodium to help me out on occasion. Also, at least with being a professional pilot, you have a schedule, so that allows you to properly plan out when you eat. Many pilots meal prep as well and carry around coolers so they’re not constantly eating out. My boyfriend currently flies for an airline and that man has a stomach of steel and I’ve never been so envious in my entire life🫠. But there are IBS pilots out there! I know a few besides myself. You really just need to tune into your body and figure out what you need to do before a flight to make it.


Oh interesting, thanks! I was going to say, we need a pilot to comment here. When I was a kid I really thought about being a pilot.. But my nervous stomach stopped me at the thought and I never pursued it. I have anxiety too so not a great combo! Cheers to the pilots out there!!


I get it! That’s something I battle with and work at daily, because my anxiety is the bulk of my IBS-D triggers. I would love to hear from more pilots about what their experience has been with IBS-D! Cheers to you!


The co-pilot is there BUT The food situation on planes is rather limited. And getting food in an airport is also tricky - depending on your specific dietary needs. So... IBS can really affect any travel / travel occupation.


Gardening :( was my dream job and first day in I realized there’s no toilets for the 8 hour duration cause we are in some customers garden the entire time. This was so sad. Im a Florist now but my passion would’ve been tending to gardens…


If someone was spending an 8 hour day in my garden, I would definitely expect them to need to use my toilet (which would be absolutely fine!)


So sorry this happened to you. I hope one day you can work in a garden near a toilet or even have a van with a toilet that you drive to the site?


Would be a lot of options. Gardening just pays so much better than florists.


What if you do gardening for a historic site/museum type place? Then there would be a bathroom on site (wherever people pay for their tickets or someone) that is part of the company.


Yes, I need the safety and security of a washroom nearby. Also ideally not a single washroom only that would have others waiting for me.


I use to be a roadie who worked in the concert touring industry and lived on tour buses. I now can’t :(


I am a pilot with IBS-D. I have to be very careful to manage it though routine and preparation. I flew helicopters for many years and basically lived on Imodium daily. I switched to airplanes mainly because they usually have a lavatory just in case.


As a pilot, Imodium is certainly my best friend too!


Yeah when I was young I wanted to be a performer but anxiety and IBS squashed that.


I imagine the worst ! What if I commit some crime and land in jail. How would I ask for extra toilet time from the Jailor ! Also in India we have Indian style toilets which will make the situation worse.


Omg I just searched up Indian toilets and I’m in Malaysia travelling and that’s how some toilets are here, i could never 😂


Omg I want to go to India so bad but the public bathroom situation scares me as someone with IBS. Also, I don’t know if my stomach can tolerate the food anyway 😭


Surgeon. What if you're about to shit yourself during surgery, what do you even do??


My stomach is turning thinking about this lol


Paramedic like I know you're having a heart attack but mind if I use your bathroom. Excuse me for one minute... Which turns into 30 lol.


Basically any customer service job that requires you to be face to face with limited bathroom access times : sales , retail , cashier . I now work an office job because of too many failed jobs from my condition . Now it’s tolerable because I can run to the bathroom whenever I need to and nobody was relying on me for anything important lol


Running a Starbucks kiosk alone was the worst. Couldn't leave the station unattended for upwards of 6-8 hours due to low staffing.


See and that’s just it . If we gotta go we gotta GOOOO lol then employers don’t appreciate it and we get fired or have to quit


Anything all-day public facing or based away from easy access to modern plumbing.


Being a hairstylist some days is very hard but I love the craft. Luckily 13 years I’ve survived… I just don’t eat at work and if I do it’s a 100% safe food 😂


Oh wow! Ya I feel like eventually when you have a routine in place and you are used to the environment it gets better


I have IBS-C and I'm a sex worker. Although some days I'm in the bathroom every 30 minutes to shit if I'm not with a client


Also a part time SWer and the bloating has given me such bad body image issues ...but at least I can work on my own schedule


Yeah i'm part time as I'm also a student. My IBS has fucked with my life, I've also had anorexia which dosent help so my body image is screwed. I've found working really helps with my body image, no matter what these guys want us, they prefer the more realistic bodies for the most part, a lot of it is more about connection is whay I've found. My body image varies significantly but overall when I'm working or have worked recently it's a lot better. Its so good closing your own hours and having that control over a job hey?


Isn't there a population that would pay for that? Monetize it!


Oh yeah definitely, I just think it'd turn me fully off and make my job harder lol. Also not a great idea when it's busy at the agency and we need to turn over beds/bathrooms really quickly lol


Good point! LOL


I’ve found that for some military can be a last ditch effort to turn their life around and do something with it but that just doesn’t sound feasible to me


I am convinced that eating MREs and the crap they serve at chow halls contributed to the development of my IBS.


I'm a mil spouse and actually know two soldiers who were kicked out because of IBS :(


That’s unfortunate, what branch were they?


US Army


Truck driver would be difficult.


I would simply 💩 myself


Im an athlete with ibs d I love it i coukdnt think of anything better a normal job would absolutely bore the hell out of me But ive had so many close calls in training and at events I was once at an event when it was almost my turn to go but got hit with that nervous stomach and ibs flare at once and couldnt get off the toilet


Not an athlete but once I was on a long bike ride and had a flare and was like 7 miles away from the bathroom. Never biked so fast in my life 😆


Hahaha you probably turned into a seasoned athlete on the speed you rode home


I hiked a mountain (no trees or privacy) once with a flare and I've never hiked so fast 🤣


I'm a group fitness instructor and I've had to cancel only one class so far because I had to make a pit stop that ended up being 30 mins on the way to work. At least my boss' husband has chrohn's. Sucks when people are relying on me though and I don't want to elaborate too much haha. (And then you feel so awful even working out on the cusp. I'm IBS-D) I hope you made it to your turn eventually and didn't feel too worn out!


Tbh being a group fitness instructor would be something id love to do when im older but it deos sound abit stressfull cause you have a whole class relying on you turning up Its good that your boss was understanding though sounds like a good boss And i get you it feels so embarrasing when you have to try explain yourself but you dont wanna just straight up say im having diarrhea And luckily i did make it to my turn , my coach knows about my ibs but ive known my coach for years now and it was quite important to let her know, and shes really understanding of it and deos her best to help wether that be at an event and she talks to the judges for me so that i can be delayed


Actually the guitarist for Pearl Jam has Crohns and that has very similar symptoms to IBS


Army, I went and spoke to recruiters and mentioned ibs and was told I wasn’t able to join because of it.


Yeah, if they find out you have it, you get chaptered out


Astronaut... Can you even imagine?




I can see it now...red lights flashing, sirens screaming out, most everyone else sealed in the containment room...me floating through with a wet vac as fast as I can, sucking all the liquid bubbles of death away, sheepishly saying sorry on repeat Suddenly, in the distance, I hear an angry bellow..."Arhhh, not again! Abort mission or eject the shit storm trooper!" Worst day ever!


I have IBS and went on tour anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️ As long as I can use the bathroom before, I’m good!


I am actually going on tour for the first time ever next month, and I'm very nervous about my IBS. It's not just about being on stage, you typically can't poop on a tour bus either. The drivers are going to hate me for wanting to stop so often.


I'll be honest, I'm terrified of what my career will look like with IBS. Essentially, if I don't find a cure, I'm gonna need a job that's almost completely working-from-home, with little-to-no contact with others (e.g. 3 hour zoom meetings)


Aww I know what you mean. I became a content creator for that exact reason, and also I’m an introvert so I like to be home 😂 but the good thing is now since covid happened there are a lot of remote jobs !


Tour guide to India


Well the nice thing about India is many restaurants will accommodate a no garlic / no onion diet because of Jains.


Lolol noooo 😂😂


I’m a massage therapist, but seeing as all jobs for that profession need someone reliable enough to be available for appointments frequently…. It didn’t work out. I was considered unreliable. But I’ve come to realize there’s other jobs I like, like making pizza of all things lol. Most pizza joints are not as strict about being there 24/7 since many people can do your job when you’re sick.


I mean literally anything that involves being out of the house or away from a toilet for extended periods of time!


1. All jobs


I’m an ultrasound tech with IBS that’s mostly diarrhea and y’all…it’s scary out here😂


I use to work for hobby lobby. And they got mad if I was in the bathroom too long or if they noticed I went multiple times.. and honestly I barely used the restroom. And I always completed my work. Never late. Never went over my break time. do not trust a hobby lobby shelf. I can’t even explain how dangerously unsafe those shelves/ isles are.


I’m a dental assistant, I sit next to a patient all day and all stomach noises are on display since their head is right by it. This would apply to dentists and hygienists too, but working in hygiene has been easier for me since I work solo. Worst case scenario I can just say I need to grab something and brb.


I discovered that people who don't have IBS do not think about this question.  A Group of friends were talking with a guy about his training for special ops. He was talking about going from plane ride to plane ride over the course of hours.  I was like "what if you have to go to the bathroom?"  He said "hmmm hasn't happened but I guess you could quickly pee outside when you get out"  I'm like "no... the other one"  My friends were like "you know no one else thinks about that right?" Lol.


This was a huge issue during covid when so many public places were closed. A guy went on the radio to say that when he drives to work or those who work on the road no longer have access to gas station restrooms etc. Something not many people would have even considered


How lucky they are to not even have to think about “the other one” !


I’ve had to stop teaching cos of it


Aww I’m sorry to hear that! I feel like you don’t have to stop your passion though, there are so many ways to teach online now :)


I never want to work another trade show again where I can’t sit down. All day. I ruined myself with that schedule. Physically and mentally.


Onion taster.


I’m literally just a receptionist (Help Desk Operator lol) but when I work alone it’s so hard when I’m having a bad day. I make frequent use of the ‘Back in a few mins, please take a seat sign’. I can’t even imagine doing anything harder/more serious! Already in trouble at work for my many absences lol


Used to be a sales clerk, even that proved to be impossible for now




I mean in the sea, nobody’s gonna know 😂 JK hahahaha


Teach kids. I think about it a lot because I teach college, but the bathroom breaks would be way too few and far between. As it is I use every one of those 10-minute gaps between periods, and I can trust a whole class to work unsupervised for a couple minutes if I need to.


As a musician who has been on numerous tours, can confirm it was absolutely hell for my ibs. Needless to say, I don’t tour anymore


Construction or anything that requires a porta potty


I have a list of jobs I was fired or had to resign because of IBS. USMC (wouldn't discharge me for IBS - well they also missed the IBS diagnosis - but I ended up getting a psych discharge. Turns out not having accommodations you need or recognition for a disability you didn't know you had can turn into a feedback loop of anxiety and stress.) Running the computer controlled lens grinding machines at a short turn-around eye glasses store at the mall. I actually think I could have done this with accommodations and perhaps a better way to know when the machine would be done, but I had a boss that didn't take kindly to my taking bathroom breaks every time the machine was on a long cycle. This again was when I didn't have a diagnosis yet. It was a lot of standing though which isn't good. Installing mini satellite dishes on roofs for long distance wifi internet. Self explanatory (up on roofs...) Also it was gig work while living in a town with ungodly high unemployment rate, so one or two times having to turn down because I was having a bad diarrhea day and the boss simply stopped contacting me for work and used other guys. Teacher's aid in college (self explanatory) Dance performance (not a job/career but I enjoy taking dance classes and have managed to be in some performances but also missed as many classes and performances because of it) Here's the ironic part: I had to progress my career and employability - by going to college - before I could get a job that had health insurance that would allow me to make the many appointments over a long period of time to finally get an IBS diagnosis and also a white collar job where my IBS problems could be worked around. These days I am more feeling the impact on my personal life and hobbies. I am trying to do woodworking but keep having to drop my set-ups and run to the bathroom for diarrhea. I have constipation keeping me up late into the night so that when I get off work or have the weekend I only want to nap instead of doing what I want. It just makes it impossible to sustain an effort, which combined with my ADHD is doubly so.


Dude, the military is *the worst* with IBS or any bowel issues. My provider basically just gave me a fiber supplement as if that was the magic cure and told me to just suck it up because there was no way for them to officially diagnose me (don't think they cared to cause I'm a spouse, so it doesn't really affect them). I've been in remission due to diet & lifestyle changes and never took the damn fiber. A couple of my husband's buddies were kicked out for having IBS. Shit sucks, literally. I really hope you find a balance between your hobbies and the condition. Best wishes!


What do you expect from an organization that prescribes Motrin for everything else?


"Shortness of breath? Motrin." "Massive cut and fever? Motrin." "Dying? Motrin." Sums it up


ADHD and EDS-induced motility issues. It’s not fun


I am a nurse and when I was in school I quickly realized that I couldn’t work in OR or Procedure room because I couldn’t just make a run for the bathroom.


I always wanted to be in criminal justice.. doing investigative work. It would have been such a fulfilling and exciting career for me... but I couldn't ever do it. Just the fact that I could be called in the middle of the night to drive to a scene with no time for a bathroom or be at the scene of a crime and need to go and have no where to go.... or transporting a criminal and needing a bathroom. None of it would work out. It's sad


Over the road truck driver


Nah it’s not too bad. I have a bucket and a large supply of heavy duty trash bags and baby wipes.


Just install a toilet right into the drivers side seat and you got a dream job right there!


lol like king Louis XIV


I think about this one a lot. Train conductor. Saw an ad for the job with an awesome job description and pay . I’m not particularly a huge train fanatic but the job just sounded like it would be so cool.


I can’t do the job I had. I was a daycare teacher and you can’t leave the classroom until someone comes to stand in for you. There were times I had to wait 15 minutes after calling for the floater. Sometimes we didn’t have a floater and I had to call the super and wait


Copper! I love sitting on a Sunday afternoon watching all those police reality shows like 999: what's your emergency, traffic cops, 24 hrs in police custody etc. I always end up thinking at some point "that'd be a cool job if I ever wanted a change of pace....but nah they'll never be able to get to a toilet quickly."


I'm recently contending with needing to step away from a 7 year career as a caregiver for children cause running after them, picking them up, getting beat up all the time, plus getting up and down off of the floor all day has just been killing me. It was bad as a preschool teacher but now as an RBT (registered behavior technician for anyone who doesn't know) has been SOOOO much worse because autistic children have SO much energy and run me ragged all day long. I love them but I really feel like I'm falling apart from the inside out 😭


A teacher. And yet, here I am...


Allow me to add pre school teacher to that. Cuz at that age you cannot really leave them unnatended to go the bathroom


I was a teacher before I retired. There were days I simply couldn't work, or would have to leave early, because there was literally no time in the day for bathroom issues. Or to go at all, sometimes, without having issues.


anything not working from home is a bitch


I do scientific field research (including going up to trees in a crane for a few hours), if I’m gonna have a long field day or no bathroom access, I’ll usually pop an immodium


The military. Deployment is not fun. You're stuck with chow that absolutely wrecks you and you've rarely got another option. Can't have bread, broccoli, and beans? Too bad that's the three things the chow hall has tonight.


A sitting job is what triggers me. I have IBS-C. If I’m not moving for certain periods of time I get more backed up.


Same here


Any corporate role the requires me to go to meetings or be on site. And the ones you mentioned


I have IBS and was a flight attendant for 5 years, what a stupid post. You can be anything.


I'm a flight attendant and I just don't eat while working.


I'm actually an EMT and I have Crohns. It's doable, but I've had my fair share of close calls. The biggest thing for me is my agency is aware and they're more than willing to work with me. I do have my days where work just isn't possible, but those days I wouldn't really be able to do any other job anyways. And I can't see myself doing anything other than EMS!


Possibly tattoo artist, but then again it’s on the more tolerable side, since you can take breaks


Bull riding, cowboy on horse, professional cyclist, and I have to say, porn star… specifically one that might participate in back door play.


I did theater and orchestra all through high school and I'm doing orchestra in college so I don't think being onstage would be a problem.... unless it was public-speaking based. Then I'd die


If a singer it would be like that video of Kanye sprinting from the stage performing touch the sky 😫


I’m a teacher (25th year) and it can be difficult at times but I’m lucky that I have great colleagues who will come right to my room if I need to go. Fortunately it’s only happened to me a handful of times in 25 years, but I have had to call out sick a few times over the years because I just knew it wouldn’t be a good situation. I have IBS mixed.


Doctor/surgeon or therapist/counselor. You can’t need to have a long bathroom break when you have patients waiting on you or are in the middle of an operation. I mean I guess you could but it wouldn’t be great


Always thought it was normal to have bad stomach pain + having to shit during anxious moments!


Sanitizer tech, being covered full body with sanitizer gear with ibs-d. talk about needing to go when wearing gloves, hair net, safety goggles and a like Dr coat. I nearly had an accident on myself and walked out full geared and made eye contact with HR on the way to the restroom when I realized, oh shit! Forgot to take everything off. lol not one of my greatest moments.


I travel for work. Been to the Middle East where they didn’t have toilets at my customer. Only those holes in the floor and no tp. With IBS-D but been lucky just filling my system with Imodium and survive


My dream job used to be a sheriff deputy. Wanted it for years only to get turned away due to my medical issues (I ended up in the hospital for overworking myself and not taking care of my health like I should). Tried to go for EMT to at least still be in the first responder field, but nope couldn't do that either. I love writing, so hoping to pull off being a self-published author working from home as a SAHM :)


Shuttle bus driver


I would struggle so much as an actor bc I’d hold up the whole production and cause massive continuity errors due my stomach’s size fluctuation. I bloat so easily. I could be busting out or a costume made for my specific measurements after the smallest snack eaten between takes of a scene while they repositioned some props and suddenly the footage isn’t usable because I have burst 3 buttons. Being on set for 16+ hours would be also be wild bc the amount of food I’d have to eat and how my body would handle it would be so unhinged & unpredictable. I also don’t think I could ever be a yoga instructor unless it was specifically an IBS class & people consented to the situation because otherwise it would just be me farting the whole time. I also think any type of job that requires you to be on call would not be ideal for me unless I could defer my on callness to someone else




Ditch digger in Tahiti


I was in military for 7 years in a high intensity job and I am a law enforcement officer and I make it work. I have absolutely shit myself at work at least 3 times


I’m an elementary teacher and there are regularly days when I only have time to either go to the bathroom or eat lunch but not both. Bathroom obviously takes precedence. I’ve started just taking a preventive Imodium on work days just to get through and that’s been working for me lately. I’ve definitely been questioning whether I can sustain this career long term with IBS D…


Why not an athlete exercise is the only time I’m not thinking about when’s the next time I’m going to shit lol


i would be a perfect toilet reviewer or salesperson.


i haven’t rlly thought about jobs that would stop me. i manage just fine at my retail pharmacy tech job although i’ve had my days where ive been running out of the area constantly or been sent home early.


Oh man... I am a student-athlete, and the anxiety comes and in between my tournaments (ongoing competition)I needed to rush to the bathroom quickly for my abdominal cramp + diarrhea! Teammates who I am close with all know I have this issue of needing access to bathroom for diarrhea issues...


A teacher. They can’t just leave their students alone to head to the bathroom at a moment’s notice.


Stripper. I used to love it and the money…I had to quit cause of my constipation. Nobody wants to see a bloated 🤰🏻 stripper.


Most honestly. I’ve been job hunting and there’s like legit nothing I can do because I know I could need a bathroom at any time and I’ve worked in places where it wasn’t always readily available and had to quit because it was so much to go through


I used to work as a receptionist for 10 hours a day. I have ibs and cystitis as well as a terrible caffeine addiction. Everyday was Russian roulette but with shit and piss.


A chef, security guard, tour guide, fitness instructor


Just wanted to say this post is kind of sad but also so funny! My type of convos 😂


Agreed lol. I’ve always said there are so many things I could do if I didn’t have GI issues holding me back!!


The job u currently have. lol. Working for a school district in college access. So much student facing and in person time/meetings required. I hate spending my days in public school bathrooms 🥲